Vocabulary (7 Points) - Fill in The Sentences With The Suitable Word

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Vocabulary (7 points). Fill in the sentences with the suitable word.

The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.

They have adopted local customs and tried not to stand out from the community.
The hotel is in an upscale suburban area surrounded by golf courses and country clubs.
The use of gladiators became a way for the rich to flaunt their wealth and power?
Three-to-five day cruises are the fastest-growing segment of the market.
This new memory stick holds twice as much information as a conventional pen drive.
Studies show male addicts are also more likely to display antisocial behaviour.
It's as if we're still seen as a minority group instead of half the population.
The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.
Many children who can't or don't conform are often bullied.

We only want to trace them as potential witnesses as they may have vital information for us.
Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.
Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.
The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.
It would send up a cloud of nuclear fallout that could contaminate all of Southern California.
Highly contagious bacterial skin infection most commonly found on the face.
They relied entirely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides to keep their crops growing.
The treatment has some unpleasant side-effects including skin rashes and headaches.
Exactly which bacteria cause the infection is still unknown.

I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons.

Their achievements have already been analysed in-depth and do not require further discussion.
He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest.
Science teachers are best at correcting misinformation as they have knowledge of scientific explanations.
Many medical discoveries were made by trial and error.
We live in a very exciting age, in which science has opened up new horizons for human endeavour.
A large portion of society has limitations when entering or remaining in the job market.
How can it be that unemployment remains high at the same time as the number of job vacancies is rising?
Many of those who have since lost their jobs are white-collar workers who have seen their lifestyles ruined.
By 1925, blue-collar workers in manufacturing industry had become the largest occupational group.
McCarthy was asked to analyse the data from the first phase of trials of the vaccine.
I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.
We are seeing improvements but there needs to be a more concerted effort.
In an interview at the time, she acknowledged that she was taking an unusual career path.
For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.
This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.
We need to keep these plumbers and carpenters in business.
Diana was convinced of her vocation to provide support for her pupils.
Half of the course participants are offered employment with the company.
External sales forecasts are based on historical experience, statistical analysis, and consideration of various
macroeconomic factors.

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