Must Know Q&A

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1. What is the complete title and objectives of your study?

 The title of our study is Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Business Process Outsourcing
Agents towards Human Papilloma Virus in the Clark Freeport and Economic Zone. The general
objective of our study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of our
locale, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Agents towards Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in the
Clark Freeport and Economic Zone. Specifically, our objectives aim to (1) determine the level of
knowledge of BPO Agents regarding HPV, its causative agent, transmission, and risk factors, (2) to
determine the attitudes of BPO Agents concerning HPV, and (3) to determine preventative
practices that BPO Agents undertake to reduce HPV transmission.

2. Does your study have significant impact to public health?

 The research on HPV and call center agents can have a significant impact on public health as it
will provide crucial information and new insights into HPV knowledge, attitudes, and
preventative practices among call center agents. The results can benefit call center companies,
call center agents themselves, the local government, and the academic community. It can
improve educational and medical services for call center agents, help them make informed
decisions about their sexual health, assist in strategic planning to address HPV in the call center
industry, and provide valuable data for future research. Overall, the research can contribute to
public health efforts in preventing HPV transmission and promoting the well-being of call center
agents and society.

3. Who is your chosen locale? Why?

 Selecting BPO agents in the Clark Freeport and Economic Zone allows for a focused investigation
into a relevant population within the BPO industry, providing valuable insights into HPV-related
knowledge, attitudes, and practices within this specific context. Also, statistics obtained in this
research can also provide scarce reports of HPV in the BPO industry.

4. How did you come up with your sample size? Were you able to reach your desired sample?

 We directly asked for our needed data in the electronic freedom of information or (eFOI)
regarding the number of populations of BPO businesses, specifically the number of BPO
employees in the Clark Development Corporation. Then, they provided the information that
registered locators in the BPO business industry are currently 139 in Clark, with a total of 33,626
 The sample size of 380 was obtained using the Raosoft software and the data was collected
using a random sampling method in order to minimize bias and thus, help increase the validity of
the study. We were able to reach our desired sample within the given time frame particularly in
one week’s time. If it exceeded, we are still included.

5. How many respondents does your study have? Were any of them included/excluded?
 The respondents in the study were a total of 385 and none were excluded. The respondents
followed the followed the inclusion criteria where employees are from BPO companies in Clark,
working on-site; for 8 hours, and employees working past the probationary period of 6 months.

6. How did you collect your sample?

 We collected our sample by spreading the link as well as the qr code of the google form
containing all the questions and informed consent. Not only that, we also sent out these
questionnaires in person at the BPO companies in Clark Freeport and Economic Zone, and an
example can be seen in the appendix at a famous BPO company like Iqor. Not only that, us
researchers took responsibility where all data collected from the study was kept confidential per
the Data Privacy Act of 2012, in a secure Google drive containing the questionnaire itself. Access
to the data was strictly kept limited to the researchers, and any identifiers that can be obtained
via the questionnaires will be removed. Physical questionnaires were shredded, and digital
questionnaires were all deleted from Google’s secure servers.

7. What statistical tools were utilized in your study?

The statistical tools that we used in the study include: Raosoft software which was used in order to
measure the sampe size while minitab16 were used for the data analysis as recommended and
suggested by our statistician.

8. Discuss your results (in a manner that answers your specific objectives).

KNOWLEDGE - The present findings show that there was a moderate level of knowledge, positive
attitudes, as well as positive practices in BPO agents towards the Human Papillomavirus. However, there
are still areas regarding HPV infection in which the population is lagging behind.

SOLUTION: much-needed supplementation with education programs, and seminars, especially since
there are misconceptions with regard to modes of transmission as well as their outcomes.

ATTITUDES – Findings here showed that there are positive attitudes of BPO workers towards HPV
infection including:

 acceptance of infected individuals, in that they should not be ashamed,

 acceptance to travel in vehicles with infected individuals, and that
 they also have the right to have a job, same as everybody else.

However, they are not sure about whether it is:

 safe for HPV-positive individuals to work with children

 safe to eat food prepared by an HPV-positive individual
 safe to use the same toilet as an HPV-positive individual, and
 the belief that HPV-positive individuals do not observe personal hygiene.

SOLUTION: Thus, fuelling the need for supplemental education across the population.

PRACTICES – Findings here showed that there are good practices in relation to HPV which were common
across the population:
 good hygiene
 condom use during sexual intercourse
 awareness of alcohol associated with risky sexual behavior
 willingness to learn more regarding HPV whether infected or not
 willingness to consider vaccination

9. Does your study have direct benefit to your participants?

 The study has direct benefit to participants. Call center agents themselves may benefit from
learning more about the HPV virus, especially since it has been reported that there is a high
prevalence of risky sexual behaviors in the industry, which can lead to STDs, including HPV.
 It was observed in a poll that among 929 respondents in 22 BPOs in Metro Manila and Cebu,
that among 3 in 4 call-center workers report engaging in “penetrative premarital sex”. [18] There
is also a higher incidence of premarital sex across BPOs at 75%, as compared to other industries
(66.6%) [19]. They have also been reported to have poor knowledge of sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) [11]. While the exact prevalence of STDs in BPOs has not been determined,
numerous reports have shed light on the presence of STDs in this setting. [18, 19, 20]

10. Are there any perceived risks to your participants?

 This research involves potential risks and inconveniences related to participants sharing their
identifiable information. The participants may disclose sensitive information that could cause
problems in their work, especially when discussing sensitive topics like sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs). They might experience embarrassment, loss of respect from others, social
ostracization, and negative consequences for their colleagues, which could harm their job and
employment. To ensure participant safety and reassurance, researchers must handle and store
the data with great care.

Additional question: What can the researchers do to minimize the risk?

 Researchers have a crucial responsibility to assure participants before, during, and after
answering questionnaires. This involves notifying them about confidentiality, anonymity, and
data protection, ensuring that their information is safeguarded against unintentional, prohibited,
or unauthorized access, disclosure, or theft. Providing their name for the questionnaire is
optional. The questionnaire itself will be brief, taking no more than 5 minutes to complete. To
accommodate the respondents' working hours, the Human Resources Department will
coordinate the best possible time for them to answer the questionnaire, such as during break
times or at the end of their shifts. The digital questionnaire requires an internet connection and
a compatible device. Participants can choose to answer the questionnaire either offsite or
onsite, with the researchers providing a stable data connection for those answering onsite.

11. What can you infer from your study?

 The study examined the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of BPO agents regarding Human
Papillomavirus (HPV). It is the first study of its kind in this context but has certain limitations. The
research was confined to BPO agents working in the Clark Freeport and Economic Zone. To gain a
broader understanding, future research could include different locations and populations, such
as sex workers in red light districts and other groups susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs). Additionally, researchers could explore barriers related to HPV vaccinations and
education, as well as investigate underlying causes of certain behaviors. These aspects were not
covered in the current study due to time constraints. By addressing these recommendations,
future research can enhance the limited body of knowledge on HPV infection.

What can you infer in your study?

The study suggests that BPO agents had a moderate level of awareness, favorable attitudes, and positive
practices about the Human Papillomavirus. However, there are still areas where the population lags
behind in terms of HPV infection. Sa knowledge nakita na meron pa misconceptions regarding
mechanisms of transmission and their implications. In attitudes, although nakita na merong positive
attitude ang mga respondents towards HPV, nakita din na unsure sila regarding sa sagot nila sa ilang
attitudes particularly yung whether it is safe for HPV-positive people to work with children, whether it is
safe to eat food prepared by an HPV-positive person, whether it is safe to use the same toilet as an HPV-
positive person, and whether people with HPV infection don’t observe personal hygiene. Which further
prove yung need for supplemental education regarding HPV. As for the preventive practices, it has been
found that good HPV practices such as good hygiene, condom use during sexual intercourse, awareness
of alcohol and risky sexual behavior, a willingness to learn more about HPV, whether infected or not, and
a willingness to consider vaccination were common across the population.

BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING - Call centers exclusively focus on telecommunications customer

support while BPO vendors can handle various other functions, from back-end admin work to loan

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