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1. What is the complete title and objectives of your study?

• The complete title of the study would be the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of
Business Process Outsourcing Agents towards Human Papilloma Virus in the Clark
Freeport and Economic Zone where the objectives are implicated in the title of the
study, specifically to determine the level of knowledge of BPO agents in regards with
HPV, the causative agents, risk factors, and transmission, to determine the attitudes of
BPO agents that concerns of HPV and determine preventive practices BPO agents
perform to inhibit HPV transmission
2. Does your study have significant impact to public health?
• Since the HPV is one of the leading causes of STDs both in the Philippines or in a world-
wide scale, which makes the viral agent a prevalent health concern, its mode of
transmission can also be a concern as because it can be spread through the means of
skin-to-skin sexual contact or through fomites and vertical transmission. If neglected, the
disease can manifest into a more serious disease. Since our study aims to assess the KAP
(shortcut ko muna) of BPO agents, it can give a baseline data to point out the level of
awareness of a certain population and can be used a reference for future studies.
3. Who is your chosen locale? Why?
• The Clark Freeport and Economic Zone's BPO companies were specifically chosen as the
setting for this study due to previous findings indicating a greater occurrence of unsafe
sexual behavior among call-center agents. Research has demonstrated that compared to
employees in different professions, call-center agents exhibit a significantly higher
prevalence of engaging in risky sexual activities, with men experiencing a 150% increase
and women experiencing a 450% increase. These behaviors include a lower frequency of
condom use, early sexual engagement, and increased promiscuity. Furthermore, call
center personnel have been found to possess limited knowledge about sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs), resulting in unfavorable practices and attitudes.
4. How did you come up with your sample size? Were you able to reach your desired
• Based on information provided by the Clark Development Corporation, the Clark
Economic and Freeport Zone houses 139 officially registered BPO companies, employing
a total of 33,626 individuals. To ensure the study's credibility and minimize potential
bias, a sample size of 380 was selected using Raosoft® software (or minitab16 naba
lalagay?), employing a random sampling technique for data collection. This approach
enhances the validity of the study.
5. How many respondents does your study have? Were any of them included/excluded?
• 385 respondents were included in our study, and none of the respondents are excluded
as they did not meet the exclusion criteria.
6. How did you collect your sample?
• Data collection was done through the means of floating our survey online voa social
media outlets and are collected also through a face-to-face setting, where hard copies of
the questionnaire are given to BPO agents
7. What statistical tools were utilized in your study?
• The Raosoft software was utilized to determine the required sample size for our study,
while Minitab16 software was employed for data analysis, as stated by our statistician.
8. Discuss your results (in a manner that answers your specific objectives).
• The study results indicated that the participants had a moderate level of knowledge,
highlighting the importance of continued educational programs and seminars. Some
misconceptions about the modes of transmission and consequences of HPV were
identified, emphasizing the need for further education. Regarding attitudes, participants
displayed positive acceptance towards individuals with HPV, emphasizing that they
should not feel ashamed and have equal rights to work and travel. However,
uncertainties existed regarding attitudes towards HPV-positive individuals working with
children, sharing food prepared by them, using the same toilet, and their personal
hygiene practices, underscoring the need for additional education. In terms of practices,
the population exhibited favorable behaviors such as practicing good hygiene, using
condoms during sexual intercourse, being aware of alcohol and risky sexual behavior,
showing a willingness to learn more about HPV regardless of infection status, and
considering vaccination.
9. Does your study have direct benefit to your participants?
• Gabo ikaw na bahala d2. Eme, The selected participants in this study directly benefit
from the findings, as previous research in the Philippines has shown that Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) agents are more prone to engaging in risky sexual behaviors.
A survey conducted among 929 respondents in 22 BPOs in Metro Manila and Cebu
revealed that 3 out of 4 call-center workers are involved in "penetrative premarital sex,"
which is more prevalent in BPOs (75%) compared to other industries (66.6%).
Furthermore, BPO agents are reported to have limited knowledge about sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs). Thus, the outcomes of this study can shed light on the gaps
in their knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning HPV, which put them at risk of
contracting STIs. The findings of this research hold significant potential for future disease
prevention efforts.
10. Are there any perceived risks to your participants?
• There are no perceived risk that could affect our participants in the study, as they are
only asked to answer the survey where all responses are strictly kept confidential and
the requirement to place their name was not implemented for the respondent’s privacy.
11. What can you infer from your study?
• The study findings indicate that BPO agents possess a moderate level of knowledge,
positive attitudes, and favorable practices regarding the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
However, there are still areas where the population shows limited understanding of HPV
infection. Therefore, further research can be conducted in different locations and
populations, and places with higher vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Future researchers may also explore challenges related to HPV immunizations,
education, and delve into the underlying factors influencing specific behaviors
associated with HPV.

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