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Dear Mighty Misfites!

I hope that this letter finds you well. I am Celyria ir’Tain and I have

heard so much about your spoils and deeds as adventurers. As you may

know, I host the annual Tain Gala and this year I have something special in

mind. Instead of hosting it at my home, I know a friend who knows a friend

who has a manor on a lone remote Skyway island who has a very specially

designed… stage for performances of epic might. I would like you to

perform for the event, and especially for the great sixty. The performance

will involve some combat, but that’s no excuse to wear ugly armor. Bring

something fashionable and functional. Attached is 500 gold to purchase

some fine armor.

There will be food, drink, and of course, gold for your performance.

I’m not too sure what you typically receive from adventuring, but does

5,000 gold sound fair? If you perform very very well there may be a tip for

you! But of course this isn’t formal until we treat it formally. So

therefore, I, the Duchess of Sharn, hereby formally invite you you perform

for the Tain Gala! H ope to see you there!


Duchess Celyria ir’Tain

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