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The Central Sector Scheme - SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine

Processing and Development of Agro-Processing Clusters) was

approved by the cabinet in May 2017 for the period of 2016-20.

The scheme has now been renamed as the "Pradhan Mantri Kisan

Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)".


The objective
j of PMKSY is to supplement
pp agriculture,
g modernize
processing and decrease Agri-Waste.

Brief details of the schemes under SAMPADA

Scheme for Mega Food Park

Objectives of the Scheme: The objectives of the scheme are as follows:
• To provide modern infrastructure for food processing units in the country.
• To ensure value addition of agricultural produce including dairy, fisheries
• To establish a sustainable raw material supply chain for each cluster.
• To facilitate induction of the latest technology.
• Too address
add ess tthee need
eed oof ssmall
a aand
d micro,
c o, pprocessors,
ocesso s, and
a d retailers
eta e s to work
together to build the supply chain.
• food processing enterprises by providing plug & play facilities.
• To provide an institutional mechanism for producers.

Scheme for Mega Food Park

Pattern of financial assistance:

Grant-in-aid @ 50% of eligible project cost in general areas and @

75% of eligible project cost in NE Region and difficult areas subject
to maximum of Rs.50 crore per project.

Scheme for Cold Chain and Value Addition
Objective of the Scheme:
To arrest post-harvest losses of horticulture & non-horticulture
produce by providing financial assistance in setting up integrated
cold chain, preservation and value addition infrastructure facilities
g to the consumer
without anyy break from the farm gate

Scheme for Cold Chain and Value Addition
Infrastructure Contd.
Pattern of financial assistance:
 The scheme will continue to be implemented with same components
with a revised pattern of financial assistance as follows:-

 For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Pre cooling

unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @
35% for General Areas and @ 50% for North East States,
Himalayan States,
States ITDP Areas & Islands,
Islands of the total cost of plant &
machinery and technical civil works will be provided.

Scheme for Cold Chain and Value Addition
Infrastructure Contd
 For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen
storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing,
t i id @ 50% forf General
G l Areas
A and
d @ 75% ffor N North
th E
States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands, will be provided.

 For irradiation facilities grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for

General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States,
ITDP Areas & Islands.

 The maximum grant-in-aid per project would be Rs. 10 crore per

j t

Scheme for Creation I Expansion of Food
Processing and Preservation Capacities
Objectives of the scheme: The objectives of the scheme are as

 Creation/ expansion and I or modernization of processing I

preservation capacities
p p which will helpp in increasingg the level of
processing, value addition and thereby reduction of wastage.

 Th
The setting
tti up off new unitsit andd modernization/
d i ti / expansion
i off
existing unit will be covered under the scheme. The processing
units undertake a wide range of processing activities depending
on the
th processing
i sectors
t which
hi h results
lt in
i value
l addition
dditi and/or
enhancing shelf life of the processed products.

Scheme for Creation I Expansion of Food
Processing and Preservation Capacities
Pattern of financial assistance:
 The scheme envisages financial assistance to food processing units
in the form of grant- in- aid:

 35% of the eligible project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.

Rs 5.00
5 00
crore in General Areas;

 50% of the eligible project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 5.00

crore in North Eastern States including Sikkim and Difficult areas
including Himalayan States (Himachal Pradesh, J&K &
Uttarakhand), State Notified ITDP areas and Islands.

Scheme for Infrastructure for Agro Processing Clusters

 To create modern infrastructure for food processing closer to
production areas.

 To provide integrated and complete preservation infrastructure

facilities from the farm gate to the consumer.

 To create effective backward and forward linkages by linking

groups of producers I farmers to the processors and markets through
well-equipped supply chain.

Scheme for Infrastructure for Agro Processing
Pattern of Assistance:
The maximum admissible ggrant for each pproject
j would be 35% of
eligible project cost in general areas and 50% of eligible project
cost in North East States and difficult areas subject to max. of Rs.
10.00 crore. The ggrants-in-aid will be credit linked but not back

Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward

 To create an effective backward & forward linkages for

perishable agri-horti produce through setting up of primary
processingg centres I collection centres at farm ggate,, distribution hub
and retail outlets at the front end.

 T
To provideid preservation
ti f iliti
facilities f
for enhancing
h i shelf
h lf life
lif off
perishable agricultural produce resulting in better remunerative
prices to farmers.

Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward
Pattern of Assistance:
The maximum admissible grant for each project would be 35%
of eligible project cost in general areas and 50% of eligible
project cost North East States and difficult areas subject to max. of
Rs. 5.00 crore.
The grants-in-aid will be credit linked but not back ended.

Scheme for Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Setting up/Up-gradation of Quality Control/ Food Testing
(I) Setting up/Up-gradation of Quality Control/ Food Testing
 To establish a surveillance system for monitoring the quality and
p of food.
 To analyze the samples received from processing industry and
other stakeholders.
 To reduce the time for analysis of samples by reducing
transportation time of samples.
 To ensure compliance
p of international and domestic standards on
food in case of exports as well as imports

Scheme for Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Pattern of assistance:

Central/State Government and their organizations/ Government

universities (including deemed universities) are eligible for Grant-
in aid @ 100% of the cost of equipment and all other
implementing agencies/private sector organizations/universities
(including deemed universities) are eligible for Grant-in-aid @
50% of cost of equipment in general areas and @70% for North
East & difficult areas respectively.
Grant-in-aid is also given for Technical Civil Work and Furniture
& Fixtures
Fi t

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) I ISO
Standards/Food safety/ Quality Management

The main objectives of the scheme are to motivate the food

processing industry for adoption of food safety and quality
assurance mechanisms such as TQM including ISO 9000, 9000 ISO
22000, HACCP, GMP, GHP, to enable adherence to stringent
quality and hygiene norms and thereby protect consumer health,
h product
d t acceptance
t b overseas buyers
by b andd keep
k I di
industry technologically abreast of international best practices.

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) I ISO
Standards/Food safety/ Quality Management
Pattern of assistance:
Grant-in-aid is given in the form of re-imbursement of expenditure
towards implementation of HACCP/ ISO Standards I Food safety/
Quality Management Systems@ 50% in general area and @ 75%
in NE Region
g and difficult areas of eligible
g pproject
j cost subject
to maximum of Rs. 17 lakh and 22 lakh respectively.

Scheme for Human Resources and Institutions

Research & Development in Food Processing Sector

The Objective of the scheme is that end product/outcome/findings

of R&D work should benefit food processing industry in terms of
product and process development, efficient technologies, improved
packaging, value addition etc. with commercial value along with
standardization of various factors viz. additives, colouring agents,
preservatives pesticide residues,
preservatives, residues chemical contaminants
microbiological contaminants and naturally occurring toxic
substances within permissible limits.

Scheme for Human Resources and Institutions

Pattern of assistance:
For the Government organizations/universities/institutions:
Grant-in-aid is given for 100% of cost of equipment,
consumables and expenditure related to salaries for project
staff specific
p to the project
p j for maximum period
p of three years.
Grant is released in three instalments.

F di pattern
tt for
f Private
P i t organizations
i ti I universities
i iti I
Grant-in-aid is given to the tune of 50% of equipment cost only in
general areas and 70% in North East States and difficult areas.
Grant is released in three instalments.

Scheme for Promotional Activities, Advertisements,
Publicity, Studies & Surveys

Objectives of the scheme: The objectives of the scheme are as follows:

 To organize, co-sponsor, participate in all India level seminars,
workshops, fairs and exhibitions for food processing sector to encourage
investment in food processing and to create awareness of plan schemes
being implemented by the ministry.

 To commission studies/ surveys to assess, evaluate various aspects

of food processing sectors and allied activities.

 To create awareness about schemes of the ministry through print/audio-

visual media through advertisements and publicity materials.

 To organize road shows, development of software and

investor facilitation activities to promote
p food processing
p g

Scheme for Promotional Activities, Advertisements,
Publicity, Studies & Surveys
Pattern of financial assistance:
 Under the scheme component of Promotional Activities, for
i i all
ll India
I di level
l l seminars,
i workshops,
kh f i andd
exhibitions for food processing sector grant in aid @ 50% of the
cost of the event or maximum Rs. 5 lakhs would be provided. In
case event isi sponsored/d/ co-sponsoredd by
b the
h Ministry
i i or where
Ministry is participating directly through any designated apex
agency or through its Institutes in domestic/international events,
this limit would not apply.

 Under the scheme component of Studies/Surveys

Studies/Surveys, the grant in aid
shall be decided on merits of the proposal and nature of work to be
executed or through bid process wherever applicable.

Skill Development

Objectives of the scheme: The objectives of the scheme are as


 to provide sector specific skilled workforce from floor level

workers,, operators,
p , ppackaging
g g and assemblyy line workers to qqualityy
control supervisor etc in the various sectors of food processing

 to contribute towards achieving the projected skilled human

resources requirement as envisaged by National Skill Development
ti (NSDC) in i food
f d processing
i sector
t i.e
i 17.8
17 8 million
persons by the year 2022.

Skill Development Contd.
Pattern of financial assistance:
Development of course curriculum for training modules and its
l ti ini English,
E li h Hindi
Hi di andd regional
i l languages
l based
b d on theth
qualification packs (QPs) validated by the NSDC as National
Occupational Standards for different jjob roles in various sectors of food
processing industries. Grant-in-aid would be available primarily to
NIFTEM and IIFPT and also other eligible institutions to the extent of
Rs.5 lakhs per QP for development of training module both in
print and multimedia for each job role. Rs.0.50 lakh per QP would
be available for the translation of already developed training modules
in different languages for each job roles.

Skill Development Contd.

Assistance for creation of infrastructure facilities for skill training

centres. Grant in aid will also be provided at the rate of 50% of cost
of plant & machineries required for training module subject to
maximum of Rs. 15 lakh per training module and limited to two
training modules per training centre.

Thank You!


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