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Lesson Plan: Ice-Breaking Activities for Grades 9-10

Objective: To create a positive and engaging classroom environment by fostering connections

among students and breaking down barriers.

Duration: 40 - 60 minutes

Activity 1: Two Truths and a Lie (15 minutes)

1. Have each student think of two true statements and one false statement about themselves.
2. In a circle, have students take turns sharing their statements while classmates guess which
statement is the lie.
3. After everyone has shared, reveal the lie and allow classmates to ask questions about the
truths to learn more about each other.

Activity 2: Common Ground (15 minutes)

1. Write down 5 questions on a piece of A4 paper.

2. Ask the students to answer 1 question at a time then fold the paper and put their answers in
a box.
3. Ask one student to guess whose answer is this?

Closure: Reflection (5 minutes)

1. Have a brief class discussion about the ice-breaking activities.

2. Ask students how they felt about the activities and whether they learned anything new about
their classmates.
3. Emphasize the importance of building a positive classroom community and creating an
atmosphere of respect and understanding.

Homework (Optional): Self-Introduction (15 minutes)

1. Assign students to write down about 3 wishes they really look forward to grand.
2. Ask them to not write down their names, in order for them to express themselves freely.

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