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1. Analyze the development of political ideologies towards vulnerability in historical


Vulnerability is the degree to which a population, individuals or organization is unable to

anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impacts of disaster.

An ideology is set of tenet that are brought by members of social group or that form a basis
the basis of a political, economic or other system. for example for example Malawi got its
independence in 1964 from British colonial rule and Dr. Kamuzu Banda took over as Prime
Minister in Malawi and it was dictatorial type of Government where individuals were
oppressed and afflicted and people were unable to cope up with that state as such people
began sharing ideas of changing from dictatorship to democracy which was not easy as such
they succeeded in changing the government in 1994 Malawi changed to democracy.

An ideology is collection of related tenet about political theory and policy that governs
individuals, groups of individuals or a particular social class in terms of how the people view
the world around them and the proper role of the government in the world. For example like
liberalism (liberals are supporters of a democratic ideas and programs such freedom of
expression) these develop from different individuals who are oppressed to share their
political views or when the government is bias, there is no equality between people so they
are unable to resist or cope with, as such they generate related tenets to become liberals in
order to bring gender equality and freedom of expression in a country.

An ideology is a certain set of principles, myths or symbols of social movement that defines
how a society must operate and offers political and cultural figurative for certain social order.
For example people who are oppressed by authorities, involuntary rule, hierarchy or
government are undesirable, unnecessary or unethical and that society could function without
a ruler or involuntary government or state may end up be guided by myths how a society
must operate in both culture and political figure since they are unable to cope up with how
the state’s ruling its unethical as such may develop ideology of anarchism which is simply
the belief that proposes the absence and abolition of hierarchy and authority in most forms.
Ideology broadly concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what maximum should it
be used.

2. State and describe political ideology in context.

Communism a political theory developed by Karl Max advocating class war and leading to
society in which all property is publicly owned and to each person works and is paid according
to their abilities and needs and political theory favoring collectivism in classless society and also
abolishes private ownership of goods and services produced in different designated industries.
For example in Russia it was class war between bourgeois or capitalist and working class on how
capitalist were controlling economy and capitalist could own industries and companies and let
the working class or even peasants work in there industries or plantations for peanut salary or
wages as such peasants and working class opted for communism for government to control the
economy and as such abolishing private ownership and enhancing public ownership.

Communism derives its word from French word called communisme which is (Common) in its
economic theory it largely favors a classless society and abolishes private ownership and ideally
according to this theory, society have all materials and property in common, everyone shares the
burden, unfavorable conditions or often under hazardous of labor and everyone shares the profits
and loss of that labor. For example country two people in working class like a taxi driver and
doctor of different passions and qualifications will be paid the same salary for their passion
regardless of how the quantity of work was so they is common in profits also if in country people
wants to importing western ideas and products they not allowed to do so in fact they are rules
guarding business and work that favors only those who are peasants and in working class those
whose life were exploited by bourgeois. Therefore all live under the same common pressure and

Communism is political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-
based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of
production (e.g. mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of the society. For example
in Malawi the rich are ones who control natural resources like land, mines and factories and
however a poor man can’t control even one of it as such this makes the poor man to live in full
desire of communism type of government because it practices public ownership like simple
terms it ends the gap theory (it is the gap between the rich and the poor people in a nation)
therefore the overall control rest on governments.

In conclusion communism drive approach through development of constitutional socialist state.

3. When and where was the ideology developed and by whom if possible.

Communism is the economic political philosophy of advocating holding the production of

resources collectively, this was developed or founded by Karl Max and in collaboration with
Friedrich Engels, the former who was born in Trier, Germany Max studied law and philosophy at
university of Bonn and Berlin and by that time Friedrich Engels was German thinker who had
published writings as well as researching in the British museum Reading room so both met to
write a book called Communist manifesto in relation to oppression the both encountered in their
home country Russia and German respectively.

Karl Max as political activist due to his political publications Max become stateless (without
belonging to any citizenship of a particular country or state) and lived in exile with his wife and
children in Britain, London for decades where he continued to develop his thought concerning
communism in collaboration with Friedrich Engels who was by that time in London researching
in British museum reading room and also publishing different writings. Therefore the ideology of
communism was actually developed in Britain, London where the two of them met and
collaborated to write book titled Communist manifesto.

In the mid of 19th century, Karl as a political activist due to his publications he become stateless
since he was writing books that criticized the government as such in 1845 when he became
stateless he was went to exile to continue his writings until his timely death so he was Prussian
citizen from 1818 to 1845, after losing his citizenship he went to London with his wife and
children during the stateless period were years in which him and his collaborator Friedrich
Engels began developing the idea of communism.

In conclusion the ideology of communism was developed by Karl Max and Friedrich Engels in
1845, the former who was a political activist and he was exiled and went to Britain in 1845
where he met German thinker, publisher and researcher both collaborated during this period from
1845 onwards to develop this theory mutually in Britain, London.
4. Explain why the ideology was developed in the context to vulnerability.

Vulnerability is the human dimension of disasters and is the result of the range of economic,
economic, social, cultural, institutional, political, and psychological factors that shape people’s
lives and the environment that they live in actually in simple terms the quality of being
vulnerable. For example in military its subset of survivability like soldiers susceptible to
hydrogen and nuclear bombs in battlefields a given case study is war between Russia and
Ukraine which has made many soldiers to die and be prone to dimensions of wounds, attacks,
and harm.

Communism is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose
goal is to establish socio-economical order structured upon the ideas of common or social
ownership of all property and absence of social classes, money and the state.

One of the factors is poverty, Imperial Russia was one of the poorest countries in Europe with an
enormous, largely illiterate peasantry, and a minority of industrial workers and the Bolsheviks
successful rise into power through slogans like peace, bread, and land meaning to say the
capitalist were in control of land, mines, and factories as such people wanted to change the type
of government due to ideology of Karl Max people started doing revolutions in order to change
the government and to sensitize common among the capitalist and the workers.

Another factor is social class, is set concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered
on the models of social stratification that occur in a class society, in which people are grouped
into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being upper, middle, and lower
class. Class struggle like the proletariat work but do not own the means to production, and the
bourgeoisie, those who invest and live off the surplus generated by the proletariat’s operation of
the means of production, do not work at all and as such offer workers peanut salary which is less
compared to their work, so the industrial workers wanted communism since in communism you
share common in profits of that labor, share common in property and materials. For example in
communism bourgeoisie can assess the same land equal to the land assessed by a person who
was peasant before due to the resources being publicly owned by the state.

Last point was abuse of power, in some cases bourgeoisie due to accumulating a lot of wealth
they become more powerful controlling the economy and political in nation. And as such
benefiting those ruling elite who continue to prosper (1 per cent of the world’s population
controls 50 per cent world’s wealth) so capitalist oppresses the people at the bottom of the social
“food chain”. For example capitalist treat human as commodities which can be sold and be
bought so according to the rules of supply and demand. Commodities are not things that can be
harmed. If the supply of labour is much greater than demand, labourers are paid pittance as such
people are unable to cope with that as such they desire to change or develop from that to

5. Describe the historical context in which the ideology was developed e.g. was it a reaction
to another ideology or oppression of the poor, or the abuses by the politicians or the state,
abuses of the lower class, poor governance etc.

Communism is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose
goal is to establish socio-economical order structured upon the ideas of common or social
ownership of all property and absence of social classes, money and the state.

The number on factor is poor governance, is the government’s ability to enforce and make rules
and to deliver services, regardless of whether that government is democratic or dictatorship. Like
in Russia the government allocation of resources was only directed only to capitalist who had
control over land and mines while peasants could work in plantations of bourgeoisie receiving
peanuts as such communism was developed to end that government should enforce and make
rues and to deliver services that is common to every citizen. For example Bolsheviks place
slogans like peace, bread, and land after winning election since by that time government did not
look into land reforms.

Another point is the abuses by politicians, people like Karl Max left Russia due being by
politicians the politicians after entering government did not allow publications of books that
criticize the at all, they wanted the media and writings to make the names of politicians in good
books not whatsoever they are committing wrong or any kind of corruption as such any writer
who were criticizing the government, it was defined as an offense to be killed as such Karl Max
left for London to continue his writing of criticizing the government to change from capitalism to
communism which is in simple terms called public ownership.

In conclusion communism was mainly developed on the emphasis of how capitalist treated
peasants and workers as such it opted for social change in governance like the kind of
communism which brings common ownership among individuals or groups or members of the

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