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Al fiqh al muyaasar Naimul

1) the period from when the sun rises till it is high in the sky
2) the period from when the sun is at its highest point till it sets
3) when the sun is yellow in the late afternoon till it sets. The Asr Salah of that day, which
can be done even after the sun has turned yellow, is the only exception to this rule.

Question 2 [15 marks]

Translate the following text:

The pillars of prayer are five, and they are obligatory.

Leaving one of them, whether by purpose or by accident, invalidates the person's prayer.
One is standing is a need for legitimate prayer, if one is physically able to do so.
In the necessary and obligatory prayers, standing is required.
The supererogatory prayers may be offered while seated as long as one has the capacity to
stand because standing is not required.

Question 3 [15 marks]

Translate the following text:

There are some elements that are required for the validity of the prayer but are not
included in the reality of prayer, therefore if one of them is omitted, the prayer is invalid.
There are six of these things, which are referred to as the prerequisites of prayer.

What are the six preconditions of salāh?

 Tahaarat(Purity)
 Sitr-e-‘Awrat (Veiling)
 Facing towards the qiblah
 Waqtus salah(times of salah)
 Niyyah(intention)
 Takbeer-e-tahreemah

Question 4 [5 marks]
A salāh consisting of rukū’ and sujūd is of how many types? What are they? Explain your
answer with examples.

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