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The cell

is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms.

 Cells are often called the "building blocks of life".
 A cell is the smallest unit of life.
 The study of cells is called Cytology.
 There are two types of cells are eukaryotic and prokaryotic
Tissues: is a group of cells working together that perform a
specific function within the body.

Classification of tissues:
Human body is composed of four basic types of tissue:

1- Epithelial tissue.
2- Connective tissue.
3- Muscular tissue.
4- Nervous tissue.

1. Epithelial Tissues
Found in different areas  Functions of epithelial tissue:
- Secretion.
 cover and protect the body. - Absorption.
Line body cavities and organs. - Protection.
 Forms glands. - Filtration.

 Classification of Epithelial Tissue:

 According to thickness:
A- Simple epithelial tissue: one cell layer.

B- Stratified epithelial tissue: more than one

layer of cells.
Simple Epithelial Tissue
 According to shape the cells, divide to :

1- Simple squamous epithelium: 2- Simple cuboidal epithelium:

single layer of flattened cells. single layer of cube-like cells.
Location: lining of body cavities and Location: kidney tubules and ovary
blood vessels. surface.

3- Simple columnar epithelium: single layer of tall cells. consist

of two types:
• Ciliated
• Non-ciliated
Location: digestive tract and gallbladder.

Simple columnar – Non-ciliated Simple columnar - Ciliated

4- Pseudostratified columnar epithelium :

single cell layer, all cells based on basement membrane but not all reach
the free surface. nuclei at varying depth.
Location: trachea lining (upper respiratory tract).

B- Stratified epithelial tissue:

 divided according to shape the cells into:
1- Stratified squamous epithelium :
multilayered, surface cells are squamous. contain (2) types:
- Keratinized (skin).
- Non keratinized ( oral cavity).

Stratified squamous epithelium-Non-keratinized Stratified squamous epithelium-keratinized

2- Stratified cuboidal epithelium : 3- Stratified columnar epithelium :
multilayer of cube-like cells. multilayered of columnar cells.
Location: sweat glands, salivary glands Location: larynx and male urethra.
The cell are ciliated in the larynx.

4- Transitional epithelium:
stratified cells appear cube-like when organ is relaxed and appear squamous when
organ is distended by fluid.
Location: urinary bladder.
Classification of epithelial Tissue

2. Connective Tissue
All connective tissues consist of three main components: Fibers
(Elastic and collagenous), ground substance and cells.

 Binds body tissues together
 Supports the body
 Provides protection
Classification of connective tissue:
 Proper connective tissue: divides into:-
1- Loose connective tissue: divides into:-

a- Areolar:
Location: between skin and muscle, surrounds capillaries.

b- Adipose: c- Reticular:
Location: under skin, around kidneys. Location: lymph nodes, bone
marrow and spleen.
2- Dense connective tissue:
divides into:

- Regular: - Irregular:
- Location: Tendons, ligaments. - Location: dermis of skin.

 Supportive connective Tissue

1- Bone : Composed of: 2- Cartilage
• Bone cells Types of cartilage(Hyaline, Elastic and
• Hard matrix of calcium salts Fibrous) Composed of: cartilage cells, fibers
• Large numbers of collagen fibers and Rubbery matrix.
• Used to protect and support the body
 Hemapoitic Connective Tissue

• consists of Blood cells surrounded by fluid matrix.
• Fibers are visible during clotting.
Function: the transport.
Location : within blood vessels.


Proper Hemopoietic

Dense Loose

Regular Irregular Areolar Adipose



Cartilage Bone

Hyaline Elastic Spongy Compact

3- Muscular tissue 4- Nerves tissue:
There are three Types of muscular complex tissue in the human body formed by a
tissue: network of more than 100 million nerve cell.
Composition of nerve tissue:
- Cardiac muscular tissue. - Nerve cell or neuron.
- Skeletal muscular tissue. - Neuroglia.
- Smooth muscular tissue.

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