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— Mommy phormmnotoudica! j Atpralions one _dinpense auystenrs._1:¢:_—— LI sya’ much ene Sabian cpa pele . + in_posticuteds form tmoughout another dispersion —medivrn). Most _tmpostant clispesions one s YS © Liguidl (a _Liquich emu) sions) Liquid_in_solial (solid emulsions) ® wlid in soliol (solid suspensions) ae Solid tn Uguids . __lisowaienigaias2) = + Thts Group includes = _ - + Portrcles are very. sma (xto-t to 1x10 2mm) + SCSGrSeNISUSPEAIOGS Have pati cles larger thao xo. rns i Phoprris 64 gol Surpensions O_ After Shaking the_medicament. Lays id_suspension jor Lon q— time _|pa_puapose of removal 0} vet close prom prodiuut. which _tnloins proper correct _propotions of -aslave ingredient Sometimes Suspending agents ‘are_also use 40 achieve goal. _ @_the sediments grodused_on standing are easily vedispene| They av Hyor. Seperals. particles, tightly parked ore dippicslt 10 disperse . condition known as Cracking. @_Tt_is easily vemoved jrorn containers. I} it contain high i v q gropewon of, solid, then it berones_unprouratole a The sediment is bulky low woled Suspensions pro: Large Sediment, that _can be easily dispersect . but degree Oh Neaulaton must net _be extessive or Pauring will be ehhectedt i one is yee yor large pailides, that spoils appearence. gives — Barly Lost to_bral_preprabon.. imnilalis skin in exlevnal gop i 4 _- Some insoluble — powders _are_Ui nt_and easily wetabe. eS = ~ Thay veadily mix with water ver On “shaking, they diffuse evenly through Liquid jor Lng i enough ty ensure even dishibulton 6} each dose. wostances_are_Lnown as diijjuseadle solids. : | © Calciven Carbonate 4 @_ Rhubarb Powder _ © _vight Magnesium carbonate ~ Non- ip ureatle Solids will not_yemain evenly dishibuted = —ta a_venccle long enough to ensure uniformity of dose. =—tn_ovder 40 wed hiss we can add thickeni agents. . = Tes will increase visUosity of vehicle and _delays the _ prowess. —o}, edimertation by impeding jal 2}, particles under growil This__obshuds” collision O} particles, that leads jo_jormation > aggregates which SeHIes vapidiy. oO Aspinn ® cho © zinc oride 3 © Phenobasbitone © hydro covli cone The Omourl_o} suspendin oggal_used_in_any given - ———|pemutalton depends on volume _of venide being Anickened. Tk doesnot vary with the amount ob ponder. in the _prepradvo f A_Suspendi —agent_is_intended 10 increase the viscosity vehicle also_slows down sectimentatron vate. wid also be achieved b by creasing pearticle __ Size _ol_powder_in Suspension. the most Gonrmon__Suspendia gals used in dis emsing Ore: O Tragacanth BP Colesnat 7 wteveal) = Compound hagavanth powder (15; tragacanth 20} Acacia, 207 Starch) ust Sucrose ) @__ Bentonite BP lexternad Sus pension ) © A_Suspension in_ whieh partales OA Popersion in_which “ho have gone Jouxlation : heuutation takes place @_ the _yate Of, sedimentation @) jhe vale of sedimentation Is high : (s_ Low. © _he_ volume oh Seclienents ® the volume Oh sedlimerits U is low © Sus pensi on Appears cracks, © Sediments ore Loosely ©) Sediments are “ug htly _gauked. parked Te_can_easi ly be redisperse | ©_it_is_dinliast to redisperse —_CoatoimmweordleAtonage: General) 1—Suspensions — ore_pocked_in the ype_o}, contauners PPro priate to “Ine _closs of dispersed medicine _ 1:2: snivlure, lolion etc) But Suspenscons that are _vey —with a wide mouth. ——he_p hysiod stabilily ob disperse —Systenn_iS_adversly Cheat eck by —exbeme _yartations oh tenperaluyes. y thick Tequire a _torlainer =e That's why : . € Store ina Gool_plare — = © {so suitable vetommendation = Free 3 in 3 and vey, jlow temperatures may wt ee Suspended parlicles to Oggregales. a thickens jenls_are also Called as suspe, n olin’ ogents that_ave “uce, 4p) stabilize Suspensions They nd in Lowering ‘the sedimentation vale ©} parti Sedimentation vate is Slowed down ——wisuosity of | Uquid. des._in Suspensions toy increasing the = S& € -& 6 © Poly souonides « Inorganic Salis € © Syathelic Compounds. ‘ 2 = —___The_off cial suspendin ert _were_mnadural polysaccaride ——but nowadays semi sumthehir com pounds are in creasingly used: —— —— _ Foiowing are_some_examples. of tks __* © Acacta 7 ® _ Tragacanth Q@_ Starch @_AMginates ©_xanthamn guns O This is dried exudates from Acacca_senegal_which ouurs as round ovoid Colourless or white powder © _It is offen used as suspending agents. — 9 It is only. used because of ils protective colloidal roperty- OPE is usepul bor prepratuin of tinctures @__Ik_is_mot_very effective _for_dense_powders © Tk bewmes adic on stovage as_vesult of, eny note acy | @ rcavia_is sticky. so_iuk_is used Yavely This cried extra ob "negates jomae” ©_Jt_oceurs as white, thin yetlowish whtte, ribbon Wke Waxes: a ®_It fae 2. @ ip 05 thivolvo an ido plastu properties. These @ woke ik better thickening aged @_It-can_ be used tat ermal. externally, 9 © it is stable over_pa 4-15 O_H is used in jpellies._Wotrons, pastes, crearnes. C@oee¢e¢o 6 oe | | » © Starch is sometume used with other suspen ching gests because _of, high viscosity of, its ynuscivage: © It is_an agrediert vo} Compound tragacarth powder Starch hos 21: concentration in this mixture - O It wnsit of, salts of sodium e They are species of, ‘Laminaria ®_It"is a white. bu} powoler @ It -Gawes viscous soludion with water. ®© tt fas up Oruntyation of mixture. It_is (9 wepalibl._with heavy, ynutals. tnic_aud. eF KOPAee se ff. ees ae -& The fouowing are examples of imorgamu._salts: © clays e: © Bentonite s ® Aluminium esium ‘silicate & ® Aluminium —h os yaror cde . Bewtonike_ O_Us jonmula is AhOs. US O2. HO © At “heoh temperadure, they absorb water and hydrate. The gas loramed are thinotropic + and _act_as good_suspendling agents. Ot is used in Uncent ration Of 2-37. use Such as (alamine lotion. pusteoal jo el i ate la 9 they are insoluble flakes trot disperse and swell yeodily tn water x _ 6 They are_used in concentration of, 51 both externally or internally . @_they are stable _at_pH 3-5-1! _ @ They are used in which tombination of organic ___ thickening agent like 3 xanthum gum. ele © They Have “high thixotropy and plasticity OColwocdod_ hydrated aluminium Bee tn soluble tn acids b exposure _to uv. Light sunshine, @ It is used as suspending a1 @ amples: _(alamine, sulphona ides etc. Tt_assist__webting of substances not readily risa ble with wader. a Ouuring bron matural_product Examoles: _O_Carbomners © Cowidal Silion dionide ‘Conborenn a : | | _ © tt isa high -moluustar wseight polymer Of, -aury ai b with _Cv0ss Linkage of aUlyL Sucvose r } = J They are used 40 Wme over varcous problem a a) He is_a white. yh ted ey t__has high Pro} ae a re have es i unsity, but (an belara righty oe by _addias sofia hydroxide. —O_tess tant 1+ cabtinnn salt fill praduce gel with 1 _water. * sO in torbomers $.— Suspending agents are ia low Conuentyation (o:1)( 0-4) J pert Cnt —@_it is widely used_in_ industry. si —O_It is used” Jor_both_enxterne! internal preprodion. @== 0 Don Sibiven : [9 8 8 © when dispersed in water dimensional ngtusoak t © tts sect upto __concentrakon of Uy. bor external | use - It_is also used as thickening agects {or_mon Ageous Suspensions . @ itis obtain frome Silicon dioxide and is a_non- aFipNey po powder. | ® “th “onrvot_be -cosily redisperseable. shee . Pm _ onal uspension 13_@ Wnvinieat_w they. |prnn_a_tnres - eS & = e e e oy of achninislering, > An owluble taidicaiard..inhon dhe_patr eat has dif cou Uiy _ (Swallowing an oral_unit dlosage [paca € CH) A day with _unpleasent_taste. e tii Bulky insoluble po powders , such as kaolin, chalk that — nes prepared entiveli alispensin: Ready. made _propristony suspensions eg: antibioliia einchxe. © _Roprictory suspensions —supplited_as_powders.granules. — 40_which_pharmaust_add vehide ot that tume__eg: Ampici Win, Cephalexin mixtures (powders), Nystatin (grande) Pilubon is necessary with mixtures ___Some oliluents are * Wal er_for Primidone es 4 Nystatin miwtuve_mavst_not_be diluted. Lotions having suspended solid evaporale when applied to_skin, leaves a light dopo cu of, medicament _on_sicin Some suspensions with thick eni agents uke Semni- Synthéhie Souari des leaves a Stro. non - st’ [ite on slin that lasts long an. rovcdle_protecon, but can be ___ easily ood by was tc 4 lotions are Casiey to applied on skia Qnd_cause. n0_ mess. + Preprotuons to_be_applied_on_broken ox infiammed. surfas should be made _hygeinically to min mize yisk of infedions + Propritary lolons wntains corlicosteroids s0 they Tout be used in_dilideal pum, a8 they are_shonger 4 Diluted lotidns Should be used within one month of, use/_issue- | —Goloida Daspension s+ Because opine sige._ particles. n_collaialal dispersions — have _Lovge suvfose area |__+_There| ore. Ahese dispersions are considered « enore_e}pectiie_ Prepay Coarse particles suspensions are _usect as 15_adsorbents. © tt is a mone-morillonite mineral __©_It_is a hydrated ma: pesiom_alominium silica differs yor _Aluminiona _Magmesivm Silicate, ——____ havin Ore magnesiom @_Ik_ Was 2 Jams s G it hos_been heated to Z it has smatler mean e: ___inccease -Ine_adsoxpune parkicle sige (01M un). ge 1 Copavity o} it - je 5 ) € ~ aed yaedicinalp bed 7 used_madicinally Ag ome purpose as Kaolin Same purpose 4S kangin God Bary aod Barr ¢ 4 Magnasio@OCiccd? is used to treat geste ulceration! and pxovide protedwe Smoothing over inflamed r mMuCOSa. It_is_adrninistered 0S poweler ov tall bud _in Stomach, ik woverts 1» get Jeane

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