BIM Really Can Be A Team Sport: Journal of Building Information Modeling

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Journal of Building Information Modeling

An official publication of the National Institute of Building Sciences
buildingSMART allianceTM

National Institute of Building Sciences: An Authoritative Source of Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment

Fall 2012

BIM Really Can

Be a Team Sport

Cover Story:

13 Paris Museum Proves that BIM

Really Can Be a Team Sport

Published For:
The National Institute of Building Sciences Expanding Thought:
buildingSMART allianceTM
1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005-4905
Phone: (202) 289-7800
Fax: (202) 289-1092
16 Using Real-Time
CMMS Asset Data Capture During Construction to
Improve Facility Management Case Studies / Best Practices:
Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA

Chief operating Officer

Earle W. Kennett
18 Augmented Reality:
Bringing BIM To Life
20 BIM for Construction Safety:
A Case Study
Executive Director
Dana K. Smith, FAIA
buildingSMART allianceTM 22 Integrating Technology and
Process in the Cathedral Hill
Published By: Hospital Project
Matrix Group Publishing Inc.
Please return all undeliverable addresses to:
5190 Neil Road, Suite 430
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: (866) 999-1299
Fax: (866) 244-2544
Life Cycle / Technology Spotlight:
President & CEO
Jack Andress 23 IFC4: Evolving BIM
Chief Operating Officer
25 Aligning LOD, LoD and OEM

Jessica Potter into a Project Collaboration
Publisher Framework
Peter Schulz

Shannon Savory

Alexandra Walld Messages:
Finance/Accounting & Administration
Shoshana Weinberg, Pat Andress,
Nathan Redekop
 7 Message from the National Institute of
Building Sciences
Director of Marketing &
Shoshana Weinberg  9 Message from the buildingSMART alliance TM


Neil Gottfred 10 Message from the U.S. National CAD
Standard® Project Committee
Brian Davey
Sales Team Leader
Rick Kuzie
11 Message from the National BIM Standard
Executive Committee
On the cover: The Fondation
Louis Vuitton, a new art muse-
Matrix Group Publishing Inc.
um in Paris, is pushing the lim-
Account Executives News and Updates: its of BIM technology and dem-
Rick Kuzie, Brian MacIntyre, Brodie Armes, Christo- onstrates how BIM, enabled by
pher Smith, David Roddie, Declan O’Donovan, Jeff a cloud-based file management
Cash, Jim Hamilton, Ken Percival, Monique Simons,
Rick Kuzie, Robert Allan, Robert Choi, Ronald Guerra,
Wilma Gray-Rose, John Price
27 The New BIM Player – China and project collaboration plat-
form, can help large distribut-
Advertising Design
James Robinson
29 BIM in the United Kingdom ed teams work together. The 3D
cover image, produced by Dig-
ital ProjectTM, shows the façade
Layout & Design
Travis Bevan 30 Buyer’s Guide of the Fondation Louis Vuitton.

©2012 Matrix Group Publishing Inc. All rights

reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any
means, in whole or in part, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed
in JBIM are not necessarily those of Matrix Group
Publishing Inc.

Fall 2012 5
Message from the National Institute of Building Sciences

The “I” in BIM is extremely important. It’s where

you come in. Without your information, without your
involvement, without your interest, without your use
and implementation of BIM, the industry is not going to
achieve the BIM vision.
to the development of standards that the in Champlain, Illinois, is included in the
industry can place trust in. NBIMS-USTM, Version 2. COBie allows
This fall, the National Institute of Build- information about a facility to remain
ing Sciences buildingSMART allianceTM actionable as it moves from one phase
is embarking on the next edition of the of a project to the next. COBie demon-
standard: NBIMS-USTM, Version 3. The strates well the importance of the “I”
Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA Version 3 Project Committee will be under in BIM. I think this effort by the United
the leadership of Chris Moor, who is di- Kingdom will be a great way to demon-
rector of industry initiatives at the Ameri- strate to the world how implementing
2012 has been a good year for can Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), BIM can benefit their building projects.
building information modeling (BIM), which has demonstrated a significant The “I” in BIM is extremely important.
full of significant progress. One par- commitment to the development of BIM It’s where you come in. Without your in-
ticular milestone is the release of and the focus of the Alliance. The AISC formation, without your involvement,
the National BIM Standard-United BIM Committee made a major decision without your interest, without your use
StatesTM (NBIMS-USTM), Version 2. I would in changing the way they do business, de- and implementation of BIM, the indus-
like to personally thank David Morris, chair ciding to move from their very successful try is not going to achieve the BIM vision.
of the NBIMS-USTM, Version 2 Project Com- CIMSteel Integration Standards (CIS/2)— Your participation can further the devel-
mittee, for his leadership developing the the product model for exchanging data opment of NBIMS-USTM because you can
standard over the past several years. Dave, about structural steel project informa- identify ways to collaborate and to ensure
who is director of virtual construction at tion—to an Industry Foundation Classes the necessary approaches are included in
EMCOR Group Inc., has worked tirelessly to (IFC)-based approach to interoperabili- the next edition.
move this effort forward. ty because they believe that this is the way Get involved in the NBIMS-USTM, Ver-
NBIMS-USTM, Version 2 is a good met- of the future. Steel is far more advanced sion 3 development. The Planning and
ric of where we realistically stand with than many other aspects of our indus- Project Committees will both be meet-
BIM now. Yet, there is more to do be- try, largely because they have had a wide- ing during Building Innovation 2013—
fore we achieve our BIM vision. When it ly used standard for some time. Hence, I the National Institute of Building
first came in to being, some people de- believe them to be a good role model for Sciences Annual Conference and Expo,
scribed BIM as, “CAD on steroids.” How- others to emulate. Chris brings consider- to be held January 7-10 in Washington,
ever, BIM is much more than 3D drafting. able knowledge and understanding to this D.C. The conference also will have edu-
When practiced correctly, BIM is meant to leadership role. It will be invaluable as we cational sessions, information exchang-
support collaboration across the facilities move the development of NBIMS-USTM, es and a number of other related activities
life cycle. BIM is the flow of information Version 3 forward. to further expand your BIM knowledge.
through a project, from inception to com- BIM is also moving forward, gain- If you have not yet made plans to attend
pletion and throughout the entire life cy- ing traction worldwide. Most notably of this event, I hope you will add it to your
cle of a structure. late is in the United Kingdom. BIM was calendar.
Yes, NBIMS-USTM, Version 2 is a good used in the development of the Olympic If you’re not a member of the NBIMS-
metric because it documents the level of compound for the 2012 Summer Games. USTM, Version 3 Project Committee, sign
consistent interoperability that exists in Perhaps that experience demonstrat- up while you’re thinking of it. If you’re not
the facilities industry. It is not enough, ed to the British Government the val- an Institute member, take the opportunity
however, just to show that two software ue and efficiencies that can be gained to become one when you register for the
packages can exchange information. through the use of BIM…as that govern- conference.
Members of the construction industry ment has made a major commitment Yes, 2012 has been a good year for BIM
themselves need to be able to accept the to move to open standards-based BIM but I think it is only going to get better in
transfer of data from different parties and by 2016, using our Construction Oper- 2013.
know that information comes from a test- ations Building information exchange I look forward to seeing you in January.
ed and reliable source. Using a consensus (COBie). COBie, which was developed at
process that includes a broad array of us- the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engi- Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA
ers, developers and innovators is critical neer Research and Development Center President

Fall 2012 7
Message from the buildingSMART allianceTM

information is a little harder to track. Howev- Just to give fair warning to United States
er, the information technology world solved design and construction companies, things
this problem years ago with information as- are starting to heat up overseas. There will
surance and metadata, which is data about be more companies like Skanska winning
data. In other words, if you create an object projects here at home as companies like
or add information to it, then that fact needs them are realizing the financial and opera-
to be carried with that object for the rest of its tional benefits of a commitment to doing all
existence. projects using Industry Foundation Class-
Adding and protecting metadata is a es (IFC)-based BIM. BIM-related ideas that
fundamental step that the industry must our industry has been working on for many
take in order to achieve interoperability. years are being put into practice in the Unit-
The Building Information Modeling Serv- ed Kingdom, Norway, Finland, the Republic
er information exchange (BIMSie) pro- of Korea and China.
ject is looking at how to deliver information The world is paying very close atten-
Dana K. Smith, FAIA this way. More information is available at tion to the good work the bSa is doing and Click on they’re using it to their full advantage. Time
Projects and then choose Active Projects. is of the essence to ensure that the United
Over the past several months, the If adopted as a standard, this will be break- States implements and reaps the benefits of
buildingSMART alliance™ (bSa) has been try- through technology in support of sharing. this knowledge too. I have recently received
ing to get the message out that building in- Several articles in this issue of the Jour- several presentations from Chinese groups
formation modeling (BIM) is a team sport. nal of Building Information Modeling (JBIM) on the implementation of BIM standards in
It seems that while the industry is improv- point to information flowing from one phase China. They are proposing a National BIM
ing capabilities in individual areas of exper- of a project to another. Yet, this critical aspect Standard – CHN and so the bSa is begin-
tise, there is still little interest in seeing how has not yet taken root. Unfortunately, the in- ning work to put a memorandum of under-
information that has been created by others dustry is still developing separate models standing (MOU) into place so that we can
can be used and shared. The chief argument that are not communicating. The impact that share the knowledge and still protect our in-
made is “I am responsible for the informa- data flow will have is illustrated by the Con- tellectual capital. The United Kingdom is
tion so I must gather it in order to have con- struction Operations Building information also implementing BIM from a mandate that
fidence in it.” However, in life there is a lot of exchange (COBie) and that is why it is such comes from the highest levels of government.
information that is created by others, yet still an important product. COBie accomplishes They are focusing on the implementation of
relied on every day. For example, is there several things. First, it keeps information in COBie.
any car owner that verifies the engineering a usable form. Second, it demonstrates how The Alliance is working with its MOU-
calculations? information can flow. Third, it is usable by holding associations (approximately 250
People are also concerned about oth- just about anyone. Yet for all the information manufacturing groups and 150 profession-
ers taking their data and calling it their own. potential, it is still lacking in its ability to link al associations) to ensure that business pro-
Again, if the Ford name is on the car, no tightly to 3D objects. Personally, I am confi- cesses are starting to change. The bulk of
one claims it as their own design. Granted, dent that will come soon. Continued on page 10

Fall 2012 9
Message from the U.S. National CAD Standard® Project Committee

What is required is that you vote, every contains the information about all the oth-
time, pretty simple. Sign up at er good standards that are referenced from industry associations, academia and oth-
NCS and the National BIM Standard- er standards bodies. Some make the case
United StatesTM (NBIMS-USTM) are both that these things really are the standard,
products of the National Institute of Build- that the grey area is how to handle the best
ing Sciences and they both share resources. practices.
Both standards are primarily volunteer ef- Maybe the best practices of how the
forts and some of the volunteers that work tools are used in the architecture, engineer-
on one also work on the other. Up until ing, construction, operations and owner
this point, the scheduling has worked out (AECOO) industry, in the projects that you
so that one or the other was going on. This are working on, needs a facelift. Maybe there
time, for the first time, NCS, Version 6 will is a better way to handle that part of these
R. Mark Butler be happening at the same time as NBIMS, standards. With all of the social media tools
Version 3. Not exactly, of course, but there available, maybe we need something more
will be significant overlap. I anticipate that dynamic in the best practices area?
As I write this, WE’RE in the process of will bring an interesting dynamic to both The overlap in schedule then may be
rebuilding the committees and leadership standards. more opportunity than burden. With the
that will lead us through United States Na- I am one of the people involved with schedules of NCS and NBIMS-USTM over-
tional CAD Standard® (NCS), Version 6. I both efforts and have tried to come to grips lapping, this may be a great opportunity for
was the chairman of the NCS Project Com- with where these efforts might lead us. Is both Project Committees to take a broad
mittee for Version 5 and I have been asked there a need to keep the NCS and NBIMS- look and envision the path that makes the
to stay on as chair for this one too, which USTM efforts separate? Is there some type most sense for the AECOO industry in the
I will gladly do. By the time this issue of of convergence in our future? What might United States.
The Journal of Building Information Mod- that look like? The beginning of the process is always
eling (JBIM) is published, the teams will be Consider the NCS. Perhaps some of exciting. Where will the ballot items sub-
in place and we will likely be in full swing, the most useful stuff in there is the detail mitted by our Project Committee take us?
bugging you about getting involved with around how to use these electronic tools People have expressed interest in digging
this or that. to represent the built environment in the into Civil a little deeper and perhaps han-
In Version 5 we added standards for same clear and concise way, making the dling Reference Standards a little more
the current projects that you are working inevitable and beneficial movement of the like NBIMS-USTM. In what ways will these
on. What is it going to be this time? As you files from person to person, firm to firm and versions help us to move the industry for-
participate in the process, the process is even phase to phase that much easier. Why ward? Are you interested in participating
informed. This is an industry-directed ef- would we treat the additional information in the process? We would love to have you
fort and the more industry involvement, related to building information modeling join in. You took the first step by picking up
the more relevant the result. I am a little (BIM) as a reason to pull out a different this publication and reading it. Go ahead
bummed out because we have fewer peo- standard? It is the same people, the same and take the next step. I’d love to hear what
ple on our Project Committee than we have projects, sometimes even the same tools you are thinking!
had in the past. People are using NCS but being used to produce this work. Perhaps
fewer people seem interested in joining the a more holistic approach is at least worth R. Mark Butler
committee. We try to make it pretty pain- a look. Will there be a time when there is Chair,
less. You are invited to do committee work a part of the standard that contains the de- United States National CAD Standard®
and attend conference calls or face-to- tails around creating drawings and mod- Project Committee
face meetings, but none of that is required. els and whatnot? There is another part that HDR ONE COMPANY | Many Solutions

Continued from page 9 The creation of a data dictionary coordi- Sadly, the industry has been talking about
the work being done by these organizations nating tool is part of this effort. The indus- this problem for over 20 years yet there has
focuses on the aspects of the industry that try absolutely must be able to understand been little progress. Hopefully it can be taken
support their membership, yet, they are all the words being used. The industry does not more seriously. I think the buildingSMART
working towards development and under- necessarily all have to use the same words Data Dictionary will provide the infrastruc-
standing. They are the experts and should be but they all must be understood. Currently, if ture for this to occur.
the ones coordinating the efforts. The bSa is one user puts “CMU” into a model, and an-
working to spread the work to these groups other user is looking for “Concrete Block” in Dana (Deke) K. Smith, FAIA
as much as possible. that same model, “CMU” will not come up. Executive Director

10 Journal of Building Information Modeling

Message from the National BIM Standard-United StatesTM Executive Committee

NBIMS-USTM is about building something

people can use as a practical guide to help them
investigate, adopt, evolve and execute their BIM
practices and processes.
aiming to achieve. Steve Holzer of eM8S Getting involved in the development of
wrote: “One of our greatest challenges is open BIM standards allows architects and
how to succinctly communicate what each engineers to help shape process improve-
stakeholder is to provide or accomplish. ments and interoperability.”
Often each stakeholder has their own lan-
guage, when what we need to do is stand- NBIMS-USTM, Version 3
ardize common terms and best practices Version 2 is available in two versions
we all can use.” online and has been downloaded by thou-
Chris Moor This is a pointedly accurate descrip- sands of people around the world. Version
tion of one of the standard’s core objectives 3 efforts will be well underway by the time
Accepting the role of National BIM and while we need to take gradual steps to you are reading this and we already have
Standard-United StatesTM (NBIMS-USTM) achieve it, these two sentences could be considerable interest for potential ballots.
chair for Version 3 is exciting. It’s also the most precise description we have about As a reminder, NBIMS-USTM is made up
somewhat daunting. Having served on the what NBIMS-USTM will become. of three essential elements:
Project Committee during the develop- Here is what I know: 1. Core Standards: Highly technical soft-
ment of Version 2, I am only too aware of • NBIMS-USTM is about building some- ware standards primarily focused on
the size of the task at hand, and at the same thing people can use as a practical interoperability.
time, acutely sensitive to the importance of guide to help them investigate, adopt, 2. Reference Standards: Existing stand-
this work. evolve and execute their BIM practices ards that play a considerable role in
About a year ago, I was asked to pro- and processes. developing BIM processes. These are
vide a testimonial as to the value of the • NBIMS-USTM is a guide and also a tool developed by allied standards organiza-
buildingSMART allianceTM (bSa) and for software vendors. Vendors should tions and have been already adopted by
NBIMS-USTM. This is an excerpt of what I be able to utilize NBIMS-USTM as a way the industry.
sent in: “Technology and building infor- of ensuring they are developing the 3. Social Exchange Standards/Prac-
mation modeling (BIM) continue to gain tools the industry needs, in the way they tice Documents: Proven processes or
traction and evolve at breakneck speeds. need them. ways of working when using BIM. These
Only when we look back in 20 years, will • NBIMS-USTM needs to be accessible. It may not be absolute “standards” in the
we understand just how monumen- needs to be easy to find, read and adopt. true sense of the word but represent
tal the changes were and just how much We need to remove the confusion sur- guidelines, best practices and reliable
the construction industry fundamentally rounding BIM and make it accessible methods of working for organizations
changed. bSa recognizes this fact already for everyone, for every project. We may wishing to adopt BIM.
and NBIMS-USTM is the tool to help us all not get there in Version 3, or even 4 or 5, The last area represents a major chal-
get there unharmed.” but that has to be the goal. lenge—and major growth area. It’s consid-
I went on to state that involvement “is • NBIMS-USTM needs to help overcome erably under-represented and needs the
an investment in the future of the construc- obstacles—real or perceived—to adopt- pioneers and innovators in the industry to
tion industry.” This is why I accept the chal- ing BIM. step up and help with its evolution. Any-
lenge ahead. • Our industry needs to know why one can submit a ballot for consideration
Every step we take with NBIMS-USTM NBIMS-USTM exists, what it’s for, why it’s and ballot authors can get assistance just
needs to be a big one, moving the indus- relevant, who uses it, why do they use it by asking. Every idea and submission will
try forward at the right pace and with bal- and what value it brings. be fairly evaluated.
anced content. To make this happen, we • Lastly, the industry needs to know that NBIMS-USTM, Version 3 will be anoth-
need a large team of dedicated and high- this is an open organization that can er major leap forward toward forming the
ly knowledgeable individuals. Fortunately, be engaged with. Everyone can have a foundation for the way the construction in-
history has shown us we have those indi- voice and be involved in the develop- dustry uses BIM. I am looking forward to
viduals on the Project Committee. ment of the standard. This is not a cabal. that challenge.
As James Vandezande, a principal at
NBIMS-USTM Goals HOK, summed up in his testimonial: “The Chris Moor
While browsing through the bSa web- Alliance connects us with pioneers who Chair,
site, another testimonial caught my eye. will drive improved efficiency and produc- National BIM Standard-United StatesTM
It really gets to the heart of what we are tivity in design and construction processes. Project Committee

Fall 2012 11
Cover Story

Paris Museum Proves that BIM

Really Can Be a Team Sport
By Andrew J. Witt

For many years, building information • 3,500 unique CNC molded curved glass Digital ProjectTM for all 3D design and the
modeling (BIM) has been lauded as the an- panels. technology now resident in GT’s recent-
tidote for inefficiencies that pervade the ar- ly-announced BIM collaboration platform,
chitecture, engineering and construction Project background GTeamTM.
(AEC) industries and, now, the use of digi- The Fondation Louis Vuitton is an icon-
tal building models has become a standard ic new museum under construction, locat- Challenge
part of the building process. But as projects ed in a massive park, the Bois du Boulogne. The unique shape and curved glass fa-
become bigger and more distributed, some It will host a permanent art collection as çade (FIGURE 2) of the structure neces-
teams struggle with the collaborative as- well as rotating exhibitions, performances sitates very close teamwork amongst a
pects inherent to BIM. Then again, some and lectures. The building itself will serve spectrum of design disciplines and fabrica-
teams don’t. as a gateway to the Jardin d’Acclimatation, tors, as well as the general contractor and
This article describes how BIM and BIM a popular zoological garden and children’s the owner. Therefore, one of the primary
technology are being used very effective- amusement park. challenges is the effective collaboration of
ly on a high-profile and extremely com- The structure has been likened to this geographically-dispersed project team.
plex project, the Fondation Louis Vuitton, a a sailboat with billowing glass sails The design architects are in Los Angeles,
new art museum in Paris designed by Gehry (FIGURE 1). The use of glass as the primary while most of the rest of the design team are
Partners. The building is a showpiece—not exterior material plays a principal role in the in offices in Paris. Other team members are
only of art, but also of design and technolo- architecture of the building, ensuring that it in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.
gy. The project is pushing the limits of BIM will complement the surrounding natural In all, there are over 10 companies involved
technology and demonstrates how BIM, en- environment. The design includes a series in the design process, all of whom require
abled by a cloud-based file management of large curved-glass “sails” and dozens of some level of access to current building in-
and project collaboration platform, can help fibrous concrete “iceberg” surfaces. formation. And many of the design teams
large distributed teams work together. Key collaborators on the project team need to define certain aspects of the geom-
The project includes: included Gehry Partners; the owner, Fon- etry parametrically in the same model. As
• 15+ design teams from around the world; dation Louis Vuitton; the façade engineer, such, the project requires distributed, multi-
• More than 400 model users and RFR/TESS; executive architect, Studios Ar- user, simultaneous access to a single model.
collaborators; chitecture; structural engineer, SETEC Bati- In Paris, the key project participants—
• Nearly 100 gigabites of BIM-based mod- ment; mechanical engineer, IBE; the façade executive architect, structural engineer,
el data; contractor, EIFFEL; and the general con- façade engineer, mechanical systems en-
• Over 100,000 version reiterations of the tractor, VINCI. The project’s BIM deliv- gineer and GT—are all co-located in trail-
building model; ery process was orchestrated and is being ers on the construction site. This improves
• 19,000 unique CNC molded glass rein- managed by Gehry Technologies (GT). communication but still poses barriers to
forced concrete panels; and The 3D project delivery system includes model integration. There is a wide range

Figure 1. A rendering of the Foundation Louis Vuitton art museum.

Fall 2012 13
Figure 2. The design includes a unique shape and curved glass.

of authoring tools being used on the pro- software tools to create and consume mod-
ject, including Digital Project, Tekla, Sketch- els in various file formats that suit their own
Up, AutoCAD, Bocad, SolidWorks, ANSYS, specific workflows. With approximately 100
STRAUSS, NASTRAN, SOFiSTiK, 3DVIA people creating 3D content and 400 peo-
composer and Solibri. ple accessing it, the project team relies on
The generous use of glass on the curved the technology of GTeam’sTM open collabo-
façade poses another significant challenge. ration platform to bring all those disparate
Normally, curved glass is formed with met- files into a common format. Thus, the team
al molds. But that manufacturing technique members can contribute parametric mod-
would have been cost-prohibitive on this el content regardless of their different lo-
project, as each panel has a unique shape, cations and the entire team can access that
requiring over 3,500 individual molds. In- model information without the need for the
stead, the building team is using CNC mold- native modeling software. The model is an
ed curved glass panels. In addition, the essential tool for project coordination and
“iceberg” surfaces are composed of 19,000 the definitive arbiter of how the building is
different CNC-molded glass-reinforced being built.
concrete panels. To keep costs in check, The 3D project delivery system has ver-
this abundance of uniquely shaped exterior sioned over 10,000 distinct archived itera-
panels requires mass customization. tions of a design model consisting of more
than 5,000 core files and tens of thousands
Solution of auxiliary files. It has already facilitated the
The architect’s goal of lightness and distributed calculation of over 100,000,000
transparency for the structure is being real- design optimization iterations for material-
ized through the close collaboration among specific and fabrication-specific paneliza-
the architect, engineers and fabricators. tions and details.
This process of continuous and concurrent
design and engineering involves approxi- Project Model
mately 15 firms and 400 individuals working The centralized Digital Project para-
together using BIM software and a cloud- metric is stored on a central server and is
based collaboration platform. By combining automatically synced to individual team
advanced parametric models with an online members’ computers. This allows users to
collaboration platform built specifically for work with the actual model files transpar-
BIM and AEC professionals, the Fondation ently, while maintaining project control and
Louis Vuitton project team can communi- accelerating the communication of project
cate, synchronize and share BIM data and data. GTeamTM also manages the distribu-
files from anywhere in the world. Moreover, tion, versioning, access and security of the
BIM facilitates a close partnership between model.
the architect and the client—a critical com- The product model provides a natu-
ponent of this owner-led project. ral way to hierarchically organize work on
A precise structure for the organization the model. Since the project itself has a cer-
of the data allows distributed team mem- tain organization chart, the chart can natu-
bers to collaborate in a structured way on a rally be mapped onto the project structure
single project model. This core project mod- to modularize the associated work. In ef-
el is a Digital Project master model but the fect, the structure of the model becomes
team members also use a range of other the work packaging plan for the design and

14 Journal of Building Information Modeling

construction of the project. This product the complex geometric issues of the project. and configurations ahead of shipping and
structure has a natural mapping to a file or- Since many analyses and generative exercis- installation.
ganization, which again mirrors the organi- es for the building were computation-inten- The project consultants and subcontrac-
zation of the project itself. Ultimately, it is at sive and time-consuming, an early initiative tors also integrate engineering intelligence
this file-system level that the hierarchical or- of GT was to facilitate the off-loading of this into the model, which the owner can use for
ganization is connected to GTeam’sTM ver- processing to other low-demand machines, operations and maintenance. This includes
sioning tools, which store a master copy of essentially creating a private cloud for gen- information such as warranty details and
the model in the cloud. erative geometry and optimization. This ca- anticipated replacement dates for routine
Another interesting aspect of the project pacity was leveraged to generatively model maintenance planning.
is that very few of the collaborators (outside and detail the most complex parts of the
of Gehry Partners) had ever used a 3D de- building. Summary
sign process prior to this project. As a result Fondation Louis Vuitton is on schedule
of this inexperience, there was some under- Completing the Fabrication for opening in 2013. The project exempli-
standable skepticism around the 3D pro- Chain fies how BIM can enable design, fabrication
cess and particularly about collaboration on The use of intelligent components kept and construction excellence. In recogni-
the 3D model. The challenge of implement- complexity, cost and quality under control tion, Fondation Louis Vuitton was selected
ing an ambitious collaboration system was throughout the design process. Now, com- as the 2012 recipient of the prestigious BIM
as much social and organizational as it was puter-controlled fabrication processes are Excellence Award, given by the Ameri-
technical. To overcome the lack of 3D expe- having a similar effect during construc- can Institute of Architects (AIA) Technol-
rience on the project, GT implemented a se- tion. Fabricators rely on the master building ogy in Architectural Practice Knowledge
ries of project-based continuous training model to automatically produce individu- Community.
classes on Digital Project and GTeamTM for al shop drawings. Every extrusion is being The project draws from building exper-
project participants. custom CNC cut and made to order direct- tise around the world. BIM software and
ly from the master building model. cloud-based collaboration enabled concur-
Mass Customization The model also represents the sole source rent design, advanced parametrics brought
Generative methods are most common- for managing and validating change— the project to the next level and an auto-
ly used for design explorations, where im- from design to fabrication and installa- mated CNC process is completing the fab-
plicit geometry or a very few rules of thumb tion. By linking the construction schedule rication chain. BIM has increased clarity
suffice for validating design feasibility. to the master model, the general contrac- and project understanding throughout the
However, the mechanical processes of fab- tor is using 4D modeling for its construc- project team and supply chain, resulting
rication often have decisive impacts on the tion planning, which helps optimize onsite in faster cycle times and more automated
design geometry itself, particularly at the resources and construction sequencing. higher-quality fabrication processes.  n
detail level. Validation on this level often re- In addition, fabricated panel components
quires the analysis of dozens of parameters are laser scanned and virtually positioned Andrew Witt is Director of Research at
for each assembly piece, even for apparent- in the model to confirm correct tolerances Gehry Technologies, Inc.
ly simple systems. To this end, the project
team has developed hundreds of self-adapt-
ing 3D details. These intelligent components
enable the design team to create thousands
of categorized variants throughout the pro-
ject in a generative and consistent manner,
using rules to, for example, optimize pan-
el sizes and control joint distances between
Since these modules, like the rest of the
model, are stored on a model server, the
engineers can modify their details with
full technical knowledge while other team
members can still validate the pure spatial
aspects of the designed details. After the de-
sign of the initial prototype, the generation
of these details is distributed to all the team
members’ machines by the model server.
The centralization and redistribution of
the model also facilitated a new scale of de-
sign computation and optimization, which
ultimately was necessary to address some of

Fall 2012 15
Expanding Thought

Using Real-Time CMMS Asset Data

Capture During Construction to
Improve Facility Management
By Birgitta Foster

We are moving to a mobile-centric updates of CMMS databases. At the start Once this information is gathered, the
world, where information can be at our of a project, basic asset data from a build- equipment data is manually entered into
finger tips not just in minutes but in sec- ing information model (BIM) is uploaded the CMMS and assigned an asset num-
onds. Mobile applications are becoming into the CMMS. Then, as the equipment is ber, which identifies its existence. The
commonplace in every industry sector. set, mobile applications capture the asset- next task is to create an equipment-spe-
They are used by commerce to monitor specific data directly into the CMMS. This cific job plan and schedule to ensure
transportation and overnight delivery sys- workflow allows time for the FM person- proper maintenance is performed per
tems to track packages, all by real-time nel to set up equipment PM plans, ensure the manufacturer’s recommendations.
data capture. Could it be that real-time critical spare parts are identified, and al- The follow-on activities include identi-
data collection has value for facility man- lows time to determine what equipment fying spare parts and inventory require-
agement (FM)? training is required before the building be- ments and determining any special tools
This article explores the value proposi- gins operations. or training needed to properly perform
tion of using mobile applications to cap- O&M functions.
ture real-time asset data for improving
By taking a more proactive One activity vital to operations, but
FM activities. Currently, new asset infor- approach, like making a transition rarely considered, is obtaining the in-
mation is delivered to the FM group af- over time to operations (instead stalled equipment’s operating parameters.
ter construction as a “handover”. What of a single moment in time like The final commissioning report provides
asset data is received is manually loaded handover implies), there should design operating ranges and set point ver-
into the owner’s computerized mainte- be improvements not only in FM ification but not likely the equipment’s ac-
nance management systems (CMMS) af- perception and O&M performance tual operating range. Although delivered
ter handover or, in some cases, is never metrics but, more importantly, in to the design engineers or project manag-
loaded at all. extending equipment service life. er to document that the building systems
The combination of delayed entry and met the design basis, this report almost
lack of equipment data in CMMS data- In most facilities today, once a piece never makes it to the FM group.
bases has a significant impact on the FM of equipment is identified as requiring The ramifications of beginning facili-
group’s ability to effectively maintain operations and maintenance (O&M), it ty maintenance after handover are fairly
equipment and achieve intended ser- triggers a sequence of FM activities, be- significant but commonly ignored. Wait-
vice life. Because the maintenance per- ginning with the creation of a new asset ing to receive the equipment information
sonnel depend heavily on the CMMS to in the CMMS. For this task, the FM group before beginning to enter new assets cre-
receive service orders, search for equip- will need basic information on the equip- ates poor equipment maintenance (no
ment information, reserve inventory and ment, such as classification type, and PMs performed) and causes unexpected
prepare work plans, it’s critical to have manufacturer and vendor data. The man- spikes in resource loading and PM back-
correct and complete equipment data. ufacturer name, along with the model log (because there is no upfront sched-
But it’s the timeliness of data entry that number, helps the FM team obtain O&M uling). It also results in a lack of proper
primarily impacts FM activities, such as manuals and performance data, while training (so it takes longer to perform PM)
preventative maintenance (PM) planning the serial number is used for warranty and insufficient spare parts on-hand (in-
and scheduling, identifying required op- issues and replacement parts orders. To creasing the time of PM). This inefficiency
erations training and determining spare locate equipment for servicing or emer- also results in wasted time due to start-
part availability. The reality is, these activ- gency repairs, the FM team will require stop work and disruptions other than pre-
ities are not initiated until after the “hand- the building, floor and room numbers scheduled PMs. This creates a perception
over”, when the building has begun oper- as well as what quadrant of the room the that FM is not staying up with maintain-
ating, meaning FM is already behind on equipment resides. For warranty infor- ing the facility.
maintenance. mation, the team needs the installation What if, by using mobile applications
On the other hand, consider a transi- date, which often becomes the default and devices, FM personnel could capture
tion to operations (ToS) approach, which start of the warranty period, and the ven- the required equipment nameplate data
will create a more seamless handover dor contact information, in cases where a and upload it in real-time to their CMMS
by utilizing mobile devices for real-time service call arises. databases during construction?

16 Journal of Building Information Modeling

Wait, isn’t that the contractor’s job?
Yes, but how well has that worked? If
the contractor, whose sole responsibil-
ity is to install the equipment per de-
sign, is expected to properly collect
equipment data and ensure its accu-
racy and completeness, then why does
the FM team always seem to re-collect
the equipment data after the building is
handed over?
On a new building, it’s not uncommon
to have over 500 new assets to enter into
the CMMS system. The time it would take
to properly complete the six FM activities
(entering CMMS data and documents,
creating PM job plans and schedules,
identifying spare parts, determining O&M
training requirements, establishing war-
ranty periods and obtaining equipment
operational ranges) could be up to three
man-hours per new asset. For a new
building, that is 1,500 man-hours or one
full-time employee for over eight months!
And that is after handover and the equip-
ment is already in operation. It is clear
that the FM needs the information early
because even if FM began receiving com-
plete asset data at handoff, it still does not
address the delay in planning and sched-
uling PMs, prompting the call for alterna-
tive workflows.
Through individual interviews with
O&M personnel, it has become apparent
that their ability to properly maintain the
facility assets is significantly impacted by
the timing of the current project hand-
over process. However, through the lev-
eraging of new technology, like BIM and
mobile applications, that can be changed.
By taking a more proactive approach, like
making a transition over time to opera-
tions (instead of a single moment in time
like handover implies), there should be
improvements not only in FM perception
and O&M performance metrics but, more
importantly, in extending equipment ser-
vice life.
Handover nirvana? Maybe. By adopt-
ing a transition to operations approach
with real-time CMMS asset data capture,
not only does FM improve, it makes facil-
ity managers a part of the project “team”
and not just the ones who come in after
the dust clears. n

Birgitta Foster is Assisting Director for

the buildingSMART alliance™.

Fall 2012 17
Expanding Thought

Augmented Reality:
Bringing BIM To Life
By David Wilcox, Marvin Johnson and Peter Carrato

Reality (alignments, kinematic envelopes). Also, device’s built-in camera, compass, GPS and
Since the term was first coined in 1990 additional data associated with the assets accelerometer, thereby allowing additional
at Boeing1, augmented reality (AR) had can be accessed where it is linked to the data to be accurately laid over the view
remained a research or mostly military graphic elements. through the device.
application. Over the last 10 years, though, The Bechtel team on the Reading The process starts with extracting the
the automotive industry has become a Station Area Redevelopment Project information and geometry data from the
leader in the development of AR for factory (RSAR), a part of the Crossrail project existing project’s BIM and combining
planning exercises2, with more powerful (Europe’s biggest engineering project), is this to create AR content in the format
laptops that allow users to view changes deploying AR to give live access to the BIM required for the display media. Once on
live in the context of their immediate information in the field (FIGURE 1). One of site, the AR model is registered to its real-
surroundings. It is only in the last few the key drivers is to improve the efficiency world position using one of three available
years, however, with the explosion of the and safety of field personnel. Having BIM methods:
use of mobile devices and a similar growth data accessible for decision making at 1. GPS positioning is limited by the mo-
in information-rich building information the site maximizes their field presence, bile device’s capability and cannot yet
modeling (BIM), that AR has reached the which is the most effective way to create a be used for centimeter accuracy. It is,
construction site. AR permits viewing safer site. The ability of AR to “see” what is therefore, limited to more generalized
the design, construction or operational hidden, such as buried services, will play location-based uses, until the mobile
information where it’s needed: on location. a vital role in avoiding cable strikes and devices are equipped to access more
AR differs from virtual reality in that similar incidents. accurate positioning data from survey
it enhances rather than replaces the rovers.
real world. What is augmented on a Augmenting BIM 2. Marker positioning systems, typical-
construction project? Mostly the visual AR is a computer vision technique ly used in the automotive industry and
environment—seeing the future (what that aligns data, relative to a current video referred to as fiducial markers, offer
is not yet built), seeing what’s hidden frame, at the correct perspective relative to a more accurate method. These spe-
(buried) and seeing what cannot be seen the users’ viewpoint, utilizing the mobile cially encrypted and unique markers,
when combined with a camera calibra-
tion process, employ computer vision
techniques to understand the focal po-
sition, orientation and current video
frame perspective to accurately display
the content.
3. Gravity-based alignments utilize fea-
ture-rich imagery, such as buildings
and a device’s accelerometer, to recog-
nise the direction of gravity and provide
better calibrated models.
Using BIM exchange formats (Industry
Foundation Classes, ifcXML, CityGML
and gbXML), workflows include assigning
meta-data to AR graphics, which, in
turn, call up database links into asset
information. An important consideration
in adopting AR technology on RSAR
Figure 1. An AR device view of a proposed platform canopy. was to go beyond simple model graphic

18 Journal of Building Information Modeling

displays relative to a known position so
that the technology would supplement the
information the users have for their task. It
was also decided that AR should extend the
BIM process, in that data should not only
be retrieved from the model but also allow
for two-way transfer to record site data.
The new Augmented Reality Experience
Language (AREL)-formatted AR systems
are able to combine IFC standard
(ISO16730) compliant building models
into the process so that each asset is
recognised within the AR media display
device. When data is accessed from project
cloud servers, site teams can retrieve and
visualize potentially unlimited project data Figure 2. An AR device view of the Reading Station transfer deck.
based on position.
this data in relation to their position would introducing innovative deployments of AR
Augmented Reality reduce the amount of paperwork carried as part of its BIM and mobile applications
One of the RSAR requirements is to by staff, assist with their maintenance strategy. n
provide site teams with 4D simulations regimes and provide assurance that the
of construction sequences at stage gate information is current. As part of this David Wilcox is Building Information
reviews. This has been a desktop exercise initiative, AR applications have been Modeling Lead for Bechtel Civil. Marvin Johnson
but now AR has achieved viewing of the 4D tested for iPhones that display local hazard is Engineering Data Specialist for Bechtel
sequence in the field. directory information over three miles. Civil. Peter Carrato is Manager of Building
At Reading Station, a new 98 ft. x 164 This data is presented as local points of Information Modeling, Bechtel Corporation.
ft. transfer deck is being constructed interest “bubbles” in the camera view, with
spanning four new rail platforms and 10 accuracy of 16 to 32 ft., relative to the users References
existing operational platforms (FIGURE GPS position. 1. Augmented reality: an application
2). The proposed launch sequence for of heads-up display technology to
the transfer deck has 10 stages, with Augmenting the Future manual manufacturing processes.
the main section being moved 36.7 ft. AR offers great possibilities to Proceedings of the 25th Hawaii
into position using hydraulic pistons in visualise 3D data but combining it with International Conference on System
the first stage alone and over 160 ft. in BIM data and using it throughout the Sciences, 1992. Caudell, T.P; Mizell,
total during subsequent moves. The 4D project life cycle maximizes the impact D.W.
simulation was converted to AR format and benefit to engineering, construction 2. Augmented Reality-based factory
while practical and safe locations from and maintenance. It allows them to view
planning—an application tailored
which to view it were identified at the feasibility design in-situ using increasingly
to industrial needs. 6th IEEE and
site. Given the scale of the transfer deck accurate positioning methods, assists
ACM International Symposium on
a totally immersive AR environment construction with 4D simulations and
Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2007.
was not possible, but three vantage clash detections, and can be used as a tool
points were selected relative to magnetic for visual asset management data and Pentenrieder, K; Bade, C; Doil, F;
markers that would correctly align the recording in the field. Bechtel is actively Meier, P
BIM model to the existing construction,
balancing the requirements for deploying
AR in terms of viewing from a position
of safety while providing maximum
effect and usability.  The live results
were captured on video as an aid for
contractors to review to understand the
launch sequence.
In the rail industry, access for
maintenance staff to site data, such as
line speed and safe access routes, is a
prime concern for network management
companies, particularly for safety-critical
data that changes regularly. Visualizing

Fall 2012 19
Case Studies / Best Practices

BIM for Construction Safety: A Case Study

By Alex Behringer and Salman Azhar
A crucial factor in construction safety planning Project details
is to properly identify all possible hazards before they occur. A build- Owner: Auburn University Facilities Division
ing information model (BIM) allows construction stakeholders to vis- Project Manager (Construction Team): Robins & Morton
ually assess jobsite conditions and recognize hazards, and it provides Architect: 360 Architecture
them sufficient time to develop adequate hazard mitigation plans. Cost: $50,000,000
The utilization of BIM technology can result in improved occu- Size: 240,000 sq. ft.
pational safety by connecting the safety issues more closely to con- Delivery System: CM Agency
struction planning. This provides a more illustrative site layout, Start Date: October 2011
while providing methods for managing and visualizing up-to-date Projected Substantial Completion Date: May 2013
plans and site status information. The use of BIM also encourag-
es other project partners, such as designers, sub-contractors and The architecture firm, 360 Architecture, based in Kansas City,
safety specialists, to become actively involved in both risk assess- Missouri, developed the base BIM model of this project for com-
ment and planning. munication and visualization purposes. The research team ac-
This article reports an in-progress research project where BIM quired this model and enhanced it by adding missing design
technology is utilized to perform safety planning and manage- details and temporary safety features. FIGURE 1 is a project ren-
ment for an ongoing construction project located at the campus of dering used for marketing purposes.
the Auburn University, in Auburn, Alabama. The project is a Recre- The following sections describe the BIM-based safety plans
ation & Wellness Center. BIM models and 4D simulations are used generated from the base BIM model.
to communicate the following safety plans: 1) crane management;
2) fall protection; and 3) emergency response plans. 4D phasing Crane management plan
simulations, 3D walk-throughs and 3D renderings are utilized to The purpose of a crane management plan is to: 1) identify the
identify various hazards and to communicate safety management swing radius of the crane to ensure its safe distance from power
plans to the workers. lines and nearby structures; and 2) identify what trade/crew will
be utilizing the crane at a particular time. On this project, two lat-
tice-boom crawling cranes are being utilized to pick and place the
structural members. The crane on the North side of the project is a
110-ton Link-Belt 218 HYLAB unit and the crane on the South side
is a 250-ton Manitowoc Model 999 unit. FIGURE 2 illustrates the
steel truss placement in the crane management plan.
As depicted in this image, the colored masses (yellow, orange
and blue) are used to demonstrate the crane’s swing radius and
360 Architecture

zone of influence. The yellow mass communicates the possible ex-

tent of the crane’s swinging boom at any moment during a partic-
ular day. Collision detections can be utilized to generate weekly
reports of any non-steel installation activities scheduled to take
place within the crane’s planned swing radius, according to the
Figure 1. A 3D rendering of the project placement dictated by the overall project schedule. The resulting

Figure 2. The crane work zone and steel truss placement in the crane management plan.

20 Journal of Building Information Modeling

report can be used during a segment of the project’s periodic safe-
ty meetings to mitigate unplanned risks due to the crane’s interac-
tion with construction personnel. Alternately, 4D simulations can
be utilized for safely planning construction activities.

Fall protection plan

The fall protection plan for leading edges is prepared accord-
ing to OSHA Subpart M: Fall protection standards. Two types of
fall protection railings are modeled: 2x4 wooden railings on the
second level (concrete structure) that are bolted to the concrete
slab and 3/8” steel aircraft cable railings on the third and higher
levels of the project (steel structure). Holes in the elevated slabs
are covered by plywood coverings and roped in caution tape, as
required by OSHA.
After modeling the fall protection railing components, the rail-
ings are placed on the structural BIM model. While performing
this process, the researchers were able to identify multiple falling
risks through the 3D view that were not easily found within the 2D
plan view. These conditions included stairwells and skylights that
were not yet constructed, so fall protection railing was placed at
these locations. The modeled railings are then segregated by zones
and levels and the resulting railing sections were exported to Syn-
chro® for developing 4D simulations. The 4D simulation provides
complete details to the contractor as to the location and date that
the railings are to be installed or removed. FIGURE 3 depicts a
typical railing family and its placement in the BIM model.
Figure 4. Screenshots of the emergency action plan. A) Traffic flow
Emergency response plan directions. B) Ambulance arrival path.
The BIM-based emergency response plan consisted of five
sub-plans, namely construction crew entrance/exit; construction Conclusion
equipment and deliveries route; temporary facilities and job trailer Both internal and external validations were planned and im-
locations; emergency vehicle(s) route; and severe weather precau- plemented to verify the usefulness of this study. The project team
tions to orient workers with the construction site. The 3D walk- recently completed the first cycle of the validation process, during
through animations and renderings were generated from the BIM which the BIM model with integrated safety elements and 4D sim-
models to communicate emergency response plan to the workers. ulations were shown to a focus group of BIM professionals. The
FIGURE 4 illustrates parts of the emergency response plan. consulted members described the three main perceived benefits:
1) improved communication of the safety plan among the con-
struction personnel; 2) improved communication of the project’s
safety plan between OSHA and the owner; and 3) logistical details
of construction safety tasks being fully addressed in the precon-
struction phase.
In the following months, the project team will demonstrate
the BIM models and simulations in regular safety meetings and
will thoroughly evaluate their effectiveness. n

The authors would like to express their gratitude to Paul

Horne, Project Engineer, Robins & Morton Group, for providing
the base BIM models and safety plans. Appreciation is also due
to Paul Hedgepath, Director of Virtual Construction at M.J. Har-
ris Construction, Birmingham, Alabama, for providing continu-
ous feedback throughout the project. This study is supported by
funds provided by the College of Architecture, Design and Con-
struction Seed Grant and Building Science Construction Indus-
try Fund.

Alex Behringer and Salman Azhar are with the McWhorter

Figure 3. A model of the railing system for fall protection. School of Building Science, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.

Fall 2012 21
Case Studies / Best Practices

Integrating Technology and Process

in Cathedral Hill Hospital Project
By Baris Lostuvali and Michelle Hofmann

As building information modeling (BIM)  spreads in the • What is the cost/benefit analysis of modeling a component
architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, de- weighed against the effort required?
signers, engineers, contractors and owners are exploring how to Discussions led to the conclusion that these open-ended
best utilize it to improve the way they do business. This funda- questions needed to be continually revisited so BIM could be
mental change is further accelerated with the emergence of col- used effectively. The IPDT developed a “scope matrix” for the en-
laborative project delivery methods such as integrated project tire project to outline all elements of design and the production
delivery and lean construction. In this “perfect storm,” how do of information flow between players and tools. In addition, the
teams integrate, process and utilize BIM to its best extent? team put a strong focus on a well-defined, “level of detail” (LOD)
Sutter Health’s Cathedral Hill Hospital (CHH) project is a 1.2 matrix for BIM.
million square foot urban replacement hospital in San Francis-
co, California. It is not just designed to be a state-of-the-art hos- Gauge the Maturity of BIM
pital but also to break new ground in multiple areas of design, In an environment of complex information flow, with multiple
construction and operations. As the CHH integrated project de- iterations, it is highly crucial that the IPDT understand the matu-
livery team (IPDT) nears completion of the preconstruction ef- rity of BIM. The IPDT needs to figure out a way to gauge the in-
forts, this paper aims to outline some of the key ideas and tools formation that goes into BIM and know when it is good enough
practiced in this phase. to hand the information to the next team in the production line.
At CHH, major work streams are: architectural; medical planning;
Adapt BIM to Fit a structural; mechanical, electrical, plumbing/fire protection (MEP/
Collaborative Delivery Process FP); and exterior. These groups constantly share incomplete infor-
At the start of any collaborative project delivery, project teams mation, which helps them to understand the maturity of the infor-
go thru a phase of “fuzzy front end” where they work to validate mation within the BIM.
the initial design assumptions, optimizing and influencing de- When IPDT finds that information is not good enough for a re-
sign to validate the cost and schedule, and to analyze constructa- lease/hand-off and/or identifies a conflict that can’t be resolved,
bility issues. This integration phase is full of uncertainty and the production line is stopped. A task force is assembled to assess
ambiguity (FIGURE 1). and resolve the issue and no work resumes in the BIM until the
In this uncharted area, design professionals that tradi- issue has been completely resolved.
tionally took the role of design manager now find themselves It is important to state that the IPDT at CHH benefited tre-
participating in previously unforeseen contexts, working in mendously from being co-located in a single floor of a building.
multidisciplinary teams led by contractors and dealing with This enabled high-quality, face-to-face interaction between the
new responsibilities at the design stage. At the same time, sup- design and trade partners.
ply chain members, not previously involved during the early
project definition phases, are engaged at the earliest phases of Enhance BIM through
the project life cycle. Simple and Visual Communication
In this design phase, BIM was at the center of the discussion. To tackle the challenges of making the design and BIM pro-
Questions asked were: cesses transparent, IPDT used process maps and “swim-lane” di-
• What should be modeled in BIM and/or in 2D? agrams as a way of collecting information and aligning the team
• How much detail is required and needed in the BIM model? members (FIGURE 2). The simplicity of the swim-lane diagrams
• What is the right content in the BIM? Continued on page 30

Figure 1. The Process of Design Squiggle, by Damien Newman. Figure 2. A “swim-lane” process map for MEP/FP coordination.

22 Journal of Building Information Modeling

Life Cycle / Technology Spotlight

By Tim Chipman

In recent years, the Industry

to use higher-level representations reflect- procedures and events, with expanded detail
Foundation Classes (IFC) standard for build- ing the design intent, so that changes can as found in leading scheduling applications
ing information modeling (BIM) has seen be made in one place, where the composi- and 4D simulations. Process templates allow
widespread adoption, supported by approx- tion and layout of components, can be au- common processes to be captured in librar-
imately 150 registered software applications. tomatically updated to reflect the change. ies and re-used.
This article describes the next evolution of IFC4 introduces the concept of material pro- Resources: IFC4 expands the resource
this standard, IFC4, and related efforts for files, where axis-based components, such as model to track costs and environmental im-
achieving wider and deeper interoperability beams, pipes and ducts, can be described pacts of materials, labor, equipment and oth-
across software applications. by paths and cross-sections of materials, er project resources with expanded detail.
The goal of IFC has always been to de- along with offsets relative to the axis and end Resource templates allow common resourc-
scribe how building information can be lev- points. Similarly, a concept of material con- es to be captured in libraries and re-used.
eraged across applications within and across stituents has been introduced where compo- Constraints: The constraint model has
vertical industries, supporting the vast ar- nents, such as doors and windows, can have been formalized so that requirements may
ray of disciplines encountered in the build- various parts (for example, framing and glaz- be directly validated on any object attribute,
ing industry. To be useful across such a large ing) defined by geometric aspects and cor- either directly or along a graph of objects
ecosystem, such standards must capture responding materials. Material layers allow and collections. For example, a requirement
necessary detail to describe how a building is flat components, such as slabs and walls, to may indicate that the height of a space must
to be built, along with the many non-physical be described by material thicknesses and exceed a certain length. Constraints may
aspects describing who is doing what, when, boundaries with offsets. also be used to indicate mapping of data
how and why. Meanwhile, many down- Geometry: IFC4 expands geometry to to external files, conflicts when multiple
stream applications are only concerned with support more complex shapes as well as sim- versions of a model are merged, formulas
subsets of this information. Another aspect to plified geometry. Complex shapes may be ex- based on calculations from other attributes
address is the format of information, which actly described using Non-Uniform Rational and tables of values that apply for paramet-
must accommodate changing technology B-Spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces. Sim- ric modeling.
and diverse platforms, such as phones, tab- plified shapes may be described using tessel- Documentation: Published as ISO 16739,
lets, desktops and servers. For basic appli- lated surfaces with compact lists of vertices the documentation for IFC had to undergo
cations, XML provides ease of integration; and triangles, providing the closest mapping rigorous adaptation to meet requirements
compact formats such as STEP Physical For- to GPUs and more efficient processing as for formatting and content. At the same time,
mat (SPF) are more practical for represent- may be suitable for mobile applications. documentation was expanded to provide
ing buildings in detail; spreadsheets such as Libraries: IFC4 supports capturing tem- real usage examples for hundreds of prod-
Excel provide access to a wide range of us- plates of products, processes, resources and uct types, while eliminating redundancy by
ers without custom software; and databases property sets. These files can be referenced organizing common concepts in a central
of various forms may support collaboration by other IFC files that include instances of place. Documentation is now multi-lingual,
among concurrent users. such templates. with translations in five languages as of this
Meanwhile, as more applications adopt Ports: Ports provide the capability for writing.
IFC, customers have asked for deeper inte- MEP elements to connect through pipes, Definitions: IFC, along with hundreds
gration to capture more detailed information ducts or wires. IFC4 extends the capability of other engineering standards, is defined
across applications in a consistent way. To for defining ports at product templates and using the EXPRESS data definition lan-
support this growing usage, IFC has evolved standardizes ports on objects according to guage, where the rich semantics allow vir-
with initiatives on multiple fronts. product type. For example, a water heater tually any other schema representation to
Data model: A number of enhancements may have ports for gas or electricity as input, be derived. The IFC4 documentation now
have been introduced in IFC4, with a focus cold water in and hot water out. This enables includes a simplified XSD-based represen-
on system-wide improvements while main- products from different manufacturers to be tation for all data types, enabling XML to be
taining backward compatibility. intelligently connected according to system used in a more compact form with better
Parametric design: While buildings are type and connection geometry. readability.
ultimately made of discrete components, Processes: IFC4 expands the pro- Diagrams: Instance diagrams are now
during the design process it is often desirable cess model to support scheduling of tasks, included for all data types. Because building

Fall 2012 23
components in the real-world have a vast
number of relationships (for example, how
connected, where placed, when construct-
ed, who is responsible and what changed).
Relationships must also be captured in data
model, where diagrams make it more clear
how the various objects interact.
Examples: Sometimes it is easier for soft-
ware developers to understand new concepts
by seeing tangible examples rather than sift-
ing through definitions. The IFC4 documen-
tation now includes a comprehensive set of
examples in various domains including: ar-
chitectural; structural; mechanical, electrical
and plumbing scheduling; and estimating.
Model views: While the IFC specification
defines how to represent BIM electronically,
it does not indicate what should be includ-
ed for particular scenarios. The concept of
a model view definition (MVD) has evolved
to fulfill this role, describing exactly what in-
formation must be included for a handoff,
such as for a building maintenance request.
Contracts may be written to require informa-
tion at a particular stage using the referenced
model view, where submissions may be elec-
tronically validated and enforced.
mvdXML: In parallel with IFC4, the MVD
approach has been formalized so that re-
quirements may be defined in a way that is
computer-interpretable, yet human-read-
able in resulting documentation, using a
format called “mvdXML.” MVDs may also
define mapping formats for translating in-
formation into general-purpose applications
such as spreadsheets. The electronic encod-
ing of MVDs now also makes it possible for
a new class of software applications to adapt
data to conform to the MVD without prior
Tools: buildingSMART International has
provided a new tool called ifcDOC for au-
thoring model view definitions and produc-
ing resulting schemas, documentation and
diagrams. This same tool is used for gener-
ating IFC documentation, the Construction
Operations Building information exchange
(COBie) specification and a growing popula-
tion of MVDs.
To take advantage of new BIM capabilities
and much-improved software interoperability,
visit to find the
growing list of applications supporting IFC4. n

Tim Chipman is deputy leader of build-

ingSMART International’s Model Support
Group and develops software at Constructivity.

24 Journal of Building Information Modeling

Life Cycle / Technology Spotlight

Aligning LOD, LoD and OEM

into a Project Collaboration
By Jim Bedrick, FAIA, LEED-AP and Dianne Davis, CSI

Architects (AIA), BIMForum and when someone other than the author ex- information will be available in order
buildingSMART alliance™ (bSa) are tracts information from it). to plan their work.
working together to create a content and • During the design process, building • Object/element information is not
context-rich framework for building in- systems and components progress uniform through the modeling pro-
formation modeling (BIM) collaboration. from a vague conceptual idea to a pre- cess. There is no uniform level model
This framework merges level of develop- cise description. In the past, there corresponding to project phases. The
ment (LOD), level of detail (LoD), a re- has been no simple way to designate detail and data varies according to the
finement of an object’s specification and where an element is along this path. model purpose or use case required
the object/element matrix (OEM)¹, de- • It’s easy to misinterpret the precision to make project decisions and move
fining data requirements at an object at which an element is modeled. Hand work forward
level by BIM purpose or use case (TA- drawings range from pen strokes on a The point is that a concise method is
BLE 1). This combination integrates napkin to hard lines with dimensions needed to denote where a model element
the three definitions of BIM: BIMODEL called out. In a model, a specific com- is along its path, from vague idea to precise
(product), BIMODELING (process) and ponent located precisely can look description. To make these connections, a
BIMANAGEMENT (the data) into a re- exactly the same as a generic com- multi-disciplinary group met regularily to
peatable strategy needed for BIM-based ponent placed approximately, so we redefine and align these BIM concepts.
project collaboration, communication need something besides appearance Thus, the following LODs have been de-
and execution. to tell the difference. fined. They have been numbered in the
• In a collaborative environment, where hundreds in order to allow for definition
Background people other than the model author of intermediate levels where necessary.
The AIA’s Level of Development are depending on information from This feature should be used sparingly,
(LOD)² framework was created to address the model in order to move their own though. It is recognized that there are of-
several issues that arise when a BIM is work forward, the design work plan ten dozens of steps in a component’s pro-
used as a communication, collaboration takes on high importance. It is neces- gress from concept to installation—it is
or decision support tool (for example, sary for the model users to know when neither feasible nor necessary to label all
of them with an LOD number.
Table 1: BIM Project Collaboration Brief descriptions can be found in
(Object/Element Matrix)
Further explanation
Level of Development Level of Detail Definition of Use LOD 100, then, corresponds to a con-
ceptual level. For example, in a massing
Table 2: Levels of Development
LOD 100 LOD 200 LOD 300 LOD 400 LOD 500
The model element may be The model element is The model element is The model element is graph- The mod-
graphically represented in the graphically represent- graphically represent- ically represented within el element is a
model with a symbol or oth- ed within the model as ed within the model as the model as a specific sys- field-verified rep-
er generic representation but a generic system, ob- a specific system, ob- tem, object or assembly that resentation, ac-
does not satisfy the require- ject or assembly with ject or assembly, ac- is accurate in terms of size, curate in terms of
ments for LOD 200. Infor- approximate quanti- curate in terms of shape, location, quantity and size, shape, loca-
mation related to the model ties, size, shape, loca- quantity, size, shape, orientation with detailing, tion, quantity and
element (for example, cost tion and orientation. location and orienta- fabrication, assembly and in- orientation. Non-
per square foot or tonnage of Non-graphic informa- tion. Non-graphic in- stallation information. Non- graphic informa-
HVAC) can be derived from tion may also be at- formation may also be graphic information may tion may also be
other model elements. tached to the model attached to the model also be attached to the mod- attached to the
element. eement. el element. model elements.³

Fall 2012 25
model, the interior walls may not yet be between the as-designed condition and should be thought of as the designer’s
modeled but we can have an idea of the the as-built condition. Note again, that best professional judgment rather than
cost per square foot of floor area for in- there is no strict correspondence be- unchangeable truth.
terior construction. Thus, the walls are at tween LODs and design phases. Systems The AIA, BIMForum and bSa have
LOD 100—they’re not modeled but infor- will progress at different rates through formed a working group comprised of
mation about them can be inferred from the design process. At 100 percent sche- practitioners from across the spectrum
elements that are modeled (the floors), matic design (SD), the model will in- of design and construction disciplines to
coupled with other information (square clude many elements at LOD 200 but develop a catalog of examples of build-
foot cost tables). will also include many at LOD 100, as ing systems, components and assemblies
To continue with the wall example, well as some at 300 and possibly even modeled at different LODs. The catalog
a floor plan is often first laid out us- 400, depending on the use cases being will serve as a reference to aid project
ing generic walls. The walls can now be developed for decision support. teams in defining BIM needs.
measured directly but the specific wall Similarly, there is no such thing as an The first step was for the group to spe-
assembly isn’t known and the quantity, LOD model. Models will invariably con- cifically interpret the LOD definitions for
thickness and location measurements tain elements at various LODs. all building systems. A by-product of this
will be approximate. The walls are now effort was that the LOD framework was
at LOD 200. To step back to the massing In a model, a specific put to some rigid testing and the logic
model, if the exterior wall area can be held up well.
measured directly, it is actually at LOD component located The next phase of work for the commit-
200, even though there is no detail. tee is to merge the LOD with the OEM so
At LOD 300, the wall element is mod- that a clear understanding of data require-
precisely can look exactly
eled as a specific wall type, with infor- ments by use case is aligned with the LOD
mation about its framing, wallboard and definitions. This work will be submitted
insulation, if any. The element is mod- the same as a generic to bSa for inclusion in the National BIM
eled at the thickness of the actual wall Standard-United States™, Version 3. n
type and is located accurately within the component placed
model. Note that non-geometric infor- Jim Bedrick, FAIA, LEED-AP, is found-
mation may be attached. This means that approximately, so we er of AEC Process Engineering (AECPE),
it’s not necessary to model every compo- a consulting firm dedicated to the design
nent of the wall assembly—a solid model and implementation of technology, pro-
element with accurate thickness, loca-
need something besides cesses, standards and collaboration tech-
tion and with the information usually in- niques that bring economy, efficiency,
cluded in a wall type definition attached appearance to tell the innovation and added value to design
qualifies as LOD 300. and construction.
At LOD 400, details are included. For difference. Dianne Davis, CSI, is the President of
the wall example, this might include such AEC Infosystems, Inc., a member of the
things as seismic bracing and head con- As a final note, some designers have bSa Board of Directors and is co-chair for
ditions. LOD 400 can be thought of as been reluctant to adopt this framework OmniClass development.
similar to the kind of information usually because they are concerned that tag-
found in shop drawings. ging an element with LOD 300 meant A full list of references for this article
At LOD 500, the model element has that it was set in stone. The LODs should is available upon request. Please email
been updated to reflect any differences be viewed with some flexibility and they

26 Journal of Building Information Modeling

News and Updates

The New BIM Player – China

By Xin Wang

Even though China is one of brought the term and concept to more for using BIM. I have now seen more and
the largest construction markets in the people. more owners adding BIM as a must-have.
world, building information modeling
(BIM) wasn’t high on the radar…until BIM for AE firms Owners’ attitude
now. China is catching up fast and in this The first few projects done with 3D tools There are some owners of large-scale
article, I will share my experience with the were for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. and complex buildings who are asking de-
country’s growing BIM development. Without 3D software, it would have been signers and general contractors to utilize
almost impossible for architects and engi- BIM technologies. Like the owner of the
BIM, five years ago neers to accomplish their designs, many Shanghai Tower, a developer, SOHO Chi-
In 2007, BIM was almost unheard of of which were complex forms, shapes and na, has built a few iconic projects using
in the architecture, engineering and con- textures. The 3D tools helped people solve BIM. It is possible that the shapes of the
struction (AEC) industry. At my architec- the issues they were having. designs made it impossible to build with-
tural class reunion, I shared some of my Architects (including engineers) in out BIM.
BIM experiences with classmates, most of China face a much tougher environment Some owners are asking for BIM to be
whom were holding key roles at their de- than their United States counterparts. The used, even though they are not complete-
sign firms, and many didn’t know what schedules are tighter and frequent design ly clear on what to ask for. Some top devel-
BIM was. In fact, only one out of 20 knew changes (by the owner and/or govern- opers are seriously considering launching
the term “BIM software” and Ms. Song, ment agencies) have scared AE firms away their own BIM projects soon. China’s pri-
who was principal of an architectural firm from learning about and practicing BIM. vate developers are showing a strong in-
in Beijing, told me that BIM software was Even so, there are many design firms that terest in using BIM in both the design
not good for schematic design so they have set up BIM studios and groups, and and construction phases. And some com-
wouldn’t be using it. some have tested BIM on portions of their mercial developers have paid attention to
The only person who knew the term projects. what BIM is accomplishing through the
was Mr. Wei, the CEO of a large scale AE life cycle of the buildings.
firm in Beijing—one of the few companies Contractors’ BIM
you could find in China that had put BIM While 3D/BIM tools were used by de- Government’s role
implementation in their vision. He was signers and contractors on those previ- In 2012, China’s government released
planning to get training on BIM software, ously-mentioned Olympic projects, the the 12th Five-Year Plan, which included
so I strongly encouraged him to pay more widespread use of BIM in construction BIM-related issues and topics. The indus-
attention to BIM and to try it out on real has not been seen. However, some pio- try has shown a strong passion on all re-
projects. neers have started to practice on large lated areas, including the study of China’s
scale projects. BIM standards. In early 2012, the Minis-
Warming up with discussions, The first well-known project is the try of Housing and Rural Urban Develop-
conferences Shanghai Tower, designed by Gensler. ment, China launched several BIM-related
One day in 2010, I ran across a bunch They worked with a local design institute national standards programs. Dozens of
of discussions about BIM on a couple of in Shanghai. I don’t know why the own- research institutes, design firms, contrac-
Chinese websites. This was unheard of be- er of the Shanghai Tower only asked the tors, software vendors and universities
fore—it was impossible to find BIM infor- general contractor to include BIM prac- have joined these projects. They are look-
mation on Chinese websites. It was like tices during the construction phase. Nei- ing to achieve some results by the middle
the light turned green overnight. ther the owner of the project, nor the of 2013.
I was excited to explore the discussions general contractor, was clear about what I have also heard that some local gov-
and sometimes I joined in. However, the should be included in the BIM but Dr. ernments have started to think about
more I read, the more worries I had. There Bian, the general contractor’s BIM direc- some kind of incentives for BIM projects
were some misleading concepts on the tor on the project, has stated that after a and compensations for BIM training pro-
discussion boards and some translations couple of years of experience, he is now grams. Some others are thinking of requir-
were not correct. very confident about using BIM on future ing some level of BIM use on a project’s
I don’t think anyone knows why BIM projects. design and construction phases.
became popular in 2010 but I am sure Even though they started their BIM
those websites were a key factor in spread- journey with, what I call, an inappropri- BIM in academic
ing the information. Some large insti- ate start for the size and complexity of The first school that offered BIM soft-
tutes also hosted BIM conferences, which the project, it still pushed the start button ware courses was a small architectural

Fall 2012 27
school in Beijing. They started teaching
BIM in 2007 and the first-year students
have already graduated. Since then, many
other schools have started to offer some
kind of BIM software course. In 2012, at
least one school started a masters for BIM.

International exchange
Many design firms (most design firms
are AE firms in China) are hesitant to im-
plement BIM in their work processes. One
main reason is that the current BIM tools
are not compatible with Chinese regula-
tions or standards. The other reason is that
the Chinese version of the BIM software’s
terms, menus and help files are poorly
translated, so it’s very hard for people to
learn the tools.

Three years ago, BIM

wasn’t heard of in China.
Now there have been
achievements using it.
A major challenge is that most design
firms are hesitant to practice on real pro-
jects so they often set up a BIM studio/
group and let BIM guys work in parallel
with the project’s teams. As a result, the
project will have a BIM model but the pro-
ject’s team will have had very limited ex-
posure to BIM. Worse yet, this practice will
often bring more costs to the project, since
the BIM teams’ efforts will add extra cost
and may not contribute much savings.
Another challenge is that almost all of
the BIM modeling tools for design profes-
sionals are imported. Users compare the
inefficient BIM software with the “turbo-
charged” Chinese CAD software and BIM
doesn’t come out on top.

Three years ago, BIM wasn’t heard of
in China. Now there have been achieve-
ments using it. The most challenging issue
that Chinese users are facing is not tech-
nology but the recognition of the benefits
that BIM would bring to us. I believe Chi-
na is headed in this direction.  n

Xin Wang is with AXTWO Internation-

al LLC, a company which provides compre-
hensive BIM solutions for building designers,
engineers, contractors and owners, as well as
facility managers.

28 Journal of Building Information Modeling

News and Updates

BIM in the United Kingdom

By Nicholas Nisbet

In the spring edition of the Journal of Building Enterprises, Autodesk and the University of Bath, or the IMPACT
Information Modeling, I covered the building information program (Integrated Material Profile And Costing Tool), from
modeling (BIM) strategy employed by the government of BRE Global and Integrated Environmental Solutions, may be
the United Kingdom (UK). Now, a year after the strategy was needed to make these ideas accessible.
launched, I will take a look at the implementation. Eight, the much talked-about BIM mandate is being rolled
The UK government’s construction strategy covers far more out through a series of pilot projects. The first is for the build-
than just BIM or “shared structured information,” as we prefer to ing of new prison facilities at Cookham Wood, Kent. The project
say. It is built on the premise that Central Government must be was already well underway when the design team agreed to pro-
a better client. This intention has been developed into eight are- duce a Construction Operations Building information exchange
as of focus: (COBie) at the end of the design development stage. A draft CO-
One, to publish the government’s planned construction pipe- Bie requirement was produced and a simple example worked
line—no, it is not a conduit for hot air but a pledge to make sure up to guide the team, who were soon publishing their own guid-
the industry can see the type and scale of projects that may be ance on this “drop.” The team used a version of the Autodesk
available in the near future. Initially, the information provided Revit COBie add-on and it rapidly became apparent that there
was too scant but it has improved and whilst there can be no cer- was a need for more skill and accuracy in both the design team
tainty, it has been rated a simple but effective success. and the tools. The COBie was included in the tender documents
Two, to develop core competencies of client-related skills and all of the contracting consortiums within the framework suc-
within Whitehall [Whitehall refers to the overall British govern- cessfully submitted their bids along with their response to the
mental administration]. This involves being more consistent and design in COBie files. The tender assessment team used both
sophisticated in contractual methods. As with any learning pro- manual inspection and some automatic reports to assess the CO-
gram, this will take time to bear fruit. Bie submissions as part of the design criteria. The contract has
Three, to exploit cost benchmarking. While seven spending now been awarded and we look forward to seeing the next “drop”
departments have published their cost benchmarks, the empha- before the year end. Handover will occur in 2013. We are now
sis on comparing cost, carbon and value (both in capital and life collating the lessons learned and updating the guidance (www.
cycle terms) should act as a call to arms for the deployment of Meanwhile, the second pilot
consistent standards across the industry. The institutions have is introducing COBie just prior to handover and a third, which is
yet to respond in a coherent manner. As the early-stage design a refurbishment, is just starting out.
pilot projects get underway, we can hope to see some results.
Four, to promote efficiency and make the workload more The UK government’s construction
accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises. This work strategy covers far more than just BIM
stream has focused on introducing project bank accounts that
give greater transparency for the dispersal of funds and reduce or “shared structured information,”
the pressure on subcontractors from delayed cash flow. This is as we prefer to say. It is built on the
being complemented by the adoption of a standard pre-quali-
fication questionnaire (called PAS-91) so that this aspect of the
premise that Central Government
overhead of tendering is reduced. The Highways Agency is lead- must be a better client.
ing this roll-out.
Five, to exploit frameworks (shortlists of pre-approved ten- So, is the strategy working? Yes, in spite of the recession, or
derers) that should encourage construction sector innovation, perhaps because of it, the industry has shown that it can respond.
collaboration and business improvement. On July 2, 2012, the government and the journal, Building, co-
Six, to examine new procurement methods. Three new routes hosted a one-day conference. In their assessments, the journalists
have been defined and are being trialed. analyzed the workstreams and gave the BIM workstreams an
Seven, to address whole life costing and carbon. This program exciting 9 out of 10. The Minister in charge, Francis Maude,
has had its tribulations, as have all “green” initiatives at a time included BIM when he applauded the fundamental change. It
of recession. The lack of reliable back-history of data means that even got a mention on the BBC evening news. n
most assessments have to be done from first principals, which is
costly. A new generation of applications—such as iCIM, which is Nicholas Nisbet is the Technical Coordinator for the
an interoperable Carbon Information Modelling tool from AEC3, buildingSMART UKI chapter and a member of the buildingSMART
the University of Northumbria, BSRIA, Faithful and Gould, RIBA model support group.

Fall 2012 29
Continued from page 22 exists. Although the premium may only be $20 or $30 per ton,
provided a clear way to depict the exchange of information over this is a substantial variable on a 10,000-ton project.
time and what goes into the BIM model. Some of the benefits are:
• It is a clear visual display of how the information flows; Improve BIM with Organizational Learning
• It collects and disseminates information to the right people at Very early in the project, the IPDT realized the need to
the right time; collectively develop a BIM Execution Plan that would define
• It serves as a common language for all participants; and the framework, deliverables and work flows. The result is a
• It helps to manage interfaces between disciplines and trades. project-specific standard operating procedure (SOP) manu-
al for all elements of the BIM toolset. Due to the size and du-
Enrich BIM with Profound Knowledge ration of the project, the team also recognized that there will
from Trade Contractors be changes in processes, hardware and software over its life
The IPDT has strived to build trade knowledge into design cycle.
models. The team focused on optimizing the design by pull- The execution plan and process maps are the basis of contin-
ing the high-quality information from the supply chain. Fol- uous improvement because they outline the BIM workflow. To
lowing are two examples of how the structural BIM model is engage all key players and promote group discussions, the IPDT
enriched thru the collaboration between the structural engi- came together regularly at “plus/delta” sessions to discuss what
neer, Degenkolb Engineers, and the steel fabricator, The Her- worked (plus) and what can be improved (delta).
rick Corporation:
1. The automated bill of materials (BoM) allowed the team to Conclusion
identify and quantify constraints on material availability. By Our industry is going through a fundamental transforma-
overlaying the BoM with rolling schedules from foreign and tion and Sutter Health and the CHH team chose to embrace
domestic mills, Herrick Corporation segregated and priced this. The result was the creation of a collaborative and inno-
the materials based on source. vative project team, which became a high-performing team
2. Degenkolb Engineers “tagged” structural elements in the through the implementation of a collaborative delivery pro-
structural design model by system (gravity and lateral) to cess and BIM technologies. n
identify those structural elements that require supplemental
seismic provisions, such as impact testing and special weld in- Baris Lostuvali is the Senior Project Manager, of the Cathe-
spection, from gravity elements, where no such requirement dral Hill Hospital Project. Reach him at at blostuvali@herrero.
com. Michelle Hofmann is a VDC Specialist on the Cathedral Hill
Hospital Project. Reach her at

Buyer’s Guide
Architectural and Engineering BIM/Model Checking
Firms and Analysis
ACAI Technologies, Inc...................9 Solibri LLC..................................OBC

BIM Consulting and

Implementation Construction Productivity
Kristine Fallon Software
Associates, Inc............................30 Constructivity................................14
Microsol Resources
Corporation..................................24 Design Innovation Services
and Consulting
BIM Object Libraries and
Systems New Tapestry LLC.........................26
HVAC Specialists
BIM Software Cadvantage Drafting Service........26
CAD Masters, Inc.............................4
Leading Multi Disciplinary
Design Data, Inc...............................6
Graphisoft.....................................IFC BIM Solutions
Green BIM......................................17 Bentley Systems, Incorporated.......3

BIM Software, Consultants National Construction

and Implementation Associations
Kelar Pacific LLC............................19
American Institute of Steel

BIM, Training and Construction..................................8

Consulting Associated General
Eppstein Uhen Architects.............15 Contractors............................... IBC

30 Journal of Building Information Modeling

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