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Benchmark – Adverse Situations

Benchmark – Adverse Situations

Danielle Rex

COE Grand Canyon University

EAD 536

Instructor (for student papers)

Benchmark – Adverse Situations

Management and operations

To ensure students' and staff's safety, a few concerns and decisions need to be considered.

Heat-related illnesses increase in severity as the heat increases and as we go without air for

longer periods of time. The process of making a decision will require some information to be

gathered. Is it possible to restore the air conditioning before the temperatures rise too high during

the midday heat? If we are unable to determine how warm it will become and the air cannot be

restored within an hour, then a decision must be made. Since noon has passed, I must also decide

whether it is worth sending students by bus to another location. Also, students need to be

relocated to areas with working air outside their classrooms or to other locations with working

air. When that is not possible, we need to determine how long it will take to fix the air before the

school reopens.


Keeping parents, district personnel, and teachers informed outside the building is one of

my responsibilities as an administrator. It will be necessary for me to speak with district

personnel before I can effectively communicate. Information about the current situation needs to

be shared with the Superintendent. You need to decide what you will do before you can make an

informed decision. Communicating clearly and informingly with teachers and staff is also

necessary to keep everyone on the same page. Staying prepared regardless of what decision is

made depends on effective communication prior to the situation and throughout the process. In

the event of an early departure or a change of location, teachers will assist parents in

communicating via email and reverse text messaging.

Benchmark – Adverse Situations

In the event that we decide to move sites, it will be very important to maintain

communication with human resources since they will play an important role in making this

decision possible. If we are forced to relocate off-site, they will assist in contacting other schools.

The costs associated with relocating students will also be determined by whether or not the cost

to fix the air alone will be greater than the cost of relocating students. Technology teachers will

be involved in the decision-making process. The teacher will be useful in contacting parents by

email or telephone as part of the final process. The cost of air conditioner repair should also be

discussed with a business administrator. Calculate how much the school might lose if students

miss school for a long period of time.

Student and employee safety and welfare

Typically, educational administrators place the primary emphasis on the success of their

students. In this scenario, the safety and well-being of our students and staff members must

always take precedence. Whenever possible, we must always place the needs of our students first

in our decisions, placing their best interests above all others.

For this reason, communication with the district administrators is important before

making any decisions so that mutual decisions can be reached. Maintaining constant

communication with the maintenance staff is essential to ensuring their safety as well as the

expected timeframe for repairing the air conditioner. As a result of our compliance with state

laws, we need to meet the safety needs of all students as soon as possible.

Cooperation between faculty and community

Collaborative efforts are extremely important, especially in emergency situations. The

creation of a collaborative environment within a school is a key factor in ensuring its success.

The fact that schools communicate with each other is also a key component of today's
Benchmark – Adverse Situations

educational strategy. The school and students may benefit from community resources in these

situations. The school, students, families, and community at large all benefit from establishing

partnerships with high-risk communities (Harvey & Sanders). Employees will be able to contact

local organizations or businesses for assistance with resources more easily through an effective

community collaboration program. Students can continue learning throughout the day or even

the rest of the week with these resources. Their help may include providing alternate locations,

bottled water, ice, or even fans.

In addition, we will be able to find contractors who can assist us in repairing or replacing

the air conditioning. Our school, students, and families benefit from forming relationships with

the community and forming partnerships. A number of stakeholder groups include our

community, as well as key members of our organization.

Reasons for the solution

During the summer months, heat and high temperatures can create health problems for

students and staff in buildings without proper air conditioning in Arizona. It was not a concern

whether students would remain in the building, but the speed at which air can be restored inside

the building is one factor we will need to consider in this situation. Is it possible to move

students to another part of the building without causing any problems? It is costly and

organizationally challenging to move them all together.

In addition, we should think about sending students home if necessary. This depends on

how well we can communicate this to the staff and parents in advance so they can pick up their

children. The following days will be critical in determining whether students can enter the

buildings at all. In the 2016-2017 school year, districts across the country faced these issues. I

make sure that I communicate effectively with district administrators, teachers, and staff in order
Benchmark – Adverse Situations

to make an informed decision. Schools from Detroit to Los Angeles had heat-related closures"

(Brown). It is my responsibility as an administrator to ensure the safety of my staff and students.

The students will be transferred to a part of the building, such as the gymnasium, where they can

be held until the entire class is dismissed. In light of rising temperatures and non-working air

conditioners, teachers will be instructed to contact parents and arrange student pickup as soon as

possible. Parents and the community will need to be informed that the school will be closed for

the remainder of the day. Due to the weather conditions, students will be staying home the next

day, so a remote learning announcement must be made. The school will be able to restore air

conditioning service after this course of action has been taken.

Benchmark – Adverse Situations


Brown, J. (n.d.). Air Conditioning in schools – is it essential for learning?. HVAC.

Harvey, A., & Sanders, M. (n.d.). Beyond the school walls: A case study of principal

leadership for ...


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