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MY SCHOOL MY FUTURE Im going to school, Im building my future

My School My Future Project March-December 2010 Activities Technical Final Report


Project Name Project Partners My School My Future ING Bank, Community Volunteers Foundation, Istanbul Bilgi University Childrens Studies Unit Financial Supporters Project Initiation Date Report Date Range 15.03.2010 - 07.12..2010 15.03.2010 ING Bank, Western Union

My School My Future Pilot Project is an education project that intends to promote school attendance and prevent students from dropping out before graduation.

Statistics have shown that schooling rate has not yet reached 100% in eight year primary school education in Turkey, which has been a legal obligation. My School My Future Pilot Project basically aims to encourage primary education level children to attend school and not to drop out before graduation.

Non-attendance is an important problem in Turkey. It also brings along dropping out of school. The rate of dropouts is 2.6% among all students in Turkey. The most common reasons for nonattendances are academic failure, exclusion from society, inability to get accustomed to school and the bad financial situation of the parents. To envision the seriousness of non- attendance in Turkey, we can have a look at the rates of non-attendance in some cities: 19% in Ar, 16% in anlurfa, 8% in Batman and 6% in Edirne.

My School My Future Pilot Project aims to support the students for school attendance while dealing with the problem of non-attendance in three ways. Those are: giving curriculum support in order to keep the students from distancing themselves from the school because of being unsuccessful; facilitating social activities to help them discover their talents and express their preferences while

making school more attractive and fun; organizing activities to raise awareness of parents and public of the importance of attendance.

Thanks to the project partners, Istanbul Bilgi University Childrens Studies Unit (OA) and Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) , My School My Future Pilot Project directly and indirectly reached out to 928 children and 465 parents in the activities done in the three month period between March-July 2010. In this period, 117 young Community Volunteers worked in the project activities. Within the scope of the work field, TOG, in the pilot term of My School My Future project; Gave academic and social activities support in five different cities, Contributed in implementing painting workshops and arranged end of term, Contributed in strengthening young peoples personalities and increased their benefit to the society, Arranged alternative techniques training. Within the scope of the work field, OA, in the pilot term of the My School My Future Project; Implemented My School My Future-Working With Children Trainings to strengthen Community Volunteers Youth and ING Bank volunteers skills on working with children, Created social advertisement and documentaries in order to increase consciousness and sensibility on attendance to school, For the creation of social advertisements and documentaries, implementing painting workshops that aim to underline the importance of school for children in the participant schools, Carried out the cooperation and dialogue practices with the institutions and corporations that are active on the issue of regular school attendance. In My School My Future project, ING Bank Turkey Headquarters and branch offices in five cities: Worked to raise a sense of social responsibility in ING Bank employees, Encouraged local employees to volunteer actively, Got into contact with children and teenagers individually during the project period, Pioneered volunteering in a social responsibility project actively and institutionally.

Project Cities Edirne, stanbul, Dzce, Tokat and Malatya

Community Volunteers Organizations Involved Trakya University, Mimar Sinan University, Dzce University, Gaziosmanpaa University, nn University.

Project Schools Edine: Cumhuriyet lkretim Okulu stanbul: Cevrikalfa lkretim Okulu Dzce: amky lkretim Okulu Tokat: amlbel lkretim Okulu Malatya: ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz lkretim Okulu

Target Group 6th, 7th and 8th grade students of the project schools, The parents of the students who participate in the project activities, Young Social Volunteers (in the 17 to 25 age group) who participate in the project, And the local community and the public in general who follow the activities.

Project Purposes My School My Future project promotes school attendance among the 6th, 7th and 8th grade project students in three ways: Giving curriculum support to help them get better grades at school, Organizing social activities to enable them to express what they want and need in order to continue with their studies, Organizing activities to raise awareness of the parents. The goals that we have in mind to reach in order to attain our main goals: Increasing success by giving curriculum support (in Mathematics, Turkish Language, Science) along with the alternative activities that encourage students to actively participate. Helping students to get to know the fields that they can develop their skills in (drama, dancing, painting, graffiti, music, rhythm, poetry, chess, and sports) and creating fields in which they can discover their talents.

Developing conceptions of democracy and tolerance among students. Informing the students of their rights as children and students and strengthening them to defend these rights. Facilitating the support and participation of the parents and the local public for the project. Raising awareness of the parents in relation to the contribution of the school to the future success of the students. Reaching out to 150 students from each of the five project schools to benefit from the project. Contributing to self development of 75 young volunteers from 5 Community Volunteers organizations.

Project Partners Ministry of Education ING Bank Management and employees ING Group

Expected Outcomes At least 150 children from each project school will be provided with curriculum support. At least 250 children in total will play Rengrenk1 game. At least 250 children in total will play Sz Kn2 game. At least 150 children will participate in the Life Skills Training. At least 100 children will participate in Community Volunteers painting workshops There will be trainings about working with children and children rights with the participation of the 75 young volunteers. With the help of these trainings, the young volunteers will learn how to work with children and children rights. An Alternative Techniques Guidebook will be prepared in the future periods of the project. There will be End of the Term Festivals in 5 project schools at the end of the academic year. In these festivals, the project will be able to reach out to at least 200 students, school managements and parents apart from the students who have already participated in the project. Children Studies Unit will shoot a short documentary film in order to raise awareness in both children and parents and a social advertisement film to be used in various communication

1 2

Rengrenk means flamboyant, colourful. Sz Kn means it is the youngsters turn to speak up.

channels in order to inform the public about the project. These two films will be used in the following terms of the project: At least 15 young volunteers from the project groups that are matched with one school will work voluntarily in one social responsibility project. By the time the pilot term is over, at least 75 young volunteers will have worked in My School My Future Project. Young volunteers will be the ones to raise some of the funds for the project activities using the local resources. Thanks to the project, at the end of the pilot term, at least 1250 people will directly or indirectly be informed about My School My Future project. The project will encourage the ING Bank employees to be sensitive about the needs of the society they live in by raising their sense of social responsibility Monitoring and Evaluation Dr. Ekrem Dzen from Sabanc University Personal Development Center developed criteria for monitoring and evaluation in the first term of the Voluntary Support for Education Project. Monitoring and evaluation work were done according to those criteria, after Umur Gke revised the scheme of the work by taking the purposes of the project into consideration. After the revision, it was decided that the methods of monitoring and evaluation would be conduction of prequestionnaire, formative questionnaire, and complementary questionnaire and meetings with school principals, teachers and children.

Evaluation Meeting Evaluation meeting was held at the end of the first half of pilot term of the project. The venue and the program of the meeting were determined according to the needs and the progression of the project. Two young people from each of the project organizations participated in this meeting. The feedback from the Young Community Volunteers and ING Bank volunteers were utilized in the planning process of the following steps of the project. Umur Gke supervised and evaluated the project and participated in the evaluation meeting.


In the 5 project cities, in total, 117 Young Community Volunteers, 28 ING Bank volunteers and 575 children participated in the project. The numbers of the Young Community Volunteers that participated in the project were nearly the same for each project city. The number of the ING Bank

volunteers was highest in Edirne. In the other cities, there were 3 volunteers from ING Bank on average. The number of participants differed according to the number of the students that each school has.

Table 1: Numbers of Participants of My School My Future Project per city


Table 6: Participants of My School My Future Project (October-November)



Table 7: Division of support according to weeks and provinces (March-November)

WEEKS 19-26 March 26 March - 2 April 2-9 April EDRNE STANBUL Training Training Training Lesson Social Training Training Training Training Training Training Training DZCE TOKAT MALATYA

9-16 April 16-23 April 23-30 April 30 April - 7 May 7-14 May 14-21 May 21-28 May 28 May- 4 June 4-11 June

Lesson Lesson Social Lesson

Lesson Lesson Social Social

Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Social

Social Social Social Lesson Social Lesson Lesson Social Lesson Lesson Lesson Social Social Social Social Lesson Social Lesson Lesson

Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson

Lesson Lesson Lesson Social Social Social

27 Sept-3 Oct 4-10 Sept 11-17 Sept 18-24 Sept 25-31 Sept 1-7 Sept 8-14 Sept 22-28 Nov Total hour: 10 6 22 20 Lesson Publicity School visit Meeting Lesson Social Social Social Social Vacation Vacation SACRIFICE HOLIDAY Lesson 16 Social 12 Vacation Vacation 16 12 30 14 Lesson Lesson Social Social Publicity School visit School Publicity visit Lesson Social Lesson Lesson Lesson Social Ders Social School visit Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Social Social Social Social

Vacation Vacation

Since the attendance level on average is 3 days a week in stanbul, the number boxes referring to the curriculum and social activities support were multiplied by three. For the other cities, the number of boxes was multiplied by two. Left column shows the hours spent for curriculum support and the one on the right shows the hours spent for social activities support. The amount of hours below each city is calculated according to these data.

SCALE Final Terms of Universities Social Activities Support My School My Future Project Curriculum Support Hours spent in total for the activities


In the pilot term of My School My Future Project there were these activities respectively: working with children and children rights training, curriculum support and social activities support, painting workshops, alternative techniques training, end of the term festivals and monitoring and evaluation meeting. The timetable for activities is shown below.

Table 6: My School My Future Project Activities (March November)

March April Working with children and children rights training Curriculum support and social activities support Painting Workshops Alternative techniques training End of the term festivals ING Bank volunteering training Documentary displays May June Sep Oct Nov Dec


In My School My Future project, between March 20th and May 4th, Istanbul Bilgi University Childrens Studies Unit held training for the local organizations of Community Volunteers and local ING Bank employees in order to inform them about the principles of working with children and children rights based approach. The participants of these training were Mimar Sinan University from stanbul, Trakya University from Edirne, Dzce University from Dzce, nn University from Malatya and Gazi Osman Paa University from Tokat and also local organizations of Community Volunteers and local ING Bank employees.

The purposes of the training To make the Project volunteers embrace My School My Future project. To inform the project volunteers who will meet the children and work with them in social activities, curriculum support and life skills trainings about the principles of working with children and the children rights based approach. To allocate volunteers some materials by which they can talk about the rights of children with children themselves and informing the volunteers about the rights of children (Sz Kn and Rengrenk Games) To ensure that ING Bank, Community Volunteers organizations and My School My Future Project volunteers act in unity after the training.

A two day training program was prepared according to the purposes stated above. Melda Akba, Gzde Durmu, Zeynep Kl and Ferhat Mahir akaloz, 4 teachers, participated in these training sessions as instructors in the name of Children Studies Unit. The feedback from the training and evaluation meeting has provided important data for the future terms of My School My Future Project. The education program and the timing of the trainings for the following years will be shaped according to these data.

Table 6: The dates and participant numbers of Children Studies Unit trainings
Number of Young Community Volunteers 15 and 14 12 and 10 18 and 16 22 and 19 16 and 11 Number of ING Bank Volunteers 3 and 2 0 0 6 and 6 4 and 0

City Edirne stanbul Dzce Tokat Malatya

Dates March 27th-28th March 20th-21st March 27th-28th April 3rd4th April 3rd4th

N.B.: The participant numbers are the numbers of the participants coming on the first and second days of the training.

Edirne Working with children training was held with the participation of Community Volunteers organization of Trakya University and ING Bank Edirne Branch Office volunteers on March 27th and 28th 2010. There were eighteen participant volunteers in each of the two training sessions. The instructors were Zeynep Kl and Gzde Durmu. The first training session was held in seminar hall of the Trakya University Balkan Campus Central Library, the second session was held in Aye Kadn, Youth Education Center.

Observations about the Training: In the first session there were 3 ING Bank volunteers. However, the second day, the number increased to 4. ING Bank volunteers and Community Volunteers of Trakya were enthusiastic about the project, which led to cohesion. All of the participants joined in the exercises with enthusiasm. The training sessions were concluded in compliance with the timetable. However, there was a 40 minute delay in the beginning of the session on Sunday, because of the confusion due to the clock shift of daylight saving time system.


Participants Impressions of the Training: Despite the negative expectations and worries, this training was fun for the participants and it changed the perception of children in their minds. In the training, the participants learned how to regard children as individuals and they also learned and practiced working in groups.

Participants Impressions of the Project: The participants were open to all the information that the training provided. They knew about the project in detail when the training sessions started as they got the project guidebook in advance. After the training, the participants were clear about the project. Before the training, the instructors relieved participants worries about the project and working with children. Generally they were all excited by the project and they want to be efficient in it.

Instructors and Community Volunteers Impressions of the Training and the Project: For the project, the program which was revised after the training was applied and there was no problem with time management and project program. With the help of the short films, the participants had the chance to revise the subjects that they discussed in the training. The participants were informed about Community Volunteers and ING Bank in more detail. The participants were reassured about the sustainability of My School My Future Project.

Participants of the Working with Children and Children Rights Training in Edirne


stanbul Working with Children training of stanbul was held in Bilgi University Santral stanbul Campus on March 20-21, 2010. The participants of the training were Mimar Sinan University Community Volunteers. Ferhat Mahir akaloz, Gzde Durmu and Melda Akba were the instructors of the training. On the first day there were 12 participants and on the second day there were 10 participants.

Observations about the training: Of the 21 expected participants from Mimar Sinan University Community Volunteers Group, there were 12 participants present on the first, and 10 participants present on the second day. It was decided that the present participants would inform the others that missed the training. The participants gave positive feedback, they stated that the training was full of energy and it was fun. However, the participants also stated that this two day training had a heavy schedule and it was tiring. Therefore the second day program was changed and Sz Kn Game was postponed to another project meeting of MSU Community Volunteers considering that there were more points that the participants wanted to talk, share and discuss about the principles of working with children and that it was always easy to reach the group for organizing a session.

Participants Impression of the Training: For the participants, the training made the project understandable. It was not formal and it attracted attention to the various subjects that are not discussed often. It taught the participants how to be patient, manage crises and how to empathize. It changed the approach of the participants to children.

Participants Impressions of the Project: They did not ask questions about the project in detail. The participants knew about the project as they received the project guidebook in advance. With the help of the training they were clearer about the project. The participants were worried about working with children. However, they got over these worries that they had before the training. They were generally very excited about the project and they were eager to be efficient in it.

Instructors and Community Volunteers Impressions of the Training and the Project: After this pilot training, the instructors decided to hold a meeting about the timing and the content of the project. Participants were a little worried because of the fact that this is a pilot project (that it might not continue in the future) and that the children in their school were more active than normal. The instructors think that they can get over these worries in the course of time.


A photo taken in stanbul Working With Children and Children Rights Training Dzce Working With Chidren Training was held in Chamber of Pharmacists of Dzce in March 27th and 28th of 2010. Ferhat Mahir akaloz and Melda Akba were the instructors in the training. On the first day of the training, there were 18 participants from Dzce University Community Volunteers organization and on the second day, this number decreased to 16.

Observations about the Training: Of the 23 expected participants from Community Volunteers, there were 18 participants on the first and 16 participants on the second day. (One participant came very late, near the end of the training session.) There were not any participants from ING Bank. The participants were enthusiastic about the project as it was the first project that they had participated in. A team spirit was soon developed as the group came together for their first project. The participants stated that they found the training session fun, but tiring. In the training sessions, all the subjects in the program were covered, even if there were some problems with complying with the timetable. Because the sessions took longer than planned, the group decided to have longer breaks, including the lunch break.

Participants Impressions of the Training: It was an enjoyable and different training which attracted attention to the subjects that are not commonly discussed. In the training it was emphasised that everyone learns in a different way. According to the participants, the training helped them change their approach towards children.


Participants Impressions of the Project: The participants did not ask any questions about the project in detail. They knew about the project in detail as they got their project guidebooks in advance. After the training, there werent any unclear points left. Before the training, the project group helped the participants to be comfortable with the idea of working with children. The participants were generally very excited about the project and they wanted to be efficient in it.

Instructors and Community Volunteers Impressions of Training and Project: For Dzce, the training program was the one that was revised after the training sessions in stanbul. The training in Dzce was very successful. The short films helped the participants to revise the important points. The participants had the chance to learn about Community Volunteers and ING Bank a little bit more. With the help of this training, the project group and participants of the training were reassured that My School My Future project would continue in the future. They got more and more confident about the content and purposes of the project.

A photo taken in the training in Dzce

Tokat Working with Children training was held on April 3-4, 2010 in the meeting hall of the Grand Gm Hotel in Tokat. From Gazi Osman Paa University Community Volunteers organization, there were 28 participants on the first and 25 participants on the second day session of the training.


Observations about the Training: On the first day of the training there were 22 and on the second day, there were 19 participants from Gaziosmanpaa University Community Volunteers Organization. Of the ING Bank volunteers, there were 6 participants on each day of the training. On the first day, ING Bank Tokat branch manager and employees and also Amasya branch manager Orhan Bey participated in the training. On the second day the participants from ING Bank were not the ones who participated on the first day. During the presentation, on the part where ING Bank was introduced, ING Bank employees told that they were there as volunteers. However, local ING Bank employees did not know about the project. At the end of the day, ING Bank volunteers and Community Volunteers Organization had a meeting to discuss about how to establish coordination. The participants stated that the short films were very helpful. Some participants were dissappointed because of the lack of creative drama and role playing in the program.

Participants Impressions of the Training: The participants stated that, the training was enjoyable and exciting and taught how to work as a group. They said that the training changed the way they perceive children and it taught them how to approach them more consciously.

Participants Impressions of the Project: The participants were open to all information that the training offered in order to be more efficient during the project activities. Before the training, the participants were relieved of their worries. They were generally very excited about the project.

Instructors and Community

Volunteers Impressions of the Training and Project: Ovayurt

lkretim Okulu, which was chosen as the pilot school, is the only primary school in the village Ovayurt and there arent any students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade. The students go to another school in a village far away from their own village for the higher grades of the primary education. Therefore, a decision regarding school change will be taken after consulting ING Bank. Because the participant number was over 20, which was the expected number, not every participant had the chance to participate enough in the discussions. Before continuing the project next year, there should be a different training period for the local ING Bank employees in order to inform them about the project so that they participate more in the next project. The positive attitude of the ING Bank employees and the collaboration of Community Volunteers organization with ING Bank employees contributed greatly both to the training and the project.


A photo taken in the training in Tokat.

Malatya The training for the volunteers of Malatya was held in ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz lkretim Okulu in Melek Baba district on April 3rd and 4th. Of the Community Volunteers Organization of nn University and ING Bank Malatya Branch Office Volunteers, there were 20 participants on the first and 11 participants on the second day of the training. Ferhat Mahir akaloz and Gzde Durmu were the instructors of the training.

Observations about the Training: There were 4 ING Bank volunteers in the sessions that lasted until 4 oclock in the afternoon on the first day of the training. Of the volunteers of nn University, some were late, some did not participate and some left early. On the second day of the training all the participants were the Community Volunteers. Some of them arrived late, and some left early. ING Bank volunteers stated that they were informed about the training very late and they had very little information about the subject. As they did not know the two day obligatory participation rule, they left early. The training on the second day was not efficient because some volunteers had to work with the children and they had to partcipate in the training in the school they would work and they attended the training irregularly. On the second day the games with children were planned to start at 2 oclock in the afternoon. However, as the children arrived school early in the morning, they participated in all the sessions. The children and volunteers played Sz Kn and Rengrenk games, with the help of the instructors. The children participated in the training about the principles of working with children. The participant volunteers later told that they were satisfied to be with children in such training, learning what the children think and discussing the subject with them.


Participants Impressions of the Training: In the training the participants learned that one had to learn the needs and ideas of the children. The training made it easier to work with children and it elaborated the work that has to be done with the children.

Participants Impressions of the Project: Participants were open to all kinds of information and ideas in order to be efficient in the project. Before the training, they were relieved of their worries about working with children. The presence of children in the training helped the volunteers to ease their worries about working with children.

Instructors and Community Volunteers Impressions of the Training and Project: It was noticed that some of the volunteers were very eager to work in the project. However, some of the volunteers were reluctant and were not careful enough about the rules of the training. Because the training was in the school that was chosen as the project school, ING Bank branch manager was introduced to the school principal, the volunteers had the chance to meet the head of the school council and they had the chance to visit the neighborhood. However, there were some disadvantages of this situation. For example; as the project school was far away from the city centre, lunch organization was very difficult. In addition to that, the situation became chaotic as the children participated on Sunday training and one days activities for children couldnt be done.

A photo taken in the training in Malatya



My School My Future Project groups determined a curriculum and social activities support after the trainings that were organized in the project cities. According to the spare time of the principals of the project schools, curriculum and social activity support was given on weekdays in some schools and at the weekend in the others. The project group determined the lessons for which curriculum support was needed. In the table below, we see on which days the project activities were done.

Tablo12: Project days in cities

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Edirne stanbul Dzce Tokat Malatya Friday Saturday Sunday


Preparation and Application of Schedule: After meeting with the school principal, there were some worries about the course program that was strictly followed at school. The school management feared that their own program might be interrupted because of the project. Therefore it was decided that the project program would be applied at the weekend without disturbing the classes in which the school teachers themselves taught. Community Volunteers project group went to school at the weekends. In Edirne Cumhuriyet lkretim Okulu, The curriculum and social activities support was given in these fields: - Geography - Turkish Language - Social Studies - English Language - Origami - Sz Kn Game - Rengrenk Game

Participation in Curriculum and Social Activities Support: In Edirne, a high number of Young Community Volunteers and ING Bank volunteers participated in the project. The project group of Edirne was the only one which prepared the curriculum together. From the very first day on, ING


Bank Edirne branch manager and staff participated in the project activities on a regular basis. They went to the school three weekends per month. The number of the Community Volunteers who participated in the project was high in the beginning. However, this number dropped near the end of the term. The number of the participant children also dropped. The hot weather and the fact that the project started in the second half of the second term made it difficult to inform the people about the project and to attract peoples attention to the project. In total, there were 26 Young Community Volunteers, 13 ING Bank employees and 75 children who participated in the project.


Preparation and Application of Schedule: The project activities were done on the weekdays in stanbul Cevrikalfa lkretim Okulu. The school principal told that participation would be higher on the weekdays. The project group shared the days and the lessons according to the spare hours. Because of the physical condition of the school, among the other social activities, there was less time allocated for sports. Curriculum and social activities support was given in these fields:

Mathematics Science English Language Turkish Language Social Studies Music Dancing Painting Sz Kn Game Rengrenk Game

Participation in the Curriculum and Social Activities Support: In stanbul, Mimar Sinan University had some problems of coordination at the beginning of the project. As they had a very crowded group, this coordination problem did not have adverse affects in the project period. ING Bank joined the project group late. However, after ING Bank volunteers joined the group, they participated in the activities on a regular basis. As the children in stanbul had more options of activities such as the historical sightseeing tours that the school organized. Some of the children were not as enthusiastic about the activities as others since the weather got hotter. In total, 23 Young Community Volunteers, 3 ING Bank volunteers and 60 children participated in the My School My Future proj


Dzce Preparation and Application of Schedule: The school principal in Dzce supported the project while demanding that the project activities should be in line with the activities that are wanted in the school. The principal emphasized that My School My Future project group should support the festival that he wanted to organize at the end of the term. Regarding the intentions of both parts, a program was prepared and the project volunteers went to school on Fridays and Saturdays. In Dzce amky lkretim Okulu, curriculum and social activities support was given in these fields:

English Language Mathematics Science Placement Exam Basketball Volleyball Salsa Dancing Sz Kn Game Rengrenk Game

Participation in the Curriculum and Social activities Support: As My School My Future project was the first project that Dzce University Community Volunteers would participate in, it was very important for the Young Volunteers. Their motivation was high till the end of the term and the coordination among the volunteers was very well established. ING Bank Dzce branch Office employees were not informed about the project. They got to know the Young Community Volunteers very late, especially because they did not participate in the training sessions. The collaboration between the ING Bank volunteers and Young Community Volunteers that began in April continued until the End of the Term Festival. ING Bank volunteers did not participate in the project on a regular basis. amky lkretim Okulu is far away from the city centre. Therefore the activities done in the school were very important for the local community and they participated in the activities. The enthusiasm of the children for the project did not decrease till the end of the term and they attended the activities on a regular basis. 28 young community volunteers, 2 ING Bank volunteers and 80 children participated in the My School My Future Project in Dzce.

Tokat Preparation and Application of Schedule: As Tokat was included in the project later than the other cities, the project started later in Tokat. The schools in the city centre reported that they did not


need curriculum and social activities support. After changing project school twice, the project started finally in the amlbel Primary School in amlbel district of Tokat. The project volunteers went to the school for the curriculum and social activities support at the weekends. The support was given in these fields:

English Language Social Studies Football Volleyball Basketball Sz Kn Game Rengrenk Game.

Participation in the Curriculum and Social Activities Support: My School My Future Project was the first project that the Community Volunteers of the Gaziosmanpaa University had participated in. They were both excited and worried about working with children. ING Bank employees of Tokat participated in the project activities from the beginning to the end. When some problems emerged because of project school change, the project volunteers in Tokat handled those problems themselves as a group. After changing the project school twice, it was Tokat Community Volunteers branch office manager who found amlbel lkretim Okulu for the project. Students of amlbel lkretim Okulu are transported to the school from different villages. Therefore, the fact that the project was applied in this school attracted the children to school and the participant number was very high for Tokat. There were 21 Young Community Volunteers, 6 ING Bank volunteers and 129 children participants in the project.


Preparation and Application of Schedule: Malatya ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz lkretim Okulu management was very enthusiastic about the project. Therefore school management and Community Volunteers embraced the project in this school very quickly. The project started immediately after the training days. My School My Future Project Volunteers went to the school at the weekends. As the school is situated in a neighborhood in which the residents are mostly internal migrants, the project group helped the students for Placement Test. Curriculum and social activities support was given in these fields:


Mathematics Science Social Studies English Language Placement Test Sz Kn Game Rengrenk game

Participation in the Curriculum and Social Activities Support: My School My Future project group of Malatya is a very well organized group which has long years of experience in projects. Therefore the motivation was high all through the project period. ING Bank volunteers did not attend the activities on a regular basis. However, Young Community Volunteers were in contact with each other during this period. As ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz lkretim Okulu has a very high number of students, the number of the participants was accordingly high There were 19 young community volunteers, 4 ING Bank volunteers and 231 children participants in the project.


Painting Workshops Purposes To facilitate an atmosphere where children can realize that school is very important for their lives and futures in a workshop of 20 to 30 participant children. To help them notice that school is not only for education but also for development of social skills. To learn how the children feel about school and why they think it is important. To make them realize that they can express themselves in different ways; through speech or painting/collage.

In order to create documentaries and social advertisements about the lives of the children as outcomes of the project, the workshops were filmed. 94 children in 5 pilot cities participated in those workshops.


Table 13: Dates and participant numbers of painting workshops.

Number of Participant Children 10 8 25 Young Community ING Bank Volunteers Volunteers 4 4 8 4 5 25 2 2 2 3 2 11

City Edirne Dzce Tokat

School Cumhuriyet ..O amky ..O amlbel ..O

Date 5.2.2010 5.9.2010 5.8.2010

stanbul Cevrikalfa ..O

5.16.2010 23

Malatya ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz ..O 5.15.2010 28 Grand Total 94

Documentary Film, Social Advertisement, Internet Exposition and Publication Documentary group members were Tayman Tekin and Arda Erkmen. Melda Akba worked in the workshops to help the process. Workshop program is shown below.

Table 14: Workshop Program 14.00-14.30 Greeting Names and patterns-introduction Talking about the purposes and the program of the workshops. 14.30-15.50 Workshop about the importance of school

Visual association: The children were shown different pictures (rainbow, lighthouse, cloud, flower, library, ball, bird, wheat) and asked to say what came to their mind first when they saw the pictures.
Workshop about the Importance of School- Painting and Collage The children were asked to express their thoughts about the importance of school to each other through painting and collage. 16:00-17:00 Explanation of paintings Documentary & Social Commercial Documentary montage period began in June 2010. The documentary will be used in the following My School My Future project to learn what the children think about the project in the meetings with teachers, parents and children themselves. The social advertisements will be used to raise awareness about the importance of school attendance and to attract the attention of the public. Children Studies Unit prepares the documentary and social advertisement and then it shares the work done with the project partners during the process and gets feedback.


Internet Exposition & Publication

The interviews that were done with children during the workshops have already been deciphered. The photos and quotes from children were sent to the web design agency. The project group will produce another work resembling this one, to present in CD format with the documentary and social advertisement. This work will be distributed to the participant children, volunteers and will be used by the project partners for communication and publicity purposes.


In My School My Future project, it is very important that school is a very attractive place for the children. Giving curriculum support to the unsuccessful children with informal methods and helping them to love the school are some of the basic purposes of the project.

ENKA Okullar (ENKA Schools) is an expert in using alternative techniques in education. It has cooperated with Community Volunteers for a long time. It organized one day training for Young Community Volunteers and one day training for ING Bank volunteers about giving support to children by using alternative techniques. The training program covers informal techniques that help the children learn and have fun at the same time and that aim at active participation of children in the social activities that will follow the curriculum support which will be given by the Young Community Volunteers. The purpose of the training is to teach the young volunteers how to use techniques that help the children learn faster with experimental approach to learning. Alternative activities will involve informal techniques that will help the children learn by doing experiments and practicing the things they learn. These techniques also aim at helping the children participate actively in the learning process.

Alternative techniques training were held in Enka Schools on May 22nd and 23rd 2010. The training instructors were 19 volunteer teachers from Enka Schools. There were 19 Young Community Volunteers and 4 ING Bank volunteers in the training. One problem encountered during the training was the number of the participants. The dates were inappropriate for the volunteers because of their final exams. Therefore the number of participants was low.


Volunteer Teachers in the Alternative techniques Training

Young Community Volunteers and a Teacher in the Alternative Techniques Training


Physical Education Activities in the Alternative Techniques Training

Table 8: Program of the Alternative Techniques Training Saturday May 22

Breakfast Welcoming Presentation of ING Bank and 10:30-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15 ENKA Orientation games Physical Education activities Mathematics activities Lunch Decimal Places Reading activities Usage of technology/Mimo Refreshments Class games arpan zarlar (dices) Non Standard Angle Measures


Sunday May 23 Breakfast 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 13:00-13:45 13:45-14:30 Developing class spirit Music and dancing Creative writing Lunch Artistic activities Artistic activities Refreshments Elektrik sihirbaz (Electric Magician) Brain Gym History

14:45-15:15 15:15-15:45 15:45-16:15

END OF THE TERM FESTIVALS After the first half of the pilot term was over, end of the term festivals were organized respectively in Malatya, Edirne, stanbul, Tokat and Dzce. The aim of the festivals is to inform the children and parents who did not participate in the project and to play the games Sz Kn and Rengrenk that teach the concepts of democracy and children rights. However, it was noticed that festival day was not the right day to play the box games. As the number of children was very high and they preferred to play outside as the weather was nice, the number of the ones that preferred playing box games was low. Instead of games, there were short presentations about the project and the activities that were done. There were 87 young community volunteers and 12 ING Bank volunteers working in the festivals. 928 children and 415 parents participated in the festivals. Suggestions about the future festivals: Timing the festivals on the dates that dont coincide with the final exams of the young volunteers. Doing the festival before the weather is too hot and before the children lose their interest in the school.


Table 15: Dates and Number of Participants for the End of the Term Festivals

Date Edirne stanbul Dzce Tokat Malatya Grand Total 6.6.2010 6.8.2010 6.14.2010 6.13.2010 5.22.2010

Number of Children Participants 48 80 250 100 450 928

Number of Young Number of Community Participant Volunteers Parents 18 10 17 17 25 87 0 15 200 50 200 465

Number of ING Bank Volunteers 4 1 3 2 2 12


Organization of the Festival and Participation: Timing of the festival was a problem for the young volunteers as the festival organization period was just before their final exams at university. A small number of volunteers were present in the organization period. It was difficult to inform the children who had been attending irregularly due to the hot weather. Furthermore, the principal of the school insisted that it would be impossible to deal with the children, so the number of participant children was low. There were 18 young community volunteers, 4 ING Bank volunteers and 488 children in the festival of Edirne Cumhuriyet lkretim Okulu. The program of festival for Edirne is shown below:

Table 16: Program of End of the Term Festival for Edirne Cumhuriyet Primary School.
14:00-14:30 Opening speech Refreshments (fruit juice and 14:45-15:15 pastry) 15:15-15:30 Balloon puncturing game 15:30-16:00 Tug of war 16:00-16:15 Refreshments (fruits) 16:15-16:30 Gift (book) distribution 16:30-17:00 Award ceremony for the games


A photo from the End of the Term Festival of Edirne


Festival Organization and Participation: stanbul Community Volunteers managed time very well during the organization process. As the festival day was very rainy, the outside activities were either cancelled or done inside. There were 80 children, 15 parents, 10 young community volunteers and 1 ING Bank volunteer in the End of the Term Festival of Cevrikalfa lkretim Okulu.

Table 17: Program of the End of the Term Festival of stanbul Cevrikalfa lkretim Okulu
14:00-14:30 Opening speech, presentation Face painting, clown, pop corn and balloon blowing 15:00-15:40 activities 15:45-16:30 Yoghurt competition, gift distribution 16:30-17:00 Cleaning up and getting ready to leave


A photo taken in the End of the Term Festival in stanbul


Organization of Festival and Participation: The End of the Term Festival in Dzce was organized in cooperation with the school administration. It was very well organized and the program was full of activities. As all the activities to be done during the project corresponded to the activity plans of the school administration, the festival was organized as the last activity of the project, in cooperation with the school administration. The volunteer group in Dzce had no problems about time management. The latest festival was done in Dzce amky lkretim Okulu. Therefore, it did not coincide with the final exam dates of the the young volunteers. There were a lot of children and parents participating in the festival. The project school of Dzce is far away from the city centre and the residents of the district are in close contact with each other. So a lot of parents were informed about the festival. There were 250 children, 200 parents, 17 young community volunteers and 2 ING Bank volunteers participating in the festival. Provincial Director of Education, his assistant-director and vice rector of Dzce University participated in the festival. Table 18: Program of the End of the Term Festival of Dzce amky Primary School
15:30-15:40 Opening speech 15:40-16:00 Salsa show 16:00-16:20 Folk music sketch 16:20-17:00 Performance of Turkish Folk Music Group 17:00-17:20 Eggs with spinach (sketch)


17:20-17:40 Rhythm group performance 17:40-18:00 Romany dance show Klasikler Devlet Fasl Grubu (Turkish 18:00-18:30 Classical Music group) performance

A photo taken in the End of the Term Festival of Dzce

Tokat Organization of Festival and Participation: The organization group had some problems because of the festival date as it coincided with the final exam dates. The group was not as crowded as it was in the other cities. As ING Bank Tokat Branch Manager was appointed for a post in another city at the end of the month of May, the young volunteers and ING Bank volunteers had hard time keeping in touch. There was no cooperation during the organization period of the festival. Thanks to the efforts of the school principal and ING Bank volunteers to inform people about the festival, there were 100 children, 10 young community volunteers, 50 parents and 2 ING Bank volunteers participating in the festival. Tokat Jail Warden also participated in the festival.

Table 19: The program of the End of the Term Festival in Tokat
11:30-12:00 Inviting villagers to the festival with a clown 12:00-13:00 Clown show and face painting 13:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:30 Folk dance show and various competitions


A photo taken in the End of the Term Festival in Tokat


Organization of the Festival and Participation: Volunteer group of Malatya was the first to do the End of the Term Festival. As the festival coincided with the alternative techniques training, the number of participants in the training was low. There werent any problems encountered during the organization process as there are a lot of Community Volunteers in Malatya. ING Bank volunteers did not participate in the organization of festival. However, the number of participant children was the highest in Malatya among all other project cities. There were 450 children, 25 young community volunteers, 2 ING Bank volunteers and 200 parents in the festival. There was a special participant in the festival, assistant of Provincial Director for Education, Yahya Yazgan.

Table 20: Program of the End of the Term Festival of Malatya ehit Yzba Hakk Akyz lkretim Okulu.
17:00-17:30 Opening 17:30-18:00 Playing various games with children 18:00-18:30 Folk dance show 18:30-19:00 Music and dancing 19:30-20:00 Singing competition


20:00-20:30 Yoga show 20:30-21:15 Theatrical performance and fireworks Poem performance and My School My Future presentation for the 21:15-21:30 parents 21:30-22:00 Live music performance, dancing and fireworks

Evaluation The evaluation of the training was carried out both verbally and in written. For the written part, the attached formwhich has been designed to take feedback about the trainings technical conditions, content and the trainerswas distributed for the participants to fill out. For the verbal part, each participant one by one was requested to pose for a sculpture that describes how the training was for him/her. The participants were requested to share their last words about the training if they wished to. Their sharings were transformed to a short film by the stop motion method. According to the feedbacks taken from the written forms, the 80% of the participants stated that Welcome and Acquaintance sessions were very good. The 55% of the Garden of Volunteerism sessions participants evaluated it as very good, while the 30% evaluated as good. For the Volunteerism Etimological Viewpoint session, the 85% of the participans evaluated it as very good and good. The second day of the training started with the session of Civil Society. 22 participants out of 24 evaluated the session of Civil Society Presentation as very good or good. The session of Communication with Children was evaluated as very good or good by the 95% of the participants, and the following session called Our Roles while Working with Children was evaluated as very good by 14 participants and good by 7 participants. The evaluations as not bad, bad or very bad were not more than 16% for any of the sessions. About the informing before and during the training, 55% of the participants stated that the informing was very good and good. 45% of the participants evaluated it as not bad, bad or very bad. Although volunteerism training program was shared with the participants in the invitation letters before the training, the training was expected to be more on project activities rather than on volunteerism. This can be explained by the fact that individual expectations of the participants did not correspond to the trainings content. The volunteers that newly acquainted with the project expected the session of informing about the project to be longer. The transport and the place were the most appreciated technical conditions. 100% of the participants stated that the residence was very good or good. The food was evaluated as good by the 70% of the participants. Other questions in the form were about the trainers and the general structure of the training. The80% of the attendants wrote that the attitude of the trainers was sincere, intimate, goodhumuored. They have the same opinion on the fact that the trainers had comprehensive knowledge of their subjects. Five participants indicated that the level of the trainngs content was insufficent and wished there had been more perceptible information (statistics, numeric data, description etc.). Also, it was suggested that the content could have included the other projects that are in the same field.


Santralstanbul, ING Bank Volunteerism Training-Photo en Masse

ORGANIZATION OF MY SCHOOL MY FUTURE PAINTING WORKSHOP DOCUMENTARIES SCREENING The Objective: To share the documentary that has come out of the painting workshops that were carried out in 5 cities on May 2010 with workshop participants, their parents, TOG volunteers, ING Bank volunteers; to create awaraness among the the parents about school attendance within My School My Future; to bring the project into view. The Invitees: The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, their parents, TOG volunteers, ING Bank volunteers, personnels of Provincial Directorates for National Education are expected to attend.

Table 21 : Program of Documentary Screening Organizations

Project presentation Spokespeople Slide show of all the pictures Documentary screening Sharing Opinions with the Participants on the Documentary


*The program is planned to last for 1 hour. Table 22: Dates of Documentary Screening Organizations Cities Dzce stanbul Malatya Edirne Tokat Dates 7.12.2010 10.12.2010 17.12.2010 24.12.2010 19.12.2010

Dzce: The documentary screening organization in Dzce was realized on 7 December 2010 at 15:3016:30. The participation of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students was at high level. 48 children, 1 parent, 10 TOG volunteers, TOG Project Coordinator and Melda Akba from OA attended to the organization. There was no attendance from ING Bank Dzce branch office.

Dzce amky Elementary School My School My Future Documentary Screening

stanbul: The documentary screening organization in stanbul was realized on 10 December 2010 at 15:00-16:00. The 6th, 7the and 8the grade students and their parents were invited. The highest attendance belonged to the 6th grade students. 23 children, 6 parents, 5 TOG volunteers and 1 ING Bank volunteer (from the central office) attended. The project coordinator, Melda Akba from OA and 2 people from BG letiim were in the organization as the project coordination team.


stanbul Cevrikalfa Elematary School My School My Future Documentary Screening

Malatya: The documentary screening organization in Malatya was realized on 17 December 2010 at 15:30-16:30. The 6th, 7the and 8th grade students and their parents were invited to the organization, to which 34 children, 14 parents, 6 TOG volunteers, 2 teachers attended. There was no attendance from ING Bank Malatya branch office. The project coordinator attended.

Malatya ehit Hakk Yzba Akyz Elementary School My School My Future Documentary Screening


Tokat: The documentary screening organization in Tokat was realized on 19 December 2010 at 14:00-15:00. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students were invited to the organization, to which 57 children, 7 parents, 14 TOG volunteers, 4 ING Bank volunteers, 5 teachers and the administrative staff attended. The Project coordinator also attended. The school manager gave certificate of thanks to TOG volunteers and ING Bank volunteers that are in the project coordination because they involved in the project that realized at their school.

Tokat amlbel Elementary School My School My Future Documentary Screening

Edirne: The documentary screening in Edirne was displayed on 24 December 2010 at 15:30-16:30. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students were invited to the organization, to which 40 children and 10 TOG volunteers attended. The Project coordinator also attended. ING Bank volunteers and parents did not attend.


Edirne Cumhuriyet Elementary School My School My Future Documentary Screening

The children who attended to the organization of documentary screening organization said that:
A 7th grade student: Thank you very much for carrying out this documentary screening organization. Thanks very much to ING Bank, my elder sisters ang brothers from TOG and our deputy principal. You made us heard and the project known thanks to the organization. I wish not only at 5 or 10 schools but at all the schools in Turkey were these documentary screening organizations carried out. A parent: After I watched the documentary I understood the importance of school.

An 8th grade student: I understood that there are many students like us. We need to reach to much more students. A 7th grade student: Now I understand Turkish lesson and I am beter at it Am I not, teacher?


Executive Summary
With this evaluation, it is aimed to survey what kind of progresses were made during the pilot period of the project and how much successful it was at this short period in regard to realizing the


objectives. The monitoring and evaluation studies having been carried out for about 9 monthssince the project startedare summarised in this report. These studies have been prepared by taking account of the opinions of the project team and the students that involved in the project. Also, with this report it is aimed to make deductions and proposals for the project to be more effective in its next periods by determining the successes and shortcomings that occurred up to today. Different methods were used for the monitoring and evaluation studies of the pilot period in order to to have more trustworthy results. Data and information collected by school visits, questionnaire studies for the students, focus group discussions with the project volunteers and semi-structured interviews with the school management established main sources for the report to be prepared. In consideration of the data collected, it came up that the biggest expectation of the students from the My School My Future project is to increase their course and SBS (Placement Test) grades. Also, it was highly observed that the students desired to spend their free time more effectively with social activities and they didnt want to drop out of the school but wanted to continue attending to school with successful grades. In all project cities, an increase in the project attendance of the students was observed. The main reasons for this increase were the facts that they could better understand their lessons thanks to the project and the communication between the volunteers and the students was very successful in general. Besides, the students told that the project was very entertaining with the end of term festivals, museum visits, several excursions, music-sport activities and this fact provided their high attendance to the project. On the other side, that almost all the students in the project got higher terminal grades, their great desire to continue attending to school and that they reflected this fact by regularly taking Placement Tests (SBS) indicated that the project accomplished its objective of increasing the students ratio of school attendance in the long term. One of the main suggestions for the next periods of the project is to inform the parents more of the project. Thus, project attendance is expected to increase by the families support and approval. Besides, not to delay the trainings of the volunteers and to make the trainings given by the volunteers to the students and the activities organized more systematical are among the issues that should be taken into consideration for the next periods of the project.


1. Pre -questionnaire for primary school students Date ././.

Ive prepared this questionaire to get to know you better and understand your expectations from the project. It will take 15 minutes to aswer the questions below. You dont need to write your name and your student number. The answers you give here will be confidential between you and me. No one else will learn this information. Thank


1. How old are you?

2. Are you male or female?



3. How many siblings do you have? Are you elder or younger?

Number of siblings .

4. Will you participate in My School My Future project? (or if the activities have started, are you participating?)



4.1. If your answer is yes to the question above, why did you want to participate? (You can choose more than one option)

To learn better in class and to get better grades To make use of my spare time after school To continue my education successfully in the following years Because my friends participate To study with and talk to university students


I get bored at school; I think I will like these activities more Other (please explain)

4.2. If your answer was no to the question above, why didnt you want to participate in the project? (You can mark more than one option) I dont have time. (Please shortly explain why) My grades are already good, I dont think that the project will help me make them better. My parents dont allow me to participate I work after school/at the weekends. Our home is far away from school. I look after my younger sister/brother/another child. I dont think that I will continue my education in the following years. I get bored at school; I dont want to participate in any other activities at school. Other (please explain) .

B. Grades 1. Would you please write down your school report grades or the ones that youve got until now in the blanks below? 6th Grade First Term Turkish Language Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Language 2. Would you please rank the lessons according to their difficulty levels for you? (If Turkish Language is difficult for you, you choose 5, if its easy for you, choose 1. If it is not difficult or easy but somewhere between the two, choose one of 2, 3 or 4 according to the difficulty level for you.) Very Easy Quite easy Neither easy nor difficult Quite difficult Very Dfficult Second Term 7th Grade First Term

Second Term

8th Grade First Term

Second Term

Turkish Language Mathematics Science


Social Studies Foreign Language

3. Do you participate in any social activities or clubs at school? If you do, would you please write about this shortly? (Examples: folk dance, basketball, chess, music)

4. Do you participate in social activities or clubs apart from the ones at school? If you do, would you please write about this shortly?

5. Would you please evaluate the sentences below? (Example: If your relationship with your teachers is fine, then you mark agree which is 4. ) Strongly Disagree Not Agree disagree sure/Neutral Strongly agree

My relationship with teachers is good. Summer holidays are too long for me. I dont think that the things I learn at school will be beneficial for me in the future. I think that there are very few social activities apart from lessons. I am satisfied with my school in general. Sometimes the lessons can be boring. I want my education to continue for a long time.

6. What are the three things that you like about the school? 1. 2. 3.

7. What are the three things that you dont like about school? 1. 2.



8. How often does your parent participate in parent-teacher meetings at school? (Please choose just one option.)

S/he participates in all of them. S/he participates in most of them. S/he participates in some of them. S/he participates in none of them.

9. Does your father or mother work? Only my mother works. Only my father works. Both of my parents work. None of my parents work.

C. Plans about Future

1. Do you think you will go to school next year? Yes No

2. Which level of education do you plan to reach for yourself in the future? (Please mark only one option.)

Secondary School High School University 3. Do you think you will reach your goal? Do you think there can be obstacles on the way? If your answer is yes, what do you think these obstacles might be?

4. Even if the obligatory education lasts eight years, some students dont attend school for eight years. What do you think might be the reason?


(It is possible to mark more than one option.)

Because parents dont allow them to attend Because of financial reasons (Being short of Money) Because of marriage Because they have to work Because education is not necessary Because they move to somewhere else Because they dont like school and they cant get accustomed to the school.

I dont have an idea about this. Thank you very much!

2. Formative Questionnaire for the Primary School Students.

Date: ./././

I prepared this questionnaire to make the My School My Future project better in the following terms. Your ideas about the project will be used for the development of the project. It will take 15 minutes to answer the questions below. You dont need to write down your name or your


school number. Your answers will be confidential between you and me. Thank you for helping me! I have to add, this questionnaire is not an

1. How old are you?

2. Are you male or female?



3. How often did you participate in the training sessions and activities that the project organized? (Please mark only one option.)

I participated in all of them. I participated in more than half of them. I participated in nearly half of them. I participated in less than half of them I participated in only one or two of them.

4. If you havent participated in the training session and activities often, would you please write the reason why you havent? (If youve participated in almost all of them, you may pass this question.)


A. About the project and the Training Sessions 1. Would you please write down the grades that youve got this term in the blanks below?

Second Term Turkish Language Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Language 2. Do you think the curriculum support helped you to get higher grades?



2.1. If your answer was no for the last question, why do you think it didnt help you to get higher grades?

3. Would you please rank the curriculum support youve participated in regarding how satisfied or unsatisfied you were? (Example: If you were very satisfied with Turkish Language lessons, mark 5, if it was you were very dissatisfied,, mark 1. If it is not 1 or 5 but between the two, rank it accordingly. Do the same thing for the other lessons.)

Turkish Language Mathmatics Science Social Studies

Very dissatisfied

Dissatisfied Quite satisfied


Very satisfied


Foreign Language

4. Which lessons would you like to have more in the following years? (Example: Id like more Mathematics lessons.)

5. Would you please evaluate the sentences in the way that suits you most? Do you agree or disagree? (Example: If your relationship with your teachers is not good at all, mark strongly disagree if it is quite good, mark disagree if you are not sure, mark not sure if it is good, mark agree if it is very good, mark strongly agree )

Strongly Not Disagree disagree sure Young volunteers are very enthusiastic about teaching us things. I get on well with young volunteers. Curriculum support is boring sometimes. Sometimes, the young volunteers cannot help us with our questions when they dont know about the subject . I want more social activities with young volunteers. (Example: music, sports activities) The things I learn in the curriculum support hours dont increase my grades/help me be more successful at school. I have hard time understanding what young volunteers explain/teach. I want more curriculum support hours and a wider variety of lessons in curriculum support. 6. Please write the three of the most important things that the project gave you.


Strongly agree

1. 2. 3.

7. How do you think that the project and the curriculum support can be better?


8. Would you participate in the project again if it continues in the following years?



9. Were you satisfied with the end of the term festival? (Please mark just on option.)

I was very satisfied. It could be better. I did not like it.

9.1. If you didnt like the end of the term festival, would you please write down the reason for that? (If you liked it you may pass this question.)

10. What was the best part or activity of the end of the term festival? (Example: Folk dance)

11.Is there anything that you did not see in the festival that you would like to see in the following years festivals?

Thank you very much!

3. Question Form for Volunteers

School/City: Date: ./././

1. What do you think about the attitude of the school administration towards the project? Would you please write down the difficulties that you encountered because of the school administration?


2. How do you find the participation levels of the students in the curriculum support and activities? Did the participation levels decreased when the weather began to warm up?

3. Which lessons and activities did the children show more interest and participate in more than the other lessons and activities? What do you think are the reasons for this preference?

4. What could be done to increase motivation of the volunteers for the project?

5. What would you suggest for the development of the project in the following years?

4. Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting- Community Volunteers form

How often could you teach and participate in the activities?

What do you think are the criteria for the success of the project?

Have you encountered unexpected problems during the project? Which parts of the project progressed as planned?

What do you think should be done in order to get better results in the future terms of the project?

What are your expectations from ING Bank volunteers? (Have your expectations been met until now?)

Points of discussion you may like to state (If you have no suggestions, you may pass this part.)


5. Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting-ING Bank Volunteers Form

Do you think the participation rate of the ING Bank volunteers is enough? (If it is not, what would you suggest in order to change this

How often could you participate in the project and watch the activities?

What do you think are the criteria for the success of the project?

Do you think that the project has been successful until now, even though it has not been long since it started?

What are your expectations from Community Volunteers? (Have your expectations been met until now?)

What would you suggest as a point of discussion? (If you have no suggestion, you may pass this question.)




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