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B11,12 C11,12 P4 B5,6 C5,6 P2 5 The ciagram shows a plant ina container of water. The layer of ol stops the water SS When set up, the apparatus weighs 2969 After two hours it weighs 2929, What i the rate of transpiration? A 1509 water/hour B 140g water/hour 4g water/nour 2g water /hour © Which of these places parts of the alimentary canal in the order In which food passes through them? FA. oesophagus > colon + smal intestine /B smallintestine-+ oesophagus ->reetum © sma intestine + rectum -» anus % D__ stomach -+ colon + small intestine Page 1| Combined Sciences 0653 Dr Esmat Zedan 12) i sea anae nana tis coors is wes 2 mean 413. The diagram shows the organisms in a pond, ~~ microscopic plants pond weed insect larvae ‘small fish mud and bacteria —~ Which is a food chain in this pond? A_ bacteria > pond weed —> insect larvae —> small fish * microscopic plants —» insect larvae -> small fish -> bacteria “ © pond weed -» small fish -» bacteria -» microscopic plants * small fish > insect larvae -» microscopic plants —> pond weed 7 16 The diagram shows gas X burning and heating a liquid. gas Xx Which row is correct? ‘the burning of gas X gas X could be is exothermic (a hyarogen ” v hydrogen vog x ‘oxygen v oxygen x Page 2 | Combined Sciences 0653 Dr Esmat Zedan 417 The diagram shows a simple cell cotioue Lesa x seis ia cxtiode © erect CD atecrote % 24. The list shows different properties ry 1 density, 2 melting point” 3° reactivity Which properties show an increase for elements ingroup Vilas the group is descended” A tonly CB) tano2 © 2and3 D- 3only 25 Petroleum is a source of hydrocarbon fuels. Other fuels are coal and wood Which of these are fossil fuels? coal [wood | petroleum Al yes yes no @] yes nov | yes c|] 0 yes yes pb | yes yes yes Page 3 | Combined Sciences 0653 Dr Esmat Zedan 27 Ahydrocarbon fuel is burned completely. a hydrocarbon |, + Rl oxygen x | Y What are X and Y? x Y A co He B co HO c | co, He (®|_ co. H.O 36 A wave is sent along.a rape in the direction shown in the diagram. ‘Which arrow shows the direction af vibration of the rope at point X? 37. A starting pistol is fired. An echo from a wall 150m away is heard one second later. 0 ‘What is the speed of sound calculated from these results? 22h A 75m/s B 150m/s © 225m/s ©) s00m/s Page 4| Com Dr Esmat Zedan 3. Fig. 3.1 shows four swimmers at the start of a race. 5, (a) The swimmers start their race when they hear a loud, high-pitched sound from a loudspeaker. (Explain why sound travels at a different speed through water than through air. halla, gael. Hane, pard (i) Fig. 3.2 shows the trace of a sound wave as it appears on an oscilloscope screen. (On Fig. 3.2 draw another trace of a sound wave from a sound that is louder than the one shown, but has the same pitch. DPX IPS Fig. 3.2 ical (iii) The swimmers can hear the sound from the loudspeaker only if the frequency of the sound lies within a range of frequencies which the human ear can detect. State this range of frequencies, Hzto fo Page 5 | Combined Sciences 0653 Dr Esmat Zedan (iv) Waves are either longitudinal or transverse. Co, State whether each of the following is an example of a transverse or longitudi wave. the water waves produced by the swimmers in the pool Tesnsvease waves [1] the sound waves produced by the loudspeaker slay hed {b) Sound travels at 330m/s in air. One swimmer is 0.4m from the loudspeaker when he hears the sound, (i) Calculate the time taken for the sound to travel from the loudspeaker to the swimmer. State the formula that you use and show your working, need fomuoused ne, Tine + DEK Seed = Bere Y Time working a4 Fine = 330 ape = [nese Lk2halor (li) The loudspeaker produces a sound with a frequency of 2200Hz. Calculate the wavelenath of this sound. State the formula that you use and show your working, formula used aoe working Le er forse O15 wr (2 Page 6| Com Dr Esmat Zedan 4 (a) Fig. 4.1 shows part of a food web in a forest ecosystem. .%, @ spiders dragonfiiesO © bees grasshoppers plants Fig. 4.4 (iv) The food web contains several food chains. Explain why food chains usually have fewer than five trophic levels. Destin theantnegppedeaernndt set anti 10°. aod ait tlt snes atrdild ends, se, Page 7|Com Dr Esmat Zedan (b) The food web shows that bees depend on plants. Some flowering plants also “ ‘on bees to help them to reproduce. 4 Explain how bees help flowering plants to reproduce. =_ Page 8 | Combined Sciences 0653 Dr Esmat Zedan

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