Group 3

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NCM 100
Dr. Rommel P. Merioles

BSN - 1 J
Leader: Ilagan, Marie Alvi M.
Members: Dungog, Ma. Juliana
Garado, Claire Antoinette
Garcia, Francheska
Gular, Niña Marie
Hermosisima, Mary Noelle
Palomar, Lord Denzel
Group 3:

Activity: Reflect on the Core Values of CDU-CN. How can you best show your
commitment to these Values. Formulate an essay with 1 paragraph having 8-10
sentences in answer to the question below. Give 1 situation exemplifying these
values in your role as a Student Nurse of the College and as a future Registered

“How can you best show your commitment to the CDU-CN Core Values as
a NEW student and a future graduate at the same time.”

Learner 1: Focus on Core Value: Compassion

Learner 2: Focus on Core Value: Compassion
Learner 3: Focus on Core Value: Dedication
Learner 4: Focus on Core Value: Discipline
Learner 5: Focus on Core Value: Discipline
Learner 6: Focus on Core Value: Competence
Learner 7: Focus on Core Value: Competence
Learner 8: Focus on Core Value: Uprightness
Learner 9: Focus on Core Value: Neatness
Learner 1: Focus on Core Value: Compassion
(Dungog, Ma. Juliana)

As a new student at Cebu Doctors University and a first-year college student, showcasing the
value of compassion is essential in fostering a supportive and empathetic campus environment.
By actively reaching out to fellow students, lending a helping hand during group projects, and
listening attentively to their experiences, I can demonstrate my genuine care for their well-being
and success. Engaging in volunteering or community service initiatives not only highlights my
compassion but also illustrates my commitment to making a positive impact within the university
community and beyond. With the value of compassion set in my mind and heart as early as
now, then this principle will be my guiding path towards becoming an effective yet
compassionate nurse someday. Therefore, as a student nurse, embodying the value of
compassion is pivotal in fostering a patient-centered approach to healthcare. Through attentive
listening, empathetic interactions, and understanding the unique needs of patients, I can create
an environment that promotes physical and emotional healing. Second, As I continue to embark
on the journey and transition into a future graduate and a registered nurse someday, continuing
to prioritize compassion is integral to building trust and rapport with patients. By advocating for
their comfort, respecting their autonomy, and providing culturally sensitive care, I can contribute
to not only their well-being but also to the reputation of the nursing profession as a whole.
Learner 2: Focus on Core Value: Compassion
(Garado, Claire Antoinette)

Compassion, in my opinion, is the very core of the nursing profession as it is a career centered
around service to humanity, specifically those suffering from illnesses and/or ailments. It is
defined as respect for human dignity, which is intrinsic to amicable interpersonal relationships,
including but not limited to a patient-caretaker relationship. In order to show one's commitment
to the value of compassion, it must not only be practiced in a work setting but rather in one's
day-to-day life. From simple things such as greeting your parents in the morning to bigger
projects such as doing volunteer work, there are several ways in order to show that you are fully
committed to being not just a compassionate nurse but also a compassionate human being. As
a new student, you are immersed in a foreign environment and are yet to be accustomed to it. I
think that caring for the comfort of your fellow students, being accommodating, and trying to
provide assistance to the best of your abilities—despite you yourself being just as lost as them
—is an act of compassion. However, as one progresses through the years of being a student
nurse, one's commitment to compassion may be tested. One might encounter situations
wherein a patient may be irritable and may not reciprocate the same respect that you extend
towards them. In such cases, patience is key. One should be understanding and continue to
treat the patient kindly. These situations may increase in frequency once one becomes a
registered nurse, as the number of patients you'd have to treat will increase. On the whole,
unwavering commitment to compassion may be a challenge, but its continued practice will lead
to it simply becoming second nature.
Learner 3: Focus on Core Value: Dedication
(Garcia, Francheska Niña)

As a new student and an aspiring future graduate of Cebu Doctors’ University, highlighting
commitment to the CDU-CN Core Values is essential for my personal growth as a nursing
student and the betterment of the community. Dedication is one of the important aspects of
showcasing the values, as it serves as the driving force behind my academic journey and my
potential contributions to the field of healthcare. In addition, practicing dedication is a
fundamental aspect of being a nurse that contributes to my personal and professional growth,
which may enable me to overcome setbacks and maintain resilience. The role of the nurse is
more than just fulfilling job duties and obligations; it also entails a genuine desire to better the
lives of those needing medical support and assistance. There are several ways to demonstrate
commitment to this Core Value. One such approach is through personal development, wherein I
engage in self-care practices and embrace challenges, all while maintaining compassion and
discipline. By fostering my own growth, I not only improve my abilities but also set an example
for my peers, inspiring them to uphold these core values. As I progress through my studies, I
have come to realize that these core values are not just something to understand academically,
but rather ideals to embrace in my daily life. By embracing dedication, I have learned something
valuable–how to tackle setbacks and letdown with a mindset of growth instead of seeing them
as failures. Whenever and wherever life throws challenges my way, I make it a point to remind
myself of the path I have taken and the progress I have achieved. This inner resilience nurtures
a strong belief in myself, pushing me onward even when the path ahead seems uncertain. In
conclusion, embracing the role of a nurse means embracing an ongoing dedication. It is about
always working to better patient outcomes, honing your skills, and delivering care filled with
empathy and compassion.
Learner 4: Focus on Core Value: Discipline
(Guilar, Niña Marie)

As a new student in Cebu Doctors University and a first-year college student pursuing nursing,
upholding discipline is paramount for academic and personal success. By adhering to a
structured study routine, managing time effectively, and consistently attending classes and
lectures, I can showcase my commitment to success. Cultivating discipline not only sets a
strong foundation for my education but also fosters traits of responsibility, resilience, and self-
motivation that will benefit me throughout my university journey. As such, demonstrating the
value of discipline early on is a cornerstone of success for students like me who aspire to
become a nurse someday. With discipline embedded in my heart, as a student nurse, I will
diligently adhere to study schedules, participate actively in clinical rotations, and embrace
continuous learning to cultivate a solid foundation for a nursing career. This commitment to
discipline not only fosters excellence in academia but also prepares me for the challenges of
patient care. Second, as a future graduate and a registered nurse, discipline is exemplified
through rigorous attention to evidence-based practice, ethical decision-making, and mastery of
clinical skills. Showcasing discipline involves effectively managing time to balance patient care,
administrative tasks, and personal well-being. Striving for excellence in both my clinical
expertise and interpersonal interactions underscores my dedication to upholding the highest
standards of nursing practice and contributing positively to the healthcare field. In conclusion,
whether as a student nurse, future graduate, or registered nurse, embodying discipline is a
powerful testament to your commitment to excellence, patient welfare, and the noble profession
of nursing.
Learner 5: Focus on Core Value: Discipline
(Hermosisima, Mary Noelle)

Cebu Doctors University, esteemed for its core values, lays a strong emphasis on discipline as
a fundamental pillar of personal and academic growth. As a new student embarking on this
transformative journey and a future graduate poised to contribute to the world, demonstrating
unwavering commitment to this core value is pivotal. Demonstrating commitment to discipline as
a new student and a future graduate requires consistent dedication and self-regulation. As a
new student, prioritizing time management and creating a structured study schedule to ensure
Imeet academic responsibilities are just the few steps I am willing to take to practice discipline
into myself. Avoiding procrastination and staying focused on assignments and coursework,
showcasing my dedication to disciplined learning. As a future graduate, maintaining this
discipline by adhering to professional standards, continuing to manage my time effectively, and
embracing lifelong learning, keeping and continuously honing my skills that are current and
relevant in my field.
As a Student Nurse at the College of Nursing in Cebu Doctors University and as a future
Registered Nurse, a prime example of demonstrating discipline is seen during patient care
procedures. As a student nurse who will be clinically immersed in a hospital setting for the first
time, despite the new and fast-paced environment and the eagerness to learn and complete the
task quickly, I will approach medication administration with utmost discipline. Before beginning, I
must double-check the medication orders, verify the "five rights" (right patient, right medication,
right dose, right route, right time), and ensure proper hand hygiene. My disciplined approach
towards medication administration reflects my commitment to patient safety, ethical practice,
and attention to detail. Moving on, as a Future Registered Nurse: Although the pressure is high,
and time constraints are present. I will remain disciplined in my field of expertise by meticulously
reviewing each patient's medication history, allergies, current condition, verifying the medication
orders multiple times, and calculating dosages precisely. My disciplined practice ensures that
patient safety is never compromised, even in the midst of a demanding healthcare environment.
The discipline I embody as a Student Nurse in Cebu Doctors University resonates
powerfully as I transition into a Registered Nurse someday. It underscores my steadfast
commitment to upholding the highest standards of patient care, safety, and professionalism,
setting a remarkable example for your peers and future colleagues. By fostering discipline's
principles early on, integrating them seamlessly into my daily routine and transitioning this
foundation into a roadmap for my future endeavors, demonstrating that discipline is not just a
value to follow but a way of life to embody as such, with discipline as my compass, my journey
at Cebu Doctors University will undoubtedly be one of purpose, success, and meaningful
Learner 6: Focus on Core Value: Competence
(Ilagan, Marie Alvi)

Demonstrating my commitment to the CDU-CN Core Values of Competence as a new

student and future graduate involves consistently showcasing your abilities, dedication, and
alignment with the values of the institution. Being a new student, I will approach my studies with
dedication and a thirst for knowledge. I will actively engage in class discussions, seek
assistance when needed, and consistently complete assignments to establish a strong
foundation. As a future graduate, I consider the ethical implications of my decisions, both in
academic work and in my interactions with others. I will attend career development workshops
and networking events to enhance my prospects, this might help me for the career that I am
trying to achieve. By consistently embodying these values in my actions, behaviors, and
interactions as a new student and aspiring graduate, I will demonstrate my commitment to the
CDU-CN Core Values of Competence and contribute positively to the university community and
beyond. To give a situation about the core value competence, I’m assigned to work with a
patient who has multiple chronic conditions and complex medical needs. The actions of a
student nurse are to review the patient's medical history thoroughly, apply your classroom
knowledge to understand their conditions and treatment plans, research recent advancements
in the treatment of the patient's conditions to ensure you are up-to-date with the latest medical
information, and document all patient interactions accurately and comprehensively, upholding
ethical standards in patient care. In transitioning to my role as a future registered nurse
implement the same empathetic and patient-centered approach with real patients in a clinical
setting, advocate for the patient's best interests ensure that their autonomy and confidentiality
are respected throughout their care, and consider the patient's cultural background and beliefs
when developing their care plan, showing sensitivity to their individual needs. Navigating this
situation and handling a complex medical case with competence involves a combination of
academic knowledge, practical skills, ethical considerations, effective communication, and a
commitment to continuous improvement was successful, it only not provided high-quality patient
care but also exemplified the core value of competence as a student nurse at CDU-CN and as a
future registered nurse.
(Extra Sentences)
To demonstrate my commitment to competence as both a new student and a future graduate, I
will approach my studies with dedication and a thirst for knowledge. I will actively engage in
class discussions, seek assistance when needed, and consistently complete assignments to
establish a strong foundation. As I progress, I will actively participate in practical experiences,
internships, and workshops to bridge theoretical knowledge with real-world applications,
ensuring a well-rounded skill set upon graduation. By continuously seeking self-improvement,
adapting to challenges, and embracing opportunities for growth, I will showcase my unwavering
commitment to competence throughout my educational journey.

As a student nurse, demonstrating competence in this scenario involves meticulously

calculating the correct dosage, understanding potential interactions or contraindications, and
ensuring proper administration techniques. This not only safeguards the patient's well-being but
also reflects your commitment to learning and mastering essential clinical skills.

As a future Registered Nurse, the value of competence is exemplified when you are entrusted
with a complex patient case that requires coordinating care among multiple healthcare
professionals. Your competence would involve effectively communicating with the
interdisciplinary team, critically analyzing patient data, and making informed decisions to provide
comprehensive and safe patient-centered care. Your ability to navigate such intricate situations
underscores your expertise and readiness to handle challenging scenarios as a skilled and
proficient healthcare provider.
Learner 7: Focus on Core Value: Competence
(Palomar, Lord Denzel)

Competence, the ability to do one’s work exceptionally well and without fail. It is a skill
gained through years of dedication and through a healthy work ethic. Demonstrating unwavering
commitment to the value of competence as both a new student and a prospective graduate
involves a multifaceted approach. As a new student of CDU-CN, competence can be achieved
through doing tasks given by the professors properly and efficiently all the while improving upon
areas such as studies that are lacking. Competence is a value that weighs more than gold
because in order to graduate with flying colors, one must have the heart and dedication to a life
of serving people. As a future graduate of CDU-CN, taking initiative is a must especially towards
interpersonal relationships and building connections are important to a nurse as they are the
coordinators of service working within a team of professionals who are competent in their own
right. As a future nurse, it would be disrespectful and shameful to not match the caliber of the
team and their dedication to the betterment of the patient’s health. Applying what was learned
throughout the years of studying , my ability to remain calm under pressure, make quick
decisions, and coordinate care showcases my proficiency in managing critical scenarios,
ultimately reflecting my competence as a skilled and confident healthcare provider. By
integrating my competence into every aspect of patient care, I will be able to contribute to
improved outcomes and establish myself as a proficient and compassionate healthcare

Learner 8: Focus on Core Value: Uprightness

(Marie Alvi Ilagan)

To demonstrate your commitment to the core value of uprightness as a new student and a
future graduate student of CDU, you can consistently uphold honesty, integrity, and ethical
behavior in all aspects of your academic journey as a student nurse. Engage in open and
respectful communication, be honest and take responsibility for your actions, and actively
contribute to a trustworthy and supportive learning environment. To demonstrate your
unwavering commitment to the core value of uprightness as a new student embarking on the
journey of higher education and as a future graduate poised to step into the professional world,
you can consistently uphold the pillars of honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior throughout
every facet of your academic expedition. As a future graduate, continue to uphold these values
in your professional life, maintaining transparency and honesty in all your endeavors. Being
honest in doing your duty as a nurse means that you are true to your words and are willing to
take a big responsibility. It is not an easy task for a nurse to handle all the responsibilities of
assisting a patient but they should not be neglected just because they are treated as a doctor's
assistant but also have the same responsibilities which is to save people's lives.

An example of a situation is when you are assisting a senior nurse in administering medications
to patients. During the medication administration process, you realize that you have given the
wrong dosage of medication to a patient. The actions of a student nurse are to stop the
medication administration immediately and ensure the patient's safety, secondly, notify the
senior nurse who is supervising you about the error, and be honest and transparent about what
happened. And transitioning to your role as a future registered nurse, you must uphold the value
of uprightness by continuing to prioritize patient safety and ethical behavior in your practice.

Learner 8: Focus on Core Value: Uprightness

(Marie Alvi Ilagan)

Example of a Situation about the Core Values:

The patient is feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and scared about the future. Your role is to interact
with the patient, offer emotional support, and provide information about the condition and the
available resources.
Actions as a student nurse is to approach the patient with a warm and empathetic demeanor.
Introduce yourself and let the patient know that you are there to listen and help. In transitioning
to your role as a future registered nurse, implement the same empathetic and patient-centered
approach with real patients in a clinical setting. Recognize that patients may present with
various emotional responses to their conditions, and tailor your approach accordingly.

Extra Sentences for the Core Value Uprightness:

Upholding academic integrity is essential for building a strong foundation for your future career.
This multifaceted commitment encompasses diligently submitting your own work, giving due
credit to the intellectual contributions of others, and steadfastly abiding by the established
academic regulations and guidelines. As a future graduate, continue to uphold these values in
your professional life, maintaining transparency and honesty in all your endeavors.

Learner 9: Focus on Core Value: Neatness

(Claire Antoinette Garado)

Neatness is a necessary value most especially in a job such as nursing, which deals with
numerous illnesses and diseases. In a setting wherein there is constant exposure to said
diseases, cleanliness is a form of prevention. Nurses themselves should be in tip-top shape in
order to provide the necessary care for their patients. Of course, this should not only be
practiced in a healthcare setting but also in one's home. It should be observed in everything
they do, from waking up in the morning and immediately making your bed to going to sleep and
brushing your teeth beforehand. After all, one does not simply become neat overnight, it is a
trait that is developed over time. Neatness should be practiced as early as possible so that it
would develop into a habit.

To best demonstrate my commitment to neatness in a nursing course as both a new student

and a future graduate, I will prioritize organized and tidy practices in my studies and clinical
activities. As a new student, I will keep my study materials well-organized, maintain clear notes,
and submit assignments in a neat and presentable manner. Furthermore, exemplifying the value
of neatness can be seen in how I present myself during patient interactions or even when I go to
attend school. Thus, I will maintain a well-groomed appearance, wear a clean and tidy uniform,
and ensure that my personal hygiene is impeccable, to be able to practice myself as early as
now as how I project an image of professionalism and dedication to my future patients
someday. This neat and polished presentation not only enhances your credibility but also instills
confidence in patients, reassuring them that they are in capable and caring hands.

As a Student Nurse of the College, the value of neatness is exemplified when you are
responsible for preparing and administering medications to patients. Maintaining a neat and
organized workspace ensures that medication doses are accurately measured, labeled, and
recorded. By adhering to a systematic approach and neatly organizing medication
administration tools, you mitigate the risk of errors and uphold patient safety, showcasing your
commitment to precision and professionalism. In your role as a future Registered Nurse,
neatness is essential when handling patient records and documentation. Ensuring that charts
are meticulously organized, legible, and up-to-date guarantees that critical patient information is
readily accessible for healthcare providers. By demonstrating a high standard of neatness in
managing patient records, you contribute to effective communication, seamless care
coordination, and the overall well-being of your patients, reflecting your dedication to
maintaining the highest standards of nursing practice.
Summarized answer

How can you best show your commitment to these Values. Formulate an essay with 1
paragraph having 8-10 sentences in answer to the question below. Give 1 situation
exemplifying these values in your role as a Student Nurse of the College and as a future
Registered Nurse. “How can you best show your commitment to the CDU-CN Core Values as a
NEW student and a future graduate at the same time.”

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