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School: Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

W1 Quarter: 1st QUARTER
and Time:


A. GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts
STANDARDS: types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
B. Learning Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchanges
Competencies EN10LC-Ia-11.1
Using Reflexive and Intensive 1. Identify words and expressions understand how information from
Objectives Pronouns. that emphasize a point. news reports, speeches, informative
2. Use words and expressions talks, and panel discussions provide
information that can be very useful for
that emphasize a point in practical application in one’s everyday
sentences. living
II. CONTENT Getting Information
Words and from News Reports,
Using Reflexive and
Expressions to Speeches, Informative ICL
PRE-TEST Intensive Pronouns
Emphasize a Point. Talks, Panel
Discussions, Etc.
A. References
1. Additional Materials English – Grade 10 Quarter 1 English – Grade 10 Quarter 1 English – Grade 10 Quarter 1
– Module 1: Using Reflexive – Module 2: Using Words and – Module 6: Getting
from Learning and Intensive Pronouns Expressions to Emphasize a Information from News
Resource (LR) Portal Point Reports, Speeches,
Informative Talks, Panel
Discussions, Etc.
Cox, Janelle. “Sample essay rubric for “Speech.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia
B. Other Learning elementary teachers.” Thought.Co. New examples-of-parallelism.html Foundation, June 17, 2020.
York, USA. Accessed: May 27, 2020.
is.html “The Definition of a Panel Discussion.”
Powerful Panels, March 11, 2020.
EMC School. “Unit 5: Reflexive and intensive file:///F:/DLL,%20MODULES/2.%20MODU
pronouns.” EMC School Group: A Part of
Carnegie Learning. Pittsburgh, USA. LES/ENGLISH/ENGLISH%2010/Quarter panel-discussion/.
Accessed: May 27, 2020. %201/English%2010%20-%20Q1%20-
file:///F:/DLL,%20MODULES/2.%20MODULES/ENGLISH/ %20M2%20Using%20Words%20and
php?g=11&u=5&su=Reflexive%2Band%2 %20Expressions%20to%20Emphasize %20Q1%20-%20M6%20Getting%20Information%20from
BIntensive%2BPronoun %20News%20Reports,%20Speeches,%20Informative
%20a%20Point.pdf %20Talks,%20Panel%20Discussions,%20Etc..pdf

A. Reviewing previous Directions: Give the We have learned that Directions: Identify the
lesson or presenting appropriate pronoun in pronouns are particular medium
the new lesson each sentence. Write substitutes for nouns or (news report, speech,
the letter of the correct noun phrases to avoid informative talk, panel
answer on the space repeating the same discussion) where
before each number. nouns. information about the
following is provided..

B. Establishing a purpose Pronouns are words Directions: Choose the We have learned about
for the lesson that substitute or best answer to complete the importance of
replace nouns or noun each sentence. Write information in studies.
phrases to avoid the letter of the answer This gathered
repetition. Pronouns, on the space before the information prepare one
like other words in number. to acquire knowledge.
English, are helpful for This acquired
you to effectively and knowledge directs one
clearly communicate towards learning.
Primarily, this
with one another.
information is provided
by books. Books of
different types provide
for different needs. But
aside from books, there
are other mediums
which equip us with this
needed information.
C. Presenting There are different The emphasis in writing Today, let us talk about
Examples/Instances of types of pronouns. is important not only to getting information from
new lesson Pronouns like I, You create variety and news reports, speeches,
He, She, It, We, and maintain interest but informative talks, panel
They are examples of also to help readers discussions, etc.
subjective personal easily get the main
pronouns used as a points from what you
„subject‟, meaning they are trying to say.
are the ones being
talked about in the This lesson can be
sentence or doers of applied whether you are
the action. writing a text or when
you are speaking your
D. Discussing new Pronouns like Me, You, Here are some of the News reports are found
concepts and Him, Her, It, Us, and words and expressions in newspapers and their
practicing new skills Them are examples of you can use to purpose is to inform
objective personal emphasize your point: readers of what is
#1 1. Identical pairs happening around them.
pronouns used as an
object in the sentences 2. Coordination and
or the ones receiving Subordination Guided Practice
the action. They are 3. Use Subordination for
usually found after the Unequal Ideas Make a thumbs up if
4. Sentence Structure you think that the given
action or verb done by
information here is
the subject or the doer
provided by the
of the action or after a mentioned news
preposition. reports. Do the thumbs
down if it does not.
E. Discussing new Other than personal Activity 1: Eliminating Speeches can also be
concepts and practicing pronouns, other Wordiness Exercise one good source of
new skills #2-- pronouns can be used Combine each sentence information. Speech is
as an object in the group into one concise the expression of ideas
sentence too. sentence. and thoughts using
articulate vocal sounds,
or the faculty of thus
expressing ideas and
F. Developing mastery Guided Practice Activity 2 Guided Practice
(Leads to Formative Tell if the underlined Revise these sentences
Assessment) pronoun is reflexive or to state their meaning in Let’s practice as a
intensive. Write your fewer words. Avoid the class. Again, do the
answer in the space passive voice, needless thumbs up if you think
provided before each repetition, and wordy the information
number. phrases and clauses. mentioned here can be
Write the answer in the provided by speeches,
space provided after addresses, and panel
each item. discussions. Do the
thumbs down if it does
G. Finding practical Write an essay about List down information
applications of the importance of you can get from the
concepts and skills in respect and obedience following which can be
to our parents. Use of practical use in your
daily living reflexive and intensive everyday living.
pronouns in your essay
1) State of the
2) /
3) The Philippine Star /
Peoples Journal
4) Recognition day
keynote speech of the
guest speaker.
5) Guest speaker
presenting information
to a group of students
about how to apply for
H. Making To wrap everything up There are many ways News reports,
generalizations and that we have talked you can emphasize your speeches, informative
abstractions about the about in this lesson, let point using words and talks, panel discussions
us always remember expressions. You can provide information that
lesson that: Pronouns are do this by: can be very useful for
substitutes for nouns or 1) Identical Pairs; practical application in
noun phrases to avoid 2) Coordination which your everyday living.
repeating the same includes coordinating
nouns. conjunctions and
Reflexive pronoun conjunctive adverbs and
reflects the subject of Subordination which
the sentence which tells includes subordinating
us that whoever acts conjunctions and
(subject) in a sentence relative pronouns and;
is also the one receiving 3) Sentence Structures
the action (object). which include
parallelism, short
sentences, word choice
and repetition
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Choose the Avoid the passive voice, Directions: Choose the
appropriate reflexive or needless repetition, and most appropriate
intensive pronoun. Write wordy phrases and answer for every
the letter of the correct clauses. Write the question. Write the letter
answer on the space answer in the space of the answer on the
provided before the provided after each space before the
number. item. number.

J. Additional activities
for application and
V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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