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India Become The First Country To Land On The South

Pole Of The Moon. Is This Only For Exploration Or

What is The Geopolitical Angle Behind this??

On August 23, 2023, India became the first country to achieve a soft landing on the south
pole of the moon. India achieved this historic soft landing on the moon's south pole, making
it a remarkable feat especially considering the modest budget of just $77 million. This
achievement of India not only will help them but also will help the whole world in knowing
what the moon holds and in the research of the possible human settlement on the moon. But if
we analyze the events from the era of the Cold War to the present saying that this project was
just for human progress may not be correct. At present India has successfully landed on the
moon, the US is about to launch its first human mission to the lunar south pole of the moon
and China and Japan are preparing For the same. While most people think of this as yet
another exploration move few people realize that it has a geopolitical angle to it. In 2019
NATO declared space as one of the war-fighting domains, In that same year the United States
launched a world-first independent dedicated space force, France also changed the name of
its air force to Air and Space Force and Russia also did the same . By looking at these events
it would not be wrong to say that space is literally turning into the frontier of warfare .So all
these dramas are not just for scientific discovery but also about having that extra advantage
during times of war.

All these events mentioned above have great significance in every human life. By looking at
these events we can predict how the war between the superpower countries in the future
would look like. All these events show how the countries are struggling to hold the important
point in the space. While the US has always led the space race from the beginning the
emergence of the countries like China and India shows how these countries are trying to
snatch the title of space superpower from the United States. This type of event might not
immediately affect me but it can have a serious negative effect on the longer term.This type
of event will force the countries involved in the race to developed the technology in quicker
time that might cause miscalculation which might be one of the factor for escalation of bigger
conflicts.There has been many unsuccessful events of many organization that has tried to
explore the space .While becoming unsuccessful is a normal things the creation of space
debris and the potential for debris re-entry into Earth's atmosphere could have environmental
consequences. Debris falling to Earth could lead to contamination or damage to natural
habitats, potentially posing risks to ecosystems and wildlife.

While the successful landing of India chandrayan 3 in south pole of a moon was indeed one
of the greatest and historical movement.But if we overall look the events of different
countries we can analyze how serious is the struggle for title of space superpower is ! While
this type of events have different positive things for the human civilization,every country
should make a mutual understanding and agreement to use the space only for the exploration.

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