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This is the first priority principle and it stand for equality and liberty, taking into consideration
that the cobalt mine is based in the DR Congo , it is a mine where only children aged from six
years and above work there, it is an informal settlement mine, where the children are not even
wearing protective clothes, they get sick from the cobalt extracted there and it ends in their
death only to find out that for many children’s deaths equal to Elon Musk able to transform his
tech car (Tesla)because it need a superloy from the cobalt to be able to charge the car battery,
that’s just inequality as even the parents or the people in the DR Congo don’t even benefit from
the mine which destroys its society of its chemicals, this matter is against the first principle of
equality and liberty

2b. this principle is also significant because its talks about equal opportunities, having seen that
only children are being exploited in cobalt mine in the DR Congo as the mine has a great
opportunity of improving society as it is based in one of the poorest countries in Africa , but you
find it strange because the Bill Gates are the ones who advance from their Microsoft having seen
that he is now on windows eleven and other features which we buy very expensive but people
who suffer from this cobalt of its chemicals and kids who dies from it don’t even get successful
not even halfway but they getting very poorer. Where is the equal opportunity given to the
people in DR Congo as even the wages are just as low as 20 Dollars per week, which family can
survive from that, while they make billions from the cobalt mine. There are no equal
opportunities given and this stands against this principle and principle 1.

2a. this principle states the difference of which, if you can take a look at the cobalt mine verus
the Tech billionaires, the people in the village that is near the mine have never been living better
ever since the mine was started because their kids are being exploited and that the mine is
destroying the community because of its chemicals, this has just became a modern day slavery
for people of in Congo and has made no change in the community things have gotten worse

1. An thorough analysis of the inequality described using John Rawls' veil of ignorance;

John Rawls’ veil of ignorance states that people will develop fair principles of distribution only if they are
ignorant of their position in society, this is a very great philosophy because taking it back to the cobalt
mine, it is based in the DR Congo and that is the wealth of the people living in that society, but only to
find out that the they let the decision makers(Tech Billionaires) to make biased decision living them with
less to benefit but they are the owners of the mine that is based in the society only that they are
ignorant about which keeps them from understanding that this is their wealth not the Tech billionaires
that now even china owns it now and not them.

2. Your opinion on the inequality described;

My opinion on inequality is that is it a matter of the oppressors, the ones that have more information
about a particular thing, for example the people who were able to identify the cobalt mine and that they
ended up exploiting kids and taking advantage of the people in the DR Congo for not knowing that it’s
their wealth, so for me inequality is a matter of those with more information taking advantages with
those who have less information,

3. Your explanation of why you hold this opinion

It’s because this is a matter of taking advantage if a person who is blind is rich but can’t see his money,
don’t you think the helper is taking his money? So inequality comes from the ones who have more
information taking advantages of those who don’t see their wealth and importance, so they come and
take it from them.

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