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PROFESSORA(S): ____________ DISCIPLINA:__________________
TURMA:_7º ano TURNO:_____________________
ALUNO(A):______________________________________________________ NOTA:_____

1. The scientist ________ yesterday.

a. Working
b. Work
c. Was
d. Worked

2. What did They do?

a. They play baseball.
b. They was played yesterday.
c. They played baseball.
d. They were in the park.

3. Where ______ the dog _____?

a. Do – play
b. Did – play
c. Was – play
d. Did – played

4. Mr.Jones ______ the car last week.

a. Fixes
b. Fix
c. Will fix
d. Fixed

5. Teddy and Teagan ________ to ride to school together.

a. Do
b. Used
c. Will
d. Never

6. Amy _____ in Portugal when she was young. (live)

a. Lived
b. Living
c. Livyed
d. Lives
7. Which sentence happens in the past? (Qual das sentenças está no passado?)
a. Travis studies at night.
b. Travis studied last night.
c. Travis will study tonight.
d. Travis will studied last night.

8. Qual o auxiliar utilizado para o formato interrogativo no passado simples?

a. Do
b. Did
c. Does
d. Will

9. The teacher was explaining when Claudio (ask) _____ a question.

a. Ask
b. Had ask
c. Asking
d. Asked

10. The cat (jump) _____ when I was taking the Picture.
a. Was jumped
b. Is jumping
c. Jump
d. Jumped

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