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United Nations Nations Unies

Cover Page

To: AllInvitees From: M anal KAMEL

Attention: Date: 24-Aug-2023

Fax: Fax:


TotalNumber of Pages including this page: 39

Attached is Invitation to Bid No.: 3400011652 and all related documentation. Please notify the United Nations
immediately if any part of this Invitation to Bid is missing and/or illegible at the above facsimile number. Please be
advised that this facsimile number may be used only to send queries.


This transmission contains United Nations proprietary information that is strictly confidential and/or legally privileged, and is intended strictly for the use by the
Officials of the United Nations and/or the named recipient hereof. ANY UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION OR OTHER USE OF THE INFORMATION

HEREIN IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have erroneously received this transmission, please notify the United Nations immediately.
United Nations W Nations Unies
Procurement 24-Aug-2023


1 34000116s2


2. The United Nations (UN) hereby invites you to submit a bid to this Invitation to Bid (1TB) for the above subject. Bids are
required to be received by the UN no later than 19-Sep-2023 at 02:00 PM (Nairobi Time) (the Closing Time).

3. This 1TB consists of this letter, the subsequent instructions and the following annexes:

Annex A: Acknowledgement Letter

Annex B: Statement of Requirement (SOR)
Annex C: Pricing Schedule
Annex D: Performance Security Form
3. You are kindly requested to return the attached Annex A - Acknowledgement Letter, duly signed by an
authorized representative of your company, to the UN via email, Attention: Manal KAMEL (the Procurement
Officer), who shall serve as a focal point of contact with regard to this 1TB, no later than 1 September 2023 at
02:00 PM (Nairobi Time). The The Acknowledgment Letter should also provide the name and email address
of your authorized representative, in case you intend to observe the virtual public opening procedure. The UN
may review the registration status of companies which fail to return the completed Acknowledgement Letter.
4. We look forward to your Bid and thank you in advance for your interest in UN procurement opportunities.

__________________________24 August 2023

Bruno Maboja
Chief Procurement Officer



United Nations Nations Unies

Procurement 24-Aug-2023

11. The UN does not assume any responsibility for any missing and/or illegible pages of Bids, and this may result in
rejection of your Bid. The email address in paragraph 9 should not be used for queries concerning this 1TB, but only
for facilitating receipt of Bids delivered by hand or by courier. Only submission means and addresses indicated above
can be used. Submission by any other means, or to any other address, will be rejected.
Vendors who submit (a copy of) the Bid directly to the Procurement Officer (by fax, electronically or by any other
means) will be disqualified.

Closing Time
12. It is the responsibility of the Bidders to ensure that the sealed envelope/package containing the Bid reaches the
above mentioned address before the Closing Time, so that it is time stamped and acceptable for opening. Bids
must be delivered to the above mentioned address during UN working hours from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday
through Friday, except for the UN holidays. Delivery to any other UN office will be at the risk of the Bidder and
may not meet the Closing Time. Written proof of receipt will not be given by UN staff unless a Postal/Courier
service receipt or other form of receipt is presented for signature by the UN. Bids received after the Closing Time
will be rejected and therefore not considered or evaluated, except in exceptional circumstances.

13. For clarifications regarding this 1TB, you are requested to contact the Procurement Officer, exclusively in writing,
via e-mail: or at facsimile:, no later than 1-September-2023 02:00 PM (Nairobi Time). No
communication, written or verbal, is allowed in connection with this 1TB, with any UN staff members other than
Procurement Officers. Queries received after the above deadline may not be considered.

14. In order to maintain transparency, all Bidders' requests for clarifications and UN responses will be recorded and
circulated to all Bidders, without indicating the source of the request.

Validity of Bids
15. Your Bid shall be irrevocable and remain valid for acceptance for at least 120 days calendar days, commencing
on the Closing Time.

16. If deemed necessary by the UN, Bidders may be requested to extend the validity of their Bids for an additional
period(s), in order to finalize the solicitation process. If the extension of the validity period is accepted by a
Bidder, the Bidder will not be permitted to otherwise modify or consequently withdraw its Bid, and will be
required to extend the validity period of the Bid Security, if so required in this 1TB.

Withdrawal and Modification of Bids

17. Bids may be modified or withdrawn in writing, at any time prior to the Closing Time. Modification and/or any
other complementary information shall be submitted in writing and in a sealed envelope, marked and labeled as
provided in Paragraph 7 above, before the Closing Time.

18. Bids may not be modified or withdrawn after the Closing Time. If a Bid is modified or withdrawn by the Bidder
after Closing Time, the UN shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other remedies available to the UN, to draw
on the Bid Security, if required in this 1TB. In addition, the Bidder's registration status as a UN Vendor may be
subject to review by the UN Vendor Review Committee and may be grounds to suspend or remove the Bidder
from the UN vendor roster.

Public Opening
19. A public opening of Bids will take place on 21-Sep-2023 at 11 :00 AM (Nairobi Time) The purpose of the virtual
public opening is to record the names of bidders who
submitted bids by the Closing Time. Only Technical bids will be opened to record the bidders name. Financial
bids will not be opened at the public opening. bidders submitting bids are welcome to return Annex A
providing the name and email address of one representative to attend the virtual public opening procedure.

Rejection of Bid
20. The UN reserves the right to reject a Bid if it does not adhere to the 1TB instructions.







Table of Contents
1. Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Contract ................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Term of the Contract............................................................................................................. 3
4. Pricing Approach .................................................................................................................. 3
5. Mandatory Virtual Bidders’ Conference .............................................................................. 3
6. Samples ................................................................................................................................. 3
7. Ordering ................................................................................................................................ 4
8. Delivery ................................................................................................................................ 4
9. Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 4
10. Key Performance Indicator .................................................................................................. 5
11. Invoicing .............................................................................................................................. 6
12. Points of Contact ................................................................................................................. 6
13. Bid Document Submission .................................................................................................. 6
14. Technical Evaluation criteria ............................................................................................... 7
15. Table A ................................................................................................................................ 9


Annex A: Locations and Requirements

Annex B: SSF Food Specification

Annex C: Requirements Matrix


1. Scope: The scope of this requirement includes provision of the following dry ration food
consisting of eight (8) items to Somali Security Force (SSF) comprised of Somali National Army
(SNA) and Somali Police Forces (SPF) to locations within the five (5) areas as indicated in Annex


2. Contract: The Contract(s) that will be awarded will be on an “all inclusive” basis for each area
and are on a “non-exclusivity basis” hence UNSOS reserves to make split award by area. UNSOS
does not guarantee any minimum quantities under any contract resulting from this solicitation.
Unless otherwise stated in this SOR, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing the necessary
personnel, supervision, transport and other equipment, material, consumables, and supplies, (except
as otherwise mentioned by UNSOS) and for making all necessary arrangements, to ensure the
fulfillment of its obligations under this Contract for its entire duration. For a bid to be valid for a
specific area, contractor shall propose to deliver all eight (8) food items to all locations listed in
Annex A for that area. There are five areas. Contractors are encouraged to bid for more than 1 area.
There is no restriction to bid to all five areas.

3. Term of the Contract: The prospective Contract shall be valid for an initial period of one (1)
year with UNSOS sole option to extend the contract for an additional four (4) period of one year
each (1+1+1+1) for cumulative duration of five (5) years, which is subject to the satisfactory
performance of the contractor, extension of UNSOS mandate and the availability of funds. Services
should commence on or about 30 days from signature date of the contract.
4. Pricing Approach: The unit cost for each Food Item must e all in l si e (in l din the delivery
to ea h o the deli er locations that are listed in Annex A).

5. Mandatory Virtual Bidders’ Conference: The Bidder conference is mandatory and will be
held on 7 September 2023. Bidders shall nominate their representative and provide their names and
email address by 1 September 2023. The link to the virtual conference will be shared with those
who expressed their interest in participating the bidder 24 hours in advance.

6. Samples:

6.1 For the bidding process, the vendor shall submit, for each product, information on the brand
name, the origin, the food producer, and the certificate of analysis which shall include the
microbiological, chemical and contaminant as outlined in the table (A) below. The laboratory analysis
shall be performed by an accredited laboratory certified to ISO 17025 or equivalent national or
international standard.

6.2 During the contract implementation the vendor shall provide samples of each product to the
Mission at the commencement of the delivery of any such product for the United Nations to conduct

laboratory analysis (either in Kenya or Uganda) aimed for verification and acceptance of the new
product. Thereafter samples shall be provided every three months. The cost of the lab analysis shall be
borne by the vendor. Each sample shall comprise of one (01) unit taken from the primary packaging as
indicated in Annex B (paragraph: 6. Packing) for each Product specification.

The samples shall be sent by to the following address:

Chief Procurement Section,

UNSOS – United Nations Support Office in Somalia
UNSOS/UNSOM Camp- Aden Adde International Airport (AAIA)
Mogadishu, Somali.

6.3 For any replacement of the product or change with different brand name or from different
sources, the vendor shall inform the Mission and get approval prior to the delivery, and subject to the
submission of the certificate of lab analysis.

. Ordering: The mission shall place orders/requisitions to the Contractor by issuing a dully signed
Task Order 28 days before the delivery date. The contractor shall acknowledge receipt of the Task
Order and confirm the availability of the products within three (3) working days of receipt of the
order and consequently the mission will confirm the order immediately within 01 working day.
Only when the order is confirmed that the vendor shall prepare the delivery of products which shall
comply with the requested quantity and quality specification indicated in the Annex B.
Minimum/Maximum Ordering Quantity: UNSOS requirement for food delivery is on an “as
and when required basis/as stipulated”. UNSOS does not arantee an minim m
antities provide and the estimated consumption of quantities by Unit in ANNEX A are or
indi ati e r oses o anti i ated rer irment. he estimated antities mi ht in rease ased on
o erational re irements.

. Delivery: Contractor shall deliver the items in ANNEX A in accordance with DAP Incoterm
2020. The delivery shall be in accordance with the Task Order issued by the Mission and within the
delivery times specified in the Contract. . In future, should new areas be accessible, the Contractor
shall be expected to deliver to these new location(s) not previously listed in Annex A, at the same
price of food items being delivered to an existing nearby location within a radius of 50 km from
that location in the same area.
The delivery shall be one time for a cycle of 28 days to 48 SSF Units. The mode of delivery from
contractor to end users’ location (SSF receiving Unit) is by road. This will be independent of any
UNSOS/ATMIS security arrangements. Where location is not realistically reachable, alternate
closer delivery Point shall be proposed by contractor by informing UNSOS at least 2 working days
prior to the delivery date. Transport fee as per annex A will be paid to contractor for both type of
delivery. If the rations are collected by the Mission for delivery to the indicated locations, the
transport fee shall be not paid.
The Delivery times under the Contract shall be completed within one (1) week before
consumption period indicated in the Mission’s Order.

. Reporting: The Contractor shall provide the Mission with Monthly reports or at shorter intervals
on an “as and when required basis”. This report shall indicate where applicable:

a. Delivery Notes stamped and signed by SSF Receiving Unit confirming the quantity
received by line item and as initially ordered. At the delivery point, food items shall be
subject to inspection by SSF-authorized personnel. Upon inspection, food items may be
rejected for non-conformance. Based on inspections and the issuance of non-conformance
reports, the Contractor shall institute corrective
4 measures to remedy the non-conformance

within the time allowed in the non-conformance report. Every delivery shall be
accompanied by two (2) copies of the Delivery Note, which the Contractor shall present for
signature at the Delivery Point to the Designated SSF Official for confirmation of receipt
and acceptance of delivery. The Delivery Note shall include the following information:
delivery point, delivery date, consumption Period, contingent details, item description,
quantity of each item originally ordered, quantity of each item delivered, case and loose
packing details, list of non-delivered items (if any) and redelivery date (if applicable)

b. Rejected Items Report. By Order / Requisition Number, rejection reason, replacement

items delivery status, estimated delivery date. If any of the Food items are not compliant
with the contractual requirements and/or have any defect, UNSOS may, at its sole
discretion, reject the delivery, in part or in full, without any obligation to pay for the
returned items or reject the same and require the Contractor promptly to replace the rejected
items upon return of the same. UNSOS shall notify the Contractor in writing of the rejected
delivery, in whole or in part and may request the Contractor to replace the rejected items
within days. The Contractor shall pay all costs relating to the rejection and to any cure
thereof, including but not limited to, the return of such items from the UN to the Contractor
and the costs of delivery of any replacement items. UNSOS shall have the right to deduct
any costs incurred for such return from the Contractor's invoices.

c. Back-Order Report. By Order/ Requisition number, delivery date, items still to be

delivered, and their shipping status.

d. Delivery Performance Report. By order / requisition number, indicating the orders /

requisitions processed, those delivered to the mission within the stipulated periods of time
(as indicated in Paragraph 8) and those which were not delivered within the contract time
frame. Any shortage or rejected quantity shall be delivered within the range of the delivery
week prior to the consumption period as indicated in the Mission Order.

10. Key Performance Indicator: The Contractor shall perform the Services set forth in the
Contract. All Services performed by the Contractor will be regularly and reviewed by UNSOS
against performance measurement criteria. The Contractor shall accept the below Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) for assessing performance, quality of provided service and other elements during
the implementation of the prospective contract. The intent is to target areas for service
improvement. The Contractor must ensure that its performance is within the acceptable
performance level for each area, The KPIs will be measured after every 28 days after delivery
is completed. Failure to adhere to these KPIs will result in UN applying several measures as
will be indicated in the contract including but not limited to deducting the applicable
percentage performance credits (up to maximum 10% of the invoice value) from the
Contractor's invoice, as per the below table:

KPI Criteria Method of Acceptable Performance Credits

Measurement Performance Level
Timely Days prior to the Delivery is done 1.2% of the
delivery consumption period within one (1) Week monthly invoice
prior to the for regular services
Delivery consumption period for the first
occurrence. 3 %
thereafter for each

Quantity Quantity Received Unit to receive 100% 1.2% of the


delivered per by Units items ordered monthly invoice

lines items for regular services
for the first
occurrence. 3%
thereafter for each

Quality Quality Quality of Product Zero Rejection by 1.5% of the

meeting SSF Receiving Unit monthly invoice
requirement in for regular services
Annex B for the first
occurrence. 2.5 %
thereafter for each

Stock Quantity Physical 100% of each line 1.5% of the

(Reserve) Verification items covering 28 monthly invoice
days consumption in for regular services
each area. for the first
occurrence. 2.5%
thereafter for each

11. Invoicing: Contractor shall submit an itemized invoice in PDF and excel format within 5-7
working days following the date of the actual delivery.

The invoice is to be accompanied by a delivery receipt/ delivery note (copy) that will serve as proof
of the delivery and acceptance of the items by the Mission. The invoice shall indicate the total
amount billed to the Mission and a breakdown of charges.

The invoice must include the following information:

- Contract number
- Order number
- Invoice date
- Invoice number.
- Food lines items ordered, and lines items received with corresponding quantity
- Complete details to effect Bank Transfer, including Bank name, address, account number,
SWIFT/BIC code, beneficiary, IBAN and any other pertinent details.

Incomplete invoices and/or incorrect invoices will result in delays in processing or rejection.

12. Points of Contact: The Contractor shall provide names and contacts of the designated
representative who will be dealing directly with the Mission regarding Orders, Deliveries,
Reporting, Invoicing, etc.

13. Bid Document Submission: It is critical that vendors provide clear, readable and well-structured
information/ documentation in their bid submission. Vendors are required to provide sufficient
information to UNSOS in order to enable a detailed, fair, and timely assessment of its supply

capabilities. At the same time, vendors shall not overload UNSOS with unnecessary information/
documentation that goes beyond the scope and requirements of this SOR.

The technical bid shall be submitted in English, and shall include, but not be limited to the
requirement listed in the technical evaluation matrix below in para 13.

14. Technical Evaluation criteria: Bids will be technically evaluated under a PASS/ FAIL rating
scheme against each of the technical evaluation criteria set forth in this ITB. Each evaluation
element must be met by the bid with PASS rating; otherwise, the bid will be technically
disqualified. An evaluation criterion will be rated FAIL if the bid contains major error(s),
omission(s) or deficiency(ies) that indicate a lack of understanding of the requirement or an
approach which fails to meet the requirement, and none of these conditions could be corrected
without major rewrite or revision of the bid.

The Technical Bids will be evaluated in the following areas and omission or failure to pass ANY
or all of the criteria shall be ground for rejection of the bid.

No. Mandatory Description of the Mandatory Criteria Bidder to submit Pass/Fail TEC
Criteria the following Narrative
duly signed
1 Area Bidders bid to all requirements detailed Tick and complete
in Annex A in the area (Bidder can bid requirements matrix
for more than one (1) out of the five (5) (Annex C)
2 License Ownership/Copy of Registration or Valid Business
Incorporation Certificate at the Somali License
Chamber of Commerce/ Ministry of
Commerce (FRS)
3 Profile / Vendor has submitted a detailed Company Profile
Experience & company profile demonstrating
Performance capability in providing Dry food items in
Somalia for the past three (3) years.

4 Clients' Vendor has submitted three (3) reference Reference Letters

reference letters i.e. (Company name, contract
value, duration, etc.) from any other UN
Agencies and/or large organizations or
Government entities (at least one of
which must indicate similar magnitude
in the last 8 years in Somalia indicating
successful supply of goods
5 Capacity, Vendor demonstrates ability to deliver Letter of
delivery Point required items and quantity and items at commitment and a
and Times the delivery location or alternate Logistics capability
location(s) plan
6 Samples and Vendor has provided samples of product Samples and
Inspection listed in paragraph 1 with the required laboratory results
quantity. Each sample shall comprise of provided
one (01) unit taken from the primary
packaging as indicated in Annex B
(paragraph: 6. Packing) for each
Product specification. Samples shall be
provided with a corresponding
laboratory test results as described in

No. Mandatory Description of the Mandatory Criteria Bidder to submit Pass/Fail TEC
Criteria the following Narrative
duly signed
table A below for each food items.
Vendor to provide Food Safety Copy of Certificate
Management Certificate issued by issued
International recognized body or
Certificate for operating with food from
National Official Authority (Food
Provide confirmation that the bidder will Bidder to describe
be able to provide dry food items to how food will be
7 Food Safety UNSOS named delivery points with transported and
appropriate food transport delivered to clients
Evidence of Proper Food Handling,
Food Safety, and Sanitation Practices
(SOP/HACCP Manual)
8 Suppliers Vendors to provide List of Evidence from
sources/suppliers of the product the suppliers to be
bidder tends to use (addresses, telephone attached
9 Storage Bidder to provide evidence that they Bidder to provide
possess dedicated premises/warehouse evidence including
for food handling and appropriate picture and size of
storage of food items in Somalia installation used to
receive, store and
deliver food.
10 Business Vendor to describe its Business
Continuity Continuity Plan including but not limited
Plan (BCP) to always store 28 days consumption of BCP Provided
each food items in all areas covered the
ability to deliver within one (1) Week
prior to the consumption period
11 Technical Vendor has submitted technical details, Letter of
details, specifications, as indicated in Annex B compliance, A clear
Specifications including packing size of each product colored catalogue,
and warranty and a letter of


15. Table A: This is to be completed and submitted in your technical bid.

Packaging to keep
Organoleptic product’s qualities and
evaluation of sanitary integrity and it is
Item Item
Recommended lab tests on the specific the product is fit to withstand the rigors of
Code Name
risk based on the food matrix required transport and
(Y/N) handling

Chemical, contaminates (micro/

mycotoxin/ heavy me and pesticides) E.
BISCUI coli/ Salmonella SP/ Staphylococcus
TS aureus/ Yeas & Mould/ Acid insoluble
SWEET ash as dry basis/ Moisture/ moisture/
MEAL Acidity of extracted fat as oleic acid/
Cadmium/ Lead/ Arsenic/ Mercury/
chemical, contaminants, foreign matter
(micro/ mycotoxin/ pesticides/ heavy
Aflatoxin/ Coliform bacteria count/
Listeria Monocytogenes/ Aerobic colony
2148 ALL
count/ Yeast& Mold/ Enterobacteriaceae
count/ Bacillus Cereus Census/ Moisture
content/ Total Ash/ Acid Insoluble ash/
Fat Acidity/ Protein Content/ Cadmium/
Lead/ Arsenic/ Mercury /Pesticides
Chemical, contaminates (micro/
mycotoxin/ heavy metal and pesticides)
Coliform bacteria count/ Listeria
PASTA Monocytogenes/ Aerobic colony count/
2156 SPAGH Yeast& Mold/ Enterobacteriaceae count/
ETTI Bacillus Cereus Census/Ash as dry basis/
Protein/ Moisture content/ Acid insoluble
ash/ Crude fibre/ Cadmium/ Lead/
Arsenic/ Mercury /Pesticides.
chemical, contaminants (mycotoxin/
heavy metal and pesticides)
Coliform bacteria count/ Listeria
BASMA Monocytogenes/ Aerobic colony count/
TI RICE Yeast& Mold/ Enterobacteriaceae count/
Bacillus Cereus Census/ Moisture/ Total
Aflatoxin/ Cadmium/ Lead/ Arsenic/
Mercury /Pesticides
chemical, contaminants, (rancidity) –
(safety/heavy metal/pesticides)
OIL Matter volatile at 105°C/ Insoluble
3131 VEGET impurities/ Soap content/ Iron (Fe)/
ABLE Copper/ Lead/ Total Arsenic/ Acid value/
Peroxide value/ Agrochemicals/
Pesticides residues.
chemical, physical, foreign matter
3158 (sulphites and purity/ foreign matter)
Coliform bacteria count/ Listeria


Monocytogenes/ Aerobic colony count/

Yeast& Mold/ Enterobacteriaceae count/
Bacillus Cereus Census/Polarization as
dry basis/ Ash/ Moisture/ Invert Sugar/
Cadmium/ Lead/ Arsenic/ Mercury
chemical, contaminates, physical
(mycotoxin/ heavy metal)
DATES Coliform bacteria count/ Listeria
4116 PITTED Monocytogenes/ Aerobic colony count/
DRIED Yeast& Mold/ Enterobacteriaceae count/
Bacillus Cereus Census/ Agrochemicals/
Pesticides residues.
VEGET contaminates (micro/ heavy metals)
ABLE pH/ Solids/ E. coli/ Listeria
MIXED monocytogenes/ Salmonella/
DICED Staphylococcus aureus/ Iron (Fe)/ Copper/
CANNE Lead/ Total Arsenic/ Tin/ Agrochemicals
D and Pesticides Residues.


19 ANNEX A : Location and Requirements









SNA / Delivery


Unit Cost

Receiving Unit SSF Location

Food Qty
SPF Location $/Kg
Kg (A)

AFGOYE 1st Brigade / 31st Bn SNA ARABISKA 337 1,333 1,600 1,600 1,333 1,333 151 302 7,989
AFGOYE 7th Brigade / 35th Bn SNA ARABISKA 325 1,285 1,543 1,286 1,286 1,286 146 292 7,449
AFGOYE 7th Brigade / 54th Bn SNA ARABISKA 318 1,257 1,509 1,257 1,257 1,257 143 286 7,284
AGFOOYE SPF Darwish SPF ARABISKA 215 895 1,350 1,050 805 865 120 240 5,540
AW-DHEEGLE 84th Bn / October 14th Brigade SNA KM 50 354 2,118 2,541 2,541 1,417 1,417 130 260 10,778
AW-DHEEGLE 2 2 Bn / Gorgor SNA KM 50 307 1,839 2,207 2,207 1,230 1,230 112 226 9,358
BALEDOGLE 7th Brigade HQ / 64th Bn SNA BALEDOGLE 262 1,048 1,257 1,048 1,048 1,048 121 242 6,074
BARAAWE 25th Bn / 6th Brigade SNA BARAAWE 539 1,616 2,138 2,165 1,616 1,616 240 480 10,410
BULAMAREER Coy / 26th Bn SNA MARKA 128 800 960 800 800 800 88 176 4,552
1 GOLWEYNE Coy / 26th Bn SNA MARKA 63 392 470 392 392 392 43 86 2,230
JANALE SPF Darwish SPF MARKA 160 665 1,000 850 605 645 90 240 4,255
JANALE 1 14th October / 83rd Bn SNA MARKA 359 2,154 2,584 2,584 1,431 1,431 131 262 10,936
JANALE 2 14th October / 66th Bn SNA MARKA 353 2,122 2,546 2,546 1,409 1,409 130 260 10,775
1 KM50 14th October Brigade HQ SNA KM 50 279 1,667 2,000 2,000 1,109 1,109 94 189 8,447
MARKA 14th Bn / October 14th Brigade SNA MARKA 250 1,550 1,860 1,550 1,550 1,550 172 345 8,827
SABIID 143rd Bn/October 14th Brigade SNA KM 50 560 1,682 2,227 2,254 1,682 1,682 250 500 10,837
SABIID SPF Darwish SPF ARABISKA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775
SHALAMBOOTI 26th Bn / 6th Brigade SNA MARKA 161 1,006 1,207 1,006 1,006 1,006 111 222 5,725
SHALAMBOOTI SPF Darwish SPF MARKA 160 665 1,000 850 605 645 90 240 4,255
CADALE HQ 4th Brigade SNA CADALE 229 1,133 2,649 1,911 1,451 1,363 100 201 9,037
ADAN YABAAL 52nd Bn / 4th Brigade SNA ADAN YABAAL 233 1,154 2,698 1,947 1,477 1,388 102 204 9,203
ADAN YABAAL 2 30th Bn / 4th Brigade SNA ADAN YABAAL 200 986 2,306 1,664 1,262 1,186 87 174 7,865
5 BIYO CADE 12th Bn / 4th Brigade SNA BIYO CADE 286 1,416 3,310 2,389 1,814 1,704 125 251 11,295
BALCAD 19th Bn / 3rd Brigade SNA BALCAD 339 1,678 3,923 2,832 2,150 2,020 148 297 13,387
JOWHAR 23 Bn / 3 Brigade SNA JOWHAR 205 1,013 2,370 1,711 1,299 1,220 89 179 8,086
JOWHAR 2 HQ 3rd Brigade SNA JOWHAR 125 618 1,447 1,044 793 745 55 110 4,937
HIRSHABELLE Hirshabelle Police SPF JOWHAR 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775
BAIDOA 68th Bn / Sector HQ SNA BAIDOA 324 1,908 3,000 3,000 1,617 2,122 236 472 12,679
BARDHEERE 49th Bn / 10th Brigade SNA BARDHEERE 262 1,310 2,400 1,900 985 985 181 363 8,386
BURDIBO 48th Bn / 10th Brigade SNA BURDIBO 110 654 1,500 800 546 546 68 136 4,360
CEEL BARDE 17th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA CEEL BARDE 368 1,418 1,750 1,750 1,230 1,230 202 404 8,352
DINSOOR 154th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA DINSOOR 64 890 1,100 1,100 254 254 70 140 3,872
GOFGUDUUD BUURAY 45th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 228 1,336 2,345 2,017 1,135 1,490 167 334 9,052
GOFGUDUUD BUURAY 2 46th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 110 1,541 1,850 1,850 440 440 121 242 6,594
3 2 MAANYO-FULKA 8th Brigade HQ SNA BAIDOA 180 1,066 1,900 1,598 905 1,181 132 264 7,226
MAANYO-FULKA 2 47th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 170 1,004 1,900 1,500 849 1,115 123 246 6,907
MORA GABEY 175th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 401 1,806 3,100 2,150 1,605 1,605 220 462 11,349
SOUTH WEST STATE South West State Police SPF BAIDOA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775
WAJID 260th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA WAJID 452 1,585 4,500 3,000 1,992 1,992 274 548 14,343
XUDUUR 9th Brigade HQ SNA XUDUUR 87 392 700 550 348 348 48 95 2,568
XUDUUR 2 144th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 239 1,077 1,800 1,400 957 957 132 264 6,826
XUDUUR 3 51st Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 421 1,894 3,500 1,950 1,681 1,681 231 462 11,820
BELET WEYNE 39th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 151 604 1,250 950 906 1,208 116 235 5,420
BELET WEYNE 40th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 192 770 1,600 1,200 1,155 1,542 150 300 6,909
BELET WEYNE 5th Brigade HQ SNA BELET WEYNE 148 591 1,200 1,000 887 1,183 113 226 5,348
4 3 BULO BURTO 5th Brigade / 41st Bn SNA BULO BURTO 220 1,322 2,350 1,700 1,322 1,322 194 387 8,817
BULO BURTO Sector 27 HQ SNA BULO BURTO 110 663 1,200 850 663 663 95 192 4,436
DUSAMAREEB Galmdug Police SPF DUSAMAREEB 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775
MAXAAS COY / 39th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 142 713 1,200 850 357 357 72 145 3,836
2 4 DHOBLEY 11th Brigade HQ / 67th Bn SNA DHOBLEY 243 1,203 3,374 3,000 1,540 1,447 212 424 11,443
JUBALAND Jubaland Police SPF KISMAYO NA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775
6 5 KISMAYO 43rd Sector HQ/11th Brigade HQ SNA KISMAYO OA 198 988 1,750 1,750 1,225 1,659 162 326 8,058
KISMAYO 56th Bn SNA KISMAYO OA 158 791 1,400 1,400 981 1,329 130 260 6,449
KISMAYO 58th Bn SNA KISMAYO OA 152 761 1,400 1,400 943 1,279 125 250 6,310

TOTAL Kg 12,402 60,629 100,021 82,899 57,375 60,457 6,942 14,041 394,766

SSF : Somali Security Forces

SNA : Somali National Army
SPF : Somali Police Force
Prices: The unit cost for each Food Item must be all-inclusive (including the delivery to each of the delivery locations that are listed above).
Additional Locations : The Contractor shall be expected to deliver to a new location(s) not previously listed in the table above in annex A, at the same price of food items being delivered to an existing nearby location within a
radius of 50km from that location in the same area. All locations outside that radius should be subject to contract negotiations and amendment.

Annex A
ANNEX B : SSF Food Specifications




A sweet meal biscuit - sometimes referred to as

a digestive biscuit, is a semi-sweet biscuit made
from whole wheat flour

Coarse brown wheat flour, sugar, malt extract, vegetable oil, milk, whole wheat flour and
leavening agents.
Optional, butter, glucose-fructose syrup, salt, dried whey, oatmeal, cultured skimmed
milk, emulsifiers.

 CODEX “CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003; Code of Practice-General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with Codex
Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of microbiological
criteria for food.


 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to
health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in amounts which
may represent a hazard to health.

Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Bacillus cereus n = 5; c =1; m = 102 cfu/g; M =103 cfu/g
Salmonella n = 5; c = 0 Absent in 25g
Enterobacteriaceae n=5; c=2; m=103 cfu/g; M=104 cfu/g
Mould n=5; c=1; m=50 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g
E. coli n = 5; c = 1; m = 10 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Moisture ≤ 5% (w/w)
Total Aflatoxin; Aflatoxin B1 ≤ 4 μg/kg; ≤ 2 μg/kg
Ochratoxin A ≤ 5 μg/kg

Acid insoluble ash (dry basis) ≤0.05% (on dry matter basis)
Acidity of extracted fat (as oleic acid) ≤ 1.0% (on dry matter basis)
Trans fat acidity ≤ 2 g/100 g of fat

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 The individual content shall not be broken neither crushed.
 The biscuits shall have a uniform, brown colour, shall be evenly baked without signs of
burning or scorching; and shall have no foreign colour nor be damaged or crushed.
 Shall have a characteristic digestive biscuit smell with no rancid, stale or mould odour.
 The product shall have a uniform grain and texture.


 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 500g
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).




All-purpose wheat flour is flour that has been prepared
from common wheat of the species Triticum aestivum
L. or club wheat; Triticum compactum L. or a mixture
of the two species, which is obtained by a grinding and
milling process in which the germ and bran are partly
removed, and the remainder is reduced to a suitable
degree of fineness.

All-purpose wheat flour shall be prepared from clean sound wheat grains.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance
with Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and
Application of microbiological criteria for food.
 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a
hazard to health and shall be free from any substance originating from
microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to health.

Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Bacillus cereus n=5 ; c=1 ; m=102 cfu/g ; M=103 cfu/g
Salmonella n=5; c=0; Absent in 25 g


Enterobacteriaceae n=5; c=2; m=102 cfu/g; M=103 cfu/g
Mould n=5 c=2 m=102 cfu/g M=103 cfu/g
Coagulase-positive staphylococci n=5; c=1; m=10 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Moisture, ≤ 12 %
Ochratoxin A ≤ 5 ug/kg
Total ash ≤ 1.3 % (on a dry matter basis)
Acidity ≤ 5°
Protein content (N x 5.7) ≥ 10.5 % (on a dry matter basis)

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 No signs of infestation; No signs of molds
 The flour shall have white or cream colour characteristic of either bleached or unbleached flour.
 The flour shall possess a natural wheat flour odour and shall be free from abnormal odours,
shall have no stale, rancid or “rope” or “mouldy” odour.
 The product shall be free from foreign matter including any filth and live or dead insects.

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 10 Kg
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).





Spaghetti is made by extrusion of dough made of durum

wheat flour with or without other flours such as semolina,
farina, wheat flour in combination.

Wheat flour wheat with or without semolina, durum, or farina
Spaghetti shall contain other ingredients and other additives as permitted (Codex Standard
for Food Additive (GSFA) Database.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with
Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of
microbiological criteria for food.
 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.


Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Bacillus cereus n = 5; c =1; m = 102 cfu/g; M =103 cfu/g
Salmonella n = 5; c = 0 Absent in 25g
Enterobacteriaceae n=5; c=2; m=102 cfu/g; M=103 cfu/g
Mould n=5; c=2; m=102 cfu/g; M=103 cfu/g
Coagulase-positive staphylococci n = 5; c = 1; m = 10 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Moisture, ≤12 %
Ochratoxin A ≤ 5 ug/kg
Total ash ≤ 1.3 % (m/m on a dry matter basis)
Acidity 5°
Protein content (N x 5.7) ≥ 10.5 % (on a dry matter basis)

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to
health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in amounts
which may represent a hazard to health.
 Spaghetti shall have no foreign odour; the flavor shall be characteristic of type of noodle.
 The texture shall be elastic when cooked.
 The product shall be clean, sound, wholesome and free from any foreign material.

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 1 Kg
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).




Basmati Rice
Basmati rice is long grain rice milled from the kernels belonging
to the species Oryza sativa L. “Basmati” is the customary name
for certain varieties of rice that are grown exclusively in specific
areas of the Indo Gangetic Plains. Approved varieties are
Basmati 217 (India), Basmati 370 (India, Pakistan), Basmati 386
(India), Super Basmati (Pakistan), Basmati 198 (Pakistan),
Basmati 385 (Pakistan), Haryana Basmati (India), Pusa Basmati
(India), Ranbir Basmati (India), Kasturi (India), Punjab Basmati
(India), Dera Dhun Basmati (India), Kernel Basmati 2000
(Pakistan) and Mahi Suganda (India).

 Milled Basmati Rice
 Nutrients: Vitamins, minerals and amino acids may be added in conformity whit the
legislation of the country of origin and other additives as permitted (Codex Standard
for Food Additive (GSFA) Database.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.
 The product shall comply with CODEX STAN 198-1995 CODEX STANDARD FOR RICE.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with
Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of
microbiological criteria for food.


 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.

Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Bacilus cereus n=5 ; c=1 ; m=103 cfu/g ; M=104 cfu/g
Salmonella n=5; c=0; Absent in 25 g
Enterobacteriaceae n=5; c=2; m=104 cfu/g; M=105 cfu/g
Yeast and Mould n=5; c=2; m=104 cfu/g; M=105 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Moisture, ≤ 12 %
Total Aflatoxin; Aflatoxin B1 ≤ 4 μg/kg; ≤ 2 μg/kg
Ochratoxin A ≤ 5 μg/kg

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 No signs of infestation.
 No signs of mold
 Shall have a characteristic basmati odour and shall be free from abnormal odours and flavours.
 Broken kernels shall not exceed 10%

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 25 Kg
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).




Vegetable mixed diced canned


This standard shall apply to canned diced mixed

vegetables (green beans, corn, carrots, and peas)
which have been prepared as per commercial
standards for direct consumption without further
processing except for repacking in cans. The product
is hermetically sealed.

Green beans, peas, carrots, corn, medium (water, if necessary, salt),
Optional: Any other vegetable, spices, and condiments.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.
 CODEX STAN CAC/RCP 60-2005 “Code of Practice for the prevention and reduction of tin
contamination in canned food”.
 CAC/RCP 23-1979 “Recommended International Code of Hygiene practice for Low-Acid
and Acidified Low Acid Canned foods”.
 CODEX STAN 297-2009 CODEX STAN for certain canned vegetables.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with
Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of
microbiological criteria for food.


 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.

Microbiological criteria
Commercial sterility n=6; c=0; m=M= Commercially sterile

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

pH 5.1 - 5.7

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 The product and packing media shall not be below 90% (less head space) of container water
 Minimum drain weight 53%
 The texture shall be characteristic of diced produce.
 The odour and flavour shall be characteristic of product, free from any kind of objectional
odour or flavour.
 Free of foreign matter.

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 1 kg.
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 04 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).




Oil vegetable

Vegetable oils are foodstuffs which are composed

primarily of glycerides of fatty acids being obtained
only from vegetable sources.

 Vegetable oil is composed primarily of triglycerides of fatty acids being obtained only
from vegetable sources. It may contain small amounts of other lipids such as
phosphatides, of unsaponifiable constituents and of free fatty acids naturally present in
the fat or oil.
 Food Additives: See Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) Database and
where permitted, only those individual additive(s) indicated for the product shall apply
and only within the limits specified.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.
 CODEX-STAN 210-1999, “Codex Standard for named vegetable oils”


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with
Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of
microbiological criteria for food.


 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.

Microbiological criteria
Total plate count < 10 cfu/g
Mould < 10 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Matter volatile at 1050C ≤ 0.2%
Insoluble impurities ≤ 0.05% m/m
Soap content ≤ 0.005% m/m
Acid value ≤ 0.6 mg KOH/g Oil
Free fatty acids ≤ 0.15 % as oleic acid
Peroxide value ≤10 milliequivalents of active oxygen /kg oil

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 Shall have no foreign matter and rancid odour and taste.
 The appearance and colour shall be appropriate to the product.
 The texture shall be fluid.

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 5 L
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).




Sugar white

White sugar is purified, crystallized sucrose.

 Sucrose

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.
 CODEX STAN 212-1999 “ Codex Standard for sugars ».


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with
Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application of
microbiological criteria for food.
 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard
to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.


Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Salmonella n=5; c=0; Absent in 25g
E. coli n=5; c=1; m=10 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g
Mould n=5; c=2; m=10 cfu/g; M=100 cfu/g
Aerobic colony count n=5; c=1; m=103 cfu/g; M=104 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Sulphur dioxide and sulphites ≤ 10 mg/kg
Polarization (dry basis) ≥ 99.7 oZ
Conductivity ash < 0.04 %
Loss on drying ≤ 0.1 %
Invert sugar ≤ 0.04 %
Colour ≤ 60 ICUMSA units

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 The product shall be free from foreign or extraneous matter.
 Shall be white with crystals texture.


 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 1 kg

 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).





Whole pitted dates dried from varieties (cultivars)

grown from sound fruit of the date tree Phoenix
dactylifera be supplied dried to the consumer.

Food additives: See Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) Database and
where permitted, only those individual additive(s) indicated for the product shall apply
and only within the limits specified.

 Codex CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 4-2003; Code of Practice General Principles of Food
Hygiene including annex on HACCP systems and guidelines for application.


 The product shall comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance
with Codex Guideline CAC/GL: 21-1997 “Principles for the Establishment and Application
of microbiological criteria for food.
 The product shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a
hazard to health and shall be free from any substance originating from microorganisms in
amounts which may represent a hazard to health.
Microbiological criteria
Food Safety
Salmonella n=5; c=0; Absent in 125 g


Enterobacteriaceae n=5; c=2; m=102 cfu/g; M=103 cfu/g

Escherichia coli n = 5; c=1; m=10 cfu/g; M = 100 cfu/g

Chemical criteria (safety and quality)

Moisture ≤ 30 %
Invert sugar ≤ 30 %
Aflatoxin B1/ Total ≤ 2 µg/kg / 4 µg/kg
Ochratoxin A ≤ 4 µg/kg

Contaminants Criteria
Contaminants: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with the Maximum Levels for
contaminants that are specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and
Toxins in Food and Feed (CODEX STAN 193-1995).
Pesticides: The product covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits
established by Codex Alimentarius (See: CAC / MRL: 2009 Maximum residue Limits (MRLS) for
Physical criteria
 No signs of infestation.
 To be supplied dried to the consumer.
 Intact; sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make them unfit for
consumption is excluded; ripe, plump and plastic where applicable; clean, practically free of
any visible foreign matter; free from living insects or any living parasites; free from visible
damage by insects, mites or other parasites; free from mould; free from foreign smell and/or
taste; free from fermentation; to withstand transportation and handling; must be amber-
coloured to brown and the flesh must be abundant, fat or semi-fat, and greasy. The epicarp
must be translucent and, according to the variety, adhere to the flesh; Size: “Extra” Class-
Superior Quality.

 Primary packaging net weight: Up to 2 kg
 Warranty at delivery location: Minimum 4 Months

Storage and transportation shall be ambient temperature (15 - 25 o C).



Please refer to Annex A and indicate the Area(s) your company will be bidding for
(You are expected to bid for more than one (1) area):

1 2 3 4 5
Annex C-Pricing Schedule

Annex C- Pricing Schedules











SNA / Delivery Total Food


Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost

Receiving Unit SSF Location SPF Location /Kg /Kg /Kg /Kg /Liter /Kg /Kg /Kg
Food Qty
Price (B)
Kg (A)

AFGOYE 1st Brigade / 31st Bn SNA ARABISKA 337 1,333 1,600 1,600 1,333 1,333 151 302 7,989 -
AFGOYE 7th Brigade / 35th Bn SNA ARABISKA 325 1,285 1,543 1,286 1,286 1,286 146 292 7,449 -
AFGOYE 7th Brigade / 54th Bn SNA ARABISKA 318 1,257 1,509 1,257 1,257 1,257 143 286 7,284 -
AGFOOYE SPF Darwish SPF ARABISKA 215 895 1,350 1,050 805 865 120 240 5,540 -
AW-DHEEGLE 84th Bn / October 14th Brigade SNA KM 50 354 2,118 2,541 2,541 1,417 1,417 130 260 10,778 -
AW-DHEEGLE 2 2 Bn / Gorgor SNA KM 50 307 1,839 2,207 2,207 1,230 1,230 112 226 9,358 -
BALEDOGLE 7th Brigade HQ / 64th Bn SNA BALEDOGLE 262 1,048 1,257 1,048 1,048 1,048 121 242 6,074 -
BARAAWE 25th Bn / 6th Brigade SNA BARAAWE 539 1,616 2,138 2,165 1,616 1,616 240 480 10,410 -
BULAMAREER Coy / 26th Bn SNA MARKA 128 800 960 800 800 800 88 176 4,552
1 GOLWEYNE Coy / 26th Bn SNA MARKA 63 392 470 392 392 392 43 86 2,230 -
JANALE SPF Darwish SPF MARKA 160 665 1,000 850 605 645 90 240 4,255 -
JANALE 1 14th October / 83rd Bn SNA MARKA 359 2,154 2,584 2,584 1,431 1,431 131 262 10,936 -
JANALE 2 14th October / 66th Bn SNA MARKA 353 2,122 2,546 2,546 1,409 1,409 130 260 10,775 -
1 KM50 14th October Brigade HQ SNA KM 50 279 1,667 2,000 2,000 1,109 1,109 94 189 8,447 -
MARKA 14th Bn / October 14th Brigade SNA MARKA 250 1,550 1,860 1,550 1,550 1,550 172 345 8,827 -
SABIID 143rd Bn/October 14th Brigade SNA KM 50 560 1,682 2,227 2,254 1,682 1,682 250 500 10,837 -
SABIID SPF Darwish SPF ARABISKA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775 -
SHALAMBOOTI 26th Bn / 6th Brigade SNA MARKA 161 1,006 1,207 1,006 1,006 1,006 111 222 5,725 -
SHALAMBOOTI SPF Darwish SPF MARKA 160 665 1,000 850 605 645 90 240 4,255 -
CADALE HQ 4th Brigade SNA CADALE 229 1,133 2,649 1,911 1,451 1,363 100 201 9,037 -
ADAN YABAAL 52nd Bn / 4th Brigade SNA ADAN YABAAL 233 1,154 2,698 1,947 1,477 1,388 102 204 9,203 -
ADAN YABAAL 2 30th Bn / 4th Brigade SNA ADAN YABAAL 200 986 2,306 1,664 1,262 1,186 87 174 7,865 -
5 BIYO CADE 12th Bn / 4th Brigade SNA BIYO CADE 286 1,416 3,310 2,389 1,814 1,704 125 251 11,295 -
BALCAD 19th Bn / 3rd Brigade SNA BALCAD 339 1,678 3,923 2,832 2,150 2,020 148 297 13,387 -
JOWHAR 23 Bn / 3 Brigade SNA JOWHAR 205 1,013 2,370 1,711 1,299 1,220 89 179 8,086 -
JOWHAR 2 HQ 3rd Brigade SNA JOWHAR 125 618 1,447 1,044 793 745 55 110 4,937 -
HIRSHABELLE Hirshabelle Police SPF JOWHAR 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775 -
BAIDOA 68th Bn / Sector HQ SNA BAIDOA 324 1,908 3,000 3,000 1,617 2,122 236 472 12,679 -
BARDHEERE 49th Bn / 10th Brigade SNA BARDHEERE 262 1,310 2,400 1,900 985 985 181 363 8,386 -
BURDIBO 48th Bn / 10th Brigade SNA BURDIBO 110 654 1,500 800 546 546 68 136 4,360 -
CEEL BARDE 17th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA CEEL BARDE 368 1,418 1,750 1,750 1,230 1,230 202 404 8,352 -
DINSOOR 154th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA DINSOOR 64 890 1,100 1,100 254 254 70 140 3,872 -
GOFGUDUUD BUURAY 45th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 228 1,336 2,345 2,017 1,135 1,490 167 334 9,052 -
GOFGUDUUD BUURAY 2 46th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 110 1,541 1,850 1,850 440 440 121 242 6,594 -
3 2 MAANYO-FULKA 8th Brigade HQ SNA BAIDOA 180 1,066 1,900 1,598 905 1,181 132 264 7,226 -
MAANYO-FULKA 2 47th Bn / 8th Brigade SNA BAIDOA 170 1,004 1,900 1,500 849 1,115 123 246 6,907 -
MORA GABEY 175th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 401 1,806 3,100 2,150 1,605 1,605 220 462 11,349 -
SOUTH WEST STATE South West State Police SPF BAIDOA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775 -
WAJID 260th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA WAJID 452 1,585 4,500 3,000 1,992 1,992 274 548 14,343 -
XUDUUR 9th Brigade HQ SNA XUDUUR 87 392 700 550 348 348 48 95 2,568 -
XUDUUR 2 144th Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 239 1,077 1,800 1,400 957 957 132 264 6,826 -
XUDUUR 3 51st Bn / 9th Brigade SNA XUDUUR 421 1,894 3,500 1,950 1,681 1,681 231 462 11,820 -
BELET WEYNE 39th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 151 604 1,250 950 906 1,208 116 235 5,420 -
BELET WEYNE 40th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 192 770 1,600 1,200 1,155 1,542 150 300 6,909 -
BELET WEYNE 5th Brigade HQ SNA BELET WEYNE 148 591 1,200 1,000 887 1,183 113 226 5,348 -
4 3 BULO BURTO 5th Brigade / 41st Bn SNA BULO BURTO 220 1,322 2,350 1,700 1,322 1,322 194 387 8,817 -
BULO BURTO Sector 27 HQ SNA BULO BURTO 110 663 1,200 850 663 663 95 192 4,436 -
DUSAMAREEB Galmdug Police SPF DUSAMAREEB 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775 -
MAXAAS COY / 39th Bn SNA BELET WEYNE 142 713 1,200 850 357 357 72 145 3,836 -
2 4 DHOBLEY 11th Brigade HQ / 67th Bn SNA DHOBLEY 243 1,203 3,374 3,000 1,540 1,447 212 424 11,443 -
JUBALAND Jubaland Police SPF KISMAYO NA 105 450 650 550 405 435 60 120 2,775 -
6 5 KISMAYO 43rd Sector HQ/11th Brigade HQ SNA KISMAYO OA 198 988 1,750 1,750 1,225 1,659 162 326 8,058 -
KISMAYO 56th Bn SNA KISMAYO OA 158 791 1,400 1,400 981 1,329 130 260 6,449 -
KISMAYO 58th Bn SNA KISMAYO OA 152 761 1,400 1,400 943 1,279 125 250 6,310 -

TOTAL Kg 12,402 60,629 100,021 82,899 57,375 60,457 6,942 14,041 394,766

SSF : Somali Security Forces

SNA : Somali National Army
SPF : Somali Police Force
The unit cost for each Food Item must be all-inclusive (including the delivery to each of the delivery locations that are listed above).
Additional Locations : The Contractor shall be expected to deliver to A new location(s) not previously listed in the table above in annex A, at the same price of food items being delivered to an existing nearby location within a radius of 50km from that location in the same area. All locations outside that radius should be subject to
contract negotiations and amendment

United Nations Nations Unies

Procurement 24-Aug-2023

Annex D
[Bank Stationery]

Procurement Division
United Nations
15th Floor, 1 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
U.S.A .
Attn: Mr. ______, Director
Fax: ________

[Name and Address of Contractor]


Reference: Our Guarantee No....................

For ..........................................

Dear Sirs and Madams:

1. At the request of [name of the Contractor], we, as Guarantor, hereby undertake to pay to you, the Beneficiary, or
your accredited representative on first written demand the sum of [currency][amount in words and figures] or such lesser
sum of money as you may by such written demand require to be paid accompanied by your written statement that the
Principal identified above is in breach of its obligations under the contract identified in paragraph 2, without the need to
specify the respect in which the Principal is in breach. Such statement shall be conclusive evidence of your entitlement
to payment in the amount demanded, up to the amount of this Guarantee. The amount of this guarantee is
[currency][amount in words and figures].

2. The Beneficiary and the Principal have entered into a contract [insert contract number], dated [date], for the
provision of services by the Principal to [describe services] (the "Contract").

3. This Guarantee shall remain valid until [insert date after the end of the Initial Term of the Contract] or [insert date
after the end of the Extended Term of the Contract, if any].It is understood that written demand for payment under this
Guarantee must be received by the Issuer not later than the expiration of this Guarantee.

4. Subject to paragraph 5, below, this Guarantee is governed by the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC
Publication No.758.The supporting statement under Article 15(a) thereof is excluded.

5. Nothing herein or related hereto: (i) shall be deemed a waiver or any agreement to waive any of the privileges and
immunities of the United Nations, or (ii) shall be interpreted or applied in a manner inconsistent with such privileges and

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of [name of issuer bank]

{Bank's Official Seal}



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