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Kinetic Model for Nitrogen-Limited Wine

Amanda C. Cramer,1 Sophocles Vlassides,1
David E. Block1,2
Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, One
Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616; telephone: (530) 754-6046; fax: (530)
752-0382; e-mail:
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of
California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616
Received 19 September 2000; accepted 4 September 2001

Abstract: A physical and mathematical model for wine types of abnormal fermentation kinetics can be a serious
fermentation kinetics has been developed to predict problem in an industrial setting as they can lead to un-
sugar utilization curves based on experimental data from
wine fermentations with various initial nitrogen and scheduled loss of tank capacity due to extended pro-
sugar concentrations in the juice. The model is based on: cessing time and the potential for microbial instability of
(1) yeast cell growth limited by nitrogen; (2) sugar utili- the ®nal product due to residual sugar. The ability to
zation rates and ethanol production rates proportional predict the fermentation kinetics or Brix curves prior to
solely to the number of viable cells; and (3) a death rate inoculation based solely on grape juice characteristics
for cells proportional to alcohol content. All but one
parameter in the model can be estimated from existing and intended processing would, therefore, be a useful
data. However, experiments to ®nd this ®nal parameter, tool to develop.
a constant describing cell death, indicate that cell death Several physical and mathematical models for wine
may not be the critical factor in determining fermenta- fermentations have been developed and reported in the
tion kinetics as cell viability remains signi®cant until literature over the last 40 years. These models have re-
sugar utilization has ceased. The model, nevertheless,
predicts a transition from normal to sluggish to stuck cently been reviewed by Marin (1999). One of the ®rst
fermentations as initial nitrogen levels decrease. It also comprehensive kinetic models for wine fermentations
predicts that fermentations with high initial Brix levels was reported by Boulton (1980). This mechanistic model
may go to completion when supplemented with nitro- included the in¯uence of glucose and fructose levels,
gen in the form of ammonia. Therefore, we hypothesize ethanol levels, and temperature on sugar utilization
that the model is valid but that ethanol causes the yeast
cells to become inactive while remaining viable. Exper- rates and captured the general trends found in practice.
imental veri®cation of the model has been performed Caro et al. (1991) used a similar mechanistic model to
using ¯ask-scale experiments. The model has also been describe sugar utilization but also included sugar utili-
used to evaluate the possibility of using nitrogen or vi- zation pathways other than ethanol production (i.e.,
able cell additions to avoid or correct problem (i.e., mainly respiration) in order to address the mismatch in
sluggish or stuck) fermentations. ã 2002 John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 77: 49±60, 2002.
ethanol concentration found in previous models. Several
Keywords: wine; mathematical model; stuck fermen- more empirical (Aiba et al., 1968; Bovee et al., 1984;
tations; ethanol Giovanelli et al., 1996; Holzberg et al., 1967; Lopez and
Secanell, 1992) or non-parametric (e.g., neural network)
models (Insa et al., 1995) have also been published.
The mechanistic models developed have typically used
During the fermentation of grape juice to wine, the growth expressions dependent on sugar concentration in
sugar present in the juice is converted to ethanol by a Monod-type relationship. In this manner, these mod-
yeast that is either present in the fermentor or inoculated els have indirectly linked cell growth and ethanol pro-
into the fermentor. Typically, yeast will fully utilize the duction. However, there are clearly cases where yeast
sugar present in the juice in seven to 10 days (Bisson, cell growth is complete prior to signi®cant utilization of
1999). However, under certain circumstances, fermen- sugar. Therefore, another juice component must be the
tations will take signi®cantly longer to ®nish (i.e., slug- growth-limiting nutrient. Benzenger and Navarro (1988)
gish fermentations) or will leave residual sugar greater have reported a model incorporating the e€ects of initial
than 0.4% w/v (i.e., stuck fermentations). These latter nitrogen level. However, the mechanistic expressions
examined were not satisfactory for ®tting their kinetic
Correspondence to: David E. Block, Department of Viticulture and
data, and therefore, an empirical model was developed
Enology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA instead. Mathematical models with other limiting nu-
95616. trients have not been reported. Various models have

ã 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

DOI 10.1002/bit.10133
also dealt di€erently with the e€ect of alcohol on fer- available in juice to ®nd if speci®c amino acids might be
mentation productivity and cell viability. These include limiting fermentation in certain cases. They found that
expressions in the form of growth inhibition (Aiba et al., amino acids could be grouped into three categories
1968; Holzberg et al., 1967; Marin, 1999; Mota et al., based on utilization pattern with one group (including
1984) and also in the form of speci®c expressions for cell arginine) preferentially depleted from the medium.
death (Boulton, 1980; Caro et al., 1991). Incorporating While the detailed mechanism of regulation based on
the e€ect of ethanol in some form into a model is im- nitrogen components of juice has not been established, it
portant for understanding and predicting the occurrence is clear that nitrogen can play a key role in determining
of problem fermentations. A model that can predict the both the rate and extent of normal and problem fer-
transition from normal to sluggish or stuck fermentation mentations.
kinetics would be extremely useful in determining a Therefore in this paper, we focus on the development
basic mechanism for this important transition. Previous of an unstructured mechanistic model for wine fermen-
mechanistic models have not addressed this issue. tation kinetics based on nitrogen as a growth-limiting
Factors leading to sluggish and stuck fermentations nutrient. We then use the model developed to predict the
have been extensively studied. Comprehensive reviews role of nitrogen and sugar levels in determining fer-
of this topic have recently been published by Bisson mentation kinetics. Next, the predictions of the model
(1999) and by Alexandre and Charpentier (1998). These are compared to experimental data from small-scale
factors include low nitrogen and oxygen (and other fermentations, and the information used to rede®ne the
nutrient) levels, high sugar levels, high ethanol levels and model. Finally, the model is used to predict strategies for
ethanol toxicity, extremes in temperature and pH, and intervening in fermentations that are destined to become
the presence of toxins. While the causes of problem sluggish or stuck.
fermentations have been well documented, the basic
mechanism that results in the cessation of the conversion
of sugar to ethanol is not well understood. It has been
shown that the process of converting sugar to ethanol is Small-Scale Wine Fermentations
controlled at the membrane transport step (Bisson,
1999), but how the signal to shut down transport is Fermentations were conducted using 400 mL total vol-
transmitted and the actual mechanism through which ume in 500-mL Erlenmeyer ¯asks equipped with fer-
the transport proteins are inactivated or down-regulated mentation air locks. The juice used for these experiments
have not been established. was Chardonnay juice, which was either undiluted or
Perhaps the most studied cause of sluggish and stuck diluted. For diluted juices, diammonium phosphate
(DAP) and sugar were added to vary the concentrations
fermentations is low initial nitrogen levels. Nitrogen in
of these nutrients. The sugar added was 50% glucose and
grape juice is made up of an ammonia component and a
50% fructose. Fermentations were inoculated with active
more complex amino-acid-based nitrogen component. It
is clear from the literature that low levels of nitrogen are dry Premier Cuvee yeast (Red Star, Milwaukee, WI) at
likely to lead to problem fermentations (Bely et al., approximately 0.25 g dry weight/L that had been rehy-
1990, 1994; Ingledew and Kunkee, 1985; Jiranek et al., drated at 0.1 g/mL for 30 min with stirring according to
1995; Monteiro and Bisson, 1991; Sablayrolles et al., the manufacturer's recommendations. Fermentations
1996; Spayd et al., 1995). However, some researchers were maintained at 23 ‹ 2°C and were minimally agi-
tated at 50 rpm on a platform shaker. Twelve fermen-
have linked low nitrogen to low cellular activity (Bely et
tations were initially completed to verify the model
al., 1990, 1994) and others have associated this condi-
developed. Samples were taken periodically for analysis
tion with low resultant biomass concentrations
(Monteiro and Bisson, 1991; Spayd et al., 1995). Addi- of cell number and viability, as well as of sugar and
tion of nitrogen in the form of diammonium phosphate nitrogen concentrations. These samples were taken two
(DAP) can alleviate these problems in cases in which the to three times per day during periods of rapid cell
initial nitrogen level is low but not in cases where the growth or sugar utilization and less frequently later in
nitrogen level in the juice is already high (Bely et al., the fermentation. Prior to sampling, ¯asks were mixed
by vigorous swirling in order to suspend all solids.
1990). Several groups have reported a transition point of
140 mg N/L (Bely et al., 1990; Ingledew and Kunkee,
1985), which may correspond to the point at which the
Total and Viable Cell Concentration
biomass no longer increases with increasing initial ni-
trogen in some juices. Others have shown that nitrogen Total and viable cell numbers were estimated micro-
addition throughout the course of fermentation is also scopically using a hemacytometer. Cells (50 lL) were
e€ective to varying degrees in assuring rapid completion added to 50 lL of methylene blue solution (0.4%
of sugar utilization, especially when the initial nitrogen methylene blue, 10% ethanol [95%], 0.4 M KH2PO4) and
level is low (Bely et al., 1990). Jiranek et al. (1995) have mixed. Blue cells were counted as dead cells, while cells
examined speci®c components of the nitrogen typically without obvious color were counted as live cells. Total


solids concentration was evaluated using optical density kd ˆ k0d E: …3†
at 600 nm (OD600) using a Milton Roy Spectronic 601
spectrophotometer (Rochester, NY) against a water
Unlike previous models, the growth rate in this model is
blank. Dilutions were made as necessary in order to
not a function of the sugar concentration as we have
keep the optical density below 0.4 AU.
observed that the sugar concentration does not change
appreciably until the end of the exponential phase of
Assays for Sugar and Nitrogen Concentration growth and entry into stationary phase. In fact, most
sugar is utilized after this point, and therefore, it is not
For all samples, individual sugars and organic acids the limiting nutrient.
were measured using a Hewlett-Packard HP1100 HPLC Total nitrogen concentration, which would include
with two 30-cm Aminex HPX-87H columns (Bio-Rad, nitrogen measured as ammonia and as a-amino nitrogen,
Hercules, CA), a mobile phase of 0.001 M sulfuric acid is used proportional to cell growth as shown in Eq. (4):
at a ¯ow rate of 0.6 ml/min, a column temperature of
55°C, and a refractive index detector. In addition, am- dN lXv
ˆ ; …4†
monia was measured using an enzymatic assay (Sigma dt YX=N
Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), and a-amino nitrogen
was measured using the method of Dukes and Butzke where l has the same functionality as in Eq. (2), and YX/N
(1998). is a yield coecient of biomass on nitrogen.
As we have observed sugar utilization and ethanol
production to commence just prior to the cessation of
Model Simulations exponential cell growth, ethanol production in this
Simulations were carried out using the numerical inte- model is viewed as a completely non-growth-associated
gration feature of Mathematica (Wolfram Research, (Luedeking and Piret, 1959) stoichiometric bioconver-
Champaign, IL) on a 200 MHz or 333 MHz personal sion of sugar to ethanol:
computer. Model parameters were chosen as described dE
in the text. ˆ bXv ; …5†


dt YE=S
Model Development
where YE/S is the stoichiometric coecient describing
In the process of measuring nitrogen levels and cell the formation of ethanol from sugar, and b is a function
concentration in wine fermentations prior to the current of the sugar level, S, as in Eq. (7):
studies, we observed that exhaustion or near exhaustion
of nitrogen seemed to correspond in time with the ces- bmax S
bˆ : …7†
sation of exponential cell growth and the initiation of KS ‡ S
signi®cant ethanol production. For this reason, we be-
This form of the speci®c ethanol production rate or
gan to develop a model that is based on nitrogen-limited
sugar utilization rate is consistent with previous obser-
growth with completely non-growth-associated produc-
vations that sugar transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
tion of ethanol. Four di€erential equations were derived
is by facilitated di€usion and can be described by this
to describe the kinetic behavior of the concentrations of
type of relationship (Coons et al., 1995). Utilization of
viable yeast cells, total nitrogen, sugar (including both
glucose and fructose, the main sugars in grape juice, is
glucose and fructose), and ethanol.
not distinguished in this model.
First, an expression was derived for viable cell con-
It should be noted here that while a completely non-
centration, Xv:
growth-associated model for ethanol formation does not
dXv preclude formation during growth, it does make ethanol
ˆ lXv kd Xv ; …1† formation proportional to biomass concentration, which
is highest at the completion of cell growth. While it is
where l is in the form of the Monod relationship with possible that a small growth-associated component of
respect to the total nitrogen concentration: ethanol production may actually be present, no signi®-
lmax N cant relationship was found in our data between the
lˆ ; …2† speci®c ethanol production rate, (1/X)dP/dt, and the
KN ‡ N
speci®c growth rate, l. This type of relationship would be
and the death constant, kd is linearly related to the expected for growth-associated product formation (Lu-
ethanol concentration, E, at any given time in the fer- edeking and Piret, 1959), and thus, inclusion of a growth-
mentation: associated term in the model was not justi®ed in this case.


Table I. Model parameters used for initial simulations.

Parameter Value
lmax 0.16 h
KN 0.010 g N/L
YX/N 31 g biomass/g nitrogen
bmax 0.3 g ethanol g biomass)1 h)1
KS 10 g sugar/L
YE/S 0.47 g ethanol/g sugar
k0d 0.0001 L/g ethanol h

Parameter Evaluation
The model described in the previous section contains the
seven constants shown in Table I. Of these seven con-
stants, six of them can be easily estimated from data in Figure 1. Simulation of wine fermentation kinetics. The kinetics of
the literature and from our own experimental data. yeast growth in grape juice were simulated using the model described
These are lmax, KN, YX/N, bmax, KS, and YE/S. The in the text and the model parameters shown in Table I. Trends for
biomass, total nitrogen, sugar, and ethanol concentrations are shown.
maximum speci®c growth rate can be estimated from
slope of a semi-log plot of viable cell concentration
versus time. The yield coecients, YX/N and YE/S, can be utilized by the end of exponential cell growth. The shape
estimated from the ratios of the speci®c components of the predicted sugar utilization curve is typical of most
consumed or produced during the course of a batch normal wine fermentations (Boulton et al., 1996).
fermentation. The saturation constants, KN and KS,
were estimated by observing the level of nitrogen or RESULTS
sugar at which the rate began to decrease signi®cantly.
While these parameters are actually de®ned as the nu- Experimental Veri®cation of Model Predictions
trient concentration for which the rate is half of maxi- for Normal Fermentations and Estimation
of the Death Constant
mum, the model predictions are not sensitive enough to
these parameters to justify a more precise measurement In order to verify the relevance and predictive capacity
of these values. For instance, the value of KN can be of the model developed for wine fermentation kinetics
varied from 5 mg N/L to 20 mg N/L with little e€ect on experimentally, it was important to obtain an indepen-
the predicted sugar utilization curves. Finally, the dent measure of the death constant, k0d , to compare with
maximum speci®c sugar utilization rate was calculated the order of magnitude estimate discussed in the previ-
from the linear portion of the sigmoidal sugar utilization ous section. To do this, Eq. (1) was used in the limiting
curves. The values chosen for the initial simulations case of exhausted nitrogen and sugar, assuming that k0d
using the model developed are shown in Table I. The is constant throughout the fermentation. For this case,
value of the death constant, k0d , is not easily calculated the cell growth term is negligible, and the ethanol con-
from existing data as little previous work has been centration is a constant. Therefore, the death constant
published on cell viability as a function of time in wine can be calculated from experimental data by ®nding the
fermentations. Therefore, the order of magnitude of this slope of the line formed by plotting the ln(Xv) versus
parameter (0.0001) was originally chosen based on rea- time. To generate experimental data to perform this
sonable prediction of normal fermentation kinetics. calculation, small-scale ¯ask experiments (400 mL of
In order to evaluate the general predictive capacity of juice in a 500-mL Erlenmeyer ¯ask) were inoculated
the model developed, normal fermentation kinetics were with Premier Cuvee yeast and cell viability followed
predicted since the shape of these curves has been well throughout the fermentation as described in the Mate-
established experimentally. To examine normal fer- rials and Methods. Initial sugar and nitrogen concen-
mentation kinetics, typical initial total nitrogen, cell, trations were varied in these experiments (eight
and sugar concentrations were used as initial conditions. combinations) in order to achieve a range of initial vi-
These were 150 mg N/L, 0.1 g cells/L, and 240 g sugar/ able cell and ®nal ethanol concentrations. This was ac-
L, respectively. As can be seen in Figure 1, the model complished by using 300 mL of juice diluted with water
predicts that viable cell concentration reaches a maxi- supplemented with the appropriate amounts of sugar
mum as nitrogen is depleted. Ethanol production begins and DAP. The mean value for k0d calculated in this
just prior to this point, and sugar utilization begins at manner was 0.00005 L/g ethanol h, one half of the order
approximately the same time. It can be noted here that, of magnitude estimate established in the previous sec-
even though this model is based on completely non- tion. Figure 2a illustrates data from a typical experi-
growth-associated formation of ethanol, the model mental ¯ask fermentation with ``normal'' initial nitrogen
predicts that approximately 10% of the sugar has been and sugar concentrations of 168 mg/L and 229 g/L, re-


ceased (Schreiber and Block, 2001). This point is further
illustrated in Figure 3 in which viable cell concentration
and sugar utilization curves are shown for six fermen-
tations including ones exhibiting ``normal'' kinetics,
such as Figure 3a and Figure 3d, and several that have
become sluggish or stuck due to low nitrogen (Fig. 3b,c)
or high initial sugar concentration (Fig. 3e,f).
In order to ®nd whether another value of the death
constant would give a better ®t of the experimental data
(especially the sugar utilization curve), the value of k0d
was systematically varied and the predicted kinetics
evaluated in terms of the ¯ask fermentation data. Using
a value of k0d ˆ 0:00022, the ®t of the experimental sugar
data was excellent as evidenced by the plot in Figure 2b.
In this plot, the same experimental data shown in Figure
2a is ®t with the model using this new value of k0d . It is
clear that the ®t of sugar concentration at later times in
the fermentation is improved, while the ®t of the viable
cell concentration during exponential growth and ni-
trogen concentration are largely unchanged, as expected
from the model. The trend in viable cell concentration
after the initial growth phase does not ®t the experi-
mental at all, as the number of viable cells does not
decrease dramatically until after sugar exhaustion.
Given the predictive capability of the model for sugar
utilization and the mismatch of the prediction and ex-
perimental data for cell viability, two explanations are
Figure 2. Fitting experimental fermentation data and determination possible. First, it is possible that the model is not physi-
of kd0 . Experimental data from 400-mL fermentations performed in cally accurate and that the ®t of the parameters other than
500-mL Erlenmeyer ¯asks are ®t with the model. (a) kd0 ˆ 0:00005 is cell viability is by chance. The second possible explanation
used as this is the value of this parameter estimated independently is that the mathematical form of the model is accurate, but
from experimental data. (b) Same experimental data is shown, but with
that Xv does not represent viable cell concentration, but
the model ®t using a kd0 ˆ 0:00022. ``Viable Biomass'' is estimated from
total cell numbers, viable cell fraction, and correlation with initial yeast rather the concentration of cells actively converting sugar
dry weight added at inoculum. into ethanol. In other words, the cells may maintain via-
bility in the presence of ethanol, but not their ability to
produce more ethanol. From the data presented below, we
spectively. The curves on this plot represent the model ®t feel that the latter scenario is more likely.
of the data using the calculated death constant along
with the other parameter values found in Table I. As can
be seen from this plot, the prediction of nitrogen ®ts the
Effect of Nitrogen on Fermentation Kinetics
experimental data well. However, the sugar utilization
curve only ®ts the data well up to approximately 60 h, Nitrogen-limited growth is a key part of the model
and the viable cell concentration curve only ®ts well up outlined here. Therefore, it is important to evaluate
to the point of nitrogen exhaustion. After the maximum experimentally, the e€ect of increasing or decreasing
viable cell concentration is reached, the model predic- nitrogen on maximum cell concentration and sugar
tion loosely passes through the experimental data, but utilization rates. To do this, a series of ¯ask fermenta-
does not exhibit the same general behavior. This is due tions were carried out in which the initial nitrogen levels
mainly to the observation that, experimentally, the were adjusted to the desired concentration by adding
number of viable cells remains high throughout the DAP to juice diluted one part juice to three parts water.
fermentation, and only decreases after signi®cant sugar In all cases, sugar (50% glucose and 50% fructose) was
utilization has ceased. To our knowledge, this observa- added to bring the diluted juice back to the original
tion has not been reported before, likely because of sugar concentration. In this way, all initial juices were
sparse data collection, but is consistently observed in identical, except for nitrogen concentration.
our fermentations and in those of others (L.F. Bisson, Figure 4 shows the e€ect of increasing nitrogen on
personal communication). In fact, the number of viable total cell concentration during the fermentation. The
cells is quite high even in the case of sluggish or stuck experimental data demonstrate that a proportional in-
fermentations until after signi®cant sugar utilization has crease in the maximum cell concentration occurs with


Figure 3. Cell viability measurements during normal, sluggish, and stuck fermentations. Each of the above graphs shows a sugar utilization curve
(closed circles) with the associated measurements of viable cell number (open circles). The graph shown in (a) illustrates these curves for a ``normal''
fermentation starting with approximately 220 g sugar/L and 230 mg N/L. The fermentations represented in (b) and (c) also have an initial sugar
concentration of approximately 220 g/L, but have initial nitrogen concentrations of 135 and 60 mg N/L, respectively. The graphs in (d), (e), and (f)
represent data from three fermentations all containing approximately 170 mg N/L, but initial sugar concentrations of 229, 263, and 291 g/L,

increasing initial nitrogen up to approximately 140 mg/ nutrients in the diluted juice can be seen in that undi-
L. After this point, nitrogen is no longer the limiting luted juice sustains a higher cell population than the
nutrient in the juices used, so that maximum cell con- diluted juice with equivalent sugar and nitrogen added
centration no longer increases at high nitrogen levels. back (data not shown). This e€ect of increased cell
The model developed here predicts the increase in cell concentration at higher initial nitrogen was con®rmed at
concentration, but does not account for the saturation the 20-L carboy and 200-L barrel scales (data not
behavior at higher nitrogen concentrations. Circum- shown). However, for the barrel fermentations, the juice
stantial evidence for the presence of other limiting was only diluted to 40% of the original concentration


Figure 5. Prediction of the e€ect of nitrogen on sugar utilization
rates. Experimental ¯ask fermentations were performed with varying
Figure 4. Prediction of the e€ect of nitrogen on the total biomass amounts of initial nitrogen, and the sugar utilization curves followed
concentration. Experimental ¯ask fermentations were performed with using an HPLC assay for glucose and fructose. Experimental points
varying amounts of initial nitrogen, and the biomass concentration are represented by symbols. The simulations, represented by the lines
followed using optical density and an experimentally determined on this plot, were carried out with the same initial conditions as the
conversion factor. Experimental points are represented by symbols. actual ¯asks. Model parameters for these simulations are given in the
The simulations, represented by the lines on this plot, were carried out text.
with the same initial conditions as the actual ¯asks. Model parameters
for these simulations are given in the text.

lected in a separate experiment than those collected in

and the saturation e€ect of increased nitrogen was not the previous section, it is likely that these changes are
as pronounced, even at a level of 285 mg N/L. There- due to slightly di€erent experimental conditions. The
fore, it is likely that dilution of the juice arti®cially di€erence in YX/N may be due to a variation in ammo-
lowers the concentration of factors other than nitrogen nia/alpha-amino nitrogen ratio or di€erent initial con-
and sugar to a point where they become limiting, centrations of oxygen, vitamins, fatty acids, or other
whereas at normal (i.e., undiluted juice) levels of these trace nutrients that could have been caused by changes
factors, nitrogen is still limiting growth at a level con- in the di€erent juice dilutions used in these experiments.
siderably higher than 140 mg/L. However, the calculated YX/N values are on the same
Another prediction of the model is that decreasing order as those calculated from similar nitrogen-limited
nitrogen levels at a constant initial sugar level will lead fermentation data (Salmon, 1989). A lower temperature
to a transition from normal fermentation kinetics to could explain variation in bmax and k0d as the experi-
sluggish or stuck fermentations. We tested this predic- ments were conducted at room temperature.
tion experimentally using ¯ask fermentations with di- Over the range of initial nitrogen levels examined in
luted juice and adjusted nitrogen and sugar levels. As these studies, the maximum viable cell concentration
can be seen in Figure 5, decreasing nitrogen from the increases proportionally to increases in nitrogen levels
juice nitrogen level of 230 to 138 mg/L decreases the up to approximately 140 mg/L. Above this value, cell
sugar utilization rate observed. By 60 mg/L, the fer- concentration no longer increases appreciably, presum-
mentations are exhibiting kinetics that would be con- ably as some other nutrient has become limiting (i.e.
sidered sluggish, and at 15 mg/L the fermentation is nitrogen is in excess).
stuck. From an interpretation of the model, this means
that the lower nitrogen is leading to fewer cells. By
starting sugar utilization with fewer cells, there is a Effect of High Initial Sugar Concentration
on Fermentation Kinetics
higher probability of all cells dying or becoming inac-
tivated prior to sugar exhaustion. These kinds of tran- In order to further study the predictive capability of the
sitions are predicted by the model, though the ®t using model, two ¯ask experiments were conducted at high
the parameters discussed above does not predict the initial sugar concentrations. First, a series of ¯ask fer-
experimentally determined minimum nitrogen concen- mentations was performed varying the initial sugar
tration necessary for completion of the fermentation. In concentration from 163 to 291 g/L, all at a nitrogen level
fact, in order to achieve the model ®t shown in Figures 4 of 167 ‹ 5 mg N/L. The sugar utilization curves for
and 5, the YX/N was increased to 50 g biomass/g nitro- these fermentations are shown in Figure 6. As can be
gen, the bmax was decreased to 0.12 h)1, and the k0d was seen in this plot, the sugar utilization rates late in the
decreased to 0.00013. As these data were actually col- fermentation slow down as the initial sugar in the juice


Figure 6. Prediction of the e€ect of increasing sugar concentrations
on fermentation kinetics. Experimental ¯ask fermentations were per-
formed with varying amounts of initial nitrogen and the sugar utili-
zation curves followed using an HPLC assay for glucose and fructose.
Experimental points are represented by symbols as shown in the leg-
end. The lines represent model predictions using the parameters shown
in Table I with a kd0 of 0.00022.

increases. The maximum sugar utilization rates do not,

however, change signi®cantly. These observations are
consistent with the model as all fermentations would
basically have the same cell concentration, but those
with higher sugar would be exposed to a higher ethanol
concentration for an extended period of time. The model
predicts these curves well, including the transition from
normal kinetics to sluggish or stuck kinetic patterns,
using a k0d ˆ 0:00022 and the other model parameters Figure 7. E€ects of high initial nitrogen concentration on completion
used in Figure 2. In fact, these experiments were per- of fermentations with high initial sugar concentrations. These plots
demonstrate the experimental and simulated e€ects of adding nitrogen
formed in parallel using the same base juice and dilu- to fermentations with 263 g sugar/L ([N] = 163, 261, and 335 mg N/L)
tions. (a) and 290 g sugar/L ([N] = 163 and 356 mg N/L) (b). The experi-
In the second experiment, fermentations using juices mental points are shown as symbols and were derived from ¯ask fer-
containing higher sugar concentrations (263 and 290 g/ mentations. The lines represent the simulations with the same initial
L) that had caused problem fermentations in the previ- conditions as the actual ¯asks.
ous experiment were initiated with increased N con-
centrations. From Figure 7, it is obvious that the model
over-predicts the e€ect of additional nitrogen. The rea- tion to ®nish more rapidly (Bely et al., 1990). In order to
son for this, as can be seen in Figure 4, is that cell evaluate the ability of the model to predict this recovery,
concentration is no longer increasing with initial nitro- we simulated a nitrogen-limited fermentation using the
gen at such high initial nitrogen levels as the model initial conditions and parameters used in Figure 1, but
would predict. Therefore, the sugar utilization rates do with a lower initial nitrogen content of 50 mg N/L. The
not change signi®cantly with varying nitrogen concen- model predicted that this fermentation would stick at
tration. However, the minimum sugar level reached by about 32 g sugar/L. Using the model, we were also able
300 h does decrease slightly at higher initial nitrogen to predict that at least 27 mg N/L would have to be
levels, indicating a potential physiological or metabolic added in order to avoid an extended period of sugar
change in the cells that is occurring along with any utilization. For a qualitative comparison to previous
changes in cell concentration. work, additions of 63 mg N/L (300 mg DAP/L) at 0, 20,
60, 120, 360, and 480 h after inoculation were simulated
and evaluated for their potential in avoiding a problem
Predicting Conditions for Restarting fermentation using the model. As can be seen in Figure
or Completing Problem Fermentations
8a, the model predicts that all additions of DAP will
Previous experimental studies have shown that additions result in successful completion of the fermentation. For
of DAP to a nitrogen-de®cient fermentation at various comparison to previous work, Figure 8b shows the
times during the fermentation can allow the fermenta- sugar utilization rate (as calculated from a simple two-


Table II. Simulation of viable cell additions for avoiding stuck fer-

Time of cell Post-addition Total time to

additiona (h) time to drynessb (h) drynessb (h)
0 460 460
20 460 480
60 430 490
120 380 500
360 290 650
480 270 750
Each cell addition consists of 0.85 g viable biomass/L.
Dryness is de®ned as less than 4.0 g sugar/L.


The model that we have developed for yeast fermenta-

tions in nitrogen-limited grape juice is a mechanistic
model based on nitrogen as the growth-limiting nutrient.
In the model, ethanol is produced in a completely non-
growth-associated manner, and therefore, sugar utiliza-
tion is also uncoupled from cell growth. Cell viability, or
at least the capacity to convert sugar to ethanol, is re-
duced in a time-dependent manner with a rate constant
proportional to the concentration of ethanol. The
mathematical model derived from this physical model is
composed of four non-linear, coupled ordinary di€er-
ential equations that can be readily solved using nu-
merical integration. As shown above, the predictions of
Figure 8. Simulation of additions of DAP to a problem fermentation
kinetics from this model have been quite good, both for
at various points during the fermentation. A base fermentation con-
taining 50 mg N/L is used. The simulation of this set of conditions normal fermentation kinetics under nitrogen limitation
shows that this fermentation will stick with approximately 32 g sugar/ as well as for predictions of transitions to sluggish or
L. By simulating the addition of DAP at various time points, the stuck fermentations. It predicts the experimentally ob-
fermentation goes to completion. This is demonstrated by examining served e€ects of low nitrogen and high sugar concen-
the predicted total sugar curves (a) and the instantaneous sugar utili-
trations. It also seems to predict the e€ect of nitrogen
zation rate (b). The lines in (b) correspond to the same lines labeled in
(a). additions later in fermentations otherwise destined to be
incomplete. Because of this predictive capability, this
model has the potential to become a useful tool for ex-
point forward di€erence method using the predicted amining the basic causes of sluggish and stuck fermen-
sugar concentration) for each of the cases. These results tations in terms of a theoretical framework. It also has
agree well qualitatively with the experimental results potential as a tool for determining when certain juice
reported in the literature (Bely et al., 1990). characteristics (e.g., carbon/nitrogen ratios) are likely to
We also used the same case study to evaluate the result in problem fermentations and how to address the
possibility of using viable cell additions to the nutrient predicted problem before it is too late.
de®cient fermentation to allow it to continue to com- Other models for wine fermentations have been de-
pletion. The model predicts that adding viable cells at a veloped previously with various levels of success in
minimum of 0.85 g viable cells/L at any point in the predicting fermentation kinetics. However, the advan-
fermentation will allow complete sugar utilization. tage of the current model is that it is mechanistic in
However, as can be seen in Table II, waiting until later nature and relatively simple with only seven parameters,
in the fermentation to add the viable cells will lengthen six of which can be estimated from data generated in our
the total amount of time necessary to complete the fer- laboratory or reported in the literature. The ®nal model
mentation even though the time post-addition decreases. parameter, k0d , could not be estimated from previous
These data are interesting not only in their prediction data, as comprehensive data on cell viability was not
that earlier cell addition is bene®cial (i.e., addition of a available in the literature for the conditions studied here.
larger inoculum initially can save weeks in fermentation However, we were able to generate data to calculate this
time) but also that a very large population of cells (more parameter as well. Even with this low level of com-
than three times the original inoculum) is needed to plexity, our model seems to have good predictive ca-
overcome the nutrient de®ciency. pacity as compared with many more complex models


and does not contain multiple parameters that can be is an exponential function of ethanol concentration.
®tted but not veri®ed experimentally. This is also the However, this work was focused on thermal death, and
®rst time, to our knowledge, that a mechanistic model it is not clear that this is applicable to death or inacti-
has been used to predict conditions leading to sluggish vation by ethanol, as the physical mechanisms being
or stuck fermentations which are a critical problem for described are likely to be di€erent. The death constant
the wine industry. Previous attempts to predict sluggish may also be a function of the physiological state of the
or stuck fermentations have utilized non-mechanistic cells and extracellular environment (e.g., fatty acid or
models or correlations (Giovanelli et al., 1996; Insa et al., sugar concentration) (Thomas et al., 1978; Thomas and
1995), which, while useful in a practical setting, yield less Rose, 1979). It will be important, therefore, to re-ex-
information toward a basic understanding of the un- amine the exact form of this term in the future, espe-
derlying phenomena. cially as reliable experimental methods become available
This model does not, however, include all of the fea- for evaluating the degree of cell inactivation.
tures of some previous models reported in the literature During the course of the model development and
(Boulton, 1980; Caro et al., 1991). Most notably, the experimentation, it became clear that cell death may not
current model assumes an isothermal fermentation that be a critical factor in determining the kinetics of wine
is rarely observed in practice, especially at a larger scale. fermentations. This is clear for two reasons. First, the
Since the experiments described here were carried out at model developed ®ts the cell concentration, nitrogen,
a single temperature in small ¯asks, this assumption may and ethanol concentration kinetics well, as well as pre-
not be critical for the current studies. Incorporation of dicting conditions favoring incomplete fermentation.
non-isothermal fermentation conditions would be an However, the death constant, k0d , calculated using cell
important, though non-trivial, extension of this work. death (k0d ˆ 0:00005) is not the same as the one that best
Inclusion of temperature e€ects will be a complex task ®ts the data (k0d ˆ 0:00022). Second, no large loss in
as many of the parameters in the current model (most viable cell number was observed experimentally until
notably lmax, k0d , and bmax) will all be functions of sugar utilization ceased, even in cases where fermenta-
temperature and each function will have to be found tions were sluggish or stuck (an observation that we
independently. Though for the immediate purpose of have not seen reported in the literature). One explana-
investigating the role of nitrogen in normal and problem tion for this observation may be that a slowing of sugar
fermentations the assumption of an isothermal process transport may lead to a decrease in viability, rather than
is adequate, addition of temperature e€ects would pro- the converse (i.e., lower viability leading to a decrease in
vide even more insight as long as the parameters added sugar transport). Therefore, the form of the model may
to the model could be veri®ed experimentally in some be correct, but Xv must represent a quantity other than
manner. ``viable'' cells. It is likely that this quantity represents the
In addition to the e€ects of temperature, substrate population of cells that are actively transporting sugar
(i.e., sugar) inhibition, substrate competition, and and converting it to ethanol. Decreases in this popula-
product inhibition are not speci®cally included in the tion could be caused by genetically regulated cell be-
viable cell growth term as in some previous models havior or simply by some physical change in membrane
(Aiba et al., 1968; Holzberg et al., 1967). As we have or transport protein conformation brought about by the
found that minimal sugar is used for cell growth com- presence of ethanol. More experimentation will be nec-
pared to that converted to alcohol, sugar concentration essary to distinguish between these two mechanisms.
is not critical to cell growth in our model. Only nitrogen The interpretation and calculation of the death con-
concentration is important in determining ®nal cell stant in this model relies on viability estimates using
concentration and growth rate. Ethanol inhibition is methylene blue staining. While this method has been
accounted for in the term that describes cell inactivation used for many years to determine viability in wine fer-
or death and, therefore, does not appear in the expres- mentations (Boulton et al., 1996), several studies with
sion for the speci®c growth rate. This is a good as- brewer's yeast have found that methylene blue staining
sumption, especially as the ethanol level remains low may overestimate the live cell concentration, especially at
prior to the cessation of growth in the model. low viabilities (Chilver et al., 1978; King et al., 1981;
In this model, the death constant was chosen arbi- McCaig, 1990). However, we (Schreiber and Block,
trarily to be a linear function of ethanol concentration, 2001) and others (Morrisey, 1998) have found the same
since this is the simplest starting point for a relationship extended viability in problem fermentations using direct
between ethanol and cell death or inactivation. Leao colony counts on plates as well. In the studies completed
and Van Uden had previously found that the entropy of by Schreiber and Block (2001), colony counts did, in fact,
activation of thermal cell death is linearly related to yield lower estimates of viable cell number than meth-
ethanol concentration for concentrations above 0.3 M ylene blue staining, especially early in the fermentation.
(13.8 g/L) which corresponds to most of a typical wine However, neither measure of viable cell number (i.e.,
fermentation (Leao and Van Uden, 1982). This rela- methylene blue staining and colony counts) decreased
tionship would actually indicate that the death constant signi®cantly until appreciable sugar utilization ceased.


The role of juice nitrogen levels is critical to this model. tial dissolved oxygen levels, fatty acid concentration,
Initial nitrogen concentrations determine the maximum pH, and juice type have also been studied for their e€ect
cell concentration achieved, and thus the sugar utiliza- on fermentation kinetics. It will be interesting to use the
tion rate assuming a constant sugar utilization rate per model developed here as a framework for examining
cell. Faster sugar utilization rates will increase the like- each of these factors, especially in their ability to mod-
lihood that the sugar will be fully utilized prior to all cells ulate the maximum cell concentration and maximum
becoming inactive from exposure to ethanol. The model speci®c activity achieved for any given combination of
seems to be able to explain the experimental observations initial nitrogen and sugar level.
based only on this mechanism, without having to include
a nitrogen-caused increase in activity per cell. The model The authors acknowledge useful discussions with R. Boulton,
correctly predicts an increase in the maximum viable cell L. Bisson, R. Kunkee, C. Butzke, and J. Schreiber and
technical assistance from E. Hill, A. Osganian, J. Rocha, J.
concentration with increasing initial nitrogen concen- Ferrier, D. Bone, and M. Monticelli. Support for this project
tration, as well as a transition to sluggish and stuck fer- was provided by University of California New Faculty
mentations as initial nitrogen concentration is decreased. Startup Funds and the American Vineyard Foundation. S.V.
The only notable discrepancy between the model pre- was supported in part by a Fullbright Scholarship.
diction and experimentation observed is that additional
nitrogen did not allow high speci®c gravity wine fer-
mentations to complete. This type of behavior has been
observed, however, in other high-speci®c gravity fer- b speci®c ethanol production rate, g ethanol g biomass)1 h)1
mentations that lead to high ethanol concentration bmax maximum speci®c ethanol production rate, g ethanol
g biomass)1 h)1
(Thomas et al., 1996). It was most likely not observed l speci®c growth rate, h)1
here because at high nitrogen concentrations, nitrogen is lmax maximum speci®c growth rate, h)1
no longer the limiting nutrient. KN Monod constant for nitrogen, g nitrogen L)1
We have purposely referred to the nitrogen present as KS Michaelis±Menten-type constant for sugar, g sugar L)1
one homogeneous source. Nitrogen is actually present in YX/N stoichiometric yield coecient of biomass on nitrogen,
g biomass g nitrogen)1
grape juice in the form of ammonia and more complex YE/S stoichiometric yield coecient of ethanol on sugar,
alpha-amino nitrogen. In the cases that we studied, all of g ethanol g sugar)1
the ammonia is used during cell growth, as well as most kd death constant (ethanol-dependent), h)1
of the alpha-amino nitrogen pool. Some residual com- k0d death constant (ethanol-independent), L g ethanol)1 h)1
plex nitrogen remained after the initial growth phase. It S total sugar (glucose and fructose) concentration,
g total sugar L)1
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