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Group Member and Characters :

 Agni Andara Devi (Narrator)

 Aisyah Salsabiella (Princess Snow White)
 Aminah ( Dwarf 1)
 Leysya Nopalyana (Prince)
 Lulu Maulidatus Syifa (Dwarf 2)
 Nabila Nurhanifah (Mirror)
 Nurhaliza (Step-Mother)


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White. She was kind
and gentle and a friend to all annimals. One day, Snow White meet a charming prince. As
they sang love of together, Snow White’s evil stepmother, the Queen, watched them. The
Queen was so jealous of Snow White’s beauty.
The queen had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she woukd daily ask

Queen : “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the beautiful of them all?”
Mirror : “ You my queen, are the most beautiful of them all.”
Queen : “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful of them all?”
Mirror : “You, my queen, are the most beautiful, it is true. But Snow White is even more
than beautiful than you.”

The queen was angry and ordered a huntsman to kill the princess but the huntsman
told Snow White to run far away so the Queen would never find her. The queen who had
heard the news that the princess had died became very happy.
Queen : “HA HA HA now i am the most beautiful of them all!”
Meanwile, Snow White was at the forest.
Snow White : “Oh i am all alone in the great forest, i don’t know what to do.”

And just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside.
Snow White : “This house is so beautiful, everything is so small and clean.”
The table was set, and there was food on the plates.
Snow White : “I am so hungry, I will eat a few vegetables and a little bread from each little
plate and from each cup will drink a bit of milk.”
Since she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep. After dark,
the owners of the house returned home. They were the two dwarves who mined for gold in
the mountains. As soon as they arrived home..
Dwarf 1 : “Who has been sitting in my chair?”
Dwarf 2 : “Who has been eating from my plate?”
Dwarf 1 : “Who has been eating my bread?”
Dwarf 2 : “Who has been eating my vegetables?”
Dwarf 1 : “Who has been eating with my fork?”
Dwarf 2 : “Who has been drinking from my cup?”

Their looking at their bed, and found Snow White lying there asleep. They cried out
with amazement. They did not wake up her up, but let her countinue to sleep in the bed.
Next morning, Snow White woke up and when she saw the two dwarves she was frightened.

Snow White : “Oh no!”

Dwarf 2 : “Don’t be afraid of us. What is your name?”
Snow White : “My name is Snow White”
Dwarf 1 : “How did you find your way to our house?”
Snow White : “My stepmother tried to kill me. Then the huntsman let me free and that’s
how i had to run the entire day through the forest. Finally, i got to your house.”

The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said
Dwarf 1 : “If you will keep the house for us”
Dwarf 2 : “And cook”
Dwarf 1 : “Make beds”
Dwarf 2 : “Wash, sew, and knit”
Dwarf 1 : “And keep everything clean and orderly”
Dwarf 2 : “Then you can stay with us and you shall have everything that you want”
Snow White : “Yes, with all my heart”

So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning they went into the
mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they came back home Snow White had
their meal already and their house clean. Meanwhile, at the palace..
Queen : “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the most beautiful of all?”
Mirror : “You my queen, are beautiful, it is true. But Snow White, beyond the mountains
with the two dwarves is still a thousand times more beautiful than you”
Queen : “Now i understand, that’s huntsman deceived me. I have to think of something”
She went into her most secret room and she made a poisined apple.
Queen : “With this poisoned apple you will die Snow Wite HA HA HA”

After the dwarf had set off for work the next day, the queen, disguised as an old peddler
woman, offered Snow White a beautiful red apple. Snow White took one bite of the apple
and fell into a deep sleep.
Queen : “HA HA HA good bye Snow White”
Back at home she asked her mirror.
Queen : “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the most beautiful of all?”
Mirror : “You my queen, are the most beautiful of all”
When the two dwarfs came home, they chased the queen to the top of a stormy
mountain. Suddenly, lightning hit the mountain, and the queen fell, never ro be seen again.
But Snow White was still in deep sleep, the two dwarfs kept watch over her day and night.
Dwarf 2 : “Let’s make a transparent glass coffin made, so we can see her from all sides.”
And they did it, then they put her inside the coffin.

One day a prince entered these woods. He saw the coffin on the mountain with
beautiful Snow White in it.
Prince : “Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it”
Dwarf 1 : “We will not sell it for all the gold in the world”
Prince : “Then give it to me. I cannot live without being able to her”
The good dwarves felt sorry for him and gave him the coffin.
Dwarf 2 : “Take good care of her, we will always love her”
Prince : “I will. She will be my most precious treasue”

The prince awakened Snow White with love’s first kiss. The spell was broken! Snow
White and the prince returned to the kingdom and lived happily ever after.

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