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Meaning of History:

As a person who is fond of history, I'm always fascinated with the fact that there's so much more about
history on what I read in every textbook, and what I see in museums. History is connection rooted from
our past, it is a story passed down from one generation to the next. History not only explains who
people were, but what they did and why. Knowing and understanding the past is a great help in
preventing occurrences that might happen if people continue to be blinded in what they believe in
despite of presence of the fact and evidences that already presented.

History derived from the Greek word historia which means " knowledge acquired through inquiry or
investigation". Historian plays a significant role in unveiling facts about what really happen to our
ancestors, our country and the people that gives a significant legacy that shapes the country and nation
that we live in today. The information and knowledge that we have today about our past is because of
the historian’s duty to presents facts and evidences through their investigative interpretation in forming
historical narrative. Knowing and understanding the past open doors to the future. As the old saying
goes “history repeats itself”, With the knowledge of the past, we can prevent this negative thing from
reoccurring, everyone of us especially the leaders of our country must be educated in making decisions
cause it may bring chaos to it's country and the citizens. Example of this is the conflict between Russia
and Ukraine that affect the global economy via financial sanctions, commodities prices and supply-chain
disruptions. This kind of conflict will likely to result in world war that's why it's important that everyone
of us must learned from the past. Everyone of us must be aware that every country has their own
histories that why we need to respect it. Not because we did not experience its wrath doesn't mean it's
okay for us to interfere. Decades may have past still there's always a country out there that take history
as part of their lives and they are still very sensitive about these. Example of these is Korea, I will use this
example for I been a huge fan of kdramas and kpop. In Korea cancel culture is very common, for
example a kdrama that tackles a very sensitive topic about politics that may associate with their history
they take it into highest level by petitioning to the blue house ending the whole production will be
cancelled as well as the actors in it. Contrary here in our country, history is not taken seriously, in my 22
years of existence never did I imagine that after the sacrifices of the people in EDSA people power
revolution to expelled the dictatorship of Marcos just for their descendant to put on another in the
highest position.

History represents failures, progression, and success. Historian leaves with the mantra of " no
documents, no history", in this case History doesn’t just come from a textbook in school, it is all around
us. History found in museums, books, on the internet, where statues and memorials lie, and just from
stories passed down from one generation to the next. We should always remember that our identity
and the country that we live in is because all rooted from the history that we have.
The Limitation of historical Knowledge
Sources of historical data

In dealing with different documents especially the

Historical sources are not limited to written documents like governments records cause it invalidate a
the history of other civikizayins that do not jeep written records. Some were keeper on passing their
history by word of mouth. Restricting historical evidences as exclusively written is also a discrimination
against other social classes
Written and Non-written sources of history
Historical criticism
First voyage around the world

First voyage around the world was taken from the chronicles of contemporary voyagers and navigators
of sixteenth century. It was written by an Italian nobleman, Antonio pigafetta who personally
accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in circumnavigation of the world. This books tackles some of the most
important events that happens during the expedition of Magellan until it's arrival in the Philippines that
give rise to the significance of the battle of Mactan between Lapu-lapu and Magellan.

This work of Pigafetta becomes one of the most cited documents by historian who wishes to study the
life in Philippines during the pre colonial era. This book of pigafetta is the solely reason why Filipino
believes that Lapu-lapu exist during that period. After reading the text, this particular sentence caught
my attention, "after landed in another unhabitant island, they were freely welcome by nine men who
showed joy and eagerness. This particular text reminded me by his we Filipino tend to be fascinated
everytime we meet or encountered some foreign, Filipinos always welcomed them with open arms and
joy wherein sometimes it's kind of toxic for me I mean yes we should be grateful and thankful that their
visiting our country for it's a great help in boosting our tourism economy but we should always draw our
lines and limitation. Sometimes openness and hospitality is the reason why we are being taken
advantage by, one example of this is the west Philippine sea which happen to be claiming by China.
Pigafettas book as being the primary sources of learning Philippine histiey, we learn that even before
Filipino is known for being hospitable. We learn that the solely reason of the arrival of Magellan here in
the Philippines is because of the search for spices which happen to be scarce in Europe that time. This
books also tackles the start of Christianity which was one of the historical events that lead to the
beginning of Catholic as our religion today. And of course, the battle in mactan between Magellan and
lapu-lapu that raised question on whether it is lapu lapu who really killed Magellan or it was one of
those nayive skilled man.

In conclusion pigafettas work is one of the most important studies in writing Philippine history. In
reading historical books it is important for us to take time in knowing the authors identity and
background for it will likely affect someone's perspective on how they see things. This type of criticism
should always go hand in hand between the reader who might read someone work because it may
result in biases towards one country or perspective. In case of pigafetta what makes him, a reliable
source is that even though he was tasked by his country he did not showed any biases towards their
people and country instead he was amazed by the fact that every individual will feel every time they visit
different countries. The curiosity to discover what this place can offer.

Customs of the tagalog
8. The political caricatures
The KKK and Kartilya ng katipunan
Corazon Aquino's speech before the US congress

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Corazon Aquino, in full Maria Corazon Aquino, née Maria Corazon Cojuangco, bom January 25, 1933,
Tarlac terrain, Philippines failed August 1, 2009, Makati, was a Philippine political leader who served as
the first womanish president( 1986- 92) of the Philippines, restoring popular rule in that country after
the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos Corazon Cojuangco was born into a fat,
politically prominent family predicated in Tarlac terrain, north of Manila. She graduated from MountSt. Vincent
College in New York City in 1954 but abandoned further studies in 1955 to marry Benigno Simeon Aquino,Jr.,
who was also a promising immature politician. Corazon remained in the background during
her husband's posterior career, rearing their five children at home. Her husband,
who had come a prominent opposition politician, was jailed by Marcos for eight times( 1972- 80), and
Corazon accompanied him into exile in the United States in 1980. Benigno was assassinated upon his return to the
Philippines in August 1983. This event galvanized opposition to the Marcos government. When FerdinandE.
Marcos suddenly called for presidential choices in February 1986, Corazon Aquino came the unified opposition's
presidential candidate. Though she was officially reported to have lost the election to Marcos, Aquino and
her backers challenged the results, charging wide voting fraud. High officers in the
Philippine service soon privately renounced Marcos's continued rule and placarded Aquino the Philippines
due president. also in September 18, 1986, Corazon Aquino spoke before the Joint Session of the United States
Congress that reacted in an emergency$ 200- million aid appropriation to help deal with the
Philippines' profitable torture. The speech, an intensely particular and emotional one and was prepared by Teddy
Locsin, marked her first appearance before Congress since she helped erect former Philippine dictator FerdinandE.
Marcos. In her speech recalled the plaints of her husband, Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr, under the
Marcos dictatorship until the day of his death which led to the revolution that ousted the tyrannizer.
She also recited how she came the president and the revolution that happened which she called" the cheapest and
most peaceful revolution", Corazon also showed her bravery and commitment to cover the Philippines from anyone
who will hang to destroy the new peace that her people won. She also laid out the profitable situation of the
Philippines after the Marcos governance the 26 billion bones
foreign debt of the country which they noway served from and the interests that the Filipino people
are obliged to pay. She also appealed to the support and backing of the
American government for resolving the said issue Initially, she thanked America for the haven from oppression
it handed for her family for three times and asked for another haven from oppression for her people. Corazon
Aquino's speech came a great tool for the Philippines to recover, economically, after the dictatorship of Marcos.
The speech is indeed truly helpful in understanding the grand narrative of
Philippine history, especially moment that fake news and one-
sided stories are just available online. Reading the handwriting allows me, and others as well,
to know how cruel the authorities during the dictatorship. Through this, we are suitable to discover how we
were freed from the hands of the tyrannizer and how the stalwart and cooperative acts of everyone changed the
Philippines for the better. This touched me emotionally and made me realize how stalwart Filipinos are
for fighting for our freedom indeed if their lives are at stake just by doing so. This act of bravery is still known and
will continue to be inculcated to the future generation, all thanks to sources like this that save analogous heroic acts

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