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By= Resti puspa sari

Suatu hari, di kota lampung,ada seorang gadis bernama ayyara atau biasa dipanggil ara.dia gadis yang
periang,pada akhir pekan yang cerah dia dan keluarga nya akan berangkat berlibur ke pantai Sari

Setelah perjalanan yang jauh,tak lama ia dan keluarganya sampai di pantai itu.

Ara merasa senang karena bisa main di pantai lagi setelah lama tidak bisa berlibur, dengan rasa senang
yang berlebihan dia pun berlari kearah pantai dan tidak menghiraukan panggilan dari ibunya yang
mencegah dia. Ara tidak tahu jika air pantai sedang pasang, ia pun terseret arus pantai. Ayah Ara yang
panik melihat ara yang terseret arus, ia pun berlari menyelematkan ara. Ayah ara menarik ara ke tepi
pantai, ara menangis dan memeluk ayahnya, ibu ara pun mendekat dan memeluk ara. Ibu ara menasehati
ara agar tidak terlalu ceroboh, ara pun berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya.

By= Resti puspa sari

One day, in the city of Lampung, there was a girl named Ayyara or usually called Ara. She was a
cheerful girl, on a sunny weekend she and her family would go on holiday to Sari Ringgung beach. After
a long journey, it wasn't long before he and his family arrived at the beach.

Ara felt happy because she could play on the beach again after not being able to go on holiday for a long
time, with excessive joy she ran towards the beach and ignored the calls from her mother who stopped
her. Ara didn't know that the beach was high tide, so she was swept away by the beach current. Ara's
father panicked when he saw her being swept away by the current, so he ran to save her. Ara's father
pulled Ara to the beach, Ara cried and hugged her father, Ara's mother came closer and hugged Ara. Ara's
mother advised Ara not to be too careless, and Ara promised not to do it again.

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