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Patient Work and Treatment Burden in Type

2 Diabetes: A Mixed-Methods Study
Gabriela Spencer-Bonilla, MD, MSc; Valentina Serrano, MD; Catherine Gao, BA;
Manuel Sanchez, MD; Katherine Carroll, PhD; Michael R. Gionfriddo, PharmD, PhD;
Emma M. Behnken, BA; Ian Hargraves, PhD; Kasey Boehmer, PhD; Carl May, PhD;
and Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc


Objective: To use quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize the work patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) enact and explore the interactions between illness, treatment, and life.
Patients and Methods: In this mixed-methods, descriptive study, adult patients with T2DM seen at the
outpatient diabetes clinic at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, from February 1, 2016, through March
31, 2017, were invited to participate. The study had 3 phases. In phase 1, the Patient Experience with
Treatment and Self-management (PETS) scale was used to quantify treatment burden. In phase 2, a
convenience sample of patients used a smartphone application to describe, in real time, time spent
completing diabetes self-management tasks and to upload descriptive digital photographs. In phase 3,
these data were explored in qualitative interviews that were analyed by 2 investigators using deductive
Results: Of 162 participants recruited, 160 returned the survey (phase 1); of the 50 participants who
used the smartphone application (phase 2), we interviewed 17 (phase 3). The areas in which patients
reported highest treatment burden were difficulty with negotiating health services (eg, coordinating
medical appointments), medical expenses, and mental/physical exhaustion with self-care. Participants
reported that medical appointments required about 2.5 hours per day, and completing administrative
tasks related to health care required about 45 minutes. Time spent on health behaviors varied wide-
lydfrom 2 to 60 minutes in a given 3-hour period. Patients’ experience of a task’s burden did not always
correlate with the time spent on that task.
Conclusion: The most burdensome tasks to patients with T2DM included negotiating health care services,
affording medications, and completing administrative tasks even though they were not the most time-
consuming activities. To be minimally disruptive, diabetes care should minimize the delegation of
administrative tasks to patients.
ª 2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) n Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out 2021;nn(n):1-9

From the Knowledge and

bout 30 million Americans live with limited by their capacity to enact it. This sce-
Evaluation Research Unit,
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). nario is described in the cumulative complexity Division of Endocrinology,
These patients must deal with the model (CuCoM). The capacity to do patient Diabetes, Metabolism, and
symptoms and functional limitations caused work is drawn from the same capacity to do Nutrition, Department of
Medicine (G.S.-B., V.S.,
by the disease itself and with its treatment. the work of everyday lifedeg, formal paid C.G., M.S., E.M.B., I.H., K.B.,
Treatment competes with other life demands work, parenting and other caregiving, volun- V.M.M.) and Mayo Clinic
for patients’ time, energy, and attention, can teering, and hobbies.3 When the workload of Alix School of Medicine
(C.G.), Mayo Clinic,
be disruptive of existing routines, and may care exceeds the mobilizable capacity to shoul- Rochester, MN; Depart-
be difficult to enact.1 Yet to benefit from treat- der it, it becomes burdensome and causes ment of Medicine, Stan-
ment, patients must embed these treatments in disease. This treatment burden is associated ford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, CA
their daily routines with fidelity.2 with both reductions in well-being and poor (G.S.-B.); Department of
Living with T2DM and its treatment may treatment fidelity.4-6 Nutrition, Diabetes and
require considerable work on the part of pa- Despite its importance, how patients Affiliations continued at
tients, and their ability to do this work is experience the dynamic interaction between the end of this article.

Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006 1

www.mcpiqojournal.org n ª 2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

treatment workload and capacity remains Self-management (PETS) questionnaire.6,9 The

poorly understood.7 Some patients with seem- self-rated health item asks participants to rate
ingly limited capacity appear to handle patient their health as “excellent,” “very good,” “good,”
work with ease, whereas asymptomatic and “fair,” or “poor.” Worse self-rated health has
well-resourced patients facing a lighter work- been associated with higher mortality.10 The
load struggle. A better understanding of patient PETS scale has 9 subscales assessing treatment
work can help make health care services and burden in the domains of (1) health care ex-
treatments less disruptive and mitigate the penses, (2) health care services, (3) interpersonal
suffering caused by the cumulative burden of challenges, (4) medications, (5) medical infor-
treatment. mation, (6) medical appointments, (7) medical/
In this study, we describe the experience physical toll/exhaustion, (8) monitoring health,
of living with T2DM and identify areas of and (9) role and social activities. Variables
high treatment burden. Using real-time data extracted from the electronic medical record
collection through a smartphone, we captured included comorbidities (to estimate the Charl-
the time patients spent on health-related activ- son comorbidity index score),11 number of
ities and photographs participants chose to medications, diabetes treatment regimen, race
take and share with us. We explored both and ethnicity, and most recent hemoglobin A1c
data and photographs with participants during (HbA1c) level.
in-depth interviews designed to understand
patient work and the sources of capacity Phase 2. During a 1-week period, partici-
from which patients drew to enact this work pants used the smartphone application Met-
and minimize the disruption to their lives. ricwire to answer questions in real time about
how much time they allocated to managing
PATIENTS AND METHODS diabetes and to take and upload photo-
graphs.12 Participants received help down-
Study Design loading the application, written instructions,
This study had 3 phases. Phase 1 assessed the and a contact number.
burden of treatment in patients with T2DM The questions addressed care recommenda-
(paper survey). All phase 1 participants were tions from the American Diabetes Association,13
invited to participate in phase 2, in which pa- with input from members of our diabetes patient
tients used a smartphone application to record advisory group. This group also piloted and pro-
estimates of the time they spent on diabetes vided feedback on the smartphone application
management and to take photographs of that interface (Supplemental Figure 1, available on-
work. During phase 3, we conducted in- line at http://mcpiqojournal.org), including the
depth interviews with a convenience sample implementation of a user-selected schedule for
of participants from phase 2. receiving survey prompts (rather than receiving
the prompts at random times) to improve study
Participants and Setting acceptability. Participants received 10 prompts
Adult patients (18 years old) with T2DM within a 1-week period that asked about the
visiting the diabetes clinic at Mayo Clinic in time spent self-managing diabetes. At the end
Rochester, Minnesota, were identified from of day 1 (the day of their medical appointment
clinic calendars and recruited from February and recruitment), participants were queried
1, 2016, through March 31, 2017. Potential about time spent at health care appointments.
participants were approached while waiting On 3 days in the same week, twice per day, pa-
for their medical appointment in an examina- tients were asked about time spent on health be-
tion room or after their medical appointment. haviors in the 3 hours before receiving the
Study procedures took place in a designated prompt; these health behaviors included taking
unoccupied clinic room. and managing medications, monitoring their
health (eg, checking blood sugar level and
Phase 1. Enrolled participants reported demo- feet), and enacting physical activity and other
graphic characteristics and completed the Medi- health behaviors (eg, exercising, cooking
cal Outcomes Study self-rated health item8 and diabetes-friendly meals). End-of-day prompts
the Patient Experience with Treatment and on those 3 days asked about health behaviors
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2 Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006

in the previous 3 hours and asked about time open-ended questions, or prompt questions the
spent on administrative tasks at any time during investigators may not have thought to ask.18,19
the day: dealing with insurance and pharmacy,
filling prescriptions, obtaining medical supplies, Statistical Analyses
communicating with a health care professional, We performed a mixed-methods study with a
or scheduling health care appointments. Partici- sequential explanatory design. Statistical ana-
pants selected the morning, afternoon, and eve- lyses were conducted using JMP Pro, version
ning prompt times from a set of 3 schedules. 10.0.0 (SAS Institute). We dichotomized the
Participants were informed that surveys would sample by the patient’s level of glycemic con-
be open for completion within 60 minutes of trol (HbA1c <8% vs 8%).20 We prorated
the scheduled prompt times. This approach the scores of PETS subscales in which at least
was used to minimize hoarding and backfilling, 50% of items were available.6 Each scale score
a common problem in diary data collection.14 was then transformed to a 0 to 100 scale. We
Supplemental Table 1 (available online at performed exploratory analyses comparing
http://mcpiqojournal.org) provides an example mean PETS subscales scores across glycemic
of the smartphone application prompt schedule. control groups using a 2-sided Student t test
Participants were also asked to take and with a level set at .05.
upload 5 or more photographs during the We recruited participants to meet a phase 2
week of the study. Via the smartphone appli- goal of 50 patients to account for a previously
cation, participants could engage in reflexive described smartphone application survey
photography, taking multiple photographs completion rate of 50% at 3 days.21 This
before uploading and sharing with study staff. method provided enough participants to apply
This feature enabled participants to control the central limit theorem to descriptive statis-
topics discussed with regard to their illness tics. Qualitative data, elicited from the quantita-
experience.15,16 They were asked to take pic- tive results and photographs, were used to add
tures that could illustrate “how they manage depth to the quantitative findings; they helped
diabetes in their day-to-day life,” a prompt explain the aspects of health care that patients
adapted from Rich et al.17 found most burdensome as well as positive as-
pects of diabetes self-management. Coders
Phase 3. All participants from phase 2 were (C.G., G.S.-B., V.S.) used deductive analyses
invited to complete in-depth interviews, usu- to classify participant statements into the 9
ally on a day when they had a scheduled PETS domains. A codebook with calibrated ex-
follow-up appointment. To minimize patients’ amples was generated using 2 interviews. New
preferences for giving reports that would be codes were generated when data were not able
favorably perceived by the diabetes care team, to be coded in the 9 PETS domains and were
the interviewer (G.S.-B.) explicitly stated that discussed by the coders.
she was not part of that team. Interviews were
performed in the clinic (eg, in a private office) RESULTS
or over the phone.
Given the paucity of knowledge about treat- Patient Characteristics and Treatment
ment burden and the disruption it can cause for Burden
patients with T2DM, both of which are issues Of 184 eligible patients invited, 162 agreed to
fundamentally rooted in each person’s experi- participate in our study and 160 returned the
ence, we deemed data-prompted interviewing survey (phase 1), 116 of whom had smart-
as appropriate to explore the meaning and phones. Of these 116, 50 agreed to enroll in
discuss implications of the data collected with the smartphone portion of the study, and 45
participants.18 Supplemental Table 2 (available provided data through the application
online at http://mcpiqojournal.org) provides (Supplemental Figure 2, available online at
the interview guide used to inform the qualitative http://mcpiqojournal.org). The Table describes
interviews. The quantitative data (PETS scale the characteristics of the 162 patients who
response and time-use responses) and uploaded agreed to participate in phase 1. Participants
photographs were used to elicit interview topics, were similar across glycemic control categories
jog a participant’s memory when answering except that fewer patients with HbA1c levels of
n n
Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006 3

TABLE. Characteristics of the 162 Study Participantsa,b

Variable HbA1c <8% (n¼95) HbA1c 8% (n¼67)
Age (y) 62 (56-71) 65 (54-70)
Women 36 (38) 25 (37)
Diabetes duration (y) 9 (3-16) 12.5 (6-20.75)
HbA1c 6.8% (6.2%-7.3%) 9.5% (8.4%-10.6%)
No. of medications 12 (8-16) 11 (7-5.25)
Prescribed insulin 37 (39) 48 (72)
Charlson comorbidity index score 5 (4-7) 5 (4-6)
Race and ethnicity
Asian 0 1 (1.5)
Black 1 (1) 3 (5)
Native American 1 (1) 0
Other/unknown 6 (6) 7 (11)
White, Latino/a 3 (3) 1 (1.5)
White, non-Latino/a 84 (87) 55 (82)
Marital status
Divorced 6/93 (6) 5/66 (8)
Married 71/93 (76) 48/66 (73)
Member of unmarried couple 4/93 (4) 2/66 (3)
Never been married 6/93 (6) 7/66 (11)
Widowed 6/93 (6) 4/66 (6)
Employment status
Homemaker 2 (2) 3 (5)
Employed 51 (55) 29 (44)
Out of work 3 (3) 1 (1.5)
Student 0 2 (3)
Unable to work 7 (8) 7 (11)
Retired 30 (32) 24 (36)
Annual household income
<$20,000 5 (6) 4 (7)
$20,000-$34,999 9 (10) 11 (19)
$35,000-$49,999 5 (6) 7 (12)
$50,000-$74,999 13 (15) 11 (19)
$75,000-$99,999 10 (11) 5 (9)
$100,000-$149,999 20 (23) 10 (17))
$150,000-$199,999 9 (10) 5 (9)
$200,000 17 (19) 5 (9)
Self-rated health
Excellent 4 (4) 3 (5)
Very good 24 (26) 15 (23)
Good 34 (37) 27 (41)
Fair 23 (25) 15 (23)
Poor 8 (9) 6 (9)
HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; IQR, interquartile range.
Data are presented as No. (percentage) of participants or median (IQR).

less than 8% were receiving insulin therapy 2. There were no important differences be-
(39% [37 of 95] vs 72% [48 of 67]). tween the characteristics of the whole cohort
Supplemental Table 3 (available online at and the patients who participated in phase 2.
http://mcpiqojournal.org) describes the char- Patients reported the highest treatment
acteristics of the participants enrolled in phase burden in the domains of medical expenses,
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4 Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006

Treatment burden



PETS score




Health Medications Medical Monitoring Interpersonal Medical Difficulty with Role and Physical/mental
information appointments health challenges expenses health care social activities exhaustion

HbA1c <8% HbA1c ¾8%

FIGURE. Treatment burden stratified by Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management
domains. HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; PETS, Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management.

difficulty with health services, and physical Medical Expenses. Participants reporting high
and mental exhaustion related to self-care treatment burden due to medical expenses
(Figure) (n¼162). We found no differences described ways in which they had to adjust their
in PETS scores between glycemic control self-care to be able to enact their physician’s
groups, except in the “monitoring health” recommendations. One participant described
domain, which was 11 points more burden- the transition to living with a diabetes manage-
some for patients with higher HbA1c levels ment regimen and how it required physical
(P¼.001). space and financial resources that must be
Phase 1 participants reported visiting their intentionally allocated to diabetes care
“diabetes doctor” a median of twice per year (Supplemental Figure 3, Supplemental Table 4
(n¼160). Phase 2 participants reported [part A], available online at http://
spending a median of 2.5 hours per visit trav- mcpiqojournal.org). Notably, participants in
eling, waiting, and participating in a medical this study seldom mentioned foregoing diabetes
appointment (n¼50). When patients reported self-care activities altogether because of their
completing administrative tasks such as dealing cost. Instead, participants deliberately modified
with insurance and pharmacy, filling prescrip- self-care independent of physician input to
tions, and obtaining medical supplies, these comply with their financial realities. For one
tasks took a median of 45 minutes (n¼50). In patient, this meant rationing and reusing
a 3-hour period, participants reported spending diabetes monitoring supplies (Supplemental
2 to 60 minutes on health behaviors: a median of Table 4 [part B]).
9 minutes dealing with medications, 5 minutes Patients negotiated the boundaries of con-
monitoring their health, and 30 minutes on ventional medical recommendations and inno-
other health activities (eg, exercising, shopping vated outside them to afford their medications
for diabetes-friendly foods) (n¼160). and supplies. For a patient, the work of afford-
ing diabetes management medications meant
In-depth Interviews searching across formal and informal sources
Seventeen patients participated in the in-depth for affordable insulin, daring encounters with
interviews exploring how participants strangers to obtain these essential medicines,
construct self-care activities as burdensome. and prioritizing glycemic control over pain

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Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006 5

management (Supplemental Table 4 [part C]). DISCUSSION

This patient endorsed that her cost savings
allowed her to provide for her family. When Summary of Findings
her adult children discovered her strategy, In this sample of patients with T2DM receiving
however, it created substantial tension in their specialty care, we found that the areas of highest
interpersonal relationships. treatment burden were difficulty negotiating ac-
cess to health care services, affording medical ex-
Difficulty With Health Services. Participants penses, mental and physical exhaustion from
described burden from health services in situa- self-care, anddparticularly for patients with
tions that required frequent interaction with HbA1c levels of 8% or higher, many of whom
health care staff, especially when visits could used insulindmonitoring their health. Admin-
have been consolidated. For one patient, lack istrative tasks and attending medical appoint-
of consolidation represented a nuisance ments were the most time-consuming
(Supplemental Table 4 [part D]). For another activities, requiring a median of 45 minutes
patient, who was recently hospitalized and was and 2.5 hours, respectively, on days when they
experiencing substantial burden of illness, health were performed. Although the infrequent activ-
care fragmentation hindered her ability to co- ities that required greatest time invest-
ordinate her own care. This patient later mentsdadministrative tasks and medical
described how her inability to enact the physi- appointmentsdwere also the most burden-
cian’s instructions to schedule an urgent medical some, time alone does not appear to fully explain
procedure created tension in the patient- their contribution to treatment burden. For
physician relationship (Supplemental Table 4 instance, in qualitative interviews, patients did
[part E]). not describe lifestyle changes requiring greater
time investments every day as burdensome. Ac-
Mental Exhaustion Related to Self-care. tivities with high administrative complexity may
Many Patients Described Exhaustion be burdensome in part because they allow for
Indirectly. A patient living with multiple minimal discretion in the ways patients allocate
chronic conditions reflected on the mental toll time and energy. Also, our findings placing
of dealing with intensive treatment regimens administrative chores and healthy lifestyle activ-
(Supplemental Figure 4 [available online at ities at opposite ends of the burden spectrum
http://mcpiqojournal.org], Supplemental suggest that tasks patients value more may be
Table 4 [part F]). She described the work of perceived as less burdensome.
health care and its effect on her mental Also consistent with the CuCoM, we
well-being as private, something she actively found that patients with poor glycemic control
minimizes and does not mention even to her and more likely to be using insulin, ie, sicker
clinicians. patients with less capacity and facing more
work, were more likely to feel burdened by
New Theme: Activities That Boost self-monitoring tasks. Similarly, our qualitative
Capacity. Although lifestyle changes (diet and data provided examples of treatment burden
exercise) are not part of the PETS survey, these interactions with scarcity and illness bur-
activities often appeared in patients’ uploaded dendboth factors that in the CuCoM reduce
photographs. Patients, even those who asserted patient capacity. Although health care activ-
that they were not enacting lifestyle changes, ities such as affording and coordinating health
discussed these activities positively, never as care can be a nuisance to a relatively healthier
burdensome. Patients often described finding patient, for a sicker one these activities become
pleasure and meaning in adopting healthy habits impracticable or demand precarious trade-offs.
such as spending time with pets, restarting old Connections between the different domains of
hobbies, or taking up new activities such treatment burden arose in interviews; financial
as swimming or gardening (Supplemental and health care coordination challenges could
Figure 5 [available online at http:// lead to interpersonal conflict with family
mcpiqojournal.org], Supplemental Table 4 members or health care personnel. Negotiating
[part G]). through and working to resolve these conflicts

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6 Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006

increases the treatment workload, further published population-based cohort from our
taxing the patient’s capacity and increasing clinic’s catchment area.23 We did not document
the burden of treatment. material deprivation, health insurance, or liter-
acy challenges in our participants, limiting our
Comparison With Previous Studies collection to self-reported highest education
Similar to previous qualitative studies, we completed and income. Although the inter-
found that patients preferred terms other viewer explicitly stated that she was not a
than burden to describe difficulties with health part of the clinical care team during phase 3 in-
care and self-care.22 Patients instead used terviews, patients may have provided desirable
terms like frustrating or a pain and described anecdotes. Similarly, given the proximity of the
“running from” activities they found data collection period to the medical appoint-
burdensome. ment, patients may have experienced higher
Our findings on treatment burden and motivation to participate in self-care and spent
time use are consistent with those of previous more time on these activities than usual.
studies. The PETS scale validation data (when Strengths of this study were the implementa-
assessed in patients with any chronic condi- tion of methods to reduce the burden of partic-
tion) revealed the highest treatment burden ipation and the application of a novel method
in the domains of difficulty with health ser- of real-time data collection with an acceptable
vices delivery, medical expenses, and mental response rate to decrease recall bias in time es-
and physical exhaustion from self-care.6 A timates and better characterize patients’ day-to-
subsequent validation in primary care cohorts day experience with diabetes management with
reported scores similar to those in our cohort real-time photographs. We used methodolog-
of patients and was able to document higher ical triangulation to support the validity of
burden in unmarried patients and those with our qualitative findings.27 The main strength
less education, lower income, and worse of this study, however, lies in the depth of
health status.23 Estimates of diabetes care the data rather than their breadth, with our
time requirements have ranged from 25 mi- findings providing useful insights for
nutes per day to 122 minutes per day for improving patient care.
health behaviors and approximately 2.2 hours
per month for activities related to accessing Implications
and using health care services.13,24-26 It has Our findings are widely consistent with the
been estimated that patients with 3 chronic CuCoM and identify practical areas to support
conditions would have to spend 50 to 70 the practice of minimally disruptive medi-
hours per month on health-related activities, cine.1 This practice seeks to advance patient
with these time requirements increasing with goals while minimizing the burden of treat-
additional comorbidities.26 We report similar ment. Consistent with this practice, we have
estimates here: some patients may be spending assessed the burden of treatment and identi-
over 2 hours per day on self-care without fied areas such as health care services delivery
including time spent addressing administrative and medical expenses as capable of over-
tasks and health care appointments. whelming patients with T2DM. Although mul-
timorbidity and trouble with medical expenses
Study Limitations and Strengths have been associated with higher treatment
We may have underestimated the burden of burden in all domains,28,29 patients with
treatment because participants in this study financial resources and in seemingly good
had access to specialty care, were mostly either health (or able to control indicators, such as
employed or retired, had access to a smart- HbA1c level) are also at risk of being over-
phone, and were willing and able to take part whelmed by health care. This situation occurs
in the study (ie, overwhelmed patients may because overwhelmed patients, to reconcile
have been more likely to opt out). Further- being unable to accomplish the recommended
more, our findings may not generalize well to self-care work, may sacrifice safety or attempt
patients not referred to a specialty diabetes to achieve health goals at the expense of other
clinic, although the distribution of our PETS fulfilling activities. Therefore, clinicians may
scores are consistent with those of a recently need to inquire about the steps required to
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Mayo Clin Proc Inn Qual Out XXX 2021;nn(n):1-9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2021.01.006 7

enact self-care and whether they are feasible in SUPPLEMENTAL ONLINE MATERIAL
patients’ lives, including the exploration of Supplemental material can be found online at
commonly reported areas of treatment burden http://mcpiqojournal.org. Supplemental mate-
such as medical expenses. Tools, such as the rial attached to journal articles has not been
ICAN (Instrument for Patient Capacity Assess- edited, and the authors take responsibility
ment) discussion aid, may uncover sources of for the accuracy of all data.
burden and pleasure.30
Capacity coaching, a novel approach to Abbreviations and Acronyms: CuCoM = cumulative
health and wellness coaching rooted in the complexity model; HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; PETS = Pa-
CuCoM and designed to help patients tient Experience with Treatment and Self-management;
decrease the burdens of illness and treatment, T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus
bolster capacity, and adapt to life with illness Affiliations (Continued from the first page of this
and treatment may be integrated into primary article.): Metabolism, Escuela de Medicine, Pontificia Uni-
care to help patients with T2DM and high versidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile (V.S.); School of
treatment burden.31 Sociology, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia (K.C.); Center for
Reducing the workload of treatment may Pharmacy Innovation and Outcomes, Geisinger, Danville,
result in improvements in other areas of pa- PA (M.R.G.); and Faculty of Public Health and Policy, Lon-
tients’ lives such as mental well-being and don School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK
interpersonal relationships, which, in turn, (C.M.).
may reduce burden by improving capacity.
Future interventions to improve the well- Grant Support: Dr Spencer-Bonilla was supported by Clin-
being of patients with T2DM should target ical and Translational Science Awards grant TL1TR000137
medical expenses, the organization of health from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sci-
services, and the prevention and treatment of ences and grant 3R01HL131535-01S1 from the National
exhaustion with self-care. Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr Montori was partially
supported by grant UL1TR000135 from the National Cen-
ter for Advancing Translational Sciences.
Potential Competing Interests: The authors report no
Patients with T2DM spend substantial time competing interests.
doing patient work. Although patients with
T2DM in our study spent about 2 hours per Correspondence: Address to Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc,
Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit, Division of Endo-
day in patient work, the most burdensome
crinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Department
tasks were not necessarily those that took of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester, MN
more time and included negotiating health 55905 (montori.victor@mayo.edu; Twitter: @vmontori).
care services, affording medications, and
completing administrative tasks. Lack of con-
Gabriela Spencer-Bonilla: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-
trol and meaning made some tasks more 5758-5474; Catherine Gao: https://orcid.org/0000-
burdensome, particularly when faced by pa- 0002-1379-5813; Katherine Carroll: https://orcid.org/
tients with limited capacity to enact them. Pa- 0000-0002-9110-1354; Michael R. Gionfriddo: https://
tients with T2DM experience substantial orcid.org/0000-0003-1391-7072; Kasey Boehmer:
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5637-6803; Victor M. Montori:
burden of treatment that reduces their well-
being, much of which results from the way
health care is organized and delivered and
could be improved by implementing mini- REFERENCES
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The content of this work is solely the Epidemiol. 2012;65(10):1041-1051.
responsibility of the authors and does not 4. Vijan S, Hayward RA, Ronis DL, Hofer TP. Brief report: the
burden of diabetes therapy; implications for the design of effec-
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