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1. He ______ TV every evening. (Simple present)

a) watch
b) watches
c) is watching

2. We ______ to the store yesterday. (Simple past)

a) going
b) went
c) go

3. She ______ an apple pie next Sunday. (Simple future)

a) bakes
b) will bake
c) baked

4. I ______ my favorite song at the moment. (Present continuous)

a) listened
b) am listening to
c) listen to

5. They ______ dinner when the earthquake started. (Past continuous)

a) having
b) were having
c) had

6. He ______ his business next year. (Simple future)

a) expands
b) will expand
c) expanded

7. She always ______ a lot of books. (Simple present)

a) read
b) reads
c) reading

8. I ______ to become a doctor when I grow up. (Simple present)

a) want
b) wanted
c) will want

9. We ______ our shopping yesterday morning. (Simple past)

a) do
b) did
c) done

10. She ______ TV when you called her last night. (Past continuous)
a) watch
b) watched
c) was watching

11. I ______ my homework already. (Present perfect)

a) do
b) done
c) have done

12. They ______ a great vacation next month in Hawaii. (Simple future)
a) has
b) have
c) will have

13. He ______ soccer every weekend. (Simple present)

a) playing
b) play
c) plays

14. She ______ a cake for her son's birthday tomorrow. (Simple future)
a) bakes
b) baked
c) will bake

15. I ______ to become a professional basketball player. (Simple present)

a) wanted
b) want
c) will want

16. We ______ our bags right now. (Present continuous)

a) pack
b) packing
c) are packing

17. I ______ my favorite food tonight - pizza! (Simple future)

a) eat
b) ate
c) will eat

18. They ______ dinner when I arrived home last night. (Past continuous)
a) ate
b) eat
c) were eating

19. She ______ her children a bedtime story every night. (Simple present)
a) read
b) reads
c) reading

20. I ______ my car tomorrow morning. (Simple future)

a) washed
b) wash
c) will wash
21. He ______ football every Saturday morning. (Simple present)
a) play
b) plays
c) played

22. I ______ my wallet yesterday at the mall. (Simple past)

a) lose
b) lost
c) loses

23. When I opened the door, the dog ______ outside. (Simple past)
a) run
b) ran
c) runs

24. We ______ our vacation plans right now. (Present continuous)

a) discuss
b) are discussing
c) discusses

25. She ______ busy all last week with work. (Simple past)
a) is
b) was
c) be

26. They ______ their homework already. (Present perfect)

a) did
b) done
c) have done

27. I ______ to my favorite music tonight. (Simple future)

a) will listen
b) listen
c) listening

28. She ______ a magazine at the doctor's office yesterday. (Simple past)
a) read
b) reading
c) reads

29. We ______ pizza twice this week already. (Present perfect)

a) eat
b) ate
c) have eaten

30. They ______ their new shirts tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) will wear
b) wearing
c) wear

31. Higher is the comparative form of high. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

32. Expensive is more expensive than cheap. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

33. Intelligent is the superlative form of intelligent. (Superlative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

34. Bad is worse than good. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

35. Difficult is more difficult than easy. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

36. Farther is the comparative form of far. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

37. Happy is the happiest of the three words. (Superlative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

38. Healthy is more healthy than sick. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

39. Funny is the funniest of the three words. (Superlative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

40. Wealthy is more wealthy than poor. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

41. He ______ soccer every Saturday. (Simple present)

a) play
b) played
c) plays

42. She ______ a chocolate cake for my birthday tomorrow. (Simple future)
a) bakes
b) baked
c) will bake

43. I ______ my favorite show last night on TV. (Simple past)

a) watched
b) watch
c) watching
44. She ______ busy with work all last week. (Simple past)
a) is
b) was
c) be

45. They ______ their new car next week. (Simple future)
a) buy
b) will buy
c) bought

46. We ______ for our vacation today. (Present continuous)

a) pack
b) packed
c) are packing

47. I ______ breakfast yesterday morning. (Simple past)

a) ate
b) eat
c) eaten

48. She ______ an excellent student. She always gets good grades. (Simple present)
a) is
b) was
c) been

49. I ______ my homework already. (Present perfect)

a) did
b) done
c) have done

50. They ______ a trip to Hawaii next summer. (Simple future)

a) take
b) takes
c) will take

51. He ______ chocolate ice cream every Sunday after lunch. (Simple present)
a) eat
b) eats
c) eating

52. We ______ our old car last month. (Simple past)

a) sell
b) sold
c) selled

53. The kids ______ TV when the electricity went out. (Past continuous)
a) watch
b) watches
c) were watching

54. She ______ a new laptop tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) buy
b) will buy
c) buys

55. I ______ forward to a fun weekend. (Simple present)

a) looks
b) looking
c) look

56. Longer is the comparative form of long. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

57. Quieter is more quiet than loud. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

58. Comfortable is the most comfortable of the three words. (Superlative adjectives)
a) True
b) False

59. Stronger is more strong than weak. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

60. Delicious is more delicious than bland. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

61. She ______ to visit her grandparents every Sunday. (Simple present)
a) goes
b) go
c) going

62. We ______ our old furniture last weekend. (Simple past)

a) sold
b) selled
c) sell

63. I ______ my job today. It is very tiring! (Simple present)

a) dislikes
b) disliking
c) dislike

64. She ______ a very important exam tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) will take
b) takes
c) taking

65. They ______ TV when the power went out last night. (Past continuous)
a) watch
b) watched
c) were watching

66. He ______ pizza every Friday night. (Simple present)

a) eat
b) eats
c) eaten

67. I ______ forward to graduation next year. (Simple present)

a) looks
b) looking
c) look

68. She ______ busy with her kids all afternoon. (Past continuous)
a) is
b) was
c) were

69. We ______ to go on vacation next month. (Simple future)

a) plan
b) planning
c) will plan

70. I ______ my favorite song right now. (Present continuous)

a) listen to
b) listening to
c) listens to

71. They ______ their Christmas shopping next week. (Simple future)
a) will do
b) do
c) does

72. She ______ her children a story every night before bed. (Simple present)
a) tells
b) tell
c) told

73. We ______ our friends at the park yesterday. (Simple past)

a) meets
b) met
c) meet

74. I ______ this book by tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) read
b) reading
c) will read

75. He ______ football every weekend since he was a child. (Present perfect)
a) played
b) has played
c) plays
76. This book is more interesting than that one. (Comparative adjectives)
a) True
b) False

77. Quiet is the quietest of the three words. (Superlative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

78. Fast is faster than slow. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

79. Heavy is the heaviest of the three words. (Superlative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

80. Hard is more hard than easy. (Comparative adjectives)

a) True
b) False

81. She ______ to help homeless people every weekend. (Simple present)
a) volunteers
b) volunteering
c) volunteer

82. We ______ our old couch yesterday. (Simple past)

a) sold
b) selled
c) sell

83. He ______ soccer last Saturday. (Simple past)

a) plays
b) played
c) play

84. They ______ dinner tomorrow night at a fancy restaurant. (Simple future)
a) eat
b) eats
c) will eat

85. She ______ very busy with work right now. (Present continuous)
a) is
b) are
c) were

86. I ______ forward to a great day tomorrow! (Simple present)

a) look
b) looks
c) looking

87. We ______ to reduce waste and recycle more this year. (Simple present)
a) want
b) wants
c) wanted

88. They ______ their shopping already. (Present perfect)

a) do
b) did
c) have done

89. She ______ her children fun bedtime stories every night. (Simple present)
a) tell
b) tells
c) told

90. I ______ my car last weekend. (Simple past)

a) washed
b) wash
c) washes

91. It ______ heavily when we left the mall last night. (Past continuous)
a) rained
b) rains
c) was raining

92. She ______ a new car tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) buy
b) bought
c) will buy

93. He ______ soccer last Saturday morning. (Simple past)

a) play
b) played
c) plays

94. I ______ my favorite movie tonight. (Simple future)

a) watch
b) watches
c) will watch

95. She ______ her children bedtime stories every night. (Simple present)
a) read
b) reads
c) reading

96. We ______ our broken TV last week. (Simple past)

a) fix
b) fixed
c) fixes

97. I ______ forward to a great weekend. (Simple present)

a) look
b) looks
c) looking
98. She ______ her shopping already. (Present perfect)
a) did
b) done
c) has done

99. They ______ dinner when I arrived home last night. (Past continuous)
a) ate
b) eat
c) were eating

100. We ______ our vacation plans tomorrow. (Simple future)

a) discuss
b) discussing
c) will discuss

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