Polynomial Function - Lecture 1

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Algebraic Expression
• a mathematical phrase combining numbers and/or variables using mathematical
• an expression does not contain equality or inequality signs
but may include other operators and grouping symbols
• both sides of an equation are expressions
 a single number or variable, or numbers and
variables multiplied together
 are separated by + or − signs, or sometimes
by divide.
 A symbol for a value we don't know yet. It is
usually a letter like x or y
 Represented by letters
 refers to a number or quantity placed with a variable
 variable without a number has 1 as its coefficient
 fixed value
 represented by letters

Type of Polynomial (Number of Terms)

 Monomial = 1 term
 Binomial = 2 terms
 Trinomial = 3 terms
 Polynomial = 4 terms and above

Type of Polynomial (Degree)

 Constant Polynomial = 0
 Linear = 1
 Quadratic = 2
 Cubic = 3
 Quartic = 4
 Quintic = 5
- is a function of the form
+ …+a1 x+ a0 , a n ≠ 0 where n is a nonnegative integer a 1 , a0 , a n
n n−1 n−2
P ( x ) =an x + an−1 x +a n−2 x

are real numbers called coefficient.

 n
a n x =leading term

 a n=leading coefficient

 a 0=constant

Example: Standard Form

4 3 2
P ( x ) =x +2 x −x +14 x−56
4 3 2
y=x + 2 x −x +14 x−56
n 4
a n x =leading term=x
a n=leading coefficient =1
a 0=constant =−56

Another Example:

h(x) = -3x4 + 7x3 - 12x2+ x - 2

a n x =leading term=¿
a n=leading coefficient =¿
a 0=constant =¿

Another Example:
f(b) = 4b2 – 6b + b3 – 15

a n x =leading term=¿
a n=leading coefficient =¿
a 0=constant =¿

The following statements indicates that the functions are NOT POLYNOMIAL.

1. The variable of one term is inside the radical sign.

Ex: 5 x 3−4 √2 x+ x

2. The exponents of the variable are NOT whole numbers.

3 1
Ex: x 4 +3 x 4 +7 , x √ 3+ √ 3 x 2+ 7

3. The variables are in the denominator.

1 2 3
Ex: 3
+ 4+ 5
2x 3 x 5 x

4. The exponent of one variable is negative.

Ex: −4 x−100 + 4 x 100

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