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Module 6: ( Activity 1 )

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development.

Read the situation under ACTIVITY Module 6 and answer the

following questions.

1.  On situation 1: Why do you think did Karen prefer the 20 peso

bills? Answer:

Karen, who is only three years old, has no idea how much each

banknote is worth. She likely believed that "four" 20-peso notes

were worth more than "only one" 100-peso banknote. She might

like red and orange over blue, which could be another issue.

2. On situation 2: Why do you think Riel answered "Bear?" What

does this say about how she thought to answer the question?


Riel used the word "bear" because she believed that stuffed

animals were distinct from bears or that bears did not belong in the

category of stuffed animals.

3. On situation 3: Why do you think Baby Liza appeared to enjoy

dropping the spoons? Answer:

Liza looked to like dropping the spoons, which is likely a sign that

she is still in the sensori-motor stage. Through his perceptions and

physical activities, the infant gains knowledge about himself and

the outside world throughout this period.

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