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• Based on active recall and spaced repetition
• Target 360/360 in NEET Biology & 100/100 in Boards!
DigaQ. 1
1. Neural system is composed of "network of neurons" in - B
2. The 2 divisions of human neural system is -
3. The types of nerve fibers in PNS are -
4. The two division of PNS are -
5. Function of somatic and autonomic nervous system are -
6. ANS is divided into - E
7. Visceral nervous system is a part of -
8. It comprises of - (4) F
9. Multipolar neurons found in -
10. Bipolar neurons found in -
11. Unipolar found in - H
12. Psudounipolar found in -
13. In PNS, myelinated fibers are enveloped with _________ (NEET)
14. In CNS, myelinated fibers are enveloped with __________ J
15. Unmyelinated nerve fibers are not enclosed by schwann cell. T/F
16. At resting state, neuron is permeable to K⁺. T/F
17. Na⁺-K⁺ pump transport ___ Na⁺ out and ___ K⁺ in the cell.
18. Saltatory conduction cause fast/slow conduction.
19. Synaptic cleft may be absent in some cases. T/F
20. The 2 types of synapse are -
21. Electrical synapse is fast/slow than chemical synapse.
22. _______ synapses are rare in our systems.
23. The new potential developed by sending the neurotransmitter can be inhibitory. T/F
DigaQ. 3

B DigaQ. 2 A



24. Name the 3 cranial meninges from outside to inside.

25. Arachnoid is a thick layer. T/F
26. The 3 parts of brain are -
27. Forebrain consist of - (3)
28. The hemisphere are connected by tract of nerve
fibers called _______ (NEET)
29. The layer of cells which covers the cerebral hemisphere is called ___________
30. Cerebral cortex is white/grey matter. DigaQ. 4
31. The cerebral cortex is thrown into prominent folds. T/F A
32. The 3 areas found in cerebral cortex are - B
33. The 3 function of association area is -
34. The cerebrum wraps around _______
35. ______ is the major relay centre in the brain. X
36. Sensory and all motor signals of the brain must
pass through _______ E
37. Body temp, urge of eating and drinking is
controlled by ________ (NEET) Z GH
38. Limbic system is formed by (6) - (NEET) I
39. _______ convert short term memory to long term memory.
40. Midbrain is located between - DigaQ. 5
41. A canal called _______ passes through midbrain. B C D
42. The ventral/dorsal portion of midbrain A
consist of 4 round swelling called _______
43. The hindbrain comprises (3) - X I H F
44. The medulla contains centres which Y
control (3) - (NEET)
45. _______ have a very convoluted surface.
46. ______ forms the connection between brain and spinal cord.
47. The 3 regions which made up the brainstem is -


48. Nose receptors are _____ coated and called ______

49. The 3 kinds of cells in olfactory receptors are -
50. _______ are extensions of the limbic system.
DigaQ. 6
51. Tongue have ______ receptor.
52. The 3 types of cell in taste receptors are - B
53. Eyes are located in sockets of the skull called ______ J L
54. The 3 layers of the wall of eyeball is - (NEET)
55. Sclera is composed of which type of connective tissue ? H F
56. The anterior portion of sclera is called ______ I G
57. The choroid looks _______ in colour.
58. The choroid is thick over anterior/posterior one-third/two-third of the eyeball.
59. Choroid anteriorly form -
60. Iris is a continuation of _______
61. Pigmented and opaque structure in eye is -
62. The lens is held in place by _______ attached to ________ (NEET)
63. Structure surrounded by iris is called _______
64. The 3 layers of cells of retina from inside to outside are -
65. The 2 types of photoreceptor cells are - (NEET)
66. The light sensitive proteins are called __________
67. Twilight vision is also called _______ vision.
68. Rod contains a purplish-red protein called ____ or ____ which contain a derivative of ____ (NEET)
69. The 3 types of cones are -
70. Optic nerve enters at a point medial/lateral to and slightly above/below the posterior pole of the eyeball.
71. _________ are not present in that region and hence it is called the ________ (NEET)
72. Lateral to blind spot, there is a yellowish pigmented spot called _____ with a central pit called _____
73. Visual acuity is maximum at - (NEET)
74. At fovea, both rods and cones are densely packed. T/F (NEET)
75. Space between cornea and lens is called _________ and between lens and retina is called ______
76. Aqueous humor is thicker than vitreous humor. T/F
77. Photopigments are composed of ______ and ______ (NEET)
78. Retinal is a aldehyde/ketone of vitamin A. (NEET)
79. Light cause change in the structure of opsin/retinal.
DigaQ. 7
80. Outer ear consist of (2) -
81. Fxn of pinna -
82. Wax secreting glands are present in the skin of E
______ and _______
83. The tympanic membrane is composed of _____ F
covered with _____ outside and with _____ inside.
84. The 3 ossicles are - G
85. Stapes is attached to the round window of cochlea. T/F J I
86. Ear ossicles function -
87. Eustachian tube connect _______ with _______
88. Labyrinth have 2 parts. Name them.
89. Bony labyrinth lies inside the membranous labyrinth. T/F
90. Membranous labyrinth is filled with _______ and surrounded by _______
91. The coiled portion of labyrinth is called _______ A DigaQ. 8
92. Scala media is filled with -
93. Scala vestibuli end at ____ window.
94. Scala tympani end at _____ window.
95. Organ of corti is located on ____ membrane
which contains ___ cells which act as auditory receptor.
96. The apical/basal end of the hair cell is in contact C
with nerve fiber.
97. _____ are projected from apical part of hair cell.
98. Thick/thin elastic membrane called F
____ is present above hair cell. D E
99. Vestibular apparatus is composed of three _______ and _______
100. Otolith organs consist of (2) -
101. ______ is the sensory part of saccule and utricle.
102. The base of canal is swollen called _______
103. Ampulla contains a projecting ridge called _________
104. The projecting ridge of saccule and utricle is -
105. ______ and ______ have hair cells.
106. The crista maintains the dynamic/static balance of the body.
107. The otolith organ maintains the dynamic/static balance of the body.
108. Vestibular apparatus is important for (2) - (NEET)
109. The movement in the ______ membrane bend the hair cells, pressing them against the _________

• NEURAL SYSTEM 32. Sensory area, mortar area and association areas
1. Hydra 33. intersensory associations, memory and
2. CNS and PNS communication
3. Afferent and efferent 34. Thalamus
4. Somatic and autonomic 35. Thalamus
5. Somatic - relay impulses from CNS to skeletal 36. Thalamus
muscles, Autonomic - relays impulses from CNS to 37. Hypothalamus
involuntary organs 38. amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus,
6. Sympathetic and parasympathetic basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus
7. PNS 39. Hippocampus
8. whole complex of nerves, fibres, ganglia, and 40. thalamus/hypothalamus of the forebrain and
plexuses by which impulses travel from the central pons of the hindbrain
nervous system to the viscera 41. Cerebral aqueduct
9. Cerebral cortex 42. Dorsal, corpora quadrigemina
10. Retina 43. Pons, medulla and cerebellum
11. Embryonic stage 44. respiration, cardiovascular reflexes and gastric
12. Dorsal root gangila secretions
13. Schwann cell 45. Cerebellum
14. Oligodendrocytes 46. Medulla
15. F 47. Midbrain, pons and medulla
17. 3 Na⁺, 2 K⁺ 48. Mucus, olfactory receptors
18. Fast 49. Olfactory receptor cell, supporting cell, basal cell
19. T 50. Olfactory bulb
20. Electrical and chemical 51. Gustatory receptors
21. Fast 52. Gustatory receptor cell, supporting cell, basal cell
22. Electrical • EYE
23. T 53. Orbits
• CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 54. Sclera, choroid and retina
24. Duramater, arachnoid, piamater 55. Dense connective tissue
25. F 56. Cornea
26. Forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain 57. Bluish
27. Cerebrum, thalamus and hypothalamus 58. Anterior one-third
28. Corpus callosum
29. Cerebral cortex
30. Grey
31. T
59. Ciliary body 93. Oval window
60. Ciliary body 94. Round window
61. Iris 95. Basilar, hair
62. Ligaments, ciliary body 96. Basal
63. Pupil 97. Stencila
64. ganglion cells, bipolar cells and photoreceptor 98. Thin, tectorial membrane
cells 99. Semi-circular, otolith
65. Rod and cones 100. Saccule and utricle
66. Photopigments 101. Macula
67. Scotopic 102. Ampulla
68. Rhodopsin or visual purple, vitamin A 103. Crista ampullaris
69. Blue, green and red cones 104. Macula
70. Medial, slightly above 105. Crista ampullaris and macula
71. Photoreceptor cells, blind spot 106. Dynamic
72. Macula lutea, fovea 107. Static
73. Fovea 108. Maintenance of balance and posture of body
74. F 109. Basilar, tectorial membrane
75. Aqueous chamber, vitreous chamber • DigaQs
76. F DigaQ. 1 - Structure of a neuron
77. Opsin and retinal A – Dendrites F – Axon
78. Aldehyde B – Nissl's granules G – Myelin sheath
79. Opsin C – Cell body H – Node of Ranvier
• EAR D – Nucleus I – Axon terminal
80. Pinna and external auditory meatus E – Schwann cell J – Synaptic knob
81. Collect the vibrations present in the air DigaQ. 2 – Potential changes of nerve impulse
82. Pinna and meatus A – Threshold D – Repolarization
83. Connective tissue, skin, mucous membrane B – Depolarization E – Hyperpolarization
84. Mallus, incus, stapes C – Reverse of polarization F – Resting potential
85. F DigaQ. 3 - Axon terminal and synapse
86. Amplify the sound A – Axon E – Synaptic cleft
87. Middle ear with pharynx B – Axon terminal F – Post-synaptic
88. Bony and membranous labyrinth C – Synaptic vesicles membrane
89. F D – Pre-synaptic G – Synapse
90. Endolymph, perilymph membrane H – Receptors
91. Cochlea
92. Endolymph
DigaQ. 4 - Sagittal section of the human brain DigaQ. 6 - Parts of an eye
A – Cerebral hemisphere A – Aqueous chamber G – Sclera
B – Corpus callosum H – Cerebellum B – Vitreous chamber H – Retina
C – Cerebral aqueduct I – Medulla C – Fovea I – Ciliary body
D – Cerebrum J – Spinal cord D – Blind spot J – Cornea
E – Thalamus X – Midbrain E – Optic nerve K – Lens
F – Hypothalaus Y – Hindbrain F – Choroid L – Iris
G – Pons Z – Forebrain DigaQ. 7 - Ear
DigaQ. 5 - Reflex action (knee jerk reflex) A – Pinna F – Cochlear nerve
A – Muscle spindle (receptor) B – Temporal bone G – Cochlea
B – Afferent pathway C – Malleus H – Eustachian tube
C – Dorsal root ganglion D – Incus I – Tympanic membrane
D – White matter E – Stapes J – External auditory canal
E – Gray matter DigaQ. 8 - Sectional view of cochlea
F – Interneuron A – Reissner's membrane
G – Motor neuron B – Scala media
H – Efferent pathway C – Organ of corti
I – Motor end plate (effector) D – Basilar membrane
X – Stimulus E – Scala tympani
Y – Response F – Tectorial membrane
G – Scala vestibuli



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