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(School Category |Kategori Sekolah)

Name|Nama: __________________________ 10
Participant No.| No. Peserta: _________________________________
Date| Tarikh: __________________________

Creativity | Kreativiti (25%) Originality |Keaslian Overall Quality | Audience Impact | Impak Total | Jumlah
25% Kualiti Keseluruhan Penonton (100%)
(25%) (25%)

Remarks (If any)|Catatan (jika ada)

I hereby declare that the above ratings given by me is true based on my honest decision| _______________________________
Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa penilaian yang saya berikan di atas adalah benar
berdasarkan keputusan jujur saya.

Criteria of Judging | Kriteria Pemarkahan

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a. Creativity | Kreativiti: 25 %
The video output must showcase a creative output where the participant is able to transform a simple subject into an engaging and captivating piece of content. By
leveraging technical tools, participants can elevate their content to new heights, making it stand out from the crowd and impressing viewers with their creativity and
technical prowess. | Peserta akan dinilai keupayaan mereka untuk menghasilkan kandungan yang menarik, penggunaan visual kreatif, penceritaan, muzik & suara,
pemilihan lokasi dan tema.

b. Originality | Keaslian: 25%

The entry must be unique among other entries. A winning entry should bring a fresh perspective or approach to the subject matter, setting it apart from other
submissions. The video must also highlight the main points of the subject in an exceptional way to keep the viewers well-informed. Not only does it engage the
viewer, but it also ensures that they fully understand the topic at hand. | Penyertaan perlu mempunyai ciri unik yang membezakannya daripada peserta yang lain
seperti tema dan konsep video yang jelas, maklumat yang tepat dan mempunyai sumber rujukan serta sesuai dengan tema.

c. Overall Quality | Kualiti Keseluruhan: 25%

Judges will assess the overall quality of the entry, including the content tone, style, technical skills, attention to detail, and presentation. The entry shall demonstrate
a high level of professionalism and polish. The video must able to showcase the need for public transportation in the community through a well-arranged story
guideline. By doing so, the participant can highlight the benefits of using public transportation and encourage more people to utilize this service. | Hakim akan
menilai keseluruhan kualiti penyertaan, termasuk nada kandungan, gaya, kemahiran teknikal, perhatian terhadap perincian, dan cara penyampaian. Penyertaan perlu
menunjukkan tahap profesionalisme yang tinggi dan kemas seperti keseuaian penceritaan, visual & audio berkualiti, kelancaran penyampaian dan kesesuaian durasi.

d. Audience Impact | Impak Penonton: 25%

The story should be relatable and engaging, highlighting the struggles and challenges faced by individuals who rely on public transportation daily. Entries must high
views, shares, and engagement as a proof that the entry is well love by the public. | Konten perlu memiliki daya tarikan dan kaitan yang mengetengahkan cabaran
yang dihadapi oleh individu yang bergantung pada pengangkutan awam setiap hari serta memiliki daya tarikan, kesesuaian gaya dan memberikan kesan positif
kepada umum.

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