Javier - 18 Videos

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Javier – On Chemistry

This video taught me that nuclei are already existing long before humanity came into the history.
It is amazing how humans were able to utilize and study a nucleus that is almost invisible to the
human eye (except the use of microscope.) This knowledge can help humanity in learning life.
Javier – On Astronomy
This video taught me that astronomy is different from astrology. Astronomy is a science because
it seeks to explain knowledge about the stars through an empirical data. On the other hand,
Astrology directly refers to the observation of celestial bodies in order to give hypotheses about
the past or the future.
Javier- On Physics
This video taught me that physics is an amazing subject that deals with physical movement of
any material object. Secondly, the contemporary physics that we have at present exposes much
knowledge in a simple example of movement in a straight line by considering the velocity and
acceleration through time and displacement.
Javier – On Physics, Quantum Mechanics
This video taught me that quantum mechanics deals with the study of atoms in particular those
atomic particles of the elements that we usually find in the periodic table of elements. Secondly,
quantum mechanics studies the behavior of a given element – how many atomic particles, what
is its mass number, and its inherent characteristics.
Javier – On Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
This video taught me that the space itself is the final frontier (at least, as the end of this
discipline.) Astrophysics is an application of physics to the movement of celestial bodies in the
outer space. Secondly, I learned the term “cosmological redshift” about the relation of time to
Javier –On Geography
This video taught me that geography is more than the study of maps or reading them. First,
geography is relevant to the field of economics. Secondly, I learned that geography deals with
human-environment interactions are all the ways to connect with and live within the
Javier – On Climate
This video taught me that climate change is not only about the global warming and the melting
of the ice caps in the polar regions. Climate change calls us to do preventions about the effects
that it brings to us. Secondly, I realized the immediate need for renewable energy.
Javier – On Biology
This video taught me that humans are not only the scope of biology but rather it involves all
living things that are being shaped by the history of evolution. Secondly, biology is not only
about those living things but it is also about the viruses that live through hosts.
Javier – On Human Anatomy and Physiology
This video taught me about the difference between anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is all
about what a human body is while physiology is about what it does. Secondly, apart from their
definitions, both disciplines form one science about the human body as a subject of empirical
science and methodology.
Javier – On Economics
This video taught me about who really economists are. They are those people who deal with the
culture of commerce in order to maintain the financial stability of the world. Secondly,
economics taught me about the idea of scarcity that speaks of humans’ unlimited wants but with
limited resources.
Javier – On Engineering
This video taught me about Engineering not as a science but a practical application of invention
or cleverness. Secondly, engineering has many branches – but among these branches, the one
that caught my attention the most is civil engineering since it ranges from areas that concern the
welfare of people.
Javier – On Computer Science
This video taught me about the complexity of computer and computer data. First, this discipline
values speed and accuracy because through time, new inventions are capable of operating faster
than their previous models. Secondly, I was surprised that Charles Babbage himself contributed
to the development with his Difference Engine.
Javier - On Artificial Intelligence
This video taught me that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is almost everywhere. Artificial Intelligence
doesn’t really know anything when its first created since it feeds on data that it will analyze and
memorize in order to have knowledge to work on. Secondly, AI is continuously improving and
will always be.
Javier – On Psychology
This video taught me that Psychology is a discipline that is recently acknowledged to be a
scientific discipline. Secondly, the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud proved to be relevant in the
foundation and development of modern Psychology since this discipline brings to light the
subconscious side of the human mind.
Javier – On Sociology
This video taught me that Sociology is not only about the interrelation of people with one
another. Sociology deals with the behavior and processes of human interactions through the
various means available in a given context. Secondly, Sociology can help us understand the
power and inequality in the world.
Javier – On World History
This video taught me that the Agricultural Revolution made necessary developments to improve
the quality of human life in respect to the available resources in the world – food, shelter,
clothing, water and others. Secondly, I learned that the reason why agriculture came out of the
desire to eat more.
Javier – On Literature
This video taught me that reading leads to a fuller understanding of lives other than ourselves.
This is possible due to the language that a person perceives whenever he/she is reading a piece of
written work of a significant subject. Secondly, reading helps man to further his linguistic skills
as he interacts in the modern world today.
Javier – On Entrepreneurship
This video taught me Entrepreneurship is more than just “selling” and “earning.”
Entrepreneurship brings us to the essence of who an entrepreneur is. An entrepreneur is someone
who sees a need and takes on the financial risk of starting a business to fill the need for
establishing an earning business.

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