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Deathflake mittens

Version 1.0 of April 07, 2013
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Deathflake mittens
Yarn: Rauma gammelserie, Rauma finull, Hifa 2, PT 2
For example black and white, where black is MC and white is CC.

Needles: 2.0 mm for the ribbing and 2.5 mm for the rest of the mittens
Size: Lady M, larger needles creates larger mittens.

Cast on 72 st with MC, on the smaller needles.

Ribbing K1, P1 for 5 rounds.
Remember to use larger needles for the rest of the mitten.

Knit pattern “A”.

Next round:
Knit to the second last stitch on first needle. K2tog. Knit to the second last stitch on third
needle. K2tog. Knit to end. In total 70 stitches.

Knit pattern “B”.

When you reach the marking for thumb, leave both working yarns attached. Use some
contrasting yarn ( 25-30 cm ) of similar weight. Knit across the 15 marked st with the
contrasting color. Slip the stitches back to LHN. Continue with pattern, and weaving in the
second color for every alternate st.

Continue pattern until mitten tip.

Mitten tip.
Place the remaining 5 st from each side onto two separate strands of yarn. Turn mittens
inside out. Place each set of st onto a dpn. Bring the final yarn ( 25- 30 cm ) of MC to the
wrong side.
Move st onto 2 dpns. Place dpns in parallel. Knit one stitch from each dpn successively, total
10 st. BO.

Use a smaller size needle to pick up the 15 st and 15 st below and above the contrasting
yarn. Remove contrasting yarn.
Knit pattern “Thumb” ( with lager needles ).
Finish the thumb tip as the mitten tip.

Weave in all ends.

To get the “fluffy” feel to the mittens I wash my mittens with wool detergent, a short cycle in
the washing machine.

Thanks to Art Fiend / GirlInGrey for letting me adapt the pattern.

Thanks to Mariannen101 for test knitting the pattern.
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Thanks to Art Fiend / GirlInGrey for letting me adapt the pattern.

Thanks to Mariannen101 for test knitting the pattern.
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Thanks to Art Fiend / GirlInGrey for letting me adapt the pattern.

Thanks to Mariannen101 for test knitting the pattern.
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If you have any comments or questions, just send an e-mail to

Thanks to Art Fiend / GirlInGrey for letting me adapt the pattern.

Thanks to Mariannen101 for test knitting the pattern.

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