Natural Disasters

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Natural disasters

1. A natural disaster is when an event caused by natural forces produces

great damage
2. Lives are lost, people are made homeless, buildings collapse
3. Have emergencies exits for earthquakes and fires. Having elevated
building if you are in a lace that tends to have floods
4. Yes, there are a lot of floods in the oriental zone
5. Maybe a drought could happen because it already happened a few years
6. Yes, my mum has been in an earthquake and she saw how some
constructions collapsed
7. The fire in Australia, a lot of people and animals lost their homes
8. The worst natural disaster I can remember are tsunamis in Chile
9. We can give them food, clothes, money, and places to stay while they
don’t have homes
10. An earthquake because nobody is really prepared for it and it can trigger
other disasters like tsunamis
11. Sometimes they are warned days before but it’s more common that they
get the warning few hours before it happens
12. You can yes, pack a safety bag and go to a safety place.
13. I’ve seen Tornado and it was really cool, but also really sad because a
lot of people died during it.
14. They are made homeless, they lose all their stuff and personal
possessions, and also sometimes they die.
15. I will go and try to do something extreme like parachuting
16. One of the biggest possibilities is that they’re were killed but a meteor
impact, but it is not as simple as that, some scientist say that the meteor
didn’t kill the dinosaurs right there, the meteor impacts the ground and it
created a big black cloud that covered the sun, so plants couldn’t grow
and the herbivorous died and then the carnivorous did.
17. I think famine, because if you don’t eat well your immune system is weak
so any disease such as a cold can killed you. Also, there’s thousands of
people that don’t have food so a lot of people, especially in poor
countries, suffers from famine
18. It can’t be helpful by warning other people that there’s a disaster like an
earthquake so people could start to prepare themselves for the
earthquake mirrors, but it also can be misused like sharing photos that
aren’t helpful at all.


Avalanche - 4
Drought - 6 Hurricane – 9
Earthquake - 2 Meteor impact - 11
Flood - 1 Tornado - 7
Forest fire - 8 Tsunami - 10
Heatwave - 3 Volcanic eruption - 5

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