Working Paper - Brain Development

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Working Paper “Brain Development”

Committee: United Nations Conference on Trading and Development

Topic: The Emigration of Skilled Workers: Combating Brain Drain
Signatories: The Commonwealth of Australia, The United States, Dominican
Republic, The Federal Republic of Nigeria, The Federal Republic of Germany, The Republic of
Kenya, The Republic of South Korea, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, The Arab
Republic of Egypt, The Republic of France, The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Republic of
Portugal, Ukraine, The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, The Dominion of Canada, The
Czech Republic, The Republic of Italy, Republic of Philippines

1. Adopts Project Cero (1), in association with the World Bank, will country's development:
a. fostering social responsibility toward their countries through awareness campaigns,
educational programs, and community engagement initiatives so citizens actively
participate in their country’s development leading to increased opportunities,
b. providing training and skill development opportunities ensuring that returning
workers remain competitive in the job market. contributing to their countries growth,
c. establish upportive policies for high-skilled workers who return to their home country
after being abroad to foster research, innovation, and contributions promoting the
retuning to their home countries,
2. Encourages the program “Areplan” which consists of stopping the brain drain and promoting
the retention of highly trained professionals in developing countries through sustainable
strategies and effective policies, this program consists of 5 main pillars:
a. Improving education and technical training by offering competitive programs and
international alliances to increase local capacities,
b. promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, this would be done with support policies,
tax incentives, and facilities for new companies,
c. creating attractive labor and salary policies, this will count with benefits and growth
opportunities for talented professionals,
d. Facilitating professional networks and connections, with national and international
collaboration to exchange knowledge,
e. create awareness campaigns, the positive impact of retaining talent and its relevance
for sustainable development will be highlighted;
3. Suggests the “New Court” for consent between developed and developing countries:
a. Offer internships for public university students in needed sectors such as
administration, finance, engineering, and nursing,
b. Creation of regional startups competitions in public universities:
i. The judges will be professors from businesses faculty,
ii. The 10 first places will win investment and assessment from universities,
iii. The participants form the first place will get a scholarship of 20%,
c. UN organisms will help by annual reports to supervise the development of this plan
and prevent possible corruption;
4. Create the program “PSTM” for universities and secondary schools giving them talks:
a. Technology: The talks will be record so in this way the students can access to the
videos and see it again,
b. Education: In order to give the students the better possibilities, people that have
success and that haven’t success will be able on sharing their experience;
5. Proposes the program “Stella luceant” which focuses on every student's:
a. This focuses on every student that are in 1st to 5th grade of High school,
b. Students that are in the first place
6. Create the "Ottawa" plan that advises students and help them to find a job that fulfills the
requirements in their countries:
a. enhance education and investigation opportunities by providing financial assistance,
b. Supplying scholarships for colleges, providing financement to diverse investigations,
ensuring that students will be equipped with practical skills necessary to contribute
meaningfully to their respective fields,
c. Advise recently graduated students with program administrators, ensuring
professional success, taking advantage of our professionals will open a wide range of
opportunities, simultaneously encouraging professionals from other nations to
consider the advantages of staying or returning to their home countries;

7. Invites the development of the “Projektqualität” which consists of investing in favor of

a. Invest to help construction of schools in countries who are in need, offer them the
chance to send some students determined by grades to foreign education institutions
according for a temporary stay, where they can acquire knowledge of distinct kinds to
make an effective brain circulation process,
b. Help by teaching teachers in developing countries different ways to make better and
more effective classes,
c. Help out with the resources needed in developing countries schools, funded by
Germany in hopes for development to rise;
8. Endorses a technological assistance initiative for developing countries throughout innovative
learning programs of education of the public and private sector, the financial help will
eventually be useful for developing countries to rise upon themselves;
9. Proposes the plan “Giving Opportunities” (GO)
a. Aims to facilitate job recruitment and help displaced citizens,
b. Create an online app that will migrant’s businesses to offer employment avenues for
those most affected,
c. Developed countries, UNCTAD and OECD will provide wifi conflicted zones;
10. Supports the implementation of the “Blue Common Migration” (BCM) plan based on four
fundamental pillars:
a. Data management: employ data collaboratives in order to establish migration
patterns, dynamics, and employ AI predictive analysis on migration movements,
b. Implementation Politics: establishing a standard over a humane and orderly
international migration, with an ethical and privacy-respecting data recompilation
frequently updated,
c. Strategies of Implementation: employing data management strategies to predict
migration movement in collaboration with the Big Data for Migration (BD4M)
Alliance, improving and accelerating the process of migration flux control measures
of previous treaties,
d. Founding: conduct a meeting of The Standing Committee on Programmes and

11. Adopts Project Cero (1), in association with the World Bank, will beckon governments and
the private sector to unite in a symphony of investment:
a. Fomenting investments from the government and private sectors in countries facing
the Brain drain to increase the capital flow,
12. Authorizes providing financial assistance through education to employ technological
connectivity and improve the quality of job supporting economic growth;
13. Proposes the “Allah’s Hand” project which consists in raising the job opportunities in the
state companies and raising the minimum salary depending on the country:
a. Increasing the workers in companies will increase productivity as well and the
income will improve the economy,
b. Offer labor certificates for native students who have studied in the outside to
accelerate their implementation into the labor market, prioritizing the native workers
when entering into companies,
c. Promoting tax investments and competitivo eagles for specific carrers
14. Endorses the “GATW (Global Pizza Tower Workers) plan”, which has two main pillars:
a. We will remind and reinforce the different UN past actions about this topic through
the application of mandatory laws and public news,
b. We will cooperate, creating treaties between brain waste affected countries and gain
favored countries and financing different plans inserted in this block with the help of:
i. Italy’s financiation
ii. The World Health Organization (WHO)
iii. The General Assembly
iv. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

15. Implements the “ wa watá (our tomorrow) plan”
a. Train qualified personnel constantly,
b. Every 6 months give a capacitation to every employer
i. Give to the personnel a good working environment,
ii. Give them new equipment, all the artifacts must be renovated annually
c. Their uniform must be well done Invest on Security
i. 50% of the money invested in security infrastructure,
ii. The other 50% invested on the Integrated System of Emergency and Security
and on the video surveillance lamps;

16. Implements the “MH” project which consists in the construction of mental health care centers
in different zones that are needed, bringing back and offering job opportunities for doctor to
work in this places and the already existing ones;
17. Creates “We trade” consisting of a trading system of clinic material between countries for
the hospitals to be as prepared as possible;
a. Via the national health system of each country, present a document with the needs and
the clinic material that could be donated to a different country.
18. Decides to remain in a matter.

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