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For Learning
Of Learning


It is the one that is carried out The AfL is oriented towards

during the learning process those practices that maximize The understanding of it learning
constitutes a process of
and not at the end of it, that the feedback process (from interpersonal
assessment as communication is
is, it is the moment in which vital to understand communication,
why its which fulfills
teacher to student and from results do not depend only on thecharacteristics and
educational decisions can be student to teacher) to all the
characteristics of the "object" that
made to adjust the teaching
according to the needs of the
optimize learning. is assessed, but alsopresents
on theall the complexities
students and provide of human
peculiarities of the person(s) who communication;
feedback during their carry out the assessment where
and the roles of evaluator
learning process. links establish with eachand
evaluator can alternate,
and even occur

How can teachers get the most advantage of the AfL?

Most of the AfL approach involves practical specialized, crucial to being a good teacher. It involves
multiple strategies, for example:

I. Share learning intentions and learning criteria success in an accessible and motivating way
(Hattie and Clarke, 2019) and check if the students understood them.
II. Ask open questions to verify and deepen comprehension in each lesson and for all lessons.
General response systems are useful to measure developing understanding of the whole class
(for example, the use of mini blackboards by of students to answer hinge questions) (William,
III. Using focused feedback techniques part of the teacher, evaluation between pairs and self-
IV. Provide formative feedback without grades or notes, as appropriate. offer feedback training
related to a success criterion specific can help the student to concentrate in what you must do
to improve a job without being distracted by grades or notes.

• The feedback must be related to the learning objectives for each task. This will allow Have students
use feedback to improve. Feedback could focus on the content and quality of work, how a student has
tackled a task, or on the effectiveness of the strategy used.

• An effective AfL approach involves developing the autonomy of the student to be able to evaluate
himself and regulate his own learning process.

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