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policy analyst

a policy analyst is responsible for researching and analyzing issues that are
detrimental to the public and seeking solutions through government
intervention and recommending legislation. knowledge of economics is
imperative to address them with possible solutions.
researching political topics such as foreign and domestic relations
designing and contributing to the implementation of economic and social
policy use cases in specific fields such as macroeconomic indicators
use economic analysis of policy decisions to interpret policy outcomes.
hello good morning my name is miguel angel paez it is a pleasure to greet
you. next i will present you the perspectives and dreams that i want to
materialize in my future. i want to be a political analyst i have always liked the
subject of public administration and the decision making by the leaders of a
i am going to work as a political analyst, i will work in the next few years in
the public sector because in my personal opinion it seems to me the most
important for the growth of a country, the decisions of the leaders depend on
the investment, the potive and social stability among others. i will work in the
bank of the republic in 5 years, i attend a political and social group called
politfonika and this is my first approach to the public sector.
In 10 years I want to have my own house, I hope to have a child and a nice
family which will be a support and encourage me to improve myself. For me
family is more important than work, but I will do my best to do my best. I will
travel to vacation in different places of the world creating nice memories with
my family.
i study economics most of the day and i use the time to study and work. i
work as a delivery man and with this i pay my living expenses. i am happy to
study in univalle and i believe that my future will be very interesting.

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