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WORKING STRENGTH DESIGN (WSD) > VALUES OF MODULAR RATIO, n - NSCP 2015 (Page 520) 429.6.4It shall be permitted to take the modular ratio n = Es /Ec as the nearest whole number (but not less than 6). Except in calculations for deflection, value of n for lightweight concrete shall be assumed to be the same as for normal weight concrete of the same strength. 429.6.5 In doubly reinforced flexural members, an effective modular ratio of 2Bs/Ee shall be used to transform compression reinforcement for stress computation, Compressive stress in such reinforcement shall not exceed permissible tensile stress. 419,2.2.1 Modulus of Elasticity, Ec, for concrete hall be \itted to be calculated Ie llowable strength of Concrete perm 0 be calculated as (a) or (b lowable Stress of Stee! a) For values of We between 1440 and 2560 kg/m3 n= Modular Ratio Ec = we'5 (0.043) \fe (in MPa) a) For normal weight concrete Ec = 4700 \fc (in MPa) WORKING STRENGTH DESIGN (WSD) CRACKED SECTION SOLUTION (consider beam cracked section) 1, (bw)(a)(5) = mAs ( d-a) 2uIT= ce (w)(ay(2)? 1 PEGarasy (d-a)? IT{ ey (bw)(a)(@)? } +n(As)(N) (d-a)? where n= és /Ec 3. Fb — Hexure Stress (Two Conditions) 1. Foo Me (based ‘on Concrete Strength) 2. Fs 77 8, (based on Steel Strength) ALLOWABLE STRESS: SOLUTION TANAWSIS 1, Horizontal Members (Beams, Slab, Footing) 1. & Ayabove-E Aybelow 45 fic ).Sfy (for slab reinforcement, db < 10, fy s200Mpa 2. IT=E (Ina+ Ay?) fs = 140 Mpa (for fy = 280 Mpa) fs = 170 Mpa (for fy = 420 Mpa) Vertical Members (Column, Walls, Etc) 3. Fo= ME 2. C 25 fc WORKING STRENGTH DESIGN (WSD} wT KED SECTION SOLUTION (consider beam cracked section) 7 1. (bw)(a)(5) = (bw)(h-a)() +(n-1)(As)(d-a) | wr bot ZH (ole 2214 ED) a2. irate » (owt ay 7) 1 +(n- syasinn Ha)? dea where n= es / Ec L Lo (n-1)As O° t 3. Fb—Flexure Stress Mc 1 1 * Fco=—-, (based on Concrete Strength) w bw + Fs-4=M© (ased on Steel Strength) ALLOWABLE STRESS: “° n 1 ’ im SOLUTION / ANALYSIS 1. Horizontal Members (Beams, Slab, Footing) fe=0.45 f'c J. EAyabove-5 Aybelow .5fy (for slab reinforcement, db < 10, fy <200Mpa 2. IT=E (Ina+Ay?) 2. Vertical Members (Column, Walls, Etc) M 3. Fo=Xé fe=0.25 fc ]} fs=0.4fy Y, Working Stress Design of Reinforced Concrete Working Stress Design Working Stress Design is called Alternate Design Method by NSCP (National Structural Code of the Philippines) and ACI (American Concrete Institute, ACD. Code Reference NSCP 2010, Section 424; Alternate Design Method ACI 318M-99, Appendix A: Alternate Design Method Notation f- = allowable compressive stress of concrete f; = allowable tesnile stress of steel reinforcement c= specified compressive strength of concrete Jy = specified yield strength of steel reinforcement E, = modulus of elasticity of concrete E, = modulus of elasticity of steel n= modular ratio M= design moment d= distance from extreme concrete fiber to centroid of steel reinforcement kd = distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber of concrete jd = distance between compressive force C and tensile force T p = ratio of the area of steel to the effective area of concrete ‘atio of long side to short side of concentrated load or reaction area Ag = area of steel reinforcement Design Principle The design concept of WSD is based on Elastic Theory in which the stress-strain diagram is within the proportional limit and will obey Hooke's Law. Actual Stress < Allowable Stress Allowable Stresses (NSCP 2010, 424.4.1 / ACI 318M, A.3.1) Concrete 1. Flexure Extreme fiber stress in compression 0.45 f¢ 2. Shear Beams and one-way slabs and footings: Shear carried by concrete, v, 0.09/ fé Maximum shear carried by concrete plus shear er reinforcement, v, 0.38/ fe Joists: Shear carried by concrete, v, 0.09,/ fi Two-way slabs and footings: Shear carried by concrete, v, but not greater than 2\/ff Wl + 2/8) / fe 3. Bearing on loaded area 0.32 Steel Reinforcement 1. Grade 275 or Grade 350 reinforcement 140 MPa 2. Grade 420 reinforcement or greater and welded wire fabric (plain or deformed) 3. For flexural reinforcement, 10 mm or less in diameter, in one-way slabs of not more than4 —_0.50fy m span but not greater than 200 MPa 170 MPa Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (NSCP 408.6.1) For weight of concrete, w, between 1500 and 2500 kg/m? Ey = we!50.043,/ ft For normal weight concrete E, = 4700,/fE Modulus of Elasticity of Steel Reinforcement (NSCP 408.6,2) For nonprestressed reinforcement E, = 200000 MPa Modular Ratio (NSCP 424.6.4) It shall be permitted to take the modular ratio, 2 = nearest whole number (but not less than 6). Modular Ratio for Beams with Compression Steel (NSCP 424.6.5) = asthe E. In doubly reinforced flexural members, an effective modular ratio of 2n shall be used to transform compression reinforcement for stress computations. Assumptions in WSD 1, Plane section remains plane before and after bending. 2. Concrete stress varies from zero at the neutral axis to a maximum at the extreme fiber. 3. Concrete do not carry tensile stress. All tensile stress will be carried by steel reinforcement. 4, The steel and concrete are perfectly bond so that no slippage between the two will occur. b x3 x k— »v Moment of area: Qabove NA = Qbelow NA 1 2 zba? = nA,(d— 2) Tensile and Compressive Forces T = fis C=} fbx C=f Moment in the section y=d-sa M=Cy M=Ty Bending stresses ba 5 Ina = 3 +nA,(d— x)? fe = fe n Meld ile Rote UI eR meer ei ty Consider a relatively long simply supported beam shown below. Assume the load w, to be increasing progressively until the beam fails. The beam will go into the following three stages: 1. Uncrack Concrete Stage — at this stage, the gross section of the concrete will resist the bending which means that the beam will behave like a solid beam made entirely of concrete. 2. Crack Concrete Stage ~ Elastic Stress range 3. Ultimate Stress Stage - Beam Failure Wo 1 3 1 Moment Diagram Concrete Beam Crack Stages At section 1: Uncrack stage a. Actual moment, M < Cracking moment, M,; b. No cracking occur c. The gross section resists bending d. The tensile stress of concrete is below rupture At Section 2: Boundary between crack and uncrack stages a. Actual moment, M = Cracking moment, Mz, b. Crack begins to form c. The gross section resists bending d. The tensile stress of concrete reached the rupture point At Section 3: Crack concrete stage a. Actual moment, M > Cracking moment, M,; b. Elastic stress stage c. Cracks developed at the tension fiber of the beam and spreads quickly to the neutral axis d. The tensile stress of concrete is higher than the rupture strength e. Ultimate stress stage can occur at failure Working Stress Analysis —- Uncracked Stage The beam will behave elastically and remains uncracked. The tensile stress of concrete is below rupture. Cracking Moment NSCP 2010, Section 409.6.2.3 Modulus of rupture of concrete, f, = 0.7\/f! MPa — tely Cracking moment, M,,. = 7 Me Where J,, = Moment of inertia of the gross section neglecting reinforcement Yt = distance from centroid of gross section to extreme tension fiber Working Stress Analysis - Cracked Stage General Requirement Actual Stresses < Allowable Stresses Internal Couple Method Static equilibrium of internal forces Factor k: pe fe fs ——— foro Factor j: j;-1-1 j=1l-—gk Moment resistance coefficient: 1 . R= the kj Moment capacity: Use the smallest of the two M, =C jd=4f.kjbd® = Rbd? M, =T jd = A.f, jd Transformed Section Method Convert steel area to equivalent concrete area by multiplying A, with modular ratio, n. Gross Transformed Stress & Internal Section Section Couple Diagrams Location of the neutral axis from extreme compression fiber Singly reinforced: ba? = nA,(d— zx) Doubly reinforced: $bx? + (2n — 1) Al (a — d') =nA,(d— 2) Cracked section moment of inertia (Iya = ler) ba? 3 br? 5 Doubly reinforced: Iy.4 = > + (2n — 1)Ak(a — d')? + nA,(d — 2)? Singly reinforced: Iy4 = +nA,(d— x)? Actual stresses (calculate using Flexure Formula) Concrete f Ma “Iva Tension steel fe M(d nm Iya Compression steel for doubly reinforced fi _ M(x—a’) Qn Iya ee ee Example 01: Total Compression Force at the Section of Concrete Beam Problem Arectangular reinforced concrete beam with width of 250 mm and effective depth of 500 mm is subjected to 150 kN-m bending moment. The beam is reinforced with 4-25 mmo bars. Use alternate design method and modular ratio n = 9. 1. What is the maximum stress of concrete? 2. What is the maximum stress of steel? 3. What is the total compressive force in concrete? Solution ~ Cli w or hide the solution = Area of reinforcing bars A, =4x $n(25") = 6257 mm? nA, = 9(625m) = 56257 mm? Location of the neutral axis Qabove NA = Qelow NA 2502(42) = nA,(d — 2) 1252? = 56257(500 — «) 1252” + 56252 — 28125007 = 0 aw = 204.42 and — 345.79 use x = 204.42 mm Moment of inertia 3 Ina = ane +nA,(d— x)? 2 493 | Iva = 250(204.42") + 56257(500 — 204.42)? Ty 4 = 2255 762 492 mm* Bending stresses f= Mc oT Concrete Mer fe= Iya 150(204.42)(10007) Fe = 9955 762 492 fe =13.59MPa answer Steel f. M (d—2) n Iva f, _ 150(500 — 204.42) (1000) 9 2255 762 492 fs = 19.65 MPa answer Total compressive force in concrete C =} febx = 4(13.59)(250) (204.42) C=347.26kN answer er) Vu eer eae meee Lat) Problem Areinforced concrete beam 300 mm wide has an effective depth of 600 mm. It is reinforced with 4-32 mm diameter bars for tension. f’, = 21 MPa and f, = 275 MPa. Find the moment capacity of the beam. Solution » Click here to show or hide the solution Modulus of elasticity of concrete E, = 4700,/ ft = 4700/21 E, = 21538.11 MPa Modular ratio nae 200 000 ~ EB. 21538.11 n=9 Allowable stresses fs = 140 MPa for Grade 275 | f. = 0.45 f! = 0.45(21) = 9.45 MPa Steel area A; =4x 5732") = 10247 mm? nAg = 9(10247) = 92167 mm? Moment of area Qabove NA = Qbelow NA 3002(4.r) = nA,(d— 2) 1502? = 92167(600 — x) 1502? + 92167@ — 55296007 = 0 a@ = 257.22 and — 450.24 Use @ = 257.22 mm Moment of inertia 3 300% +nA,(d— x)? Iva = _ 300(257.22") NA = + 92167(600 — 257.22)? | I Iy4 = 5103735931 mm? | Moment capacity iS Me b= | Based on concrete _ Me Ina M (257.22 9.45 = (257.22)(1000°) 5 103 735 931 M = 187.51kN-m fe Based on steel f. _ M(d-=) nn Iva 140 — M(600 — 257.22)(1000") Oo 5 103 735 931 M = 231.61kN:-m Use the safe value of M M = 187.51kN-m answer ‘xample 03: Compressive Force at the Section of Concrete T-Beam Problem The following are the dimensions of a concrete T-beam section Width of flange, by = 600 mm. Thickness of flange, t¢= 80 mm Width of web, by = 300 mm Effective depth, d = 500 mm The beam is reinforced with 3-32 mm diameter bars in tension and is carrying a moment of 100 kN-m. Find the total compressive force in the concrete. Use n= 9. Solution » Click here to show or hide the solution An=3'% 4.-n(32?) = 7687 mm? nA, = 9(7687) = 69127 mm? Assume NA is at the bottom of the flange Qabove NA = 600(80)(40) = 1920000 mm* Qbelow NA = A, (500 — 80) = 9201169 mm? Qabove wa < Qhelow nar therefore, NA is within the web. Qabove NA = Qbelow NA 600x($x) — 300(a — 80)[ 5 (a — 80)] = nA, (500 — x) 30022 — 150(x — 80)? = 69127(500 — x) a = 167 mm 6002* — 300(a — 80)* 300UUOC 600(167°) — 300(167 — 80)* rr Ina = 3273562384 mm* +nA,(500— x)? Iva = + 69127(500 — 167)? fs _ M(d-2) nn INA fs _ 100(500 — 167)(10007) 9 3.273 562 384 fe = 91.55 MPa T = f, As = 91.55(7687) T = 220.89 kN Cc=T C = 220.89 kN answer Another Solution for finding C Mz — 100(167)(10007) fe= Ty, —- 3273562384 fe = 5.10 MPa M(x—80) _ 100(167 — 80)(1000") Iva 3273 562 384 fer = 2.66 MPa fa = CH= 4(fo+ fealty bp + FSer(@ — bp )bw C = 4(5.10 + 2.66)(80)(600) + 4(2.66)(167 — 80)(300) C = 220.95kN (okay) Example 04: Stress of Tension Steel, Stress of Compression Steel, and Stress of Concrete in Doubly Reinforced Beam Problem A300 mm * 600 mm reinforced concrete beam section is reinforced with 4 - 28-mm- diameter tension steel at d = 536 mm and 2 - 28-mm-diameter compression steel at d' = 64 mm. The section is subjected to a bending moment of 150 kN-m. Use n= 9. 1. Find the maximum stress in concrete. 2. Determine the stress in the compression steel. 3. Calculate the stress in the tension steel. Solution + Click} 1 hi uti A, = 4x 40(28?) = 7840 mm? nA, = 9(784r) = 70567 mm? ApH 2% 4.n(28?) = 39207 mm? (2n — 1) Al = [2(9) — 1](3927) = 66647 mm? 300 UZ Lf fin Je 300 —| Qabove NA = Qoelow NA 300x(5ar) + (2n — 1) AL (a — 64) = nA, (536 — x) 150x? + 6664m(x — 64) = 70567(536 — x) 1502 + 13 72077 — 42085127 = 0 az = 186.15 and — 473.50 Use a = 186.15 mm 300(a* iar a + (2n —1)A4 (a — 64)? + nA, (536 — 2)? 300(186.15° Iya = “—— + 66647(186.15 — 64)? + 70567(536 — 186.15)? Iya = 3670555 446 mm! Bending Stresses h- Mc =< Concrete: Mz Te _ 150(186.15)(1000") “3670555 446 fc = 7.61 MPa answer Tension steel: fs — M(536 — x) n Iya fs _ 150(536 — 186.15)(1000%) 9 3.670 555 446 fs = 128.67 MPa answer Compression steel: fl M(a—64) Qn xa fi 150(186.15 — 64)(1000?) 2(9) 3 670 555 446 fi = 89.85 MPa answer Design of Steel Reinforcement of CH uEe Ann eee Steps is for finding the required steel reinforcements of beam with known M, other beam properties using Working Stress Design method. Given the following, direct or indirect: Width or breadth = b Effective depth = d Allowable stress for concrete = fo Allowable stress for steel = ts Modular ratio =n Maximum moment carried by the beam = Max imax and. Step 1: Solve for the balanced moment capacity a fe fete nm Fe baba Mbat = Cra(d — $a) Lal = ° If Max $ Mpat design the beam as singly reinforced (go to Step 2) * Tf Mmax > Mjqis design the beam as doubly reinforced (go to Step 3) Step 2: Singly Reinforced Beam (Max $ Mpad) Locate the neutral axis by solving x from the equation below bz + ba? (d— 2) _ 2M max(d — x) 3 2 da Section Section Couple Diagrams Solve for the required steel area bx? A.=————> 2n(d— x) You can also use the approximate formula for the amount of A, A, = Mons Fe(d — 52m) Step 3: Doubly Reinforced Beam (Mingy > Mpay) Additional given: Embedment depth of compresian steel = d’ Solve for As; from Balanced Condition Moat Ag = ——!_ ' fRG- 3 Voat) Solve A, from the excess of May aNd Mpa Mexcess = Minax — Moat Mexcess 40-7 Ga) Total steel area in tension As = Aa + Aso f— > | = 1 Gross Transformed Stress & Internal Section Section Couple Diagrams Solve A,' from the balanced condition and use Mexcess (Note: if f,' > f;, use f,' =f) , , 2nfe(tia — A’) I 2fs(xbar — a’) = ——— or =e fe Lal ‘ d — &bat 2n Meacess AS Fn —\(d—2) Tass’ Example 01: Required Steel Area of Reinforced C ete Beam Problem A rectangular concrete beam is reinforced in tension only. The width is 300 mm and the effective depth is 600 mm. The beam carries a moment of 80 kN-m which causes a stress of 5 MPa in the extreme compression fiber of concrete. Use n= 9. 1. What is the distance of the neutral axis from the top of the beam? 2. Calculate the required area for steel reinforcement. 3. Find the stress developed in the steel. Solution + Click here hide ti uti Distance of the neutral axis from the top of the beam | M=Cy M = $f-bx(d — 52) 80(1000*) = $(5)(300x)(600 — +x) 250x? — 450.0002 + 80 000 000 x = 1600 and 200 Use z = 200 mm answer | b=300 lb = 300 | Required steel area Qabove NA = Qbelow NA 300x(4.) =nA,(d— 2x) 1502? = nA,(d—z) | 150(2007) = 9A, (600 — 200) A, = 1666.67 mm? answer Stress developed in the steel | s/n _ fe d-a« ws f/9 _ 5 600200 200 fs = 90 MPa answer CTE) nding the Number of 28-mm Steel Bars of Singly-Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Beam Problem A reinforced concrete cantilever beam 4 m long has a cross-sectional dimensions of 400 mm by 750 mm. It is to carry a superimposed load of 29.05 kN/m including its own weight The steel reinforcement has an effective depth of 685 mm. Use /", = 21 MPa, f,- 165 MPa, and n= 9. Determine the required number of 28 mm 0 reinforcing bars using Working Stress Design method. Solution ~ Click} J nn oluti Maximum Moment Mraz: = 29.05(4)(2) = 232.4 kN - m Y Wo = 29.05 kN/m For Balanced Capacity fe = 0.45 f! = 0.45(21) = 9.45 MPa fs = 165 MPa Lat _ d fe fet fa/n Lat 685 9.45 ~ 9.45 + 165/9 2a) — 233 mm Cia = 4 fe btar = 4(9.45)(400)(233) Chat = 440.37 kN Moai = Cou (d — $tiar) = 440.37[ 0.685- +(0.233) | Moai = 267.45 kN -m Minax < Miap thus, the beam is singly-reinforced. For Singly Reinforced Section fe = 165 MPa f=? 685 2 10 nw OL Lt Accurate Solution for finding A, (Not recommended) a b= 400 » Click here to show or hide the solution Approximate Solution for finding A, (Recommended) Minox = T(d — Fa) Mmaz = As fa(d — 4211) fa(d — 42601) _ 232.4(10002) * 165(685 — 1 (233)] A, = 2319.13 mm? A,= Number of bars _ A, _ 2319.13 Ay — 47(28?) N =3.76 Use 4 - 28 mm @ bars answer Example 03: Finding the Number of 32-mm Steel Bars for Doubly- Reinforced Concrete Propped Beam Problem A propped beam 8 m long is to support a total load of 28.8 kN/m, It is desired to find the steel reinforcements at the most critical section in bending. The cross section of the concrete beam is 400 mm by 600 mm with an effective cover of 60 mm for the reinforcements. f’, = 21 MPa, f, = 140 MPa, n = 9. Determine the required number of 32 mm ¢ tension bars and the required number of 32 mm o compression bars. Solution ~ Click here t hi ion —— The most critical section in bending is at the fixed support Wo = 28.8 kN/m Moment Diagram Max = weL7/8 Mi = 9weL?/128 w,L? — 28.8(8) Mmnax = 3 =—. Mraz = 230.4kN +m | For Balanced Capacity f, = 0.45 f! = 0.45(21) = 9.45 MPa fs = 140 MPa jb = 400 + Boat a fe fet fs/n Piat 540 9.45 9.45 + 140/9 pq = 204 mm 2 Chai = 385.56 KN Coat = $ fe bttat = $ (9.45) (400) (204) Myer = Cra(d — 42r5q1) = 385.56[ 0.540 — $ (0.204) | Moat = 181.98 KN - m Mmax ? Mpab thus, the beam is doubly-reinforced For Doubly-Reinforced Beam Section Solve for A, from Balanced Condition Meat = Thai(d — $2pat) Mea = fsAsi(d — $2iat) 181.98(1000") = 140, [540 — 4(204) | Ag: = 2753.93 mm? Solve A, from the excess of Myjqy aNd Myqr Mexcess = Minar ~ Miu = 230.4 — 181.98 Mezcess = 48.42 kN +m Mexcess = T2(d — a’) Mexeess = furAs(d— a’) 48.42(1000?) = 140.A,2(540 — 60) Ago = 720.54 mm? Total steel area in tension A, = Ag + Aso = 2753.93 + 720.54 A, = 3474.47 mm? we 1 d’=60 Number of 32-mm tension bars A, _ 3474.47 | N=. = Tog) » 4 m(28") N = 4.32 Use 5 - 32 mm @ bars answer Solve A,’ from the balanced condition using Mexcess (Note: if f,' > f,, use f;' =f.) fi/2n fe Lat — Ad! had yo 2nf-(tta — d') f a , _ 2(9)(9.45)(204 — 60) f= 204 fi) = 120.07 MPa You may also use the tension steel in the proportion: » Click here to show or hide the solution — fa'< (fe = 140 MPa), use f,' = 120.07 MPa Mean = Ti (— d') Meccess = As(2n — 1)(fi/2n)(d— a’) 48.42(10007) = A’,[2(9) — 1][120.07/(2 x 9) ](540 — 60) | Al = 889.55 mm? Number of 32-mm compression bars _ Ay _ 889.55 Ay 47(32?) N=11 Use 2 - 32 mm bars answer

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