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019971999 2008 InocencoTapang Gilessnis rigs reserved No part of his book may be tal Hydrostatic Force om Surf eee 73 otal Hydrostatic Force on Plane Surface... Properties of Common Geometric Shapes... 9g ‘Total Hydrostatic Force on Curved Surface, sand Hydraulic Grade Lines SOLVED PROBLEMS on SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS. Statical Stability of outing Boon Sienson Tin ValogPioen : sa aac CHAPTER 6 . _ Fluid Flow Measurement. ee cia Sonam eee eS wicateuaniled © ae Orissa to sd seat ora oul Portia guid Surface Conditions | SOLVED PROBLEMS... Unsteady Flow... SOLVED PROBLEMS 0. ‘SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS. CHAPTER 7 Fluid Flow in Pipes. Definitions. Reels Numer E eocity Distribution in Pips Shearing Stress in Pipes. Head Losses in Pipe Flow Mejor end Loss cnvcn ao DDarey-WelabachFormutla Value off. Mondy Di ‘Manning Formala. Hazen Willams Formula. Minor Head Loss. ‘Katter and Gunguillet Formal. ‘Manning Form... Bazin Formula Powell Equation Uniform FoW on Boundary Shear Stes. "Normal Depth ‘Most Eficient Sections. ky ‘Proportions for Mort Eifcient Sections. Rectangular Section. 2 Trapezoidal Section a “Triangular Section. Hrcular Stans ree Velocity Distrbution in Open Channel Alternate Stages of FLOW yoneenscns Froude Number 5 Critical Depth [Non-Uniform or Varied Flow. Hydvaulic Jump. i Flow around Chanel Bends SOLVED PROBLEMS. z SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS... Preface “The cardinal objective of this book isto provide reference t Engineering students taking-up Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, ‘This may aso serve as a guide to engineering students who wil bbe taking the Hoensure examination given by the PRC. “The book has 9 chapters. Each chapter presents the principles and formulas involved followed by solved problems ‘ind supplementary problems. Each ste in the solution ss ‘arefully explained to ensute that it will be readily understood. ‘Some problems are even solved in several methods to give the tealer a choice on the type of solution he may adopt. ‘To provide the reader easy access to the differen topes the ‘Most of the materials in this book have been used in my review classes. The choice of these materials was guided by their effectiveness a tested in my classes. {wish to thank all my friends and relatives who inspiged me {in writing my books and especially to my children and beloved wife Imelda who is very supportive to me. 1 will appreciate any errors pointed out and wil welcome. any suggestion for further improvement. ‘Tomy mother lheminade, my wife Imelda, ‘and our Children Kin Deuce, Ken Daniel, sand Karla Denise U0 Mecnanacs & HyoRAULICS hid Mesos apy sence deating wit th acon ok a resto in fhoton, and ith applcatine and devs n engieeing using ids. Fld Torhaicsean be sbvied int wo mj ren fad sis, whith dels with Mea and ft agus, cncetad th Saks In motion. The ter : <5 Bald tothe fw ofl ort lowveacty ga Ames Apert pcan coer at Belg eset incomes = ric dais wih he appt of id mechs 1 engincing devs cirng iu sul water oo Hyves eas with such probles o raed dude hugh piper im open chanel the desi tongs dam umes and ate turbines, and WI tbr ve To Oe COT oF eo Frule scs wv nose, vats es an owners ‘res oF uuto “Fs are enerlly vied it wo cxtegris:eal Hus and real i fis * hamumed to have cory an anc no reise 9 she) ‘incompresite ‘Have union velocity when fing ‘THO feton beeen moving aero uid INGE carents ot turbulent Ra fds shi init vies fruriorm roy drsbution when Bowing Wemg=226.7) ) Wa3KsN ‘Sine thease ofan objets blues as wil si be 22g, say Ca Ie hpt a pene of 200 kPa bolas and seperti of 30°C in 3 50- foriine, Whats thet oi Pa be ir 20-10" oe pa23 kg/m errr) 23 Mase“ 138 Ke nad 11 ‘Sonition Let be the ng of sido Mapv Prone a ‘Alig compre in acu Cee sierea Sine) etude why Mi-re uso325@%) u=a7esmn/e y=0005 m “Torque = F125) “orgie = 1A (125) oes fa129703) 0125) e=20a8Pa sae 019 Pes U-satm/e Weg = CO78N/ mandy = 910 N/m fr wae. Probie t 30 A184 bse down 415i plane on 2 avi ff with acon y= OOH Pease IE he contact acai 03 mid th ei lo ofthe sab, Negara. wegen «Dusen Capitan se k= 0728) Capt b= OT Capitiary seh 0099: = 99 mm the capillay depts for mencry na gs capillary tbe 2 m8 woes =0214NjimandO~ 1 cmd, 405144coe1409 Capillagy Hie b= Si * (p10 1867002) Capillayrig=-00059 a» (heres San eae oer pio depression 1-26 ean operates a2 imps po second fhe doi so ah water += 2.045 10 Fa an he cho oe ner at 0*C wo at 74 Pa “cuavran ove pers fs Problem 1-38 nthe ample the surface tenon gh lees the gis or wrt ta ‘umes nate ithe Umer 25ehand he ely se D8 Une 000 RE OR PRESSURE,» Is the force per uni aren ext by lidar ge a a body Ive force acting at right angles Yo the surtace ur ll a og a i the iternational mec pte Sin News pr sare {© 200 mon (25821 in) of macuy The uit Kopel (MP) pressure of DU102 g/m (01S 19/9) aw ‘developed by French mathematician Bae Poa as i the id equ inal asctone andl part the contain. I Tyagi lows ito the age coane the Bo, prs gu ually up it he aes above he contner. The Bid iat. level inal he tes, earls the shape or angle be bs Pa ffl chia tea ay ey sats ample the presse exer y waterloo ofa pos ls i rosie carn vat at he btn such are pp Forel depth ean conan lng ppe fil thw hed {ati reacrs mann itt 1S oar wl ee sae he other arp lt of gue’? Pus op stp oe SEPM MGT Fire 7-2}. Hycacreeauses wo in he siphon to fw up and over th edge uni the bucket sapty oe ston rake, A siphon sparculaty asc td notepad, hn # Brsculany stl for emptying contr tha \ en Pure 2-2 tat ot cs te ; re gaope av manometer. Fo amal psu diferent, & reer ease: I coms of Ushaped tube wih one end Me sacar a the ther open to the morphs Fed with a uch neo or merery the dference nthe ul srfoe levels oo. manometer Ips nate the pesure fence from toca Mpls condor. Por bigher posure diflerence,» Bourdon graBS Mier the French invent Eagene Bourdon wed Tl coma 8 hen tbe wth an val row etn ent in he shape of hook, One the ue clon the other open and connected othe semurement ric Press he pressure a anyone point on tects suc from Pept ofthe ur above tA sons a pace tat ba late ronoved TSEC crs TR act Te OTTO Mlivanced vacuum sytem some moles are bays preset in the ren Even remot ions of ote space Ravea smal amos of ys A fas be deste as rejon of space where the prenure es the nora aoorpe presse 78 mm (2990) of were Normal conor tc eve: peeeriTS Tarps 299 ches of meray he) =790ntig pol (1 & 2), whose difernce in elevation i hon pics tang a osesotona area tad length Of Pore 2-2: Rice beten bien esse ote: es erie pen De, te mene ie a res ra pams(l)sing Popeiian butLsind=h theif in prose oar yas pois omogenc fi at ole prac fh it weight of ef) the vere ite ‘Ammon stub uly bent i a frm of U,cntaning sid Known pei rae suace of which ves proporrlly hay Pressure Its ut tomensre peau a Types of Manometer ‘Open Type = Ras a8 atmospheric seria in one Sand capa ‘nesting pagers itera Type witout an smospher nace an capable of measur oni ene pss Plrameter The snp om of open cen, vie tube upped int lofstonhner or cont the pupce of measuring presse, iatatoomtlitcredaicsscicuecn ori Umitatons of Plezometer: + Largeprssues in height isis require ang aes + Gas peste cannot neared tecse pe cannot fom AS (2)0pen aroma) manner nt of equal promue (hing int account Ot for ous fila est dhe pres along same Korot lane fein, abel ne ponte wth he sae aber om eee sing (going own or ubtcting Gf gong rrtue tna othe evaton areas nea, Meer fr spec ry lhe a Prosure p= 7a 81 <8) 0) S50718> Specteceny P=@eta.a5x125) p=ia6skre Problem 2-3 lho pressure 2 eter below a guide 2845 KP, determine its uni Temas deny p,and specie panty 2 Solution (@) Unitweighty perk 38459 29) y=1R7IS EN Mass density,» ae * = 715.102 pas 71300 git (©. Specie gravity loved anki space above an i (= 075) surface in a coved unk liste ape peste 2m below the suracel pee ae ee orece 100.29 + (981 +075), VA9 uP UE tho presse at a Pot in the ores 60 KPa, what the pesure 27 ow tipo? Ze erence presen ary to poi na Igudisp park Pb ves, = wsva.09(@7 poten uy ofthe tank containing igi Bec owe case War had constant specie weight of 122 N/m! and wee incomp Th rel oe of amare he tern mae Sotetion | a aman b= B im ‘Aasuring specie wolght of ir fo be constant at 12 N/m, whit is approximate hgh of Mount Earhaw ia mercy barometer ape ‘mountain seas 54mm ant ath sae instante tometer a he tp the oun ade Bi ~amo fo {telenn = oaby = (Ra (IO 9(0854)" BAIO~ 136904 «12h 19353 42 Spe Hpones ‘robien 2-35 Conver 750 a of roy 6 (9) 2 fp. p02 an) water, sonton a heey 8 Se -07s tag a= 1288 mofo 0) ewes fener s07aise) eee 19H m water Panton Pow Gar iBoi076+ a1 ~08y05) ra = 1681 KPaabs Problem 2-7 ‘Atlee press is urd ois an S04N argo truck. ol fp. 082 “rhe psa une presrte of 10 MPa at ameter of piston Sottion ‘Since the pressure ander te pon unlom: Tore presures vee 1000= 0010) $0" D=01m=10mm “Adu 700mm in aera ed with ter as ert pipe, 20 iets, attached othe op. How many Newco water tke tooth pipe tw xr fre 020 Non eto thdea Solation oregon the op Paps Arce 500-7} 700-20) p= 001601 Py i p=6s04P0 | tb bora [socese08 ie Weight=y Volume Probie 2-32 22-2096 F981 «0.70)46) 2688205 press shown file with ll with ap gr 2 Neglecting ro ine what fre Fon the and ele fo spor iat For more Patbookston a wo. ory * Feoms5 [EMo=0) Fas) ~Fy0025) Rosas 110.028) Pe a0ns4kn Fegan Since the gpge rds “FULL” then the reading i ogivalet fo 30cm of pti Visi For more Pfs Ba AL 43s) +1508) = oor Fs smotvoer nurses) p= MaT kPa Soman oE SSE jeanne Peo xos)915-yne) = A ore: tnelata gee trl at Solve fry in igre "Sunrup pres e rm Ato in meters of wae: pas o+y-205-0 plom 0. he fm ld wih wep tl nove down 1 hthesane alse uspone 2 mowngep OF 4 ‘Sump pressure hea rom 5102: PA soasy+x~(reaseasss)= PE 0+ 0m0+203+-2712-2m0~0 2e1=080 =008tm=3:16m New reading R= 15-+25 315928) New rending R=2L2em To acres ae shown was increase from 70 Ps tS serps ee Leet ippressure head rom to! mats of water Pe soasino+ y+ 02y86)- (002) 2 De272sine +136y+272-2-02= 2 Biy-r-819-2728m0 Fa) Hy -2= 1369-31 Pets rane a nda tank contain 2m of water 3m of eof 50kPs_ ano youn) +21 -t36)= Be gh +246 +3-135y=0 0605 m Seton ‘Saving for ee fe Bf: ‘lume cf water= f =18ahem=1 Bo toss-nase= 2 Fema nb. Thad +20 = 200 [Uiat ghs ineach g Righand lag = hx san 11638 ight og = 2718 Lafehand ig h= + ef og fe = 2542 Si gy macy ea afr wr poe emai ha same tha =e gage rnding of 171 Pa the (i) dewatons of liga te oro c ump prsrue he rom og neers of wate B. «407+ 40)- mit) ie sant 4-1ama0 no2nm Sara levaton “8 +s ‘Surface evan = 8272-2072 esection of mercury Soneup pressure hed from 145i mcs of wales, Pe eyoneaes-neng= Be He n1- 13. he ostes Cotemn 2 Strap pressure head om tin mes of water, Be swon= Peri Ht +m07)~0 ma25m Sue vation =15-y Sure Seaton 19-25-1251 cotaminF Stim pressure hed fom fin mee of water: Be e907)-in0y = FL 1 7 i r21-moo ine0387m Sure evaton = 12+ Surtce evan = 12 0857 = 12357 m oper manometratached 1 a pipe shows a dfeion of 150 ml th Pree cea nercuy 10 mon below Se cetevine ofthe pipe caring "Cuclte the pena at the centerline othe Ps Sump scat presar head Sun-up prewar (gge) head om odin moter of wate, fiom Bt 2am met wate Ps +409)+1309)-13030= 2 -07036)-h= Bo . i -952ha aR ae et vn cs 2 sarang)s07~ <9sa+07~ 2a. FB -9sze07~ fa 7 In he figure shown, the atmospheric Presa i 10 AP he ageing Ae Pa ad the ape pressare a+068=y +17 f alohal 2 AP abate sys 964.0) Compuies+y. Sum-zp prewar end fom At insets of water, Santa res mm late ‘pore Aiference between fon A auth Seay ron ed om nme wate 2-0-0108 +0109) +09)= 2 2 «o1a3e)-0109) PSB 7m, on peo pe= 1246 vee 0) Fire) In Figure sump presar head om At Bin metre of water Ps ns-025036)+02521~ BL BAB a1 6omatete In igre po =e ‘Sump presse head fom 4198 nner of ate, Fes neateaiten@35-0)- 22 2220 agpaenantaseaiey- 2 35036m=162mm Nev mercury deflection = 250+ 2250+ 2062) "Neve mercury deletion = 574 a Sum-np prt hd fom A in mats of wats 4. g2j089)-o0%t96)-031082) + 025-0100012) = Probe aay {nthe gare shown dln te cern in prs tween pot A nd Pa PS «10508 of unter pe 9(1.0823) Pepe 1OSE KPa 3 aR (CE Board) ‘noxmal bret pressure, how dep in the ecan i the point “Were an sir bute, upon rsching he uae has i me is volume Bank et he oto? thermal conor) bnenvy raids 91.09% prota 130100 " =v prima +0=1013 Wasv (ania ro10Mv=1013 61) ftoch = 10.36) 1013 he 503m “Applying Boyle's Law ] Wr nocd te eve where he stop pressure 10.9 leoperatue 21 °C, to #4 LPs Asruming he te des ot Ivins the gape prawure within the i onthe op as omoencen report indcass the barometric presur it 2854 aches of mercy he lide 600 m, atnaphaic Prseure 4728 Elsner a ee sth aospbercpremein pounds erequrencNT ub shown led with i Dearie the pes heads at trae, te pes ofa, y= 1013 +.45 ‘Awol peut p= ~ 63 Han Volume ott, i= Absolute empratar ofae. = 214273 = 294° (On the topo the mountain Abo pressure ofp = 4722+ ied not expand, volun oa Vie V ‘Awol peratures Ts 3 293-274 AY Create 63) W226 y a 22+ p67 passers Problem 2-50 ‘glass 12cm al ld that nerd. The bottom open. What he esr tthe dosed el? Barut pes 101 SPs Problem 2-5 Jn Figure 13. which a wl prs of 700 KP ft be ahieved? “a eo ster oe "he inating ld merry pce vay = BS ‘ar 228m. al g's 0 an What ee pss aioe en the we pies fn whic ts ito acter avg dame of oun. What oe Inge piston tbe alae between Ce Di il with water “An 1589 ver plane ais uniform inte cae ont uae tar Md ot un sre tne 9 gas umber, he cc (i pre) on : ‘of 0 mm inthe tube what ar the presrarsp and yf the above wate ase of an icin or vertical plane serge In «gu the total Nee ceplary elec in the ube an be found by the llowing formal esas Foysino Ay Fengsino)a From the figure, Jin» Then, ieacrney a Sn Sen wt pen cr ep a py he OFF (w= 1, thing, moment of force aboot, (the intesetion tthe plane ares ae thei surface) Pye fst where dEmyysino dA ind Ay. rsinvarns~ [Aeysnous) amos yarsine fas frome, [244 =1, (nome tri tots) vant formula of moment of inert hele aY? whee 1 vera tin abs cueghe am) ihe= presario ur: The wordnet neg ys sae re at eed Pa 3 EASE IE FLUID BELOW NNO ABOVE THE CURVED SURFACE ‘CASE TE: FLUIDIS BELOW THE CURVED SURFACE Gurren ree Toul deat Fore on Sues Dams. Dams are strcturs that eck the Mow ofa ve, stream or oter water Sve das divert the flow of ver waa at ppl, coal ofthe ‘her raiehe evel finland waterways to ake then naga y ship arp, Many dams harass therapy of faling wate 1 genta, Fesrroneae tHe Hel water foc dishing and cop tigation, and provid PURPOSE OF ADAM Dams are tilt fr the lloming purposes: 4 ligation and ening wer 2 Powersupply (rytoetr) 3 Navigyt 14 Hood cnt gre 3-2: stots ca a ar oder couarren Ta “ot drone Fre on faces nn cb dota cas Sraviy dams ws nly We fre of gait 10 resist water pressure Mer” ey hat bck te water By the shee force of ther weight ard Tod vy ast consi 2 EERSTE incense er crt posh tn dam wre re pore ech clr a fhe have an the pa saFe Tenant eboton of te fs f te water ost he da [Sates dpe sensorial au te rly Dan res he sure he eae Se Ss resus ight Ack hse sable he da TELESIS fo ese mater prosure a he bot of the Fare ty am ‘An embankment dam ia gravity dam formed out foe rock eth ra combinton ofthese matin The peteam and downsteart slopes of embankment dams are fair than eof concrete pay dams, In sence, hey mere clay mutch te natural Spe oe “Arch dams ae concrete agony suctures tha curve petra to A reservar, stechng fom one wal ofa iver canyon othe ater This design. based on the same principle a the cheetah and ‘aul transfor some water pressure te the wall of he canyon, Ah amg ee lay om er canyon wi ald ek walt ‘apa tanding 1 sigufeant amount of horizontal ust. These dans do no need to be maser avy dame berate the ‘oyon wall cary par of the presen sare by the see 1 buts dam cosa of a wil oF foc, soppy aor fates: onthe dowrsteam ate The vst major of buts dart fe made of constee hat i reinforced with ste. Butbenses ate peal na co he ae ey 03m 10 Upending apn the sce ad desl of the dam. Bats das ae Sormcines clei how dame bese the butrenes donot frm 8 {ote walling seroma ver valley. 7: te ran Visi For more Pfs Books Poltooksorum com, ‘aurrex nme Halpin ceca “Tomas oF cra one As te pa a i we hs el Mee, se ee ad te cae ‘nate ai overtone edoman ghetie te tren! y tatoos sec aan pi moment The dam may eb reverie oman by keying ie ” Wit went gare 3-8 oe porposs of station, an aston ‘made inte shape he pit prosadagrom 4 1 Conier uit (leg of am erent the seh) 1 Demin he fs cing: 2 erica ces Wager he dan Mee Wont, work 2. Wee ofan praia oy) nen 4, Wap cremanrt scent dan 1 tine ter toa Morison Force 1 Teal yon Fone ating al th verbal projection ofthe sibmarged parton ofthe dm, 2 Wind Prue 4X Wave Acton 4 Posting Bots 5 Eahguabe Lond ove for te eacton Vera Reaction Ket Ree WTS TO 1b Novica Reston Re noah RoP omen att te Tow : wee een RA intr ie pen i) Bisnis eiee tins se |, Overtuing Moment, OM into tours the dna sie) OM=Py oui ths he MT iweihtof water 9 KN/ rr 100) oi vege Yoda ean en 2588/09 ‘Use (+ ogi thease a point where near Inthe shove ie (0 pty end) 10 get iA negative sess il cannot uty any tne ates, hererlt of E314 valid the ip postive Tha will happen fe> 8/6. Should hs happen, oul Bg 3 oF Foundation Pressure Fores 6 From combined aad and bedng = 49000) Vii For more Pate quer nse “otal pdronan Frce o ats ‘STABILITY OF FLOATING BODIES tendy is acto upon by two ual oppoing frst. ‘These ae the ight (acting tt aero gravity) A yan oe BF acing of bane tats eat a te etre vit far 7 When the forces ae clinear as ahown In Figure 3-40 (oats n an Upright potion. However when the body tits dae to wind or wavescton the {tir of buoyancy shits wo ls new poston ae thwn in Figure 210) anc the wo forces which ae no lenger clin produces cup yaa Hi The body wil ot overs i ths couple makes the bay oe twat ‘ignal postion a shown n Figure 10) and wil ever estat ieaeshown in Figre10 (9 ‘The point of nerscton been the a of he Body athe ine of acon of the buoyant force alld the mtr Th Stance rom the metcentr() tothe centro gravity () of te ody called the cachet (MG) ante san hata boy abl ir shove Gs shana ia Eg So a Gs showin Figure 3-10) the ody said ob be Fae 3-10 Use psn gue 3-10: Fares enor ay etc th ace ul) Peet ofbuoyanyin te ied poston Jpstacenir, he pol of ntasction between the nef action Hoe buoyant onsen the of he boy er of gw ofthe weds (immersion and enero) oe 3-10 (9: Uri poston dance bot the cso he weg se () i€Gieabove Uee(e} Gist tate: Mian nore VALUE OF MB Thesiabliy of the hoy depends on the amount of the ighng emer — ‘was ume = are: Racal boty Coser body in the shape of rctanglar paaiseplpes length La shown inBigue3-1, * Volume of weg, © = 56/2102) 6] Volume of wedge 8 $Ltan ot smal vit of9,e% § 8 st Fx more Pas Books “Tose 2 nf Ypsing ut for sal values, sin = tan 8 Coo curren nines. “oul pdr Force on Surat pipe of ameter D and fy Fb the tal oes of the val Duts81 + ane ying equa conaton; ol eat a= Ds eran Tess) ps2 82460) Aeternine the angina st et theyre length shown Bho) ror Fry Fay po ToSihea east reSia0 pgD'rSix01 fr nt dame pte ts ep plane of ight dan base i subeerged na qui with tite gud surface. Determine te wt fre Facing on onesie from the gud outs Bin ci te Steet Fe siniaey= rb ‘the lcatonf Fis atthe cotroid ofthe presure dngsam, for carl eats (ecg wr) bres nf) pee Mc Sree SLRih bu cena erase tom bebo 81/3 See 100 _ Salve con Suis robe 3-2 ‘famed in ud wih vs tl sre Dee te fan Sango cl cand tocol ie gl cen Solution Feyha bage Asti Fergie rote ott id ek oma zw Gonads) ene fen ge eeapin age sig the pressure gram: 1 Volume of pressure diagram Fae hight P= 4 amo Habe sect at thecentol ofthe dagam, which soft alde odo eri Saree yom sown, ia vlume can be computed by ence, prestre ary ss oly the ra rangi onesie inna cal rectangular ue 15 wide and 3m hgh submerge in water with ge? melo the wae urls ind heal prewar acing on one reyka Beise2-35m Fe9a93100590) PoIMsAN PayRA Fa2+ 40) = 40.900" ias19 tert 1A fom to wre 3-6 (GE Dowd yO) eral cng shee inp, = 08 an a in staal hth ace’ Nha to AMAL A= 1057 i 4-39 an oat 11h” (oan pega) neneht ihe Par tex 08)8/2) + w/8) Pen De ed em eB yA) iit For more Pure B Potokstorum com, 7 Board May 1958) cur ate na tue i hte il. 08 on ea one rsd. Va mao net nd rhe wile ingle spp aaa vei et a Whol the gecinpenion . ff Solution (CE Board ay 1992) ‘tinsel tank 2m in diame ac 6m deep with ans vata Wom dep fol pg = 08, Thea above Ue gui suri a 08 tpfemt. Deen the al normal fre Wacom the Faryaha Fa 081 x 080(8)« $6 teteen35m Fanpa hn to 5 Fu=2000 kN ‘The support mst be ost a pnt O where the moment du oF Falszia, See Fa > Fn Oar ian Fares Pern Oskg/em? = 500 bg/ at By So00ge 2) = 920 ke paetinrm Ferg eam x03) +8000 Fe=i0song/ me 5 Yoatnae <6) = 14002 bg, solve fore ews “ 1240 ~ 100+ 05)F 8) Fop-im I, Rone? BE 2g 7 Geer) ex0z077m plbesaTm Pep thee 1S6atoekg > Tots nsemal force ii For more Pfs Books Ptboksorum com F=Bnehy (600 7 e20009 + noamncs sa oo ret a (156,00n) y = (12 + a2 eee Feu s eee urn Hm “otal dona Force ot Sura pooh ays) reursh 1 oo SE where 9 =i Seeds hese? sak | reno5e seaseenost Je clr gts subserge in» Bid otha tp edge shad Thc ur. nde oth lec tno the ower Ralf cog on te opera Vie For more Pde Books Pbooksorum com, ere sting on th da ad Tecaton ofthe Sets of pean from ke bo A San 0097), OISTSAN ot + eo AeoOR? orion a5 anc} y=vg09m 170 yo Motm y> $0099) =346tm Probie SHE “The sees ingle gat shown in the igure hinged a A and rh {BOON Wht the ol yore fore stng on one se ofthe gi in cting te Fa aurne'n “Toul Myron Force iss Poyra F-35020 Fas1c7m Anwayen) 300m Poss 083y 167.905) pata n pou kw a feelin, ccs gate eter on one ies i203 Pesan ey pen the igus shown 515 de Mngt pine a eta ts al a8. Compa) he ota nce the at ef see = fe wf fo Paks Feps1 (010508) Poms2SuN ge7aim qos? asaeea, Ran tW0 28s an 33.0" =) Ruy Pooe =D 21825 cor 8.5" Rao BLN, Raw Via Ra R= Yast RS mathe Res bnihane)+ e5009+ esvaaym+z eva Femea.0 Frnsiehn Signe Seba Kandy ryt Tale-pxie.29F 249) Porat Pa kyiner-7a ane Fascm cote» hone? 4 eee e-atem seinen Fre Peed 94 fom bot of he pe Visit For more Pare Books| Potoks tru com P2738 0,0) Pa24RatkN tosh Jan -pnasi ons Foaes op is ie pate, 4000" ay dene) legals ike tina) gS h.09-Farm=0 Beatles ag fea see 3-18 (CEnoa) ins 20 in dime or or supporting Mebane a he cr de Tots sow that te yd pst ot wont be HO MPa fxr rah Negactng the jamie fet of ater on Mashoatds and "atc cross, whit tthe proper acing Sof the on Pt 50 the fashions mim hgh wl Ye when weer flows 150 mn dp the topo te ashonds Newent apt of onon a 2 mm hen ao a) ant M-20.230N0m Mooawietne Moment cused by Fring Sm ih of shard irate) Fath _whsws=065 PBsiuasioesy ii For more Pde Books cupren runes 16 _ Soave on Scans P= 2605 te, Loe? ssjoas) +0067 y-03- 00-0200 ory 260 Saba -02007 52035im=9o4 mm Problem a= ‘The secular gate shown fn Figure 28s Miged at 8 Determine the fee F sold too the stn potion BC; pee Ain he gre ede 290s bot, Th ak 2 wie si fur Asner proms bebe. SP ise, Daerbin: be oi pm acing oie. {a= O81 134907) BAI TS ha22m “otal force on sie D> (Note: 1 bar= 100) <7 -10 pope posaiao, ero Be naai@ Brea Pisa neve Neen Roms Feieh Poessin =] Ces Visit For more Pate Books Ptbokstorum com Problem 3-21 ‘he fanel shown Inthe figure Ae Ih ot vai. The woke of as “per pot 90 tes athe ewer pares 7 ers. What he fore feng te pee pag out sotation irunonm The shape a he anna dows nt let epee on ihe Foe HEUTE fe widthis 12 meter A tory 7 Pippin! fo the tat though 8 Determine the foxgue T to xp the nel, Mo wat dep can the tp thi or witht allowing any ate 1 ee? ii For more Pats F075) -F25)=0 FACS] = 184k oweaqors) Bayh = 2m (0505) -s045079)-4140.29 =0 169K +4208-18575-5175=0 1655 F «139412 Favom ao 075 aot Be geet bes of otc ented by Watson one te he vera anor dk shown Sotaton Foie 5-091 PAGAN Laaton oF 405t-g0t ose OeI = 0206, yp=4 +0210 = 4290 m blow the we Vii For more Ps Be Pboksorum com Tessin) Bia 4o05 eK = 9aib.5}0) Fin t4718h kN FMo=ah Fda) + W(09)-F0.3/2)= 0 {3 0/9230) MTSHOA)=0 ‘a= 1100 2B sive by wal ander wR) ai In Problem’. 25 find h when the fore ait the top ia amon Sonat oo) B07 wee) r09-n3/9)-0 4H 1/3)6500)+ 7.8) Tram Ca 73560 a Yael ee nub ap 03s08 2/7) 157-07] f= 214m blow thee. Visi For more Pdfe Books| -Pofosterum eam ie pviy ot cmc tha acl on Biter ne an ae the eunion 08 Un io ctr at yaaa ig te Gen aioe a we caret Solution ‘Consider m eng ase a Fe y@2516 501 atone, Re=F=10105 Ret Ramah ate — Maaso72607/2) «455, Siamese 1s tanga in cosezctin wi Ue param ie vere, Water wh te top. Ts dase mi nd San wie ate ase and weigh ons por cubic mee The cowie of rion betwen the base andthe Wnts 8, Delrin) the aman and mun ort pes on ration and the (fcr of mit agit overturn ond agai Spr ofcosesnaw= Tam Wend ~r2aftoreyai] West6y wher untnt fate Ls 204) 5357 or ernaek CIS a9~osst m 19.28y-15547- 138823) By 58.» 16 + 820-1497) aes aise iwom0 ondig hyip Uli oe, = 6 DHE) =H Retort Lot Chita ayer ty AMC (8-2) 1803-8) M16) 166 nts Fons) ua8/9) tog) 8 28/9 ons 6a 1883) frera-oM Clays 8.4)0/9) 15+ 80-16-47 OY Soehsaead enrse 4452 [97 7) Visit For more Pure Books Ptbooksterum com = 418746)081) + 1152081) sun 28) aes ['* tae or s3887 he oom oe Problem 3-31 (CE Board May 2007) ‘The socio of concrete ray yo} (@o-2m Win vs 252050) Wa seKN Wiens 2s14@)@,0), Wi 88 Rea F=175500N yao ie 60188 “epi wter athe ups ide ‘Sb. Neglect het upit fd use unt wept ofoncee tule 245 N/a. Cotto dam andthe oundeton 0, ‘Determine lowing (toe fatty opaat sing (he ‘conf ey asia ertrming and (he Sree moment acting agai ‘Bedam inten Ry Ri ~ 9560. ame ve Ws R= Wine His 760)» 18.259) R= OM-Fay tress) OMERRISiNm > ovoaming moment = BM. Om 1378008 BIG me Tae yan ere on Safes 9-32 (CE Soard November 3008) a ety da pierre Sine — nat pai ay f ley ml ya Upc rom the tose at fete Dame heal ‘recto per ent ng athe foci eam Unapigeah sou Corie ot eg dam: ReoParks Tecoma) sits fa Raw sme nu mon 1820 seta ao) Wi 24st0s Went = (62429) 222 0) = 44508 ie ony von aan29 waqaoin) = PLAS | Wine Var 04 060) = 551601 ny, Yu (624) 46POE) W=151/40 bs Ry 2460» 4908 71am. + Sete-19100 aes he n> [Iain + RSRTAN 20,251 pe foot ‘carr ‘oa dota eo 3-39 (CE Board Mey 1986) cin of he masonry dam neste, The pce lt fale hj andi tcocre EN Asaming ut pose nel pet eel tsa of han th estonot rst for acta coo oe con 075, actor of ety eat ‘beset stan tthe oa torso erg tba = ea noeayyn)~saas vies 254 10)624) = 850918 y= 2954 [0124 1561358 = 9B) = 153 WN 4 9051212)0)=590EN Fopha=9625)600)) Fong 1 Rascton Rat > 12531 RaW Whe 289 8569 18918-1263 5.00 see 1 Moment Fen = WyQ472 W295) + Ir) + V8) Tema 091295) 189180738) 122697659) a= 58590012 EN ‘ox 80/9) t047) = 12asac0/3) + 5808047) OM 377750 .8m Locations 2 =RM-OM ‘Bana x -essmo12-s7758 etiam (@) Theron force 18.2 m fom the oe, want 1 BE (0) Foundation pes eon ensgje-08 Pee Sree tthe (a) Vie For more Pre Books Posscoksorum cam BA Fuel ase yeire ac pas fa@iei yo 40067 yao ‘Therefore Fs tting 1.067 m below 8 B= Wega Few Vasc= TA) Raat A A1= (0) =80 Ara x7 =34 me Annea ao = 40134) Von =4886m Fen 95156) 7 FeoaariaKn 1114 = sq) 62140849 Pa0s7m Therefore Fi ating 0.57 tothe right of A i ho nt pretare tawny norma he surface anda moral he cle Though is cnr, thn the fea fe F shoals also pas tough te of the cle 0, theeore the y= $0066) = 2887 m Therefore Fy acting 2857 above Va Vi Von = 59 6) 10-009 fay 10 y= 9.81259) reidengt meer eroren) Fr= 176590, bey A= Ae Arne 29) (60) AE yp sino Acs2om fyrgaiaex1) FOSLSORN. Po (yee = (ares 1997 ‘eater ating ot the asa ter gate Showin he gure Fr=pad y= 2425961) = 78016 Fey Ve Fo 6245 1G ORD =125 an CTR = {no = 2257 =14521be Vii For more Pte Books (farereyndr eae shown. Benya $2819) Fa S886EN 3-39 (CE Board November 1983) ylinde, 120 mong acta by ler Oh be et and ll ail 060.2) P= 6ag7AN o= 1A 5 <05y0641212) ye 78 Ws= O61 x08) x 061.2) 3210 Fa -FiaRov=0 y= 1685-678 Resa i037EN Bhs =0) Ret Fat Fa-W=0 Ray 196-6657 522 R= Fea Visi For more Pfs Books Pbokstorum com Problem 3-0 ‘pg o¢ 082. Deterine the tol vera fre acting on he pug, Solution ‘An invert conc plug 40 mo damatr and 200m og loses a 20 ‘icocer cir hak af the boom OF aan ots 600 of Ty= 91 «08290006 Tha hisesen Tek fe -ng60s P=00SH5 N= 625 downward arc rz ylides 2 ong pup» by 2m rectangular le Whe botow ofa tak With what force he cylinder prs agai he othe tar to the em dept of water) nasil Aizpi Taal veal oe, Fy= Fyre Total vera fore Fr = MOSUOT 55474 “otal tea fore Fy = 48527 2N “ther way fave oreo pea Tose Fe Fy weight fu within the erisphae Foonlerte Vs Fo O8is08))<4x(8) + 980152 0791 F247 aN Via For more Pde Books Polbookstorum com eater isthe tank shown In the gue Compute the pecs n ie ino the fre regu to open the quater ate shown. tthe gates 0 RN acting 2 mo thigh of. Solation Convert 1001 tits a fea ea: go 2, = h=10104-5 Wo xOBI9N +b $0) Voxm20n mt re vaiaz03) Foran Fare @3ta0 |e 3057) }20815719) Fa 6914N fom a Digs) Fue 4072KN Solution FV 1 Vingu ote ates Fe= @B1409eF(8)-F=0)1 ra Fe=72046%N | ha = 288-0 F862 KN Problem 3-4 es Determine the fore F regard PT je to fold. the cone shown Nel! the weight ofthe ane Lisi For more Pfs Books Ptbokstorum com, © Detormine the seas atthe walls of 200 mn diameter pipe 10 mun thick, | Dymo cf 150m of water anc onbonsgd dep of 2 inl wae =P Foe p= baia)-Pste.09}20, 14 KPa 1258 MPa Dp itose1D stl pipe has «6 sun wall tine. Foran allowable ‘een MP, what anime prema can the pipe witht? Solar oo posena=9000 Pe Frepien 3-5 ‘A wooden storage va is 6 m in ameter ae ld wih 7 fo 5 A.USRSor Saves ave Bou by Ot sta Bands 0am wide By 6 ma rhc lwatle esses 1D MPa. What the rquied spacing Tans ea the btn fhe at eating any tres? _Aloate teil ses of hoop, S110 MPa ‘ies es f hops Ay = 506) = 00 mat Pye diameter, =6m= 600mm smu prs th tank BHO Pah i “Tot pdrostan Fre ee p=95i(08)7) = S86 243104102 00) Vist For more Pre Books Posooksorum com oom ieeN Fess26ie Ina.) Tease.) T= 16501N. enln in hebtom hop) eh mer-m B= 4026-20658) M=0) 20) = FRH/9) nate Peon =O) 2 F), Tata 709/36 T= Mos kN Menten “Ol 2) F0/9) 158/36 Tease 7% Via For more Pre Books Pokstorum com, Pople Pra 12 (aX. Pept ne 6 mye.) = 7.25 Fiat) Fim .2901.2)0) = 07% Berpil2u) Fea 12.200) =14y Ba Mps- P1200) Be ¥aRy- 12901290) Ly Fein p90) Bo 2y-36911.20)=2160 My =0) 362) = F08)* B08) BQ)* FO) + ea) 72ts= 07208) +1450) + 14K) +4309) #236702) Teter The See = S16 tors an th bottom a he bg tak. Determie the macinam fon Thernenthentheh ay #LAby 6 Laty + y+ 264-286) Tete ate Tainesn 7 nes a,” 139 Sree S/-113MEe > stress intop hoop Seas 5+ ft of O95 et cemrerbon ne retend pt lng te eral malimetr on th des of he ger tank. Negi the cess tal forming te inne ark a assume tonal ome presse Vii For more Pfs Books Ptboksorum com Melumeof weer (6-090) © 0506~ 542 ‘bab 0534 2481 abe i204 1522-05 354.0) visa. p= 101525 kPa tmespher pressure) Yim osags) = 28865 prainiszs--9sih Ywosgens- 112528865) = (101325 + 98140938 .05-b] ‘ase a0904 elaasb + 2900k- 988 ‘Bah 101325)-98004=0 29904-10122 329-054)-9817152.05H)=-0 oak. 19122 Sesh 1499+ A50= 0 £9 6-15422=0 RS EBT ATID) 5, 2055) = 05027 Heben=25t2m » ‘The osu ele stretch tor of he tk prmieaaiesi po btosrkra 0.00807 MPa Tension 7 a) Dib m D=1500m=1599mm arsomenra.s29x0) Ta1928 ee Y= total voamectice Yosvohinedee Wor" Ye = 81409240) BE tae Vo 1030-100), sz V=936teum or homogereaus soll ody stigma homogeneous gui Von ving = TA Vy at” Ya the v-1000=88 7 thrown ino a conane f¢Hgud aving «spec gravity of 090 an bs th 1m prong awe tesa. Deter he lng [a thovaleoth, (especie pave of the oc, and (0 the weight of he Bock, Vii For more Pde Books _Potoooksorim otal pon ore on Sans In Wat: Drat= Soak fuss ome Seay Swath=h-018 > () ames anata iald rat = Sam 5 Sag ores Sasi Semi O9=0126 > 5 Q) thepeinal 00) 2820 (ear ay TY hy having pp. of 07 floats ma gul f pg. 8. The volume ofthe hoe th i ute wat percent lvl? Vo BV =08°5Vam, Since the volume of he ody apace (ek thei ura 0.87501 entraies ethos RSOSt a hight of he ck “SEGAL an Se ae pay ares Weight fiack~ fn Vig Wap orsick= Bt haenios~a9(03h Woprsbink = Lain Oe" 090 591 Probe 3 A stone weigh 60 N in ale When submerge in wate t weighs 0D N, ‘th vame and spec grit ofthe sone sotaton Weight f stone = 40 Weight of tones water 300, ‘Buoyant fre BF" 10-300» 10 [BF = Ye Ve 16 “9510 Ve) Vane O06 Is O85 whe that of senweater 38 fn he mln atea a Mock velepporea man hing 0 he ca ad pr=0) in {F705 P= 80+ (000 0.6585) Vs Vena =02108 = Area 02 ‘Aan square meter iit For more Pate Books Possokstovum eam ‘A asbe of wood (eg, = 050) hat 9in sides. Compute the magnitude ition he nce ele a ol he Woe emp sberged souton Wop of wood = (6x04 (4) = 1575s ‘Sanynt rce when comply submerge net ar e24(§) = 26335 he age eee» 2505-1795 ee r= 1053 omer ‘rebiom 3 6 (CE ow 7000) “he Hock shown inthe Sige sreighe 25000 Thx Find the vuneesh Solution From the gre soon: r=) ‘4 ars = 35000 BE =a B= e2esogma2s) Bh Danses ats zusaes Br, «5000 iS Tatas bs Beate vo sdie= ena 2902)5) ietaasa Ti+ B= WV? Vina Senha) asaya xt) eabx 795146 Srp=eae sje-aaye 3 68 (CE May 1988) 5g ta plat tac oon end of 0.1 x03 x 1.20. wooden ol, wt isthe length of the pele above wale? Use 8g. of wood of 030, eo bacyan freon nie Vii For more Pde Books Pooksorum eam Nevlcing th ooyant force ons F Boe Wn Peter (= 1.85, How many Nf stl fg = 785) shold be tach nea 089) tom fo mks the Runy ost with exactly 450 mm expo above the Tn BF = Wot = Wit" Bee O10" Vin BF = 1005525 Vani NI y= ft 07510053055 Tobie 3 Ne asin plate sacha ed of 204 03 120m woo aero Teh plustepiolhepcabne ne Up goto 0 Nos poe eeaasr soon Wty Wee= G0» 09401 +0941 ons 075) Ya Wade ee ac 83 Vos Wane Sg 100525 Van 641-4562-77085 Vine (8 Vin 8 fy 10981094 ra =) nr" 000876 BFs=000 V5 nen aro apy00r276 Tie tbox7a5 vse8 tessa arsbuske Wises ia BE + BF ii For more Pfs Books Ptboksterum com Wes = BF BF. WenreVe em (0251139 Vic= 825 game Bene r= qt) BF = gm viene Wiebe) ¥. wonay aay B=) = Ve msensvenm0e (2 Us tsentoasie cyst 6) en ae rae re ce inuse same: Lead is fstened ovtae BE = Vo Bre=9810$ OL9] Bee Br. Bits Moony Wonton Beal Bree BR = 2 Ser Suivi 3805+ 110%, V=0urrag W.= 1190077 Wissaun Problem 3-72 (CE November 1993) ‘Atul gplder mn dlameter and 2 m igh weighs 385 (How EN of end weighing 110 KN/a te fastened tothe ute tom ot to ake ct with 15m eubmeged in wat? () How may KN Tiedt paced inside the elinder? Woeaas iss a778iN te Vit For mre Pos Books Potoookstou com we “Goiarren Temes, Tonal cron Force on Sues Problem 3-73, Agen 20m ad ng £5 wre i ‘onan layer of water 130 Blk over ayer of mercury. Deri Poston ofthe ck when tha ached uli n> @al0 13490200) eo i tome ay te aeamoa on ges fact | | error mare) yt Bet ae m8, eens soapest + 7601(028-3) =425 We (624 = 16y(22PCL. A) + 624 « 072°C) i ee ae . see pe a on 0 2 ee ee nese eceartitut . sa Protiens 74 ‘Ache 22 fot onan ge Ihe lower halo pana upperhallofeg = 07" Tren ina too jer ‘id withlower sg = 14 ol upper eg = 08 ‘Determine eight hf the top of the cate above he neecace fem 375 (CE May 1997) enn diame ald cylinder x 5 mem high and weighing 275 Nt in aligsd (= 8175 KN/m) consis al etal vider avg er f123 mm Bane meron, he gud war 75mm emp A what ii For more Pure Books| Pookstorum com yds Force on Sores “en RgdonacFoeorsuaes _U7T 3-76 beam of. 064i 180 man by 190 nan hinged a A 8 in the igre, At what angle ll bam at inate? (ease ren Solver the dat Dn grep Fas Weight of beam, Whe i [im tona7s ‘Weight of beam W «(9810 0.59)(01536)1 Vo 00008567 Welgt of tary = 7621 Vps438716m0P Buoyant force B= an Vo Boyan force = 80(015)4) Bojan fore BP = 220725 Jomp Gy Mis above. Thetody stabi Problem 3-7 ‘sold wood eylinder of spc zavity i 20 mam in ameter ant ‘mm igh placed vray inci ge. O85, woul tbe sabe? Solution Dap, m= SEBO, spgrail rat D= $4200) iH (= 60 14847) canis Snce MB, MB, the moment ighting moment ightng moment RM = (Main) Web Vo W= @81 Lapyeasj2= 3273830 Rightng nemant RM = 527354) in 49" ign moment RA=1 1823 KN Smt 0» 20 14500 on,=4-p2 ans-35372 8-3 oer Metacnrc heights MG = 845-320 tantric hoght MG =2215 (he burgefe stable in lling) ‘long anevere direction (thing fem 3-97 (CE August 1973) “A sane barge 20m long 8 eters wide, ad? meters high lode a ts center tha sud le weighing shot ons, sh water with ada of eter gear ouch the water sae? Visi For more Pre Books Vo Bat <1.2 a9 BES UR SDkN We Wight of args ip = BF rot age = te Wohtotbarge = 1206840 “ied pion ot ay Solve forthe new poston of i the ed poston Wit) = We) 13835205)" 70694) Toultiydamancronconsutces 193. xt a aia Mo~45%9-088=3685m y=MGsino 23885 sin 1131 0723. (emte= Ge nes) ah 10729) = frase «010 Tm > Heron itn onthe clr oe deck 3-38 1 wooden barge of rectangular cross-section 8m wide 4m igh an 16m Jong Irs eansprting in Seva (e113) atta oad oF 150 5 cling, Ms own weight and cargo. Ita welgt f 7 KN (inched i the 1500 KN) hed sistance of 25m © aoe sd, wl ease the arg to go down tm nthe amd mrs and alo sie inthe coreonding wedge of ‘mesos. The barge Bots vertical onan even kat) Before te sing ofthe SrephtComput how far above the waterline the cefer of gravity ef the Toad ge forthe deal D (G81 -L0n|8%36«.0)-1500 In the Tie postin = Msn ee bidin baat ost atm be g059 ange 15+ 05 sin] + 75867) = 15090510 b= 2967 > dite fom he ws ToT ewes eve P= Yay + sh «2+ $6 1-@653m Bei 981 Vo~1510 Vo=15250 Via For more Pfs Books Pettookstorum com fre 3m abore op foe sting om he gt and ttn ro he wor ure ‘ane P= 84618 9) = 3 Problem 3-108 {Avert skrun ara of ris ris rabmerged in a gud with lime the igs, How fri he enter of penae fo he Detemine tho rowing () the weight fl) te freon the baton of ‘alan (he force ont tapes nd pane Aso) 1O02KN: 7508 Problem 3-103, ‘Frey poured ares appoint id with pg. of 240, The ‘hoe a all oar Betwoon wooden forms which re connected by 2x Neglctnyend eect compute te force nthe owe bt rn ‘199701 ‘Ans Fy 109546 1.349 m Bsow D Fee 205ENGOSS mio tell ofB Visit For more Pare Books Poster com Problem 3-108 ‘The eton fw cncete dam shove nthe figure. Concrcte weights 235 per cule meter and water weighs 9290 N per cubic meter" CoulBent ‘Eicon teen th i an foundation O85. Determine he stor of sf {gant aiding and againet overturn and also the sll pressure at the hile. Astin hydrant upit varies wlom)feom fll hjdrosat {tthe el oF he dam tos at eto Consider Lm eng of dam. ‘An FS = 220; FS B52 oe 30.2 Nok of wood having volume of 08 m and weighing 300 Nis suspended Sete at shown. a wooden odo lng 34m ad rose-scion of 20 an! race tte weight ands othe Wal I the 0 weg 16N, determine Problem 3-110 ‘wo spheres, och 1 in ameter weigh SN and 13, respctively, They reconnected with short rope and placed in wate. Whats tbo tenon inthe ope und what prion of he gtr sphere pots fom the ete? “hen T= 17S A Visit For more Pde Books Pbookstorum com, ng 125 pci 1 square a9 inches deep A008 on» sa fomponed of 1 7n layer of water above a ever of saan the postion ofthe tom a he boc (Ira downed a 11250 To applied to the centr of man of ths a whet ee Poaon ofthe bt ofthe ck? ‘Ane () 08" teow me (@) 67 baton me Problem 3-112 Would wooden cylinder pr.» 6) 6 mam in damete ant 13m og sabe placed vray pgp O88) ‘Ans: Noe aa de ncn, he at ul mate ma ve, on betweon each thes je the mas ie may bein motion, “a moving wins conan pod (aor vel) the canton are ina as dnd peor crer). Ba ody Iyeced to aclraon (vice Wanita). Spal eater and thi wl beds nth chapler, Problem 3 183 £2 ectangular cow 7 by 18 by 32. ong loaded with garbage hea drat 5 fel in water Its centr of grvity i 2 1 above the watali I he oo stale? Whats he itil motatentt eight? iit For more Pre Books Pobookstarum com eration of eas how the Figure Te orcs acing at point how race are the weight of the Bid above po, V7, he ner foe or th prssre force F= pA, then, 0) Fema Mepve ly ovat jimh Fo Las £ Volume, V= Ah Fopa pA Zane 148) powra/s) ‘Use () for upward matin and (for downward motion, te: ae porte sr ar rete destin. (ROTATING VESSELS) ts ild mass rolated about «vera ax ta conta angle sped las per scan), ey ie pte rere whichis equal to © ~ ax wheres the pate’ distance from the ais of Sa ere eeepc ol a aioe om earl iit For more Pars Books Where tan te lope ofthe paraboloid ay pints fom the aif aon, [Uauio sunrAce conomions Foon ina tn moet ut ee ‘Mts vertical axis (> H/2} re Via For more Pdfe Books Pbooksorum com “Gurren rour ele ultra of tiga en eaececee inveae waaay Shoes nea Baeewee eee ‘Ar ope tangs ak mounted on suck 5 on, 2m wide and 25 Nga’ id eth wots fos doth of mG) What as hori fecveraton can be imposed on be tank witout sping ay water and Atemine be cerning ce onthe Bgl mass? (if the cleo {tsenod of how ach waters plied? Solution ‘The lure shows the water ve nde mania when no water spilled out fend #f =02 tne= s 12-0268) 2.8m Accelerting Force, F= Me ‘Maa, t= pVtue ofl) Many = 10 «22. Mass, M = 20000 ig ‘Acceleting Fore F=20000 «1962 ‘ecoening Fore F= 39200 Ob Peet Frat F981 asp] -9s12 52H Feae20kn se2sc0ou4" Saks <5 Var WA0875}25)2) Varian Vg XIE) sa led spose rte le acing of en wal ote ont wal nab te clang freon he ud mn Fem O81 08097913 0.55) Fe BS KN Fee YH A Foue= O81 x082)079 15 0271 Foon 1056 KN Via For more Pure Books Potbookstorum com, ‘Accelerating Force: as M= (Votan) [000 091-94 Fo1730N PSTN Subwtte wd 4) ONs/s teats | > mul ty x ee ter=aise * a rise fio aR, 2a) 3-106, 216/106 ened 3a) ‘Vit For more Pde Books Pbokstorum com y=029m 2091 m (OK) iosty nna Poon 00/9 98044 Pan a Proven a=s ‘An open trapezoidal tank having abot wid of m 2m high 15m Sint hart der iced 6 oh the horizontal Ws fled with wate opts of 15 mI he tank is acteratedhorzonally slong is length 10/8 how much waters spied ou Sotetion de meee 5300 ‘Aue 5i Var =BA0(15) = 7485 Va 12488-7685, Va 47385? Vite = 4689-4795 Vqua=39 lam 46 (CE Board) vs min dams containing 24m of water boing sd (a) in the rat the btm of uel a KPa when the oc conan nd) the pressure atthe Bottom ofthe vessel whan it ls accelerating 06 m/s? nds Ve" (15) x15 Vg” 8685 0° Vins Vasc Ve Vaacn= 4% V5) Viger = 12463 Vone= Aut) ‘Aue= 3(ABAEKIn 8 = 0-60-2054" pr Aba sine Fx vetal motion pa shil =f) faim 1) When the eect constant =O, then a prance, P2544 ba (pressure at the bottom) Dime (are for upward mation) FOUR alave blr of gus (0 Sova not ih ative oon (oe Fronisa50 kgf) pati (a) Downward ation with negate arelaration (se with = aya) iit yoni) td) = L159 SOME o (6) hen te motion i upwear a158 Geageatsi a Sao) ones" (0) When teins dower: ss 1359 apt porhita/a) 2° 0857 it ania open yin! vessel having lg egua oi lameter halle erat eel revolved about He own vrtel ae with a constant angle “2320 rpm. Fs imam dameer so at are ean be ro postive ‘witha postive scleraon, anf dowaward witha eguveeelraion Solution at hr’ no ga piled, bse of. Pubcon st jie wth the Tereennsarast ore! (4) Upward motion with posi acceation (use "+" with a= 8. p= (081 ~08)8)(0+ 3%) 4 as le (0) Upward motion with a negative acceleration (use “+" with « = -8 m/s! ‘ At Pensono) ta) Nett roan oe amor po 788%) D=0397 mor 487mm Probiena=ar ‘An open yn tank 6m in lamar and 2 high ful of water ‘otal abou its vera exist 90 pm whet wuld the lop he ‘fae tthe it of he nk Vn Va od Vrs Vpn = S08) - (0670.7) Vp = 0238100 V3 ees. me pen clad an, 2 nacre 4m gh sna water 1 4 Sm aad abou sense ies pt Tio=3./ thee any ud pest ‘aap mbempn wiping ay tf Bra/s how mache land wt dept il he srorsund thc rd ‘What engl spnd. fp lt 2 he depth of wae he rs tak Ifo tp ow much arena he btm te ke uncovered? ition = of Fa? 2981) ia=n<1m ‘no liquid i spited out The mau 90a thee no ged api iach ht | hyastmork=2m Via For more Pfs Books Potbokstorum com war y= OF 260 298) ny2-163m>m son gd spe bet he vortex of he parities 1m {porto te pubis above he ves) Vest the poston of th orto (Sr Page) See er 20 7 BB amo73tm devon ete Varese Varia see 2G Pyrie Ena) By guard propery of parabol: t = aoe ef) ne seinen 208) i ywere pekeans6 {Speen ese oe ce, (0) maihne ery BoB -o07m pr=9sn037) +120 Pra TBLSb KPa (pesmueat he cnet) Prague at ceumfeers ot @) ei? +734=751m pex9sigsn) +10 [p= I8H07 ks pressure at theccoerenc) Visit For more Pokstorum o 1) Let us at derive the general ate ‘hen the ote th puratld reece the bottom of the vse wae Bie2eD. >t.) Dagar propor er asta ome9 9= 12208 1a 1196 pm wey aed) attested 36 8) ae ney En) a8 nove ee periee eG aca feces j "arene nt an era cylindrical veal, 15m n dle ar 36m high 3/4 (b= 13) ands revolved about everclear conta ees ot 0s re endian sal opeag wt cmercf be sere, toga opens 20 pn wit ne cn eal) So tna npr pecan te vel ee Sea ee= yt) mull btnsesbyh/ ahve aina36eye ‘fae Heiter 7a a-1298 oo 729.-18(1386)-1295, peo an n= 1086-14668 i= 12185 poeaiciaa39) 0350500 29) S=1s0kPa S.=1296MPs (masimam wal res) Visit For more Pfs Books Ptbookstorum com (0) Formasimum value fo, 5-85 MPa eso = 280030 (000) 29) y=7998m Dah nk.) 72-7988) = 184-1296 Sah 2086 ed roa = 2073 ai) 0-603 ad/sec30/n SSM ct Preble 4-27 ‘N18 m diameter clo cnet, 27 m Nigh completely fled with h faving op. of 16 under a pressure of 245 Kaa the tp. The sel ‘whch forte jeder are 9 mm hick with alate tense seo ‘Pa How fast anit rotated abouts Yr nso he ol of busting? 2 o=190049/30 (o=S0rrad/c ‘contre 3983) spoT Amotwnter p69 ne 774m Vii For more Pre Books Potbookstorum com ‘cpre rou late Egat Problem 4 26(CE Board) ‘A conical ves! wih ses inclined 30h vet als is revo ab ‘ther ais m fom is own and pall. How many vations pos ma ‘st make inorder that water Poured ink i lb eney daca {rotate east The water nthe vs il enrely be scared as peed when he paraboloid is tangent the cone a the ‘ero: enc, helen 8 the Parbolodats =m isso fo slope ts ‘rom the forma ‘875 mm diame pipe, 2m ong sulin with ip, g. = 0822 and ‘app, and placed ona horzonl potion, Is eae 273 so ‘eta aks 05 m frm one end (ouside the pipe, Wha sth pene In he ar en ofthe pipe? Phe mdpin ofthe oot section. What angle sped o wil produce « Presute of absolute zero nthe mercury a thes? yokes 015m Since he peru atthe centr [sabes aro then the gape rena Genter Po Eel terre he "07m y=076+015, yodalm Peas? 298) = 217 r/secx 2 = 260m9m ost Visit For more Pde Books Pteokstorum gam, "Aili ube wee vex stmt are 0 mun apart is le with merewry {200 man in the vera sen, I oad abou Wert as is ce #0 mf one st. How fs shold i be rotted 0 the ference inthe mercy lvls in testes 200m? “sean Woar-oa= 02 = s72md/secx 2 = 5t6mpm Problema 2 las ubing consist ofS vt stems which are 500mm apart connected esc horiznal abe, The abe filed with water ta depth of 50 xm in ‘Vote stm How fs shold ibe rotated about aed acs trough the mid Them tojas ver fhe doth of water in tha sta? tras shown in the figure the sum ofthe height of water in the vertical stems ior and atin ust eal an+2p=505) PIS ome by square propery of paabl oF . 09 nH yey 3B Subsite to Fa) Visit For more Pure Books Pbooksorum com “Rebate oti of ge ts ough lower end with a costal angular spec of 8 ra Compute the pressure atthe per end of the pepe snd (determine ‘mina presrure an esto nthe PPS Solution Src hare oni prestre Inthe pipe the pressure ed at (hele ed ff pel remain ual the static Prosure head of 173 and Uherefre the vor of he Persea pall tone Telomer ent ae ‘Minimize diferente Eq wh expose and equate fo er: a 5an- tanh =O ee Pan 9511181) | BRIT HLASGAPa located 136m rom he ower end (lng te pis) Fbien 5-30 ‘ej bucket 50mm nde ant 20 mn hgh conti 150 of eh oy arngs the bucket on vera plane 2 hatte oto ofthe tke debs ace fads. How at boli be oa ot uF * em hem ah eats 2 street Pope Pave 9811278) ope 124072 (©) Minimum pressure Pont Saveforke WAT A7-stansoy > B40) ‘te wl be pl tl peton fe the guid ali at he Nes pt rom Figure cow Coma ‘Abi tanks fled with 2m oi having sp. gr of 08. Find he orca none i ofthe tank when the acral ma vere aan m/s (overall Sotation Farad Etat gs = Gal Oayty 5/931 Fogle ond «s/o Panga Fricke ala = 081 x0910)0-5 Frbal-esayt-s/9m22) Esc tonon tenement EN/2) an aan lw lw atom aachargein sos {hereon wl fei mean welt ow ina 8/6 ass erty nbn or sa J oeiht dent ian or 8 DEFINITION OF TERMS ied is Flow maybe stony or mata tt ee Vii For more Pre Books Patbookstorum cam” ‘his curs when he charge pasng ven cross-section x conta ow is sido be trulent when he path of indus! paris ane ptr an continously ee each eter Tarbuent oe normally ccc the Royle number exceed 210 although the most cormon ation rhe econ 400. Utom Flow ‘This ovis if, with sted Hw for a gven lng, oF rach, of « ‘erage loci offlow is Ne ame at every cession. This ually ‘thentanincompresbe As ows Broagh sam with urlorm ex [oSininsueun where he Comsecons and ely durge, eo Sa be nao how in dicular pp canbe maine up fo values of Rt high as 000 Hoeven such coe ths typeof ow is inherently ute and the “sturbane wil ester tio no true ow. On the oe tits peocicaly imposible fr tarbulet Gow na steal pipe prs at Moles of Kms bla 2100, case ny tule that stp wl Be Amped oa by won on Continuous Flow “his oxcars when at any tn he dscharg Qa evry ccton of thes Ahem nope macro fm). ne Dimensions Flow ‘his coir when nan incompresible id te dvction and magnitude fhe recy tall pot aedeneal “xo Diensional Flow ‘hs occurs when te fi particles move in planes or parallel panes 0 the Strong patets e eta i each plane Seeamlines “Tse ae imaginary curves drawn hough 2B! o inden the dieton of roto n var sation of Mow fhe i system. Seamtubas ‘These epesen's elementary portion of «owing Hud bounded by» group of ‘Henle which confine the No. low Nts ‘These ae dawnt inde ow pales incase of twodimersonal flow, or Lamina Few ron tos diensorl “hl frit elaine the pth of nivalis do Te tanec The flow says laminar when he Reynolds numer {ethan approximately) 219 Vii For more Pfs Books Pbookstorum com, Energy Equation without Hea Lost ‘the fi experences no head at in moving trom section 1 o sction 2 the tol Energy Equation with Pump: baal ones the oad. (Usually fo rie water om & we © 3 higher eleven. The input power (Pe) othe pup etc fy anit tpt power Pay) ste Wee Visit For more Pre Books Pbookstorum com Caracas of HL etl slopes downward in th ton of fo But may ie eur 4 Roewloonppe crs anton, HCL parle the ESL Roto pipes wth unin diametr, the drop in pres ‘einccn any two points abo equal 1 the ead lost betwee pain. nergy Grae Line (EL) trae line graphic representation ofthe total ney of Saw (the rer ee an pont energie) is stance fom the atu planet lon ow, na wil only se ‘withthe presence of pun «The drop ofthe EGL Bee any wo ‘Bose pn «aba orm pipe section ECL i parle the HCL, “+ EGL is always above the HGL by an amount eal the velo Rand wits. «+ Neglecting head os, EL loin pont she ond Tot between [ENERGY AND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINES Hydrate Grade Line (GL) ‘Also oven a. pressure gradient, tate gale tne othe grap tthe ttal penal energy f flow Iti the ie that connec ‘eter level in sucesive plese taber placed titers along, ie lsstance rom th datum planes = Viet For more Pfs Books Potbookstorum com Werg=te fake ows tough 75m ameter pipe a lacy of 3 m/s n0e10! volume Nw ats in nsec and st, te as fr ate ” =1239N/me (} the weigh ow vate in Nfs. a ae page PN I a= 1239016033) = SS B1S3.ys@verage veloc) Q=A0 foe = F000) 15108290159) = 013 my 1000/0 Q=Lsidmyiec (volume ce dichars) a= 8tigeee M00 1 toma meter plunger sing pushed at 60 manse into 2 a ile {cstaTnccngyp fh ads beams, hw macy NY Ta bing oot oe Om acter le? Fioe.013) ME kgee (rae ovo) sy tka.) oe = 0m x/s baad ed weyo She Are Tonio 022y0000%7 Qasr sesmyne age Frome s-F ath ¥ wi 0 7m ane se 05 m/s wha i he TRUST in dens aig om ros tached tte oft Tas Camp aa he er ava a he ‘Ale at 30°C and 110 4? fons at 20.N/s tough a etangular dct th ease 16) mm «320 mm. Compute dhe average velo a vole Uap consent 299 mK Visit For more Pfs Books + Pattookstorum com’ tion eats pete Overs Vom aoe coat For FQOTS? (05) = § .025F ome ASM ona ofthe) Pe 1si62x7 Pea tsama Nm Power P=QyE OnAe = > $a0257 (45) nora m/s Tare he ket energy ux of 00 m/s il pg. 085) chaning haem dance noe inet nergy fx ~ Kini Energy per second = Power Power,P=QyE Qcoaem/= ower P= 000220680)2.0521) i Power, P= 2237 wats (Power salam thet) ‘A turbine is rated at 600 hp when the flow of water Qvough i 6 061 mt oa 08 ‘Asuming an eficency of 87, what sth ead acting on the bine? ARO en i0:86 m6 Sottion = GUI sam ‘Giver: Powerouput= a0 : Emcngy nee angio» 456289 ower tepure £2 69.8549 eng = SAS wats “ = a lena rvitance, determine to what beight vert jt of war could eo si proce with velo of 20/3? Studs = Os 810HE Hem esa7m Probie 5-7 ‘Astandpie 5 m in diameter and 10m high filled with water Catala poten emery ofthe water tho sev dau taken 2 blow the Setheataipe Via For more Pure Books Pobookstorum com =

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