Compendio-4to Parte 02

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-RNANDO STAHL — INGLEs CHAPTER 1 © nce upon a time there was a tailor. The tailor lived in a small house. The house was in a village near the forest. The tailor had three sons. He also had a goat. The goat ate lots of rich green grass every day. So, one of the tailor’s sons took the goat out every day to find her a good place to eat. One day the oldest son took the goat out, He took her to the churchyard. The churchyard was full of grass. The goat ate, then she played, then she ate some more. When it was time to go home, the tailor’s son asked the goat, “Well, goat, did you have enough to eat?” The goat answered, “Tam so full, I cannot pull Another blade of grass - ba! baa!” = _—_—_—_. EC ns y Ce so I Tcfa) = (Ara i The boy and the goat went home. When the tailor saw his son, he asked him, “Did the goat have enough to eat?” The boy replied, “She is so full she no more can pull.” But the tailor wanted to be sure. He went and asked the goat, “Did you have enough to eat?” The goat replied, “How can I be full? There was nothing to pull. Though I looked everywhere - ba! baa!” The tailor became very angry. He shouted at his son, “You are a liar! The goat is very hungry!” He took a stick and beat his son. He beat him hard. He beat him many times. “Get out of my house!” he shouted. So, the oldest son ran away. Suet i A an — = CHAPTER 2 he next day the tailor woke up early. He said to his second son, “The poor goat is very hungry. Take hey out. Find her a good place to eat. Don’t bring her back unti she is full.” The second son took the goat out. He found a field. The field was full of rich green grass. The goat was very happy. She ate, then she played, then she ate some more. In the evening the second son asked the goat, “Well, goat, did you have enough to eat?” The goat answered, “Tam so full, I cannot pull : Another blade of grass - ba! baa!” The boy was happy when he heard the goat. The boy and the goat went home. When the tailor saw his son, he asked him, “Did the goat get enough to eat today?” The boy replied, “She is so full she no more can pull.” The tailor was happy but he wanted to be sure. He went and asked the goat, “Did you have enough t© eat?” i wanes it _ sil “How can I be full? There was nothing to pull. Though I looked everywhere - ba! baa!” The tailor became very very angry. “So,” he said, “I have two bad sons.” He took a stick and beat his second son, too. He beat him hard. He beat him many times. He said, “You are a liar! Get out of my house!” The second son ran away. The tailor was very sad. He thought, “Now I have only one son left.” The next day the tailor woke up very early. He said to his youngest son, “The poor goat is very very hungry. She hasn’t eaten for two days. Take her out. Find her a good place to eat. Don’t bring her back until she is full.” ._——-. BEC The youngest son took the goat out. He found a meadow. It was full of long, rich, green grass. The goat was very happy. The boy was happy, too. He thought, “The goat will eat well today.” The goat ate, then she played, then she ate some more. When it was time to go home, the tailor’s son asked the goat, “Well, goat, did you have enough to eat?” The goat answered, “T am so full, I cannot pull Another blade of grass - ba! baa!” = a 3 Pare) - STAHL __INGLEs a The boy was very happy when he heard the goat. The boy and the goat went home. When the tailor saw his son, he asked him, “Well, did the goat get enough to eat today?” The boy replied, “She is so full she no more can pull.” The tailor thought to himself, “That’s what the other two said.” So, to be sure, he went and asked the goat, “Did you have enough to eat?” The very naughty goat replied, “How can I be full? There was nothing to pull. Though I looked everywhere - ba! baa!” The tailor became furious. “So,” he said, “all of my sons are bad. It’s better to have no sons at all.” He took a stick and beat his youngest son. He beat him many times. He beat him hard and the stick broke. The third son ran away. The tailor became very sad indeed. He thought, “Now I have no sons.” Sie: aei INGLES —_—_“s CHAPTER 3 he next day the tailor woke up and thought, “Now | | am alone. I have no sons to help me. I must take care of the goat.” So, he took the goat out. He found her a very big | green meadow. He said to the goat, “You will eat a lot today, | I'll go back to work now. I'll come to get you in the evening.” The tailor went back to his house to work. The goat ate and played all day long. She was very happy. When the tailor came to collect her at sunset, he asked, “Well, goat, are you full?” She replied, “Tam so full, I cannot pull Another blade of grass - ba! baa!” The tailor heard the goat’s reply. He was very pleased. He said, “Today you ate, and you ate well. You were not with my useless sons.” Then, he took the goat home. When they arrived, he looked at the goat and said, “Now, for once you are full.” But the silly goat replied, “How can I be full? There was nothing to pull. Though I looked everywhere - ba! baa!” When the tailor heard this, he realised his mistake. His sons were good boys but the goat was a bad animal. He was furious and said to the goat, “I will teach you a lesson you will never forget.” He took his razor and shaved the goat’s head completely. Then, he took a big whip and beat the goat. He beat her much harder than he had beaten his sons. The goat ran away. The tailor was very tired and very sad. He had no sons, and now he had no goat. He felt very lonely. _———_. BEC STAHL INGLES CHAPTER 4 he oldest son went to a town far away. He got a job. He worked for a carpenter. He was a very good worker. The carpenter was very happy with his work. He learned the job and decided to go back home. Before he left, the carpenter gave him a gift. He gave him a table. It was a little table made of wood. The carpenter said to him, “It looks like an ordinary table but it is a very special table. In fact, it is a magic table. When you say the words ‘Table, be covered’, a clean tablecloth, plates, knives, forks and lots of delicious food and wine appear on the table.” e023 STAHL ING a4 The oldest son s. “This truly is ar table and fam very happy to have it.” He thanked the carpenter and began his long journey home. He wanted to sec his father and brothers again. He was homesick. He wanted to show the table to his father. He thought, “My father will not be angry. I have something good for him.” | The journey took him many days. When he was hungry, he | found a quiet place, put his table down and said, “Table, be covered.” Then food appeared on the table and he ate well. One night the young man arrived at an inn. The inn was full of guests. They welcomed the young man and invited him to eat with them. The young man said, “Thank you but I have lots of food to eat. Please, come and eat with me.” The guests laughed. They thought, “The young man is joking. He has no food to give!” Pornrary STAHL INGLES = = amen But the young man put down his little wooden table in the middle of the room. He said, “Table, be covered.” The table was immediately full of the most delicious food and fine wine, The guests were surprised, The young man said, “Eat from my table.” The guests were very happy to cat the wonderful food, j The landlord of the inn saw this and thought, “If I had a table like that, I would be rich.” The landlord had an old table. It looked like the young man’s table. But it was not a magic table. When the young man went to sleep, the landlord took the magic table and put his old table in its place. Now the tailor’s son had an ordinary small old wooden table. FERNANDO STAHL eT h TT College CHAPTER 5 n the morning the oldest son continued his journey to his father’s house. But he did not know that he had the wrong table. Finally he arrived home. His father was very happy to see him. He welcomed him. The young man rested, and then his father asked him, “Now, my dear son, what have you learned?” The young man replied, “I have learned to be a carpenter.” “That is a good job,” replied his father. “But tell me, what have you brought back with you from your travels?” The son showed the little table to his father. He said, “This is the best thing I’ve got, father.” The tailor looked at the table and said, “Well, that is just an Ordinary old table.” __————e 023 BPA NC Eley = ey. 8 a INGLES —— [= : =, | The son answered, “It looks like an ordinary old wooden table, but it’s a wonderful magic table. When I put it down ang say ‘Table, be covered,’ immediately it is full of rich food and fine wine. I want to invite all our friends and neighbours to eat.” So they invited all their friends and neighbours to their house for a feast. When everyone came, the carpenter put the table in the middle of all the friends and neighbours and said, “Table, be covered”. Of course, nothing happened, because the table was not magic. The carpenter could not understand why, All the friends and neighbours laughed, but they were also disappointed. The carpenter felt ashamed. Then everybody left, The tailor went back to work. The young carpenter found a job and started working. CHAPTER 6 | Che second son went to a village far away. He got a job. | J He worked for a miller, He was a very hard worker. | The miller was very happy with his work, The second son | worked for some time, and then he decided to go back home. | Before he left, the miller said to the young man, “You have been a good boy and [ll give you a gift. PI give you an He will draw no cart and carry no sack.” ‘The young man asked, “What good is he then?” The miller answered, “He spits out gold. Just put a cloth in front of him and say ‘Bricklebit’. He will immediately spit gold pleces out of his mouth.” .——_—_. BEC FERNANDO STAHL eT h _—_# College The miller then put a cloth in front of the ass and said, “Bricklebit”. The ass coughed and spat out two gold pieces. The young man said, “This truly is a magic ass and I’m very happy to have it.” He thanked the miller and started his journey home. He wanted to see his father and brothers again. He was homesick. He had a magic ass to show his father. He thought, “My father will not be very angry. I have something good for him.” The journey took him many days. When he needed money for food or a bed, he found a quiet place, put a cloth in front of the ass and said, “Bricklebit”. The ass coughed and spat out gold. One night the young miller arrived at an inn. His older brother had stayed at that same inn, and he had lost his magic table there. The young miller didn’t know this. The landlord met him at the door. He said, “I’ll take the ass to tie it up.” The young miller replied, “Don’t trouble yourself. I will take him into the stable. I will tie him up. Then, I will know where he is.” The landlord thought this was very strange. He thought only poor men looked after their own asses. Then the young miller took two gold pieces from his pocket and gave them to him. He said, “I want something good for my supper.” The landlord was surprised. He brought some fine food for the young miller. When the young miller finished, he asked the landlord, “Do I owe you any more money?” The landlord was a greedy man. He said, “Yes, two more gold pieces.” The young miller looked in his pocket. There was nothing there. He said, “Wait a moment, landlord. I will go and get some money.” The landlord became curious. He followed the young miller into the stable. He watched secretly. The young miller put the a_———_. BEC FERNANDO tlie INGLES College cloth in front of the ass and said, “Bricklebit”. The ass spat out gold pieces. The landlord was a very greedy man. He thought, “That is an easy way to get gold. I must have that ass.” The young miller paid the landlord and went to bed. He was very tired. He went to sleep immediately. When he was asleep the landlord went to the stable. He took the magic ass and put another ass in his place. Now the landlord had a magic table and a magic ass. CHAPTER 7 n the morning the young miller continued his journey to his father’s house. He did not know that he had the wrong ass. Finally, he arrived home. His father was very happy to see him. He welcomed him. The young miller rested and then his father asked him, “Now, my dear son, what have you learned?” The young miller replied, “I have learned to be a miller.” “That is a good job,” replied his father. “But tell me, what have you brought back with you from your travels?” “Just an ass,” his son replied. “We have plenty of asses here,” said the father. “Yes,” answered the son, “but this is no ordinary ass. When I say, ‘Bricklebit’, the good animal spits out gold pieces. Let oo all our friends and neighbours. I will make them all tich.” _———_. BEC STAHL INGLES —_— The tailor was happy when he heard this. He said, “I can stop working, too.” So they invited all their friends and neighbours to their house. When everyone came, the young miller put a cloth in front of the ass and said, “Bricklebit”. But the ass didn’t cough or Spit out any gold pieces. The miller was ashamed and upset. The people were sad because they were still poor. Everybody went home. The tailor went back to work. The young miller found a job at a mill. However, he and his brother now knew that the landlord of the inn was a thief. CHAPTER 8 Che youngest son went to a city far away. He got a job. J He worked for a turner. He was a very good worker. Turning is a difficult job. It took him a long time to learn so he stayed in the city for a long time. One day his oldest brother wrote him a letter. In that letter he explained how the landlord of the inn had tricked his brother and himself. The youngest son learnt everything about turning and decided to leave. Before he left, the turner gave him a gift. He gave him a sack. He told him, “There is a stick inside the Sack.” The young man said, “I can hang up the sack, so it will be useful to me. But what good is the stick?” _———_. BEC aa 5 Spy. 4 in TTR _“s 2 “] will tell you,” answered the turner, “If you are in danger and someone wants to hurt you, say the words, ‘Stick, out of the sack!’. The stick will jump out and beat them, It will beat them so hard that they will not move for a weck. It will not stop until you say, ‘Stick, into the sack!’.” The young man thanked the turner. He was happy to have the stick in the sack. He left the turner and started his journey home. He wanted to see his father and his brothers again. He was homesick. The city was very far away from his home. The journey took him many weeks. On the way, some people attacked him. The young turner said, “Stick, out of the sack!” The stick jumped _ out and beat them until they fell down. | FERNANDO STAHL eT h ——_—_—s College CHAPTER 9 ne night the young turner arrived at an inn. His two | brothers had stayed at that same inn and they had lost their gifts there. He sat down. Then he talked to the landlord. He told him about all the wonderful things he had seen on his travels. Then he said, “I hear you have a magic table. I hear you have a magic ass, too. But I’m not jealous. I have got Something much better in my sack.” __The landlord listened very carefully. He thought, “What is ie Maybe the sack is full of precious stones. It is for me. Good things come in threes. I must take the sack.” NP) y S$ y:Aean INGLES 8 zm It was late and the young man was very tired. He lay down with the sack under his head. The landlord waited. When he thought the young turner was asleep, he gently pulled the sack from under his head. He wanted to put another one in its place. But the young turner was not asleep. When the landlord had the sack in his hands, the young turner said, “Stick, out of the sack!”. The stick jumped out and started to beat the landlord. It beat him very hard. The landlord cried for mercy but the stick beat him harder. It did not stop. Finally the landlord fell to the ground. The young man said, “If you do not give me the table and the ass at once, this game will begin all over again.” The landlord cried, “Oh dear, no! I will gladly give them to you. Please, please stop it!” Then the young man said, “Stick, into the sack!”. CHAPTER 10 n the morning the young turner continued his journey to his father’s house. Finally, he arrived home. The tailor was very happy to see him. He welcomed him. The young man rested, and then his father said to him, “Now, my dear son, what have you learned?” The young turner replied, “I have learned to be a turner.” “That is a good job,” said his father. “But tell me, what have you brought back with you from your travels?” “A very valuable thing, dear father,” answered the son, “a | stick in a sack.” _———_-. BEC FERNANDO Py: ASae Stef At _— = (Ar “What?” cried the father. “A stick! But you can find a stick anywhere! You can cut one from any tree!” “But it is not an ordinary stick. When someone wants to hurt me, I say ‘Stick, out of the sack.’ The stick jumps out and beats them. With this wonderful stick I got back my brothers’ magic table and magic ass from the wicked landlord. Now, call all our friends and neighbours. I want to show them the table and the ass. We can give them food and gold.” The old tailor thought it was very strange, but he called his other two sons and all their friends and neighbours. First the young turner brought in the ass. He gave his brother the cloth. He said to him, “Now, speak to the ass.” The miller put the cloth in front of the ass and said, “Bricklebit”. The ass filled the cloth with gold pieces. Everybody filled their pockets. There was enough gold for everyone. Next, the young turner gave the table to his other brother. He said to him, “Now, my dear brother, speak to it.” The carpenter put the table down. He said, “Table, be covered”. The table was immediately full of rich food and fine wine. They had a great feast. They ate, drank, sang and danced the whole night. It was a wonderful celebration. The tailor put all his tools away. He locked them in a cupboard. He lived with his sons in great comfort and they lived happily ever after. STAHL —_ INGLEs Sei FERNANDO STAHL eT h TT (ote CHAPTER ll B ut what happened to the goat? Well, she was ashamed of herself because the tailor had shaved her head. She ran into a fox’s hole and hid. When the fox came back to her hole, she saw two big eyes looking at her. The fox was afraid and ran away. The fox met a bear. The bear asked her, “What is wrong, fox? You look terrible.” The fox replied, “I feel terrible. When I went to my hole, there was a monster inside. It had big evil eyes. I ran away.” “Don’t worry,” the bear said, “I will help you chase it out.” So they went together to the fox’s hole. But when the bear saw the two big evil eyes, he was afraid, too. He ran away. The bear met a bee. The bee asked him, “What is wrong Mr Bear? You look terrible.” The bear replied, “I feel terrible. I went to the fox’s hole with her. There was a monster inside. It had big evil eyes. We could not chase it out.” The bee replied, “You think that I am a poor weak creature, but perhaps I can help you.” The bee flew to the fox’s hole. She flew inside. She sat on the goat’s bald head. She stung the goat very hard. The goat Screamed “Baaaaa... Baaaaa!” Then she ran out into the world. She ran very fast. Till this day, no one knows where she went. THE END _———_. BEC BoP} = ey. 8 a INGLES SFRADED Reavers THE TABLE THE ASS AND THE STICK i s AHL tc ;” Chapter? | . A. Answer the questions. 1 Where did the tailor live? How many sons did he have? Who took the goat to the churchyard? What did the goat do in the churchyard? What did the tailor ask the goat? Why did the oldest son run away? B. Label the pictures. STAHL _—_INGLEs ——— C. Find the opposites. Use the words in the box. _ bad big ‘answer empty 1 small 3 full 2 good 4 ask D. Complete the sentences. Use one word for each blank. 1 Once upon a time there was a 2 He had three 3 Healso hada 7 4 The goat ate rich green every day. 5 The tailor told his son, “You are a i 6 The poor goat is : 7 Then he shouted, “ out of my house!” E. Write the past tense of these verbs. 1 have 5 run = 2° see 6 play ____— 3 ask 7 eat Saat 4 take 8 go —— ————e 20230 Ct” INGLES _ « Chapter 2 A. Answer the questions. 1 Where did the second son take the goat? 2 What did the goat do in the field? 3. What did the second son ask the goat at the end of the day? 4 How did the tailor feel when his second son ran away? 5 Where did the youngest son take the goat? 6 How did the youngest son feel when he heard the goat’s answer? 7 What did the tailor think when his youngest son ran away? B. Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. 1 took/the goat home/the boy 2. to eat/did you have/enough? 3 his son/beat/with a stick/the tailor 4 found/the youngest son/a big field 5 the tailor’s sons/ran away/all of _———_. BEC Ana wWwne FERNANDO TAHL eT h TT College C. Choose the correct answer, 1. The next day the tailor woke up___ a) carly b) late 2. The tailor said, “The poor goat is very,” a) hungry b) angry 3. The goat ate and she was very, __: a) sad b) happy 4 “She is so she no more can pull,” said the boy, a) happy b) full 5 The goat replied, “How can I be full?” a) good b) naughty D. Read the sentences and find the words. Write the words in the blanks under the exercise. The word in the box is the father’s job. “Did the get enough to eat?” He him very hard. “Don't her back until she is full.” He found a full of rich grass. The father became . He said, “All of my sons are bad.” He beat him hard and the stick aun bk wD FERNANDO STAHL INGLES KE. 1 awn neawnrei y a4 allege Rewrite the sentences and correct the mistakes underlined. The boy found a field with no grass. The goat ate, then she slept, then she ate some more. —_— SSS The tailor took a stick and beat the goat. —_—— eee The youngest son ran away and the tailor became very happy. Match the two halves of the sentences. Well, goat, did you avery angry. The boy and the bone son left. The tailor became ¢ goat went home. Find her a d__ have enough to eat? I have only e good place to eat. . Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. | grass liar stick days _ Goats like to eat We can cut a from a tree. He never tells the truth; He is a There are seven in a week, _———_. BEC FERNANDO STAHL INGLES College A. 1 2 - (corer an Answer the questions. Who must take care of the goat? What did the tailor say to the goat when he took her out? Why did the tailor go back to his house? When did the tailor come to collect the goat? What did the tailor do with the razor? esses What did the tailor do with the whip? How did the tailor feel when the goat ran away? Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. no one/had/to help him/the tailor her/meadow/he found/a very big to get you/in the evening/I will come bad boys/were not/his sons pean ee ite ELE ae By Sp eta the goat’s head/with a razor/he shaved Sasa das Cpe cL les Ts ele et nh ee I Deming ee lian a famines aR en et _———_. BEC Hu.A On cla <4 ————<—= C. Read the sentences, Write 'T for True and F for False, The tailor took the goat out. The goat didn’t eat anything, The tailor’s sons are good boys. The tailor took his razor and shaved his head. ODoOooooo 1 2 2 4° The goat is a bad animal. § 6 The goat stayed at home. D. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. work meadow sons collect mistake lesson 1 The tailor found the goat a big green . Then he went back to his house to . He went to her at sunset. 2. The tailor realised his . He said, “I will teach you a you will never forget.” 3 The tailor had lost his and now he had no goat. \ Put the sentences in the correct order. He collected her at sunset. The tailor took the goat out. He beat the goat harder than his sons. He said, “Now, for once you are full.” The tailor realised his mistake. ——————— uk wn . FERNANDO STAHL eT h chapter a oa A. Answer the questions. 1 Where did the oldest son go? 2 Who did the oldest son work for? 3 What did the carpenter give the oldest son? 4 Why was the table special? 5 Why was the oldest son happy? 6 Who did the young man meet at the inn? 7 What did the guests eat? 8 What did the landlord do when the young man was asleep? B. Match the opposites. 1 leave a_ big 2 give b_ noisy 3 little ¢ dirty 4 clean d= arrive 5 begin e cry 6 quiet f take 7 laugh g new 8 old h_ finish | PENT a) - Spy. 4 in TTR _“s C. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. guests carpenter sleep knife gift 1A makes things of wood. 2. The boy gave his mother a for her birthday. 3 Weusea and fork to eat. 4 There were a lot of at the hotel. 5 I’mvery tired. I want to D. Choose the correct answer. 1 The oldest son went to a far away. a) village b) town 2 He worked for a a) carpenter b) tailor 3 Before he left the carpenter gave him a a) table b) tablecloth 4 It looks like a(n) table but it isn’t. a) special b) ordinary 5 He wanted to go back because he was a) homesick b) happy E. Who says what? 1 “Tt is a very special table.” SS] 2 “I'm very happy to have this magic table.” ee eee | 3 “The young man is joking.” Ee 4 “If I had a table like that, I would be rich.” a ——— Ce so tcp 4 7 (ur mn F. Label the items in the picture. 3 oe » ee G. Complete the story using the sentences in the box. Thave lots of food. Come and eat with me. One night he arrived at an inn. The oldest son left the carpenter and began his journey home. So, when the boy fell asleep, he took the magic table. hwWNnN The carpenter gave the oldest son a magic table. When he was hungry ; * he found a quiet place, put his table down and said, “ Table, be covered. —————___ The inn was full of guests. They invited him to eat with them. He ne ” When the landlord saw the magic table, he thought, “I could be rich with this tables? 2s es ea ar oe ee _———_. BEC FERNANDO STAHL INGLES College A. Answer the questions. 1 What did the oldest son do in the morning? 2 How did the tailor feel when he saw his son? 3 What did the tailor say when his son showed him the table? 4 Who did the young man invite to the house? 5 Where did the young man put the table? 6 What happened when the young man said the magic words? 7 What did the young man do? B. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 he had/he didn’t know/the wrong table 2 him/he showed/the little table 3 thought/an ordinary table/it was/the tailor 4 full of/food and wine/the table/was not 5 very disappointed/were/the neighbours | _———_. BEC on Ce a m a WN a a So HL INGLES _s d Read the sentences. Write T for True and F for False. His father was angry when he saw him. The son said, “I've learned to be a carpenter.” When I say, “Table, be covered,” it is immediately full of gold. They invited all their friends and neighbours for a feast. All the friends laughed but they were disappointed. The carpenter felt happy. OOOO Find the scrambled words. His father him. (lomedcew) T've to be a carpenter. (nedrale) This is the thing I’ve got. (setb) I want to all our friends and neighbours. (teivni) Crossword. 2 Someone who lives near you. oO You drink it. O Not big. QO You do this when you are happy. oO You eat it. STAHL ING F. Read the sentences. Which three sentences are not part of the story? 1 Inthe morning the boy continued his journey. 2 He found a dog on the way home. LE] 3 His father was very happy to see him. 4 He gave him something to eat. 5 He asked, “What have you brought with you?” LJ 6 The boy showed him the table. 7 They invited all their friends and neighbours. 8 The carpenter broke the table. L] G. This is a letter the oldest son wrote to a friend. Fill in the missing words. _—_ fi = he Dear Arthur, I worked for a . Learned the job and decided to go back home. Before I left, he gave me a table. When 4 I said, “Table, be covered”, it was of food and wine: When I arrived home I told my about the table. We invited all our and neighbours to eat. I said, “Table, be covered”, but appened, I felt ashamed. FERNANDO Spy tae Stef At _— = é a = Pe 6 ia — A. Answer the questions. 1 Where did the second son go? 2 Who did the second son work for? 3. What did the miller give the second son? 4 What did the ass do when the miller said ‘Bricklebit’? 5 What did the second son have to show his father? 6 Where did the young man take the ass? 7 How much did the young man pay for his supper? 8 What kind of man was the landlord of the inn? 9 What did the landlord do in the end? foee= === =s= = ee ee B. Match the opposites. 1 in front of a old 2° night b. difficult 3. start c behind 4 young d_ find 5 lose e day 6 easy f finish _———_. BEC parte STAHL —— INGLEs 3 — 4 5 6 D. Find words in the passage that mean: 1 Someone who has a mill. 2 A place where we put animals. 3 Someone who wants everything. 4 Where we put our money. eee 5 Someone who hasn’t got any money. See E. Match the words. 1 hard a 2 magic b 3 gold c 4 greedy d 5 young e ass landlord worker miller pieces STAHL INGLES ——— FE. nh wn ee Match the sentences with the pictures. The miller gave the boy a gift. The young miller put a cloth in front of the ass. It | The boy took the ass into the stable. The landlord got the best food for the young miller. When the boy was asleep, the landlord took the ass. STAHL an Chapter at A. Answer the questions, 1 What did the young man do in the morning? 2 How did the tailor feel when he saw his son? —— 3 What happened when the young man said ‘Bricklebit’ to the ass? pea tek Se 4 How did the young man feel? 5 What did the tailor do? 6 What did both the tailor’s sons now know? B. Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. 1 was happy/to see him/the boy’s father 2 did not/cough/the ass/or spit 3 put/the cloth/the young man/on the ground 4 found/at a mill/the young miller/a job 5 and neighbours/invited/all their friends/they/to their house Ue OR ei eee _———_. BEC FERNANDO STAHL INGLES — = College C. Choose the correct answer, 1 . the miller continued his journey. a At night b In the morning 2)“ What have you , my dear son?” asked the tailor, a learned b read 3. The young man sam a miller now.” a replied b laughed 4 When I say ‘Bricklebit,’ the ass gold pieces. a eats b spits out 5 Iwill make all our friends a rich b poor D. Start the questions using the words in the box. how what when where who 1 did he continue his journey? In the morning. 2 did the tailor ask him? “What have you learned?” 3 did they invite? All their friends and neighbours. 4 did he put the cloth? In front of the ass. 5 did the young man feel? Ashamed and upset. _———_. BEC FERNANDO Spy. 4 in INGLES E, Put the sentences in the correct order, He said ‘Bricklebit’ but the ass didn’t spit. The people went to their houses. woe The miller was ashamed and upset. LC : LI The miller put a cloth in front of the ass. | CO L] moe Their friends and neighbours came. oe - eet spit out any I home and my father was very | I felt very and to see me. I told upset. The people went to him about the magic | their houses still . We all Now I know that the landlord our friends and neighbours to { of the is a come. The ass didn’t cough or STAHL _—_INGLEs ——— i Chapter 8 a A. Answer the questions. 1 Where did the youngest son go? D. 2 Who did the youngest son work for? 3. Who wrote the youngest son a letter? , 4 What did the turner give the young man? B. These sentences are wrong. Correct them. 1 The youngest boy went to a village. 2 Heworkedforamiller 0 E 3 Turning is an easy job. 4 The turner gave him a sack with a box. J C. The following sentences are incomplete. Look at the box and complete them. , say, th If you are and someone wants ‘ wore ”. The stick will jump out and ___— Tt will until you say ‘ _———_. BEC STAHL INGLES ——— D. Look at the picture and find words to complete the sentences, 1 The man near the fire is a The boy is holding a In the sack there is a The boy is starting his ‘The boy wants to see his E. Look at the example and make sentences in the same way. Example: youngest son/work/for/turner The youngest son worked for a turner. 1 turner/give him/sack 2 there be/stick/inside/sack boy/leave/turner/and start/journey home when people/attack him/he say/ ‘Stick, out of the sack’ Stick/jump out/and beat them Se eee ee _——_. BEC FERNANDO STAHL INGLES —<—< College A. Answer the questions. 1 Who listened carefully to the young turner? How did the landlord pull the sack? wy 3. What did the landlord want to do? 4 What did the young turner say in the end? B. Choose the correct answer. 1 Theyoung turner down and told the landlord about his travek a lay b sat 2 The young man had in his sack. a astick b precious stones 3 It was late and the was very tired. a turner b landlord 4 The landlord gave the young turner a his sack b his brothers’ gifts C. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. | gladly precious carefully jealous gently 1 The students listened to the teacher 2 Diamonds are stones. 3 Iwill come to your party. 4 She pushed the door é 5 Don't be ! You have so many wonderful things! _———_. BEC pbetau INGLES _“s p. Look at the pictures and write sentences, a &- boy/arrive/inn =“) f = 4 i boy/talk/landlord gyed boy/lie down/sack/head a stick/jump out/beat/landlord 7 a Suet i A ING College =————_4 : E. Use the sentences in the box to fill in the passage. The young boy arrived at the inn. He ialked to the landlord about his sack. The landlord wanted the sack. qa) He lay down with the sack under his head. When the landlord saw the boy was asleep he began to pull the sack. (2) ss When he had the sack in his hands the boy said, “Stick, out of the sack.” (3) -Then the boy told et him,(4) « : The landlord said, “I will gladly give them to you.” INGLES _ — Chapter 10 j Answer the questions, 1 How did the tailor feel when he saw his son? eRe 3 Where can you find a stick? 3 What did the young man get back because he had the stick? 4 Why did the young man want to call all their friends and neighbours? § What did the young man bring in first? 6 What did everyone do with the gold? What did they do all night? ~ 8 What did the tailor do with his tools? 9 How did they all live from that day on? Find the opposites of the words in brackets to complete the passage. The boy (ly (left) at his father’s house. The tailor was very (2) —_____ (sad) to see him. He (3) (answered) him, “What have you learned?” “I have learned to be a turner,” said the boy. “This is a (4) (bad) job,” said the tailor. _———_. BEC INGLES _ C. Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. 1 sang and danced/all night/they 2 ordinary/it was/stick/not an 3 lived/and his sons/happily ever after/the tailor 4 had/all his sons/the tailor/at home/again 5 was/a/young man/the youngest son/very clever D. Use the words in the box to fill in this invitation. | invite pockets youngest gold eat ass _ Dear friends and neighbours, : ' My son is back. We want to you to come to our house. He brought back the maj and the table. We want you to : - with us. We want you to fill your ; . Come to our house. al FERNANDO STAHL INGLES College i = ) Chapter 11 —— A. Answer the questions. 1 Why was the goat ashamed? 2. Where did the goat run to? 3 What did the fox do when she saw the two big eyes? 4 Who did the fox meet? 5 Where did the bear and the fox go together? 6 What did the bear see when he looked into the fox’s hole? 7 Who did the bear meet? 8 Where did the goat run to? B. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. _ afraid evil holes fast monster — Very bad people are called Horses can run very King Kong is a famous ; Many people are of the dark. Rabbits live in in the ground. _———_. BEC uk wn Suet i A INT —————— C Choose the correct answer. 1 The goat felt , $0 she hid. a) ashamed b) afraid 3 She hid herself in a a) house b) hole 3. The fox said, “There is a(n) in my hole. a) monster b) animal 4 The bee to the fox’s hole. a) ran b) flew 5 The bee the goat very hard. a) beat b) stung D. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. O DOOe oooooo0g OOO ici ING Put the words in the correct order and make sentences. in the holeAvas afraid/the bear/of the monster a weak/the bee/creature/was not the fox’s hole/flew/the bee/into went/knows/the goat/no one/where FERNANDO STAHL College A Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 He hada goat. 2. He became a carpenter. 3 He became a miller. 4 He became a turner. 5 He hada magic ass. 6 He had a magic stick. 7 8 He stole the magic table and the magic ass. He had a magic table. OOOOO0000 STAHL INGLES os B. Complete the three cards about the three sons. Job: Gift: ie | rere ee | What is special about it? | | \ \ Gift: What is special about it? Job: Gift: What is special about it? fale Sees te Bi s El Pra AH College L INGLES a4

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