Unit 3 Writing Assignment

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The bar chart gives information about median amount of time tourists from four
different countries (China, America, Turkey, Brazil) spent entertaining themselves on
vacation in Greece in August 2015.

Overall, the spending time on reading books by Chinese people was much higher than
others. Both the Brazillians and the Turkishmen expended the most of their hours at
the beach. Also Americans and Turkishmen spent more time on sightseeing than

In terms of reading books, Chinese people spent 8 hours of time while the americans
expended 5 hours. The expenditure of time at the beach by American tourists was
higher than Chinese (4 and 3 hours respectively). Also used number of hours by
americans(around 3 hours) was over double that of Chinese people, which was only 1

Meanwhile, the amount of time spent by Turkish and Brazillians person on the beach
is same (4 hours). On the other hand, the average expenditure of hours by Brazillians
person (6 hours to be exact) was slightly higher, than by the French (5 hours). Both of
them didn't spend more than a half of their time on sightseeing which accounted for 3
hours by French person and 2 hours by the Brazillians.

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