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Diana frances spencer born in 1 july of 1961 in sandrigham , england she was the
youngest dauther of jhon spenser earl spencer and frances ruth shand kydd
The people say the princess diana was not a girl who did very well in the school so
for this reson she went to many schools but she had talent for the music the dance
and for the sports when she was 17 years she left school and decided to go to a
institute for this epoc she met the prince charles because the prince charles had a
little romance whit her sister but this romance not grow in this time diana knew
charles and strarted a romantic relationship
In 1981 when she working as a nursey teacher`s assistend she became engaged
to prince charles their wedding took place at ST Paul`s cathedral in this moment
she become in the princess of wales also she become in a very famous and
respect person for the society because she was the princess and because she was
so prety she was very funny and because she did a lot humanitarian works later in
1982 in accuracy in june 21 she gave birth to her first child william arthur philip
louis and in 1984 in accuracy in september 15 she gave birth to her second child
henry charles albert david
She brought them up with many values and she intent they can to had a normal life
this included eathing hamburgers and go to the atractions park when every people
can to go and in some ocations she took them for the humanitanian works because
she say she her sons know the people without possibility
In 1995 diana gave a interview for BBC where she told that she suffer from
bullymia was doing self lessons and told that she was harassed by journalist and
the infidelity for charles in 1998 finally the divorce was singed
In this moment she dicided dedicate for did humanitarian works and she become in
a iconic person in fashion
But unfortunately diana`s happiness did not last long as in 1997 she died in a
terrible accident along with her swords keepeer her driver and her partner of that
So in this moment star to had a lot teories and in this articul I told you some for this

 the first theorie consist in the paparazzi because they were chasing diana
and the other mens in the car and it is said thet it was thanks to a flash thet
the driver could see and crashed

 The second theorie consist in henri paul he is de driver so dian`s driver was
druk and also taking some antidepressants but all this changed when they
found him large sums of money in his pockets it is here thet they began to
say thet henri had been hired by the british intelligence servce to stalk the
princess what does not agree that he also died may be that he did
something wrong or the theory is not true but the question the money
 The third theory is thet the car all started with the first owner of the car this
man bought the car and three monts later it was stolen it is said that the thief
was going so fast and had an accident the owner recovered the car and
wanted to repair it later the limousine company etoile limousines got this car
then the hotel where the princess stayed rented this car to take her , somo
people from the hotel talked abot the car`s faults
 The fourth theory consists of the car balts since in the car only one belt
worked is said the princess was very cautious woman and used the belt on
any occasion it is said that the british intelligence service sabotaged the
 The fifth theory consist of the british intelligence services is said to have
been spying on the princess and tha person who survived theaccident and
the paparazzi were actually part of the british intelligence services this
theory was born as the princess was getting a lot of attetion so the british
intelligence service saw a princess diana as a grat threat to the throne and
the stability of the state
 The sixth theory deals with the throne it is said that the princess was going
to marry and was pregnant and the throne could not allow this since the
bridegroom princess was from another country and another religion and
colud not allow someone on the throne to have a stepfather of another

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