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i have completed my internship in Pantaloons and on that behalf i want to make SIP.

in pantaloons
PMS is calculated quarterly. for that they go through KRS for different department. and by that they
get DFP( delivery full performance ) these are the employees who have have achieved there target ,
OP ( out performance ) these are the employees who's achieved little more then their target , SP
( significantly Performance) these are the employees who achieved far more then target , PDP
( partially delivered performance) these employees who had not completed their target by little
difference example they must have achieved 70- 80% target, IP ( inadequate performance) these
employees who are not even close to their target. PDP and IP employees get a traning program PIP
( performance improvement plan ). so this is the PMS of Pantaloons and on this i want to make
summer internship project on this i want 5 objective from this and 4 to 5 questionnaire on that

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