Presentations Workshop

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Notes for IB in general:

1. Research the investors/person meeting for the conversation. Go through their profile
and anticipate the questions from them.
2. BD – Business Development i.e. developing/expanding new client base, generating
new relationships and basically getting new clients.
3. IRL- Information Request List
4. MIS- Management Information System
5. NPV – Net Possible Value

Notes from Presentation workshop – 04/20

1. The most impactful slides were the ones which were more graphical (choose the
right graphics and format) and not very text heavy.
2. The flow of a report should be just as how a reader would expect it. So, the structure
should be very flowing. Should not jump between concepts – it should be an
expected flow.
3. The differences in an IM for different products is needed sometimes. Eg: For an
edtech product like an online school – you need to include the scope of the market,
TAM etc. However, in case of consumer brands i.e., D2C products – you need to
include how the product differentiates the product from others. Identifying the focus
area is important.
4. Sections of an IM: Problem statement, Solution, Company, Market, Executive
summary/ Key investment highlights. Flow depends on basically the ordering and
framing of the slides.
5. For flow: Decide the sections of the PPT and the headers of the different slides.
When data is not available pertinent to a header, then re-orientation of the flow will
be needed.
6. Research -> Storyboard -> Research -> Make the deck (Its an iterative process not a
straight flow)
7. Frame the flow on paper and in your mind before going out and creating one.
8. Whenever there is apprehension of investors from interest in the initial deal to final
conviction, we should address their concerns with the help of data from the different
topics to address their concern. Example: Every investor in an online school such as
21K is apprehensive over the long term existence and high churn rate. You can
include data of how different players in this market and how these big players have
existed for long and data on how even churn rate in big mortar schools decrease over
time. Try to study the pitch and pre-empt the concerns from the beginning before
they do.
9. Don’t present the expected. Put on the hats of the different stakeholders while
making a marketing report, consulting deck or IM. Provide at least few new insights –
aha moments for the stakeholders. Peel the onion of the topic from different angles –
basically whether you have analyzed the problem enough.
10. 5*5*5 = Not more than 5 points in a slide, not more than 5 words in a sentence, not
more than 5 consecutive text-heavy slides. Be a word miser.
11. An exec summary slide is basically aimed for high-level execs who do not have the
time to see the entire ppt. Keep what would excite them. Mention project, market,
how your product is different, product current traction and goals and objectives, give
founder details.
12. More graphs and logos instead of numbers and company names.
13. Slide blockers are good differentiators of sections and indications of the flow. Use
pictures to send a message of the theme.
14. Number | Text - comprehensible way to show data in slides.
15. Header should not include just obvious details but rather use that space to state the
main carry-away from the slide.
16. Positive flywheel: How different acts are re-enforcing/enhancing their growth
17. A report is intended on more specialized professionals who want to go into the depth
while unlike IM which is intended towards selling.
18. Slides generally designed as one point on the top and all data supporting it in the
19. Other than main informative graphs, graphs to show your point should be created
based on what you want to show and what data is available. Plot whichever metric
shows your point.
20. Assume you are a school. Currently you do not offer a transport system like bus etc.
Due to busy streets – crowding. Govt gave mandate for bus services for every
student. Outsource it or buy the buses and pay the bus drivers.

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