12 Geology in Engineering Design

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Geology influence in Civil Engineering

Geological Assessments
Seismic Hazards Assessment
Landslide and Liquefaction Analyses
Geologic Hazards Maps for Land-Use Planning

Geologic and Seismic Hazard Studies - CSA has been at the forefront of geologic
hazard assessments of hillside areas for three decades. Representative projects conducted
over the years by our team of engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers range in
size and scope from relatively small, subdivision-sized investigations to large projects
involving tens to hundreds of square miles. In the San Francisco Bay Area, we are well
known for the large-scale geologic maps we produced for the communities of Portola
Valley, Saratoga, Belmont, Woodside and Los Altos Hills, as well as the Congress
Springs Landslide Map produced for the County of Santa Clara. Maps depicting relative
hazards were prepared as companion map folios for the Los
Altos Hills, Portola Valley, Saratoga, Belmont, and
Congress Springs investigations. The hazard maps, together
with corresponding guidelines developed for each specific
area, are utilized on a regular basis to guide development in
these areas and have significantly reduced the risk
associated with building in hazardous terrains. CSA also is a
leader in the field of seismic hazards evaluations and has
studied numerous faults under grants from the U.S.
Geological Survey. Completed fault studies include work on
the Hayward fault, Calaveras fault, Berrocal-Shannon-
Monta Vista system, San Andreas Fault zone, and Tularcitos
fault zone. In recent years, we have completed fault
mapping, trenching and regional seismotectonic
investigations for proposed dams in Monterey, Contra
Costa, and Calaveras Counties, and fault investigations for
proposed elementary schools and water storage facilities
located in close proximity to several active fault zones.

"The primary role of the geologist is to recognize the

existence of phenomena before trying to explain them"
- B.M. Keilhau, 1828
Geological Engineering
Failure Analysis and Mitigation Design
Distress Causation Analysis
Rock Slope Stability Analysis
Geotechnical Characterizations for Tunnels, Pipelines and
Water Storage Facilities

Analysis of Distressed Structures and Roadways - CSA

has substantial expertise in investigating and determining
causative factors for distress to structures. We have
conducted forensic analyses of historical distress and
damage indicators, such as utility leaks and changes in
ground survey measurements over long periods of time, in
order to identify and understand slope movement patterns.
We maintain sophisticated instrumentation for distress
monitoring and provide cost-effective design
recommendations for distress remediation.

Earth Movement Studies and Slope Stability Analysis -

CSA is recognized throughout the geotechnical industry
for expertise in characterization of earth movement,
including landslides and landslide potential, levee failures
and dam stability, and soil creep distress. Members of our
senior staff have collectively investigated hundreds of
earth movement cases throughout California and Hawaii.
Our expertise includes investigative techniques such as
detailed geologic mapping, exploratory drilling and
logging of large-diameter boreholes, geophysical
exploration, trenching, and the installation, analysis and
monitoring of instrumentation. CSA maintains state-of-the-art analysis tools and highly
qualified personnel for evaluating slope stability of natural slopes, pre-existing landslides
and embankments, including dams and levees. These analyses include regional slope
stability evaluations for siting decisions, as well as two- and three-dimensional analyses
of site-specific slopes. We use unique techniques best suited to exploration of slope
stability problems and provide cost-effective recommendations for siting, design and
slope remediation. Our senior staff is recognized as being at the forefront of earthquake-
triggered landslide analysis, which involves characterization of seismic ground shaking in
addition to slope stability parameters. We have conducted state-of-the-art slope stability
studies for many private companies, public utilities, and government agencies including
County of Los Angeles, City and County of Honolulu, Kaiser Permanente Rock Quarry,
Pacific Gas and Electric Company and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“Virtually every structure is supported by soil or rock. Those that aren’t either fly, float,
or fall over.”
– Richard L. Handy, 1995
Engineering Design
Foundations for Structures
Construction Observation and Monitoring
Landslide and Liquefaction Mitigation

Foundation Design, Grading and Drainage - From the investigation and design of
small earth retention structures to the complex
design of large building foundations, a
Geotechnical Engineer provides innovative
recommendations for civil works, including dams,
power generation facilities, schools, commercial
buildings, and water and wastewater facilities.
Firms provide turnkey design services for grading
and drainage works, including civil drawings,
specifications, calculations, engineer's construction
cost estimating, bid and contract assistance, and
construction inspection and testing.

“Engineering is the art of directing the great

sources of power in nature for the use and
convenience of man.”
– Thomas Thredgold, 1829
Geotechnical Support
Geotechnical Peer Review for Public Agencies
Technical Support for Insurance Claims Evaluations
Expert Witness Services for Mediations and Arbitrations

Community Geologic and Geotechnical Review - CSA serves as the City or Town
Geologist/Geotechnical Consultant for numerous municipalities in the San Francisco Bay
and Los Angeles Metropolitan areas. In this capacity, we are responsible for peer review
of engineering geologic and geotechnical investigations of proposed hillside residential
developments conducted within these areas. In addition, the Counties of San Mateo,
Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey have retained CSA on matters pertaining to
unstable slopes and their potential impacts on public works. We also perform specialized
landslide and earthquake hazard investigations and reviews for departments and agencies
of the Counties of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz. Following the 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake, we performed hundreds of rapid geologic hazard assessments for post-
earthquake reconstruction applications for the County of Santa Cruz. Likewise, we have
performed damage assessments for several hillside communities following extreme rain
seasons associated with El Nino events.

“Unfortunately, soils are made by nature and not by man

and the products of nature are always complex…”
– Karl Terzaghi, 1936

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