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English Learning Guide

Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education

Servicios Financieros- CSF

Workshop 3
Centro de

Name: Juan Sebastián Ferreira Alcalá Cohort: 2691390 Date:

Training program: Gestión Empresarial Instructor: Mirian Yolando

Moreno Alfonoso



This workshop attempts to help you improve your financial plans according to the context. You will learn
basic vocabulary taking into account the expenses, costs, investments you need in your daily life or in the
Company where you are working. You will learn about financial terms, financial plans and habits

Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to plan the finances according to
the context and follow some instructions.
Work in pairs and answer the following questions:
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

What is your financial plan?


- What age do you hope to retire?

R/: To be honest, thinking about retirement is something difficult at my age, since over
the years the pension years increase more and more. But I would like to retire around
60 years of age or less.

- Do you know how much you save or spend each year?

R/: I do not keep an exact account of what I save or spend annually.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

- Do you have the proper amount in an

emergency fund?
R/: I think I have the right amount for an emergency, but if it is something very
extraordinary, I think it may not be enough.

- If you only had 5 years to live, what would you change in your life?
R/: I would take advantage and enjoy it more since it would be a more limited time of
life, and I would like to enjoy it more.

- If I found out I was going to die tomorrow, what would I regret not doing?
R/:I would regret wasting time when I had opportunities for many things, and for not
taking many experiences with me.

- What are the ten most important things you want to accomplish?
1. Be a good professional.

2. Being able to help more people and animals.

3. Live different experiences.

4. Travel and see the most beautiful in the world if possible.

5. Being able to have my own house

6. Help my parents in whatever they need

7. Achieve happiness and love with all my family.

8. Get the bike of my dreams

9. Be a better person, personally, professionally and at work.

10. In many more years to have a beautiful family.

Share your answers. Ask and answer questions about your partner’s information.

GC-F -005 V. 01

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

1. Use this format to create a SMART goal. Identify a goal

that is short, mid, and long-term when completing.

Today's Date:

Date Achieved

Verify that your goal is

My goal is to complete my My dream is to meet my
Specific: What is your goal? study at SENA and finish my career expectations, and to be able to
(What? Why? And How?) professionally. have new expectations.

I see this goal in the medium term, even Being able to have my own
if I finished studying at SENA next year, I house, my family, a good stable
Measurable: How will you think that entering the university is not job, a good economy and a good
relationship with other people.
measure your progress? going to be something after this, since I
(How many? How much?) plan to work to better organize myself Achieve short, medium and long
personally and then finish my degree at
term goals. And fulfill my
least in a year.
personal visualization of how I
see myself in a few years to how I
am now, being a more serious,
The first steps that I must do, is more responsible person, with
Achievable: Is achieving this perseverance, discipline and more culture.
goal realistic with effort and organization in the study, to
commitment? What steps are achieve a good performance in
involved? the study.
Find a good job, and after that
find a good university to finish my
Realistic: What skills and Commitment, responsibility and time
knowledge are necessary to management skills need to be
reach the goal? Is it do- developed.
It would be perfect to
Timely: When will you achieve this goal as soon as possible. But
achieve this goal? I think it will come true around 2025 or

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

This goal is important : It is important, to have a

because comfortable, appropriate or in a few
words more decent lifestyle

2. Skills practice: Do the following activities to practice the learnt vocabulary and English


Now, practice your oral skill and think about the next ten years: “you are the head of your company, plan and
explain to your partners the mid-terms goals, the investments and costs”.
- How could you do it? You can use the previous questions to do it.
- Share your information with the class and answer your classmates’ questions.


Watch the video; make notes about the 6 steps about the financial planning process:
Create a chart, where you can identify the 6 steps on your personal financial planning


GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

2.3 READING PRACTICE: reading about personal financial planning.

Before reading the next text, look for the following words/ expressions and write down their definition.

Finances/ economics/ economy goods services market forces/ prices/ supply/ demand/ manufacture rise/
business/ credit union/ savings/ checking account/ loan/ investments

Influences on Personal
Financial Planning1
What factors can influence your personal financial planning?

Many factors will influence your day-to-day decisions about finances. The three most
important factors are:
Life situations
Personal values

1 Text adapted from: used by SENA

for pedagogical purpose, exclusively.
GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

Economic factors

Life Situations and Personal Values

As you enter adulthood, you will experience many changes. You may go to college, start a
new career, get married, have children, or move to a new city. These new life situations will
affect your financial planning. Your personal values also influence your financial decisions.

For example, “Angela just graduated from high school and will be going to college in the fall.
She will move out of her parents’ house and live in the college dorm. Angela is beginning a new
and exciting stage in her life. She values independence, and so she plans to move to an
apartment with a roommate in her sophomore year. She will experience more personal
freedom, but with her independence will also come more financial responsibility”.

Economic Factors

Economic factors across the country and around the world can affect personal finances.
They play a role in day-to-day financial planning and decision making for most people.
Economics is the study of the decisions that go into making, distributing, and using goods and
services. The economy consists of the ways in which people make, distribute, and use their
goods and services. To understand economics and the economy, you need to be aware of the
market forces, financial institutions, global influences, and economic conditions that affect
global as well as personal decisions.
Market Forces: The forces of supply and demand determine the prices of products, or goods
and services, you purchase.

Supply is the amount of goods and services available for sale.

Demand is the amount of goods and services people are willing to buy. When there is a high
demand for an item, such as a popular toy, or when a company cannot manufacture enough
of a certain product to keep up with the demand, the price of the product rises. When there
is little demand for a product, or when a company produces more than it can sell, the price of
the product drops.

Financial Institutions: Most people do business with financial institutions, which include
banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, insurance companies, and investment
companies. Financial institutions provide services that increase financial activity in the
economy. For example, they handle savings and checking accounts, provide loans, sell
insurance, and make investments for their clients.

Based on the information presented in the text, answer the following questions:

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

- Mention one life situation that might affect your

personal financial planning.
- In your opinion, which of the economic factors seriously affects your personal
financial planning?
- Which do you think is one of the supplies that due to its demand is really expensive?


- Prepare a poster with some tips for your friends and their families with a model for
financial planning and deliver to your instructor. Take into account the information
presented on this workshop.

- List 2 of your primary short-, mid-, and long-term financial goals, the approximate
date when you expect to achieve them, how much you have saved already,
approximately how much you’ll need, and where your savings are. Follow the
example below.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

*This list can serve as benchmark for evaluating your progress. Remember that it’s perfectly normal for your
goals to change as your life changes2

4. Extension activities: the extension activities will help you improve your performance in the
topics. You need to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.

- Explore the following website and practice the English structure (THIRD
CONDITIONAL). Do the activities and deliver them to your instructor: _e

2 Image taken from internet as an example
uments/goals_worksheet.pdf&hl=en_US. Used by SENA for pedagogical purpose, exclusively.

GC-F -005 V. 01
English Learning Guide
Competency 2
Unit 6: Financial Education
Workshop 3
Centro de Servicios Financieros- CSF

- For more information about financial planning

- Find tips to improve your habits:

GC-F -005 V. 01

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