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0 Human Resources
Human Resources Management / Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
Strategic and coherent approach to the effective and efficient management of people in a
company or an organization. Designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer’s strategic objective.

Importance of Human Resources Management

 Make sure the organization has enough work force.
 Guarantee the employees’ abilities and qualifications.
 Make sure the source and selective methods to hire people is suitable to choose the
qualified workers.
 Make sure the organization is at optimal work force.
 Build a reward and compensation system that is fair.

 Technology
 Economic change
 Globalization
 Increase of female employees
 Legislative system
 Entrance of immigrant workers
 Diverse work force
 Restructure of organization
 Need of jobs
 Political factors

Process of Human Resources Planning / Proses Perancangan Sumber Manusia*

1. Work analysis / Analisis kerja
a. Work description / Penghuraian kerja
b. Work specifications / Spesifikasi kerja
2. Determine needs / Menentukan keperluan
3. Fulfill needs / Memenuhi keperluan
Factors Determining the Need for Human Resources / Faktor-faktor Penentuan Keperluan
Sumber Manusia*
 Change of technology / Perubahan teknologi
 Change of socioeconomic status / Perubahan sosioekonomi
 Growth of businesses / Pertumbuhan perniagaan
 End of service / Penamatan perkhidmatan

Hiring Process / Proses Pengambilan

1. Recruiting / Menarik Minat (Merekrut)
a) Advertisements
b) Head-hunting
c) Walk-In
2. Selection / Pemilihan
a) Application form / Borang permohonan
b) Interview / Temu duga
c) Tests / Ujian
3. Job offer / Penawaran kerja
4. Induction / Induksi
a) Action or process of inducting (admit formally) someone to post or organization

Training and Development / Latihan dan Pembangunan

 Individual
o Increase productivity
o Increase the employee’s skill
o Decrease employee’s mistakes
o Increase employee’s satisfaction
o Increase employee’s motivation
 Organization
o Increase organization’s image and reputation
o Saves costs and maintenance fee (perbelanjaan penyelenggaran)
o Workers feel appreciated
o Preserve the best workers
Types of Training
 Training out of work place / Latihan di luar tempat
 Training while working / Latihan sambil bekerja
 Self-learning / Pembelajaran kendiri
 Apprenticeship training / Latihan perantisan
 Simulation / Simulasi
 Institutional training / Latihan penginstitusian
 E-learning / Pembelajaran secara talian
 Case study / Kajian kes

 Salary / Gaji
 Wages / Upah
 Cost-of-living allowance / Elaun sara hidup
 Elaun khidmat awam / Public service allowance
 Elaun perumahan / Housing allowance

Employee Benefits / Faedah Berbentuk Wang dan Bukan Wang

 Employees’ insurance / Insurans pekerja
 Employee Provident Fund Contribution / Caruman Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
 Loan service / Kemudahan pinjaman
 Caruman Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO)
 Education support / Bantuan Pendidikan
 Health facilities / Kemudahan kesihatan
 Holidays / Percutian
 Childcare / Tempat penjagaan kanak-kanak
 Professional and club membership / Keahlian badan profesional dan kelab
 Housing facilities / Kemudahan tempat tinggal
 Transportation facilities / Kemudahan pengangkutan
Types of Discipline Actions and End of Service / Tindakan Disiplin dan Penamatan
 Demotion / Turun pangkat
 Suspension / Gantung kerja
 Fire / Pemecata
 Delay the increase of annual salary / Menahan kenaikan gaji tahunan
 Loss of employee benefits / Kehilangan faedah pekerja

End of Service Scheme / Skim Kemudahan Penamatan Perkhimatan

 Mandatory termination of service / Penamatan perkhidmatan secara wajib
 Voluntary termination of service / Penamatan perkhidmatan secara sukarela

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