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God Has a Perfect Plan for You

Zac Poonen | 4 June 2023

We must trust in the Lord at all times as the One Who will help us:
(1) to conquer every lust in our flesh,
(2) to fulfil His purpose for us in every trial,
(3) to be overcomers in every situation, and
(4) to manifest the virtues of Christ in the face of every evil.
Then we will never get discouraged.

"There are pleasant surprises waiting for you, as you seek to honour God, for ‘He is always
silently planning for you in love."
We are to be a living testimony to an unbelieving generation and to a compromising Christendom
that we have a loving Father in heaven Who does miracles for us. God has a plan for your life.
As you honour Him, day by day, you will find that plan. At the right time, He will open the right
doors for you, in every area - for fellowship, for employment, for housing, and for marriage
(when the time comes for these). Those who honour Him get the best in every area, no matter
what their grades in college are, no matter what influence or financial resources they lack, and no
matter how much of a recession there is in any country.

Folly is very prevalent among those in their teens and twenties. God's grace alone can keep you
from making serious mistakes that can have lifelong consequences. So you must live in the fear
of God and with great caution at all times.

Don't miss out on God's plan for your life. I gave my own life wholeheartedly to the Lord when I
was 19½ years of age. Now, many years later, I can look back with joy that God could do
something far better with my life than I could have made of it myself, if I had done what
“seemed right in my own eyes” (Judges 17:6, 21:25). It's not that I have never sinned, or never
done any foolish things, or never made any mistakes in all these years. I have done all of them -
and I am thoroughly ashamed of my follies and blunders, as I look back over my life now. But
God was merciful to me and He blotted all that out and led me on. I think He saw that despite my
blunders, I sincerely sought to do His will. He is a rewarder of all who diligently seek Him, even
if they make numerous mistakes. I am sure the same goodness and mercy of God will follow you
also, all your days (Psalm 23:6).

There are pleasant surprises waiting for you, as you seek to honour God, for "He is always
silently planning for you in love" (Zeph.3:17-paraphrase). That includes every detail of your
future - both earthly and spiritual. You can have God's very best, if you determine to honour God
every day of your life. We don't plan our future as worldly people do. We have God working on
our side and giving us special bonuses for us that we don't deserve, even in earthly matters like
employment etc. So we are not anxious about the future at all. Like Jesus taught us, we live one
day at a time, free from anxiety and tension, just like the birds of the air. Praise the Lord!

Paul did not even count his life as valuable, if only he could finish his course with joy (Acts
20:24 - KJV). When parents put their little child into school, they look forward to the day when
he will graduate from school. It is the same with God. He has planned a course for us in life. We
must finish the course that God has allotted for us on earth. During our earthly lives, we may
make mistakes and blunders and even waste time foolishly. But thankfully, they will only be like
the mistakes that all of us have made in mathematics, where we got some problems wrong in
school. God has a perfect plan for us - in major matters like employment, marriage etc. But all of
these can be fulfilled only as we seek to fulfil His will in the area of holiness. If we pursue
holiness wholeheartedly, God will ensure that in all other earthly matters, His plan for our lives
will be fulfilled.

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