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DATE: AUGUST 29, 2023 DATE: AUGUST 29, 2023 Layout: Landscape
Size: Folio - 8.5in x 13in
1 Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 5 Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 1 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 5 Objective was met within the
allotted time 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B2:B6
teaching areas. face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms

2 Used Range of teaching Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
strategies that enhance learner observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 5 Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 2 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
achievement in literacy and face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time 4.000 28.000 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B8:B12
numeracy skills

3 Applied a range of teaching Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
strategies to develop critical and observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 4 Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 3 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
creative thinking, as well as face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time
other higher-order thinking skills 3.500 24.500 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B14:B18

4 Displayed profiient use of

Mother Tongue, Filipino and
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 5 Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 4 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 5 Objective was met within the
allotted time
English to facilitate teaching and face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B20:B24

5 Established safe and secure

learning environments to
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 4 Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 5 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
enhance learning through the face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time
consistent implementation of 3.500 24.500 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B26:B30
plicies, guidelines and

6 Maintained learning
environments that promote
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 4 Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 6 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
fariness, respect and care to face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time 3.500 24.500 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B32:B36
encourage learning

7 Established a learner-centered
culture by using teaching
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 3 Demonstrated Level 5 in Objective 7 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
strategies that respond to their face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time
linguistic, cultural, 3.000 21.000 Satisfactory dropdown!B38:B42
socio=economic and religious

8 Adapted and used culturally Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
appropriate teaching strategies observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 4 Demonstrated Level 4 in Objective 8 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 3 Objective was met but
instruction exceeded the allotted
to address the needs of learners face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms time
from indigenous groups 3.500 24.500 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B44:B48

9 Set achievable and appropriate At least one (1) lesson plan or one lesson from a self-learning
learning outcomes that are module, developed by the ratee* and used in instruction, with 4 Set learning outcomes were not
achievable or appropriate and were 4
aligned with learning achieveable and appripriate learning outcomes that are partially aligned with he learning
competencies aligned kwith the learning competencies as shown in any on of competencies, as shown in the mOV 4.000 28.000 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B50:B54
the ff: submitted

10 used strategies for providing

timely, accurate and
Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-
observer agreement form/s done through onsite/ face-to- 5 Demonstrated Level 3 in Objective 8 as
shown in COT rating sheets / inter- 5 Objective was met within the
allotted time
constructive feedback to face / in-person classroom observation. observer agreement forms 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B56:B60
imporve learner perforamnce.

11 Utilized assessment data to

inform the modification of
A list of indentified least/ most mastered skills based on the
frequency of erros/ correct responses with any one (1) ff: 5 No acceptable evidence was shown
5 No acceptable evidence was shown

teahcing and learning practices 1. Accomplished report for remedial/ enhancement, etc.
and programs 2. Intervention material used for remediation/ reinforcement 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B62:B66
3. Lesson plan/acitivity log for remediation/ enhancmement

12 Build relationships with parents/ Any one (1) of the ff:

guardians and the wider school 1. Proof of participation like 5 No acceptable evidence shown
5 No acceptable evidence was shown

community to facilitate * Reciept form/monitoring during distirubtion of LMS

involvement in the educative * Commitment form to stakeholders, developed
process. advocacy materials
*Home visitation forms 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B68:B72
*Any equivalent ALS form
2. Parent-teacher log
3. Any form of stakholder communication

13 Participated in professional
networks to share knowledge
1. Certificate of completion in a course/training
2. Certificate of participation in a webinar, retooling, etc. 4 Participated in any professional
network/ activity that does not requires 4 Participated in professional
networks to share kwnoledge and to
and to enhance practice 3. Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a webinar and output* to share knowledge and to enhance practice across 1 quarters
other training enhance practice as evidenced by the
4. Any proof of participation to a benchmarking activity submitted MOV 4.000 28.000 Very Satisfactory dropdown!B74:B78
5. Any proof of participation in school LAC sessions
6. Others (please specify)

14 Developed a personal
improvement plan based on
1. Certification from the ICT/ School Head/ In-charge of e-SAT
2. IPCRF-DP 5 No acceptable evidence was shown
5 Submitted 4 acceptable MOVs
5 No acceptable evidence was shown

reflection of one's practice and 3. Mid-year Review Form (MRF)

ongoing professional learning 4. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II 5.000 35.000 Outstanding dropdown!B80:B84

15 Performed various related Any one (1) of the ff:

works/ activities that contribute 1. Committee involement as module/learning material writer/ 5 No Acceptable evidence was shown
5 Submitted MOV that details the
achieved positive contribution to 5 No acceptable evidence was shown

to the teaching-learning process validator the teaching-learning process, as

2. involvement as a resource person/ speaker etc evidenced by the annotation
3. Book or journal authorship provided
4. advisorsip/ Coordinatorship/ Chairpersonship
5. Participation in demonstration teaching
6. Participation as research pesrsenter in forum 5.000 10.000 Outstanding dropdown!B86:B90
7. Mentoring of pre-service/ in-service
8. Conducted research within the rating period
9. Others (please specify)

FINAL RATING 4.230 Very Satisfactory

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