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Course Exercises

IBM QRadar SIEM Workshop

IBM EEGSI Lab 2023
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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises ............................................................................................................ 11

Exercise 1 Analyzing unknown event ........................................................................................................................ 11
Exercise 2 Viewing autodiscovered log sources ...................................................................................................... 13
Exercise 3 Use Log Source Management app to configure a log source.............................................................. 14
Exercise 4 Analyzing a log event ................................................................................................................................16
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources ...........................................................................................................................18
Exercise 6 Bulk editing log sources ...........................................................................................................................22
Exercise 7 Testing a new log source .........................................................................................................................24

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2023 iii

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
QRadar collects data for events and flows in your traffic. An event is a moment in time, such
as when somebody logs in to your VPN. Log sources identify the events that QRadar tracks in
your traffic. When an event occurs on an IT system in your network, that IT system can send
that event to QRadar. For QRadar, the IT system is “log source”.

If QRadar has never received events from that log source before, the new events are listed
with a Low Level Category of “Unknown” in the Log Activity tab. QRadar can autodiscover
many log sources, and after a certain amount of time (or processed log events), QRadar will
properly assign the correct log source. Sometimes, however, QRadar cannot figure out the
proper log source behind the collected data, and those events are then showing a Low Level
Category of “Stored”.

In this lab, you configure QRadar to recognize an unknown event. You extract
additional properties from the raw event payload. You use the Log Source
Management (LSM) app to configure and manage single and bulk log sources. You
also test a new log source.

Exercise 1: - Analyzing unknown event.

In this exercise, you analyze an event that is received from an unknown log source. When
processed by the event pipeline, this type of event is labeled as UNKNOWN. When events
are detected for the wrong log source type, they are assigned the STORED low level category.
After they are analyzed, you might decide what new log sources you need to create.

To simulate sending the log sources to QRadar, you log in to the QRadar Console by using the SSH
terminal and run a script.
NOTE: Please choose any of the three convenient and faster methods mentioned in your Techzone Guide
to perform the Lab exercise.

1. Open the Firefox browser and click on the QRadar icon from the Bookmark bar.

2. Log in by using the below credential. (if it is not auto-populated)

Username: admin
Password: Q1d3m0.Demo

3. To load default search filters, double-click the Log Activity tab.

4. Do NOT close the browser. While your browser is waiting to display real-time events, open
the putty terminal from the task bar and Provide the
QRadar IP under Hostname field: -→Click open
5. Provide the below credential for accessing CLI of QRadar
Username: root
Password: Q1d3mo

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
Exercise 1 Analyzing unknown event

Follow the steps from 6 to 9 if you are getting some real-time events while accessing the QRadar Log activity
Tab. Otherwise please skip these steps and Go to Step 11

6. From the Log Activity Tab → Add filter

7. Parameter Type Event Name [Indexed]

8. Click Browse And select the High and Low levels category as in the screenshot below.

9. In the QID name field type “search” and click on the search button again.

10. Now to generate events, type the following commands:

11. Navigate to the Logsources folder by providing the below command

cd /labfiles/logsources/

12. Execute the below command to replay the syslog to QRadar.

/opt/qradar/bin/ -f checkpoint1.syslog 1

Note: The Console detected three events with the STORED Low Level Category. Because we use
the localhost context for these events (, the Event Name can vary. In the screen
captures below you see an Event Name of “Search Results Message”, but it can also be
“Anomaly Detection Engine” or others.

13. To open any of the events, click the pause icon in the upper-right part of the Console.
This action pauses the real-time event capturing.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
14. To review the event details, double-click any of the three events.

15. On the Event details page, scroll down to the Payload Information section and click Wrap

16. Analyze the raw payload and note that the source and destination IP addresses are not parsed

correctly by comparing the addresses with the ones listed in the Source and Destination
Information section.

17. If you have created any filter mentioned in (step 6 to step 9). Clear the filter that we created
while going for the next exercise. Click on clear filter besides the Event name from the Log
activity Tab.

At this point, you conclude that QRadar did not correctly process this event. You can determine
the source of the generated log and create a proper log source. Also, on many occasions, if
QRadar receives enough log events to process, it can autodiscover the log source and decide on
the log source that best matches the events.
Exercise 2 Viewing autodiscovered log sources

Exercise 2: - Viewing auto-discovered log sources.

QRadar auto-discovers many log sources after it receives several logs of a specific type. You don’t
need to configure the log source for QRadar to recognize the events from that log source. In this
exercise, you analyze an auto-discovered log source.
1. Start with the Console. To load default search filters, double-click the Log Activity tab.

2. Then, in the QRadar SSH terminal, run the following script from this directory - /labfiles/logsources/

/opt/qradar/bin/ -f checkpoint.syslog 10

3. Go back to the browser window and observe the events that are displayed in the Console.

4. If you are not able to identify the logs → Navigate to the Log source management app from the
Admin Tab.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources

5. Sort by creation date and select the Events after clicking the three dots associated with the check point
log source name and it will open the recent logs in the Log Activity Tab

6. Either you can wait for about 30 to 40 seconds or you can perform the step 2 again.

7. Now you notice that the Event Name column starts to show Firewall Permit, the
LogSource is named Check Point, and Low Level Category is updated to Firewall Permit.

8. To pause the real-time events, in the upper-right part of the Console, click the pause icon.

9. Double-click any Firewall Permit event and note that the parsed Source IP and Destination
IP match the IP addresses in the raw payload.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources

You learned that QRadar can autodiscover some logs after it receives some events. However, not
all logs are auto discovered, and for these, you must create log sources manually by using the
Log Source Management app. If you do not want to lose some of the information in the early
events while you wait for QRadar to parse them, you can also use this method for the
autodiscovered log sources.

Exercise 3 -Use Log Source Management app to

configure a log source
In this exercise, you configure a Symantec Endpoint Protection log source and analyze the events
from this log source. To configure a log source, you must use the Log Source Management (LSM)
1. From the browser, go to the Admin Console.

2. In the Admin Console, scroll to the Data Sources section and click on Log Source which will open
the Log Source Management app

Hint: Instead of scrolling, from the main menu in the left panel, you can click QRadar Log Source

3. In the LSM app, click Log Sources again.

4. In the LSM app dashboard, in the upper-right part of the window, click New Log Source.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources

5. Click Single Log Source

6. In the Select a Log Source Type step, in the Look up Log Source Type field, type Symantec .

7. From the list, select Symantec Endpoint Protection.

8. Click Step 2: Select Protocol Type.

9. In the Select Protocol Type step, confirm that Syslog is highlighted.

10. Click Step 3: Configure Log Source Parameters.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
11. In the Configure Log Source Parameters step, complete the parameters by using the following

Name Endpoint Protection

Description Symantec Endpoint Protection
Coalescing Events OFF (disabled)

12. Click Step 4: Configure Protocol Parameters.

13. In the Log Source Identifier field, type

14. Click Finish.

15. Close the Log Source Management app.

16. In the Admin Console, you see the message that “There are undeployed changes.” Click
Deploy Changes.

17. Click on the Admin Tab again if you are not seeing the Deploy changes option.

Hint: Deploying changes in the lab environment can take ~ 1-2 minutes.

You manually created a new log source that uses the syslog protocol. After you create a new log
source, you must deploy changes to the Console.

Exercise 4:- Analyzing a log event

In this exercise, you analyze the log event that the Endpoint Protection log source parses.
1. Start with the Console. To load default search filters, double-click the Log Activity tab.
A double-click resets the search filters to their default settings.

2. Then, in the QRadar SSH terminal, from the / la bf ile s/lo g so urces directory, run the
following script:

3. Follow the same step in Exercise 2 – step 5 to open recent events from the Endpoint
Protection log source (choose Endpoint Protection Log source name )

4. Go back to the browser window and note one new event that is displayed in the Console, Virus
Detected, Actual Action: Quarantined.

5. Pause real-time events and double-click the virus detected event.

6. In the event details page, analyze the properties that were parsed from the event, such as

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
Username, Log Source Time, Machine Identifier.

7. Go to the Payload information section, review the raw payload, and compare it with
the extracted properties.

8. Note that the raw payload also contains the MD5 hash value of the malware.
9. To extract this value from the raw payload, in the event menu, click Extract Property.

10. Scroll to the Property Definition section of the Custom Event Properties window.

11. In the New Property field, type hash.

12. Select Enable for use in Rules, Forwarding Profiles and Search Indexing.

13. In the Property Expression Definition section, select Category and leave the default for
High Level Category as Malware and Low Level Category as Virus Detected.

14. To extract a hash signature from the payload, in the Regex field, type

15. Ensure that Capture Group is 1 and observe the results after clicking Test.

Hint: You may need to resize the Custom Event Property Definition window. The property is
highlighted in the Test Field.

16. To save the property, at the lower right of the screen, click Save.

17. The Custom Event Property Definition window closes, and the event details page refreshes.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
18. Note that on the event details page, the Event Information section contains the new hash
(custom) property.

You learned how to analyze a raw payload and extract an extra property by using a regular
expression. You can use the new custom property in a rule engine, which is explored in a separate

Exercise 5:- Bulk adding log sources

In this exercise, you use the Log Source Management app to add several similar log sources,
which share many common properties, at the same time. You modify only the properties that
differ between the log sources.
1. Go to the Admin Tab.

2. Open the Log Source Management app.

3. Click Log Sources.

4. From the LSM app dashboard, click New Log Source.

5. Click Multiple Log Sources.

6. In the Look up Log Source Type field, type snort .

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources

7. Click Step 2: Select Protocol Type.

8. In the Select a protocol type step, select Syslog.

9. Click Step 3: Configure Common Log Source Parameters.

In the Configure Common Log Sources parameters step, you define the properties that are
shared among all of the log sources that you create.

10. To view all the template options for the log source name, locate Name Template, then click
the Show More link.
You can use the template to define a naming style for all log sources without entering names

11. To close the list, click the Show Less link.

12. Clear the Description Template checkbox.

Because the Description option is not selected, you enter a description for each log source on
the fifth screen of the log source entry wizard. To enter any values manually for each log
source later, you can clear any of the common parameters.

13. Leave all other values as the default and click Step 4: Configure Common Protocol
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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
Here, you can change the encoding for all log sources, or clear the option to configure
encoding for individual log sources later. In this exercise, leave the option selected.

14. Leave default payload encoding to UTF-8, and click Step 5: Configure Individual
On this screen, you can either upload a spreadsheet with parameters for all log sources or
enter values manually. The one parameter that you cleared was Description. On this screen,
you enter descriptions for four log sources manually.

15. Click Manual.

16. In the Description field, type snort 1.

17. In the Log Source Identifier field, type snort_1 .

18. Click Add.

The values that you entered are now displayed in the Log Sources list.

19. Modify the value in the Description field to s n o r t 2 .

20. Modify the value in the Log Source Identifier field to s n o r t_ 2 and click Add.
The Log Sources list now has two entries.

21. Continue modifying the Description and Log Source Identifier values to add two more log
sources with the same description and log source identifier format.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 5 Bulk adding log sources
22. After you enter a total of four log sources, click Finish.

23. At the success prompt, click Close.

The four new log sources appear in the Log Sources list and the exercise is complete.

In this exercise, you learned how to perform bulk adding of the log sources and how to use the
variables to automate editing of certain fields.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 6 Bulk editing log sources

Exercise 6:- Bulk editing log sources

You can save time by adding multiple log sources at the same time. You can also edit parameters
for multiple log sources at the same time. In this exercise, you edit the description parameter for
two of the four log sources that you added in the last exercise.
1. In the Log Sources list, select the checkbox next to snort_4.

2. Select snort_3.

3. Click Edit.
In the Edit window, you can modify the overview and protocol parameters that are displayed
for the selected log sources.

4. Select Description Template.

You can enter a template in this field to give each log source a different description, but add a
common description for both.

5. In the Description Template field, type s n o r t _e a s t , and then press Enter.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 6 Bulk editing log sources

6. Click Save.

7. At the success prompt, click Close.

8. In the Edit window, click Close.

9. In the upper-right corner, click the Settings icon (gear).

10. From the popup menu, enable the Description column.

11. To display the Log Sources list and complete this exercise, click the Settings icon (gear) again.

Note: The two selected log sources now display snort_east in the Description column. You may
have to scroll right to see that column.

12. Close the Log Source Management app.

Important: QRadar shows Deploy changes. To save time, wait for the step in Exercise 7,
“Testing a new log source” to deploy the changes.

In this exercise, you used the bulk editing option to update the description field of two log
sources, which labels them to belong to the same group. In a similar way, you can update the
event collector for multiple log sources.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 7 Testing a new log source

Exercise 7:- Testing a new log source

The Log Source Management app has a testing tool for many log source protocols. The list of
protocols that support the testing features is always expanding. If the protocol for your log source
supports testing, a testing option appears at the end of the log entry wizard. You can test the log
source when you create it, or you can test it later.

The testing tool identifies many issues with log sources. You can troubleshoot and repair log
source issues to confirm that the log source functions properly.

In this exercise, you create a new log source and test the log source in the Log Source
Management app.
1. Open the Log Source Management app, click Log Sources, then click New Log Source.

2. Click Single Log Source.

3. To filter the Universal DSM log source type, in the Look up Log Source Type field, type
Un i ve r s a l .

4. Select Universal DSM.

5. Click Step 2: Select Protocol Type.

6. In the Look up Protocol Type field, type Log.

7. Click Log File.

8. Click Step 3: Configure Log Source Parameters.

9. Enter the following values for Name and Description.

Name vm log
Description Pull the VM logs from the workstation

10. Click Step 4: Configure Protocol Parameters.

11. At the Configure the protocol parameters step, use the values from the following table.

Log Source Identifier

Service Type SFTP
Remote IP or Hostname
Remote User root
Remote Password Q1d3m0

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 7 Testing a new log source

Remote Directory /labfiles/logsources/log

FTP File Pattern .*

Important: A fifth option, Test Protocol Parameters, is displayed in the wizard when you select a
protocol that supports testing.

12. Click Step 5: Test Protocol Parameters.

13. Click Start Test.

This test is successful. It shows you the steps that the Log Source Management app carried out
with the new log source.

Many log source issues are the result of authentication issues. You test that now.

14. Click Step 4: Configure Protocol Parameters to return and change user authentication

15. Change the value in the Remote User field to user .

16. Click Step 5: Test Protocol Parameters.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 7 Testing a new log source

17. Click Start Test.

Now the test is unsuccessful. The test results show an authentication error. You
can use information like this to troubleshoot issues with your log sources as
you create them.

18. Click Finish.

19. To complete this lab, from the LSM app dashboard, disable the
vm log log source. Ensure that the Enabled switch is set to Off.

20. Close the LSM app.

21. Because you created a few log sources, including the disabled one,
you must deploy the changes.

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Unit 1 QRadar - Log Sources exercises
Exercise 7 Testing a new log source

This completes the exercises in this unit. You learned to configure log sources,
manage, and test them by using the Log Source Management app. You also
reviewed the event details and learned how to use a regular expression to
extract additional properties from the raw payload.

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