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*Qes*: *Many museums charge for admission while others are free .

Do you think the advantages of

charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantage*

In the concurrent world , people have a lot of desires owing to their interest of gaining knowledge from
every aspect of life . However, myriad depositories have levied some fares on the entrance whereas
sparse of menageries have no toll over entry and it is an extravagant controversy whether merits of
getting tariff from individuals for admission to athenaeum have an edge over the pernicious aspect of
the same . This dissertation will not only canvass how the favourable aspect of aforementioned notion
is heavier than unfavourable facet but specific illustrations will also be highlighted before extrapolating

Commencing with one of the salient attributes to articulate why charge on entrance fees is phenomenal
on the ground of maintenance of galliers . Ti explicit, whenever masses visit these repositories , there is
always a threat of exploitation of antiquities and it cost an astronomically high amount of pecuniary to
upkeep them , charging a fees will help to pacify this plight . Moreover , unless and until paid tickets are
charged on admission to treasuries, neither expositors can maintain their original art nor individuals
will be able to attain knowledge of ancestors . What is more, it is the source of giving wages to tej
employees which cannot be neglected . Because , with the aid of this , the authorities can hire more staff
to cater for chancres without having malice of finance . To be more precise , unlike the bygone times
when the ruling power had to give salaries to work force , in the neoteric epoch with the help tax levied
on museums , ease the burden off from the shoulders of the government . In addition to this , better
preservation and cleanliness of the archives are positive outcomes of this trend .

Despite knowing outnumber fruitful impacts of putting charges on entry at exhibition hall , there are a
few drawbacks which can be detrimental due to limited visits . Categorically discussing, if fare us applied
on the entry at exhibition centre, it would not be feasible for everyone to explore these libraries. As a
repercussion of this , the popularity of an art insitute faces a doom because opponents profusely claim
that these collections are for human being and enforcing amount on their entrance is the infringement
of their rights . A paradigm to elaborate on this , a recent study published by Norway vindicated that
30% of their museums are demolished to form residential buildings because of low tourist visits .

In recapitulation , even though there are fistful of ineffectual ramifications affixed with aforementioned
notion , the effectual aspects of the same can not be neglected. Consequently , the onus is on the
management to provide some splendid discounts in order to catch more and more globetrotters.

*Qes* : *Nowadays , people have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle. Why do you think this is ? How could
the problem be resolved ? *
In concurrent world , nature of human being is dynamic owing to their materialistic desires . However,
it can be seen that there are myriad root causes of sedentary way of living that has been opted by
masses in contemporary epoch . This dissertation will not only canvass multifarious causes associated
with aforementioned notion but specific measures will also be highlighted to extenuate these hardships.

Commencing with one of the salient attributes to articulate why populace have adopted destructive
standard of living on the ground of technological advancements. To explicit, whenever robotics are
prioritised instead of manual work , there is less physical activities . Ergo, deleterious effects will surge
at alarming pace such as obesity , heart ailments , as well as , poor blood circulation . Moreover, unless
and until labour work is completed by individuals despite having the comfort of technological gadgets ,
neither people will switch to healthy lifestyle nor they will be able to burn their calories by just sitting
and watching automation completing their work . What is more , cultural amalgamation has also a
great influence on population . To be more precise , unlike the bygone times when there were cultural
biases , in the occidental era , globalisation is burgeoning at rapid pace . Resultantly , more and more
people are adopting interoperable food habits such as ready to eat food items which are made up of
unhealthy ingredients and added chemicals to preserve them for long time . In addition to this , sticking
on computer screens and paying less attention to physical activities are some more reasons of the
approach .

Despite knowing outnumber factors that leads to passive lifestyle, there are a few methods that can be
taken into consideration in order to eradicate this malice. To begin with , at primary level , schools and
parents ought to impart sense of hard work in toddlers . Categorically discussing, if in the formative
years , juveniles are provided with education which cater for their well-being, later in their adult life
they will be habitual of pursuing hard work irrespective of lucrative effects of electronics. Another
rearmost coherent way is to put censorship on the advertisement. To elucidate, the government should
advertise only those products which are fruitful for their natives regardless of their profit . More
importantly, children targeting advertisement should be banned because adolescents are vulnerable . A
paradigm to elaborate on this , a recent study published by the authorities of Norway vindicated that
60% of their population started muting off mechanics in the order to work with hands . As a repercussion
of this, since last decade , this fitness graph surged by 70%

In recapitulation, although there are plethora of reasons affixed with detrimental lifestyle , there are
plethora of measures that can be taken in order to pacify this plight . Consequently, this onus is on the
ruling power as well as individuals to promote healthy way of living so that harsh effects can be

QUSTION - some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison , so as to reduce the
crime rate . To what extent do you agree or disagree
ANSWER- In concurrent world , greediness among human beings is burgeoning at alarming pace owing
to their materialistic nature . However, it is reckoned by sparse of individuals that offenders ought to be
in lock up for longer duration in order to mitigate the offence rate . This dissertation will not only
canvass why my perspective is not propitious upto great extent regarding the aforementioned notion
but specific illustrations will also be highlighted before extrapolating.

Commencing with one of the salient attributes to articulate why imprisonment period should be short
on the ground of tendency to reoffend . To explicit , whenever long run punishment in jail is prioritised ,
it is futile fir delinquents irrespective of the fact that penal institutions are the only answer for serious
crimes . Moreover , unless and until vocational training is rendered to the melefactors , neither they can
mute their criminal tendencies as most of the offences are caused because if paucity in finance , illiteracy
, as well as , unemployment nor they will be able to learn the moral ethics of civilised society. Beyond
this , lock ups act as the university of crime because serious criminals are penalised in jail for quite long
period of time and they behave as mentors of petty culprits such as pick pockets . What is more , it will
add burden on the government shoulders which can not be neglected . To elucidate , in case of
imprisonment , the authorities have to maintain and upgrade the place of detention which requisite
huge sum of pecuniary and it would not be feasible for the management to devote hefty sun of currency
in this sector while there are multifarious regions which prerequisite serious attention like medical
institutes and education system. Ergo , community work would be the ideal answer to ease burden off
from the government . In addition to this , suicidal tendency can be the pernicious outcome of long term

Probing ahead , there are some other darker sides which can be detrimental due to social point of view
. Categorically discussing, if offenders are demented for lengthy period of time in prison , it would not
be feasible for them to survive a normal life after completion of their punishment as society will see
them as culprit which will demoralise them and plethora of them again reoffend to take revenge .
Resultantly , shortening the period of imprisonment and penalising high charges would be the suitable
pathway to maintain harmonious society . A paradigm to elaborate on this , a recent study published by
The ruling power of Norway vindicated that since last decade crime rate plummeted by 65% by imposing
heavy penalties on crime and introduction of rehabilitation centres

In recapitulation, even though there are a few effectual ramifications affixed with aforementioned
notion , the ineffectual impacts of the same can not be overlooked . Consequently, in order to maintain
harmony between country , crimes should be eradicated nit the criminals

QUSTION - Nowadays courses and general study online are getting very popular . However, some people
still prefer attending classes in person . Discuss both views and give your opinion
In concurrent world , education plays an imperative role in human life . However, it is an extravagant
controversy among people that attending classes at educational institutes is fruitful despite the fact of
online eduction that has been catching maximum attention in contemporary epoch . This dissertation
will not only canvass both aforementioned notion but my viewpoint will also be highlighted during

Commencing with one if the salient attributes to articulate why e learning is proved to be lucrative on
the ground of distant education . To explicit, whenever the technology such as the internet is prioritised
in the field of learning, it become convenient for individuals to study irrespective of the time and location
. Moreover, unless and until online study is predominated , neither populace acquire accurate knowledge
because the internet is the repository of knowledge nor learners will be able to study who otherwise
have no time to attend lecture at school , colleges , as well as , universities owing to their hectic schedule
. What is more , it is the amenity of getting teaching from around the globe which can not be neglected
. Because , with the aid of this , masses do not have to stick to region oriented mentors inspite of their
capabilities, people can polish their skills with the help of guides throughout the world. To be more
precise, unlike the bygone times when mankind had paucity of sources and out of compulsion they were
adhere to the concept of theoretical knowledge , in the occidental era , with the aid of power point
presentation method that has been adopted by tutors in zoom classes , knowledge seekers can easily
understand different concepts in interesting way . In addition to this, abundance of learning material
along with no restrictions of time and duration are the sanguine outcomes and of this approach . Ergo ,
e -learning is blessing in real sense .

Despite knowing myriad pros of online learning , there are a few of individuals who advocate that
learning at class has an edge over distant eduction due to atmosphere in classes . Categorically
discussing, mentors are proved to be beneficial in long run because they not inly are the teachers but at
time of any malice can turn into guide , philosopher, as well as , friend . More importantly, advent of
technology can never make educational institutes redundant . Another rearmost coherent factor in
favour of learning in person is that e-learning is based on internet connection and in case of downtime
, the whole learning process will get interrupted . Beside this , classroom learning is not just the method
of acquiring knowledge regarding curriculum , it accentuate also on making connection and learning
the skill of co-operation which are proved to be huge profitable area in making civilised and harmonious
society. A paradigm to elaborate on this , a recent study published by Norway vindicated that , since last
decade the socio - economic hindrances amongst individuals plummeted upto 30% because of education
which cater for moral ethics along with curriculum at knowledge providing centres.

In recapitulation, even though there are a plethora of effectual ramifications affixed with e-learning ,
the meritorious aspect of live education can not be overlooked . Consequently, as per my perspective
online study can never render educational centres into redundancy . People ought to consider
technology as complimentary rather than considering it as rival .
QUESTION - Many people believe that modern inventions have brought more problems than the benefits
. Do you agree or disagree . Give reasons to your answer and example

In the concurrent world, technology has taken mammoth dimensions. However , it is reckoned by myriad
populace that sophisticated discoveries have created multifarious malice than merits . This dissertation
will not only canvass why my perspective is propitious towards the fruitful aspect of technological
advancement but specific illustrations will also be highlighted before extrapolating.

Commencing with one if the salient attributes to articulate why occidental discoveries are proved to be
lucrative for humankind on the ground of ease of communication. To explicit , whenever the automation
is prioritised. Connections become easy . To be more precise , unlike the bygone times when there were
paucity of resources such as the internet because of which masses had to write letters for their wellbeing
, hardships, as well as , trade , in the neoteric epoch robotics renders them to communicate with anyone
within seconds regardless of time and location . What is more , it is boon for enterprise to establish their
business overseas which can not be neglected . Because , with the aid of this , interoperable business
strategies an be opted by entrepreneurs rather than sticking to region specific strategies. Beyond this ,
businessman can better understand the dynamic of current market around the planet and will be able
to make collective business agenda . Moreover , unless and until technology is considered as companion
, neither business can flourish nor it will be feasible to enhance global economy . Ergo , scientific
inventions are blessing in true sense .

Probing ahead , there are umpteen other factors affixed with advantageous phase of this approach due
to reduction in labour work . Categorically discussing, if machinery completes the heavy work , it eases
the burden off from the shoulders of workforce . Resultantly, there will be more productivity and
accuracy in the workplace . More importantly, the incline in leisure time of employees will lead them to
fulfil family commitments, pursuing their dreams , as well as , low rate of ailments such as nervous
breakdown . A paradigm to elaborate on this , a recent study published by Norway vindicated that since
last decade the economy of nation surged by 75% and fitness graph also incline upto 80% because of
less strain on employees with the aid of scientific discoveries.

In recapitulation, even though there are a few ineffectual ramifications affixed with aforementioned
notion , the effectual aspects of the same can not be over. Consequently, modern inventions ought to
be advocated by masses .

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